East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 03, 1902, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight and Tuesday, throfljl
Milhg, with probably uht moil.
nnr rAfatdtAM
U b, ,rrler at
F t5c A WEEK.
. 1,'UH
1 75? v .
Iff IE
Ism for the Great Combina
t P. MorBan Will be run
H M I Independent
uulacturi't h of tbe central I
lainudoturing district are in
a bir today to dlacuat tbe
I of an organization for the
I d regulating prlcaa by ar-
MMBt in i! to provide a
p rtw material outalde the
Ihiti Mat uporation. Raw
law been a-arce lately, and
pd States steel corporation
I lit largest maker of abeeta.
nta inriep.'uclonta, through
Wdc an.', .-iier allied inter
P It would be unable to fur
loiuidi- (oin t rna with aheet
liu owe interest consume all
t not taken on long time
B which bui few of the in-1
p concern have,
jjnuidi- cob i erui have small
My. whirl, roll aheeu from I
Mm in th. ui.eu market. The
form a u.mpany and erect
! mil! in the Plttaburg
'or th. present the Inde
luiy d.-. j,!. to lniort steel
P Germain and relieve Im-1
d Many Arms are
I Vi deliver contracts, which
la u position to fill, be
f tee! Mortage.
L jax Repeal Bill Un
Lorabl Reported.
m:ock Voted With the Demo
Two Republicans, Tawney
ck, Voted With the Demo
tor Free List for Truet-Made
Upon. Pit A nder to the
repeal bill placing truat-madc
I of steel d tin U cc Hat. was
aatavorabl by the houae
"means ron:i nee this morn
'tllthe democratic member
fOBmltt". had been preaent,
uw leen report -
Htlj m .l.llcaiia, Tow
I Bjbon with the mi
nd two other republicans and
pprrttf wai ' iil'sent.
Provision Againat Govern
ment by Injunction.
a. Feh :t The aenatc
omit'- tbla morning de
nrt fav,iratl the bill in
Hoar providing in brief
anunt 1 1 bj injunction.
t- aroi .- ini of tha bill any
i or contract
two or persona to do
p. lie lone or not to iio
ma. any act in
hat:ot. mice of any
h;ut. ibl not be deemed
I mt tadlcatable, and Injtine
hanalnlngi -tilers shall not
M It relation thereto
BkHQ J IHll'SIOS Ol lltl tll".l Ol I OHO J
Portraits of the English ruler and the House of Lords and Commons.
The Special Session Tomorrow on
the State Tax Commission's Report
The Rail Trust may Come Up.
St. Paul. Minn Feb. I. M Nra
uf the .Viinn. seta l.gialar.iri are tutu
erlng here in ggtlclpatioti oi iue -pe.
lal session tomorrow. Although the
specific purpose of the session as set
forth in the call of Uou-inor Van
Sant. Is to consider the report 01 the
tax commission it is possible that tin
recent railroad developments In the
Northwest may be taken up. It It
this fact which will cause the pro
cuedlngs to be followed with close
Tonight tbe republican members
hold a caucus to determine it praeti
cable upon some limitation of the du
ration and scope of the session.
Looking For
of the Boer
Negotiations Resumed
ward to Settlement
Hi. Hague. Feb .1 Official an
nouncement was insd. today that Pic
ii.h i Kay poi bar. raoeivod Kngiands
reply to bis note regarding the peace
overtures fOf South Africa. Th. reply
will be published tomorrow. It Is
l-aimd tliui Kngland provisionally re
jects tlm pioposal. but that ncgotia
tions will lie continued.
it is believed the reply intends that
the Dutch g eminent should obtain
the authority Of fighting Doers tv:
I tbeli propoeali aint then apply uhain
St. Louis Will Find Some More Cor
ruption Funds.
St. Louis. Feb 3 The ldaieagg.il
bribery investigation was resumed bj
a uew grand jury this morning
KUho Was an Act of Good
Feb 3 In tbe fed
J"oart of appeals today in
If, ,te ov''i ninent vs. Isaac
tr fflrme, the judgmtAt
court holding that fie
p tttad in good faitb under
L J 3, 1878. in cutting
fiwrnmeni lands in Ida
kJre1 alfc0 affl'med in
1 ...W'it'gton Irrigation
pliant v. tu Cal.furnia
Lunipany respondent
Je Winter Carnival.
