RACES FOR $20.(100 EACH BETWEEN BORALINA, THE ABBOT AND LORD DERBY, KINGS OF THfi TROTTING TURF e dletOn. Athena The Umatilla Implement Coim Ftyta Dutchman (iang Pow. Canton Clipper Gang p0ws with steel or full chilled bottoms. - ac'.n- mww mm mm SS 1 x EventMng in Ik toptoat Line and ik Wood Choppers and Lumbenm In addition to the race with Oesceus eft corner of the picture. two may be arranged for $20,000 eact- between the above famous hWMli Tne Abbott it shown in the N cjirri tli In ri'.-v t.. . m Wood ( hopp-n a...! UmSertnerT. BoppIiM it, the oily Otmiiiti. of Ant, WtrlpM, Rkdgts, Vrm Cm and One man Saws. all srt'l ex amine our lint nml get ur price be'Vuv purchasing HANSFORD A THOMPSON The Lwdtr-p Hardware nen ' AMERICAN 'l an 3.00 per Da and Upwards COST OF OFFICES RE STATEMENT OF STATE SALARY ISSUE Annual i es received state treasurer . . oy LIVELY RUNAWAY. a.&ii- Figure Compiled by Salam Journa1 in Fight for Fee System. The Saieni Journal ha rev'sed p tunugn in'' essentially cnangec u.c figures of the coat of state office ar guing for the adoption of the fee -tm tn place of the present exirbltant receipts of the officials The hown.n Is as follows: Emoluments of Governor's Office Constitutional salary per year t UtUM 8alarie ier year on van mis commission? and boards Ii.750.Ov Total pat annum lu sal ary auit tee f 5.3 11 ST Annua! appropriation for clerical aid. in hk office. $ U Emoluments of Secretary of State. Constitutional salary per year t IJM 10 Salaries on boards and com missions pt year 1.33n."" Total annual salary Annual receipts from fees and payments tor servi ce under different acts of the legislature esti mated from ofSclal rec orda Appropriation for clerical services kt annum t 2.SSi V.iV. V. t 4.25" i" Total annua! salary Appropriations for execu tive office by the last leg islature not including services aa commander national guard f 6.950 00 Superintendent of instruction. Salary ier annum t MOMS' I Service on two boards per annum 50o i" Total s.ilary fees and al lowances lor "lyrical aid per annum for depart ment of state t 2.47r..Sf I. ess insurance licens. lees turned into treasury 4.164.5.'. Plate Glass Window of the St Joe Store in Danger. A team hitched tn a sleigh Iwlotu ing to John Anderson, a farmer rat. away this mornlne and cane rerj near going Into the Mr. plate ulasx window in front of the Ht Jim- Bl The teani started from back ol till I'matilla Impl- men: eton rai. down Water street tn the corner of OMtM r.! turnct oui of Cottuiiinu! t" Court At the corner of Court they ran against a tt)tptiOB Pol and at tiiat turned directly toward tin front of the St Joe store Just as they strnck the asphalr pavement one of the horses fell and cheeked their sK-ei! and turned th.m down the walu. which saved th-m crashlnt itit the building ThJ vara caught by A. 1.. Knight just a they passed lb -door of his business office in th building where L 1. Ilu La brofcai is. The sleigh was a total wreck and the horses were skinned an a II' tie aaf replete with spontaneoui- and a touching sentiment that liftl K immediately into the atnio h. re of aiisoiutc merit. The stor with the love of a pretty colon :: gUt for a dashing captain in Gen - :a' Washington's army and threaded aloag the central thenn In n series of itl ing logical and dignified climaxes Tl art U pol.ct o: as being a most attractive one and tin costuming is charming to the ey in Its coloring. I.e ree" :ii.i who- of th. tli"l- : dad with the blue and buff of the colonial soldier Cholera is raging Ir. Java noil your off--, bafoft using It. PRETTY COLONIAL PLAY. Total salary per year I .'.5m. of. Lasrialatlv. appropriations. including clerical aid. traveling expense and printing per annum 9 5.336 SI Emoluments of Stat Treasurer. Constitutional salary per annum t MOJO Services on two boards per annum 0OM0 Total fees, appropriation and salary I 22.342 "1 Expense of State Printing and Binding Appropriation for tat printer for years 189 1900 75.306.04 Appropriation for 1Jm1 1902. including paper and ele tlon supplies 71,26" 27 At Valley Forge' to be Mere on Wed nesday Nignt ' At Valley Forge." which will be the attraction at the Frazer on next Wednesday night is said to be the sweetest prettiest aru mont tVMteil story of onr colonial days yet writ ten It is described a a drama of marvelous power and grea' human You will make money Or By canine on the New Lumbermen before purchasing bill of lumber that Total salary per year. $ l CIT1CIKA SOAP. jSi Babj s Batb Total coat of printing for four years including binding and paper 1 146. 