East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 03, 1902, Image 4

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Great Slaughter of Prices
Winter Goods Mast be Closed Oat.
W arc putting out aW our suit? an. I overcoats, at a big re .
tluction during this sal- You will tind our net prices far below j
the prices et others on tin same poods, notwithstanding the
bit discounts offered Dl some The size of the discount does
not mean am thing to the purchaser, it is the net price that I
letermines wlic.hcr an article is a
La lies' Waists ari'l Wrapper! Hi a re Itntion.
Lftdies1 CapSS tnd Pttn
Klantiflettes and French
1 'onfofti iltO at reduced
tnd g !t SOflie of till bargains
p taWJttlt Wnole Families can Trade
Governor William Taft. of the
Philippine found a one of his first
diecoverlea. that good roads are need
eti ;i h. islan.i- Hotter highways
are essential to the Set elopment if
Inch' r civilisation there as . bM Where
Wh doet Oovorno Taft advocate
goed n .wis In the Philippine arohlpel-
ago Simply be. nus l providing
: mean of I'U.muni-ation forthe
Islanders modern Ideas will find eas
ier lodgment In the minds of these
people. All objects, when moving.
; along th lines of least resist
a: Provide lines of legs resistence
to the movement of the pi ople from
point re place und you provide means
Wkoiebj paopls may go to distant
place and obtain broader views of
life. Isolation narrows. Seclusion
makes prejudge against all that If.
outside of the limits of th. s-eluaiur..
Tru' uiigi.- ns pvrhaos no other
schrn of education. Good roads an-abl-
.inal traveling and to the es-
tent of tbls travel from community to csw wiT-u-J... r. ,v. .
' r.a. let 1'iinliim A on will find
romn. :nlrv is the public mini? lm also that the house has passed a las'
pro V ad olutlon expllettly declaring that th-
Boversor Taft pntMrtl argue, for 'P"et-d rights of the rJatted Rtate,
bet,.: road, in th. island. No one g?L.J!fSW wl"
other thing will do more to effect the Eight days later Madison wrote to
des -' Am" icanUlng of the Fill- Livingston'. "Mr Monroe will be
plnr ,f,e hearer of the lus uctluni undar
I Whleh von are Jo!.:?!v to ncgotla'
.The nhjVet of them will be to ret a
TRADE EXPANSION. 'session of w Orleans mi tka flor
'las to the United States an.! con.e
A reasonable policy of trade cxpan QQeatly a settlemn- of tbi i
slon M what th. Oregon democrats "rv 'we.i I'nited States and
need, and is what the rai.; and flit I o,,,"lana "
f the party desires Indeed, the
coost democrau are not one whit .iem'Ali the,e ,n
. . . . L ' structions. or rathe acting upon
In favor of building up the commer ( thoae of Ilka tenor aent him before
lal lntereats than the republicans addrea.ed the French minister of for
vet thy are In a poaltlor. of construe-1 'Kt relations on January lth' "The
i n opposition beeause of expression. ! J-f Z2 TZ ME
by mambers of the party bj the east, will for the most part, eonslst of bar
Indeed with the majority party doing run lands and sunken marshes while
all it car. to legislate so as to bam-: ,hat retained by France on the west
9 the development of commerce "JJ J Mis-l.-lppl includes the
i greatest bulk of the settlements and
ir the Pa- lflc. It is by no means a rCh fertile eoauwtf
difficult lor democrats to offer their In his general Instructions to Llv
DOlfc ies In the face of the republican ingaton and Monroe dat.-.l Mareh 2
prentmenu Even the powerful ZZ SSaiT
Portland Oregonlan gives vent to 0edes to the United States forever
wrath a' the tariff policy now seekim, the territory west of the Misilsstrp'
exoression through the prevailing i ,iVttr comprehending the two Florl
party in congress a..d voices the rtis
satisfaction felt by all cltisens a- the
injustice wrought against RajUt
coast interests at Washington.