V?b.3.The ancient cap-
tk . viaitora who are
rnlval of winter sports. ,
. 'Mugurated trwt.w tv,..'
HPJ i the moat elaborate
IftT Ior carnival of this
LTr 4Dd includaa abating
r7 matchea, curling and
WJr the patronage of
P" taaeral. the Barl of
nUnadian praaaier Sir
German Ambassador at Ball
Philadelphia. Feb 3 Dr. Von
kMbM the German ambassador,
the ladies and gentlemen of the
man embassy at Washington are in j
Philadelphia a guest!- of Mr. and I
Mrs. Clement Uris.com The purpose
of their viait is to attend the annual ' class
German American Charity ball at the
Academy of Music tonight, and for
which arrangement!- on an elaborate
acsle have been completed.
Retires from Stage to Wed.
Philadelphia Feb 3 - St. James'
episcopal church wa- filled with the
u 'Hal tolks today M tin occasion of
the marriag. of M Kthel Jar kson
1 and .1 Freii.-rici Zimii.erman Jr.
Miss Jackson has hut recently re
I tired from the stage, after having
l.arned an Mfltbla nputatiou as an
, actiess ami xoialisl Her most r--
U.nt triumnli was in the title role
Willaid 8p ni ei - operetta
1 t bile."
Amateur Milliard Championship.
HOT York Feb 3 -All arrange
ineiits base been eouipleled loi the
A Idlliaid
Funston s Se.ond Operation.
Kausas City, Feb. 3. General Fuu
ston was operated on again today aa
a result of tu failure oi Um wound
pljad hy the former operation for
appendicitis to heal The second op
eratiou is not of serious character.
Chicago's Game 8how.
Chicago Feb. 3. in a new guise the
Coliseum today received the early vis
Itnrs to the socona annual ,i.wu
of the International
Game Association
Forest Kisb and
Father Tiber on tha Rampage
Borne Feb 8 The Tiber has risen
33 feet abofe normal helghtb Lower
Rome la Inundated
.urnanient for tbe
(hampiouship ol the Culled Mates,
to be decided in the theater ol the
Knickerboi k. i A C. beginning this
eveuing. under the auspices of the
Amateur Atbleti. Union. Additional
int. i.-si in the event has been erOSlOO'
by the entry of Wilson H Sigo'iruey,
the Pacific coast champion
An Immense Thioog Gathered to
Greet the Returning Suicide Murder
era. Who Escaped With the War
den's Wife.
Plttaburg. Feb : Tbe bodies ol
K! and Ja k Diddle arrived lo re this
morning An Immense throng was at
'lie depot He ports this lllnllllllg from
Mutler said that If ra ftoffel's condition
was alurinitig
It Mrs. rtoffel recover it la likely
she will be charged, not only with aid
illg the Middles to escape but also
with Punishing them with firearms
thus aiding a felonious assault on the
guai dh n the combined charges.
IB4 could bt given sin, to eight years
ii the p. nit, ntiary.
Alabama Field Trials.
Athens Ala Feb. 3 Several store
of fine dogs UM product of years of
careful breeding and training, are
taking part in the fifth annual trials
of the Alabama Field Club which
were begun near this city today.
Rear-End Collision.
Freeivort. BL ,Feb I. In a rear-end
collision jetween two Illinois Central
stock trains near Apple river, tbla
morning- four were killed, two aer;
ously injured and two slightly Th
lead ait stock
Reported by I. L. Ray 4 Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
MOT York. Feb. 3 The grain
iiia.kcts were all firm today, the
coarse grains be.ng especially strong.
LJvarpooi cloaed IV New York
up, nag b3-i V ami cloaed MVfc. Chi
' 'Ugo opened TM'a and closed 78
Com w a.- up over a i . i t to ''.'l74fi4
I'll. vlaibJi supply shows an Im-reaae
loi the Meek ol 1 III 000 making a
total of IT.ffltJlOO, compared with r7,
707,000 last year the same date.
Closed Saturday 83
Opened today. 13, y
Itaugi. today. 834 Ct 844
' losed today, 84.
Sugar 126.
Steel 43
St Paul 163
UakOB Pacific, 101
Wheat in Chicago.
'Iiicago Feb. 8 Wheat
Wheat In San Francl
San Francisco. Feb. 1
Loss Is 83.000,000-Homeless Will Be
Provided for By Heme People, No
Call Being Made to Outside Cities
for Assistance.