465.21 Other printing hill and ex- pen, tot wat-: light fuel etc.. for two years . 16.744 U Average expense of print ing and Minting per vear not including deficiencies to be made up by next legislature . . 46.9fe Tl Summary of Five Offices. KILL r THIS ff It prereau casHng. radot. suit reaffesass c UM skia, ooUtc- inHimeisMus. aUs av-k ar uut imuttoo. sol wtiro followed by ges lii siipbeauoaa of I i re i k uiauwai. lac arvM we. itl'T rufw sit tonm at Sin sxl acalii hiusor aoo rotors ta Sals. Nau's Dyspepsia Lure rtas cured theac aad it III care y i. M Cburch, LUrano, Ore. aaya. 1 ssmflvred fur ) yean- aud believe asd I not used Nau's 1'yspepala Core J would not be aliv to writ yoa a sssjtliiionlal " Malfcaai KWlk, fiwaas. Idaho, aaya: "J aufTerad for years, found many reJieBi feut no tun eaaepl yoars." Par y lat 4t Cm.. 14 akt end to F rank rlotat Hharmsu y . MMt- HHca ti a fertile or a tor 0b. of t. Kur goNernor salaries Annual appropriation For taiiariatendent schools salaries Annual appropriation For slate treasurer, anes and fees Annual appropriations for clerical service For secretary of state sal ariea Fees collected per year Annual appropriation -Fees turned over to treas urer Appropriations for State printing and binding 189k 1899 Appropriations (or state printing and binding I9OJ-1902 Annual Expense of Five Office. inventor f 6.960.W State treasarer 8.21Sf" State Bupt of schools 7.827.0n Secretary of state 22.342.00 Stat, printer and binder 45,989.00 4.25" 6.9SO IMe.utl 5.327.0fi 5.312 "i" 2, 90o. 0f 2.860.0" 14.643 0" S Hhi on 4. 135. is. 75.205 if" 71.261' 00 That Clusters around AN UNfitALrmr haik DANDRUFF FALLING HAIR FINALLY BALDNESS ' Dattiay rfe caast. yeu nuaev fassnW.' ' HERRICIDE Sena, areateui ow et mm fmm. faukkv Bl.Bw New sheds going up New stock coming in At the new retail lumber yard (raj's tart imitriU Co.. opposite the VV. C. R. depot PEX I) L KTON , ( iRKGON . Cwt PJ TaaaWTrffQaMafBsafWO JT.laV I J ' aaBsaJLaatafllWBallll'BsB aaK-7Lyay-MF KjfF LaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaamsaaVaaWaaaaaaaat flaVHivtilBaflK COAL! I THE PORTLAN PORTLAND, ORKOON. 5ayacial Kates to has torn Oregon people visiting Pertiaaa. Ila for tourists and commercial traveler H. C. BOWERS. I WOOD! COAL! WOOD! WOOD! COAL! W. C. MINNIS SELLS BOTH. kcinererloal. First Class Wwd Orders Promptly Filled. The Columbia Lodging House NEWLY fUsWlHHEI BAR IN COKKaVTHV IN ( ENTKBOF BUAI KET. Al.TA BWlBBlW bLWELL. Manager MafOMBBi Red 401, or oall ou W. C. MINNIc. ( )ftli Main Htreet, just opposite Haiis ford A Tbonin tiardware store. F.X.SCnEMPP.rW 1 TTTiniraTaTaTIBIIiTlWMW ' : f. I: 1 CRES sawsoeaiiiamitaiiisi taM. Total t 91J20.IKI SUCCESSFUL EVANGELIST Rev. C. C. Eagic Beam Revival at the M. E. Cnurcn. South. The Bpectal services at the M E. church. South continue with increas ing interest. Yesterday waa their quarterly meeting occasion The re ports ahow au improvement in all the iepart meats of church work Evan gellflt Rev C. C. Eagle formerly of Texas baa arrived and will conduct a series of m votings for aa indetnite tun. Mr Basle has held aucceasful revivals In the Boise valley and aa a reault of hia efforts the af. E cburch South, bae three fine church buildings and a prosperous organisation in that section All are cordially invited to tbeae meetings BEST FOR THE BOWELS If ou lit.n I a t ,ut In ii., Svu ir Say. r ill vr (.i.oiaM we . . . r - i ti., iii.m at tb mm . i . , a r WIU IS Lmm J NI.MWM. WW ... vi intiu IS kM rlrs4 umi. it i .l.. JjS CANDY arlsyr aVawaw -4H 4Mnli A a; L-oet.art u W I James B. Welch will tell you what these letters stand for. It's a good story. Have him tell you, and if you do not, you will find out later by watching this space. CAT 'CM LIKE CANDY n i i siioii e. u.. Sawr tui .., i, ft Ul Will, fur frw .. rrsauM. iuui i.sr.n ,., ... KEEP YOUR BL000 CLEM CLEV f f