However the majority may juggle
with commercial lntereats the demo-
crary need not do the same with their.
utterance, and liberality in treating
those interests in platform promises.
, .
with genuine alncerlty in the framing
of convention doctrlnea will make
for the upbuilding of the
If the Oregon democracy will but
adopt the proposal to all aw the i -..
pie to vote for thi'p choice for I'mud
States aenator next api.ng. It will be a
distinct advantage No lotsb-al argu
ment may ue offered to discount it.
The majority party connot point to It
as aught but Bound poller Further
mm the principle of popular election :
of T'nittd Htatt i- senators Is held by '
greatly reduced in price. X
Flannels at cut prices. X
before the stock is picked
es can Trade " S
more that. MM half of the people. Th I
m.i i ! strenuously lusi?
ing that senators at. ih be elected ty
oopular vote and only the tenacity of
those wlie profit hf the existing plan
BrOWOBtl tin- wishes oi the )eopl
fiom leing enacted Into the organic
law of the land
Although the constitutional changes
may he delayed the ieople have a
remedy In their hands ami by voting
for eamlblates ol the. cb . in the
primaries may ;i conipllsh theti ends
in spite of the obstmetionnry Bethodt
oi those opposinv the Innovation In
Keataeky, the people vote for T'nlte.i
es senators
and OrtfjOJJ SeBO
inaugurate the plan
crats may well
win embarass tlo
repabtleu organization, for in their
present condition of savau. iptarrel
ing ovei Simon for senator, they ean
not b. kadlieed to ailopt popular elei
tJoa a.- OW of their e.mipnign f ni
To tbi right understanding of the
I nniaaala ParehBB treaty of ison
-tters thai passed to our minis
tors la Franc and Spain are of vlt
'! importance. On January fj lv ;
I . . .noriiia -- . . 4 a.
das the Island of New Orleans and
the Islands lying on the north ind
the east ehannel of Bald river
whleh Is commonly called the south
peas, together with aucb other Islands
aa appertain to either West or East
Florida: Prance reserving herself all
her territory on the west side of the
On the same date a aeeond letter is
ent Jfjj? In
tlon or Mr Jefferson breathing war
agalnat France " Among theae ar
rangement. the president concelvea
that a common Interest may reeom
no -mi a candid understanding, and a
closer connection with Oreat Britain
und he presumes that the occasion
may preaent Itself to the British gov
erament In the same light He ar
cordingly authorises you or either of
you, in case the prospect of your dis
cussion with the French government
should tuake It expedient, to open a
confidential communication with min
isters of the British government and
to confer freely and fully on the pre
cautions and provisions best adapted
to the crisis, and in which that gov
ernment may he diapueed to concur,"
and so forth The date April 18 muet
l home In mind because It will soon
appear that these Instructions wen
given after the purchase treaty ha.
been virtually made
Continuing out of touch with ereul
In Europe. OS April 10, ISM, the V
day of the slgnlnc of the great trent
Mr. Jefferson writes to John Haeoo
from Washington "Although I an
not sanguine In obtaining I eeealOl
of New Orleans mr money . yet I an
confident in the policy of putting ot
the day of contention tor it. till wi
are stronger In DUfWhrM, ami strong
er In allies, hut eeeeetallj til: w.
have planted BHCk u population on th
Mississippi a will be able to UH
w; hus..ies. without lh neceeeltj
manhinn wn irom tin shores 0
the Ailanti- i." Bike Ihlthei
pertan s fatigoe unt! rhaugv ol ell
mate Ketumlng now to what wa:
happening In Frnnc. am! 10 Living
ston's extraordinary kerttOM aOJ
activities we find in that minister'!
memorable midnight dispatch dated
Pari. April It, ISM anil nnislW a'
" o'clock in the morning the authentic
official history of the Louisiana BUI
has. treaty Thin long deal an'
comprehensive statement tells tin
whole historic stor The (lieai
Treaty was in Its aeeential element!