Waterbury, Cobb . Fab, TIM best
business portion of Wiilcrhury Is In
usbes tlr.s morning i the result of n
great Ira tbal rigad 10 hours last
ntgnl Bttd this morning The district
is botuuled by the Rxottatiga Plsca,
Dana street urand ttraal and south
ttslB and is practical!) wiped out.
The loss is placed at 141,000,000, Bar
ornl times durlnt the early morning
hours, the firemen got the Mimics un
der control, but a heavy wind started
the blaze afresh. In nil. about I Ho
business hgusrs are .lislroycd in an
aras of four acres. The eltj now ts
nractlcalty under mart lal Inn
Hundreds of homeless arc being
sheltered In the Armory . City limit,
churches and other public buildings
and plneea. Mayor Kllduff said this
morning that, though the city is sn(T
Tin grievously from the blow n call
foi fttinncin! aid from outside cities
will not tie mnde. Mnnv were Injured
BTtl I. the lire was raging by falling
on the Icy pavements Bid being tram
pled upon by tbg crowds that tilled
the streets .
When the fin started in the BOO
v II house n panic began, as It wns
feared the fire would sprend through
out the city, the Mantes threatening
everything In that vicinity Including,
tha city hall rind WgUrrbary bank
but both these buildings were saved.
Incendiarism In connection with the
Scovll house tile was suspected III!
mediately after the lire was discover
ed ill thai hostelry, the Kxchangc bo
tel became ablaze. 100 guests rushing
out In their night clothes.
The MMk at the Mcnvil house hn,.
not been seen since the Are. It Is
f. and he Is burned to death .
In Atlantic Coast Districts,
Wrecks Reported)
Madison Spuarr Garden the Scene of
the Contest by the Representatives
of the Big Schools.
New York. Feb ;! New Vim lo ts
will receive nu opportunity to s .
most of the Crook college athletes at
the Indoor games oi the Knlckerbock
i Athletic Club at Madison Siiinr
Osrdai tonight.
ColumLig college has enter, . I i.m
.line tiack team and this has been
followed by several other leading col
leges and universities Several at
t, mptl will be made to lunik the ex
I Sting records, notablv by John Flan
nlgau hold, t f the world's record for
hammer throwing, and W. J. B.
Tewkesliuiy. the huidle race chum
TP. oluiiiiltee in . liai ,,f tin
game-, bus catered to the popular Chi
cy with a iiumb.i of relB) rgrea t
these tbe gleatest Interest Is urouned
by tb. college team race. In which the
unlveiklty of Pennsylvania. Columbia
Princeton and Rutgers college will
compete Favoritism is equally divid
id Ini we.n the four teams iml i
great ra Is expected
Seventy Mile Gale Swept Atlantic
Coast on Sunday Rescuing Craft
Has Difficulties in Weathering the
N. w York. Fab, rt-nalla gale
on Sunday playvd baroc artth tha tugs
and the light cts sent out to n Id the
steamer Cavour, which was atrandad
on Long Uracil Two at tha tugs
went down and IT, tnlnute liter the
i lew . Wei. rescued b I passing
Nieamei. trVreckage, probably from
one of the iightei'. araabad ashore.
There was no news lioiu th,- ( nvour
ibis morning. Tha ship wept aahoro
mi Point Lookout this morning
Sunday's storm ggtwdad through
,oiit the state ami abiug the Jeiser
oa t Th Mohawk valley Is export
cluing tin worst bll.xatd since MI
County roads gre blocked with snow
ami railrasd trsffto is traatlj laipadod
wins me ,iow ii in aii dlraotlona Bo
nil w re. ks m e ran t lad on l ong
Island, with prohabla loss ol lata Mm
lad o men aboard tb.' OSTOttl was
long in doubt Wr, ckugi apenri
along the New Rnglsnd coast
One Body Found.
Fire Island. N Y Fah l Tha
body oi .me slot in victim ill found
on Itie iii nek at Smith Point
Teinfir Gale on Enyhsh Channel.
Dover England, Fob I The tai
Hie gal. w hi. b has lax n i , ping
the araat cosaf ol Buropa is alatlnf
lodaj The steam, i Mai la Ham tta,
which had been drifting about tha
channel llnea PrldS was til . m
tow this mornlni ami proceeded to
Ost. ml
Canada Suffers.
Montreal. Fei. I, Canada rrom
Not thw aati i n ami Western Ontario t
llalllax Is In the I blocs of one ol' tha
B Vernal snow atorms ol recent yeara,
Kailroad tiafflc is paiulv.e.t
Snow Makes Moving
200 Men at
Lg I it uti le Fell .:
In ell the pa. llllli nl ,,)t,
Logs Easier-Work
sleighing baa
Gam in Membership Shown by the Re
port of J W Bailey, the Secretary,
of Portland Three Day Session.
Helena Mont Feb I The flftn
annual coaraatlofl ol tin Pgolli
Notthw.st Woolgioweis Association
which opens In Helena lOgJOf fun
promisea to he the most notahb
gathering or ita kind ever held In this
part of thi country. I'pwards of S00
delegate and visitors are present
from all parts ol I'tati Wyoming, Ida
ho. Orcfi,n Montana ami Washington
T 0 Peweis or Montana, Is the pre
aiding OfBcei Today was devoted to
the reieptuui of visitors ii,, bag
uess ol the com i ntion will be taken
up lomoiow and continue through
Wedlirkday and Thursday A wide
range u subjects has Im-i ii mapped
out foi discussion
The rgport to be p, scute. I by Sec
teiaiy J W Hull. and if hsi ofBgarg
show ibat tha asociatiou has made
a giatitylng gain la niernbershlp since
the con vent ion ut Pendleton last year
Hie of soini loi tin imst lout days ami
IllghlS It has bei lb .e.lls Hllll'M
Ho town had enough snow ami all Bin
tuaklaj i in- most ot ii before tin cm.
Hook gels It In the logalUg caillps,
work lilt- been leniiui. d aftel a month
oi Idleness and now a good aeasou'a
run of the mills Is rip. .led Nearly
L'oo men are at work In the camps and
MONT i ""' IK '""I" "t Klgln are also busy
again logging foi next summer's run.
Speaker I. It Heed, i and ei Huns
tin I II Bga wen In La fliamP- M
Hiiyers for the American and Mail1
I lad got i nun nil weii Iii La Oranae
last week and cavalry horses for the
South African troops, and artillery
horses for Manila were shipped our
Id pieseiitatlve Tongue made an u
.un nt before tbe coinage committee
ill support of bis bill to establish un
assay office In Portland lie said that
not only la the total output of gold
in Oregon tHhutary to that potut, but
fully 80 per ejggl of the gold of Wash
ington and a large part of the Alaska
product He Died with the commit
Prominent Officer of the Women of
Woodcraft Will Arrive on grid,
J I. Wright ot Leadvllb Col .
grand elorll of lb Women ol rt' s, i
craft. Is expected to auive on Friday
morning lo rOgfei will. the grand
guardian Mrs C C Van OradgJI In
the hea l nflfag hce Mi Wilght la
one of tin in, si prominent Mason r
Colorado, and is a powei in otbei
ret oideis, as well besides o. . up-
ing the raapogalble position of giand
clerk of the Woin n '.r Woodcraft en
tailing, as It does tin Important .are
of the developing Interaala of that
prOgporOUl ' ' 111, iislt Is lookod
forward to with Igloraai by at
members ami efforts will be put forth
to make his atay here pleaaant aul
piofitsiili in Woodcraft
MaghrUla, Tenn , Feb 8 -Members j Je the reaolutlona of the Cham tier of
i t th. ii, inociati. state committee met
this moinliig In response to the call
oi Chairman FlUpatric
say om e
I ed upon
Tongue's bill waa not act
Captain Wood said that owing to
thi l,eui weat winds that have beeo
prevailing all winter at tbe Columbia
river bar it baa been gradually shoal
lng, but be thought the depth of wa
ter is now increasing
IiOcal merrhanta who aspect
newspapers to protect their business
by ef using to take foreign ad vert Is
lag should at leevjt show their ape
let ton by eaattraetlag for aoame si
Tot Causes Night Alarm
I'm night my brothel's baby waa
taken with croup' wiltea Mrs J C
Mulder of Crittenden Ky , "It seemed
it would strangle before wn could get
a doctor, so we gave Dr King's New
Discovery, which gave quick roller
and permanently i ured It Wo always
keep It in tbe houae to motect ou
children from Croup and WUooplaa
cough It cgrad m. of h chronic bron
chlal trnublit that no other remedy
would relieve " Infallible for coughs,
colda, throat and lung troubles 0
and f 1 00 Trial bottles free at Tall
man fs Oo.