tin Work of thie, days
The Idea originated in the actlv.
i.raii. oi Honaparte It was favored
by his brothers and by Marhoia op
poaed by Tallyrnnd and other ebfel
men Tlie subject was broached by
Tallyiand on Monday introduced by
our minister on Tuesday who found
Tallyraml evacious ami mendacious
und twice returned to by Morbols on
Wednesday Livingston was BOe
much alive to the prodigious IBaorv
of the matter tn hand to wait till Bh '
en at night. So. when .Monro, took
leave he hastened to the lioti.e of
Markotfl After discussing the equivo
catlOBB of Tallyraml and the consul'
MvJU proposal for us to hand ovet
hundred million unties pay on:
iuims and take the whole country
Livingston aftet a i disavowal
Of any anxiety to get any larger e
rfOOlOB Of territory, eautinusly re
marked "We would be ready to
purchase provided the sum wa. re
duced to
reasonable limits ' Mat
iioih said
II would name stxt mil
lions ami
claims to
hi would
take upon ns the ajperioan
ttu amount ol twenty mo-1
try doe far tbb would i-
accepted, om minister aoelared thai
I as greatly l ond our no mis und
s'ished Bona parte reminded that the
ogfoa a ns liable in beeoaa
thi propartj ol Bmlaad. The Bta
ist.-i ol th. puhlli treasury udmltte.i
the weight of all this.
Hut -ii.. In Vol; Know the tem-
; ui youthful eoacjaorer, every-
!'. to do. is vapid as lightning
w, kavi OB I 10 sp.-ak to htm as ni.
opportnnlt) preeeata Itaerf. tie'hsus
' a vow ,; , j I,, i.. .,- ntra-
llettoa.' "Tt then If you
.anno' COBM 'U to mv mark f'onsld
ar the extent oi the eountry. the ex
fhwlvt navigation of tie vier. and
the Importance of having no ii.-ikIi
hors to disrupt y on. no war to dread '
Our minis'.-! aaked him la oaaa ol a
puivhaae whether France would stl
ufftte that thej would aeeot possess
the FlOtidas and thai sh. would aid
ns to proem, taegfl He replied in
. ffniuatiN. The Held oi..-,, t us
indefinitely larger than out in
i tlons contemplated" said Liv
ingston, but he promisas ti eoaaott
Monro. In the dispatch of April 17.
Bl : -peats "that
tie ottiliilssioi
I to treu- for
of the Ml.aiat
et.' wrote LlVta
'.. ns power (,nl
or. the aaat aide
"You Will recoller
h kfadleei 1 iha
its' in
1 have een
iWJ Wlllioin powers to ;,. i.-sent
i BlBBt. and that though I haw lm?
ii'deil many things upon the prcsump
Hog that I shutild have them, none
have been received until no and
i " thej ai. unfor"iiiat"lv t,... limit
d." On the lath of April, gftei easier
nng with Monroe. Livingston offered
.Morbols lift: million trains plus the
debts for the whole of Louisiana
This appraaemed within two million
dollars of the price aske, Bona
parte received this off.- ' . oldlv
from policy of .ours. Monro.-' ..
eeptio.i was delayed aboal which
Livingston writes Air Monro, hav
lilg be. l . ompellet! when lo r. I Tt4
to be well with the pam i,.-n up
perBOBt, and who ar. BOB ileie.tud
1 MM preaent ruler, it will bt some
time before they know how to esti
mate his worth, and Tally rand has I
find imbibed personal prejudice
against him. that will induce htm to
throw every possible obatructiofl in
his way that tu can eooslatentl) with
their vtewB" Napoleon went off to
Handera and left negotia-ions ut
standstill until our ministers wisely
agreed to his own favorable terms.
The first announcement of the grand
consummation was Bent to Rufus
King in London, in theae words
"We have the honor to inform vou
that treaty (the 30th April i ha. been
signed between the minister pleni
potentiary of the French government
and ourselves, by which tbi United
States have obtained the full r,KUt to
and sovereignity In and oral Mae
Orleans and the whole of Louisiana
as Spain possessed the ui
On the 12th of May Livingston for
wards to Washington bj a speeial
und safe messenger."- Mr Hughes
the Oreat Treaty .accompanied hv oth
r papers and two lengthy dispatches
the second of which Is signed like
the treaty by both Amerclar. min
isters. The president aiul a.;. iwtary
of state never extended their vlalon
beyond the Misslaalppl to It. hound
luge west aide. Not a dollar of the
two miliums they asked from Con
gress was to he extended on the i.(de
lOBBBB scu. the akin on fire. .The
the blood arc forced out thronpn xnr
snslng BteWN redness, burning anl Itching. totc
, the Rchtaf. at tunes, especially when the tx y Is
eated. that the almost a tftracted sufferer feci, th
ZSKVX that he
go erarc. He knows tnnn experience
makes matters worse, but, made acsperaie vj . .
bu,..,K and it, hinK. he is for the t.mc bcinR taettOi
, . t.-.. .ti.r.it. or w.-eonii kind, that
IKrr ;. kr fluid. wWh dne. and peel, off to br4ike
!rf .,argc at time, that Uryr scab, or crust, form, which
Sfcth nd uuUewand Boteaefly "b
anu sores are svmptom. of Ecxems. The dry form usually attacks the head
banded feet ' ti e skin, becoming hard and rough, often cracking open ani
oTbS attended with much itching l-tBS
Mr. L. Vtroo, Eeoondido. Baa Dio Oomnty,
Oal writ. : " My bodv broke out with a r.h
or eruption which tn .plte of all .fforta to cure
oontinusd to get worso. The Itching, especially
at Right, wa. .imply terrible; it would alnio.t
disappear at time., only to return wore, than
Tar. I had triod many Manly recommended
8 reparation, wuhout benefit, and hsarlna of B.
6 determined to give it a fair trial, and wua
iu.xpro.bly delighted whon a few bou.ns
eiired me eutlreiv, removlna every blemish and
pimple from my body. I shall not fail to recom
mend 8. 8. 8 wb.uever an opportunity oocura.
" - .1,,. ti liaoic into the blood.
iHjbon- un . dr . ( I of the circulation all Impurities and humors, and the pure,
rich blood that i- nani 1 to the iliaeaaed akin quickly allays the Inflammation,
opens the el. KRed up pores and the .kin liecomea soft, smooth and ready to perform
it propel functions. To I rid of Fcxema you must fin.t purify and build up the
blood and nothing so s illy does this as S. 8. S , the only jruaran-
tee 1 pir.lv vcgctuble blood purifiei Bend tor our book on Mood and akin aBBBB
and write our nh icums for an v tutonn.it i u or advice vou may desire Medical
adwsc and hoik free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. QA.
of the Oreat Northwest WblCB grew
to be th best Mid Of the republb
The BdBtalatrattoi kaoe not what
was going on in Barope UvtaffBtoa
, n.d rverythiag that was going
.ui ai. d made tbings mo in his own
rbi n way The aoMtol whos. fame
lubaeeaentl tilled the world was
BOB but Mi was without experience
in statesmanship or diplomacy and
handicapped i oeejtta could hardly
!,, , upected to cope with a veteran
ii i.oti. them Baldi m m the run
Butturtt) oi his Bowera, arlth tn. boa
ors ami laurels of former triumphs
giving power to his In aln and dignity
- hi b'ov hj the battle of the Mis
sissippi th. Coaajuerer of tali Bat
v !th his first defeat
St Louis. Jan. I!."
Chicago board or education has
.' it 1 as the totul to be
led upon the publtl schools of
I Bgi for the ensuing vear. The
Ital tol IMI was $7.4;:,Hf8. The
eliding tuml this vear exceeds that
r 19U1 bv tl 0S1.41S.
James A. Howard
Court St. near Firet Nat. Bank
Has Real Estate iorSale
See Here:
300 acre, of choice wheat land
jJout ten mile, nattheaat of Pendle
ton. Thi. I. one of the flneet improv
ed farm, in the county and ha. qooc
.ihoo.' advantages. Will aell for cast
or trade for equal value in unlmproWst)
Eigut fine lot. in Pendleton at t'Ot
each, on ea.y terms.
180 acres of wheat land south of
Pendleton, t800.
US acres ahateg fruit and garden
land near Milton. One-half of tract
m Bearing frutt tree , 7 acres alfal
fa. An under i-ngation. rinely lm
120 aire, on McKay Creek. 20
acres a1 barton land under Irrigation,
balance good wheat land, well lm
560 acre, good wheat land, in a
body, four miles from Pendleton;
tem. naif caah balance on time to
suit purci aser at 8", per cent in
and other building
material Including
and Sand.
We have a large stock of
WOOl (.il'TTakn
for barn, and dwelling.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alta St., opp. Court House.
Farmers Custom Mill
Pre Waft., Frwprfcrter.
Oaaaettr, ue umu a ear
Naur sietiaiiasO tor waeei
rki. um reeB. uaopped reed. aM. ala.n
. i s
thnt he
must B-Jtdk
-T-;r '
applicatlona, while soothing
ana cooling, and may to soma
extent relieve the inflamma
tion and itching, cannot
be considered cures, because
external remedies do not
reach constitutional or blood
disease. Salve., ointment.,
powders, lotion, and soap, do
more harm than good, by
smearing over and sealing op
the pores of the skin, thus
S. 8. 5 antidotes and neutralise, the acid
Asi BOfOfl mar I'endleton
-lb acr near IVudleton
Keren near i'eiidleton
100 acres near PondkrtOG
acres near Pilot Itts-k
ItXi acres wheat laud
IfB ai'res wheat haul
I'M) acles ulnat land
SO acres wlieat land
90 acres wheat land
180 acres wheat land
aetea wheat land
Knwn I to inllet. from town.
Six New Houses Cheap.
BaelafB Baah Bottltegi IVmlleton, Or
For Sale!
!. . t Iota with dwelling and kirn.
1: IB has even rooms, bath,
. ..at and ttuud house, city water.
hatd finished on stone foundation
I ' Irvir lots anl new cottage,
Tvw ,ots and house, fi.ooo. part
casn. reasonable time on balance,
or will sell on installments See
H17 Main Street.
Ai ain !
g4 Wat
The Louvre Saloon
Notary and
50 to $6 Uelivered
Order of ua and save money.
Orders for Rubber Btaiupe
also solicited.
I"" StKI rk "
m PJtf. Tgy
JJJJI, Picket.
! ?5 Ten,
Lumber In
"w i hilt - rr
1 UnnfninA C
i.i i ii 1 1 i 1 1 ii ii i.
x r ag s fiiitii ai
fa..nl, II I I
DCCT r t- , ..... j
T" X- k tip ...
Ort'lil flVt'fVIMS MMle'.r..'M.I
lisppvo '...uatb,ut NhM
wud IB. iiTODrsii .foicm pm
vdssx'i'- -k !'. i ttssj
UBS m: ax !
' -l tm Idvtllrli a turn
. . nmk oiitsiaaM vesaji
kin fip-'tidsei od sbvw I
area r n bsm !.,
.i m
A oarwlaM lauudry wul r'
rooi ibhi in two wading-"
We jtoar aW
aioaey. W. will
. a it. wiHirsaSM
j. K. Kouluaoo. "f-
You get
Qood Beer..
dizzine 1
- w
Dally East Oref"
lv 15 cents a