East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 01, 1902, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight ami Snn.lny fair; not ee
cola Sunday.
i TOUT I'-. -- -
No. 1841
n aai
nd j
Lad. But Said to Be
LPittsburg Case Most
able for Human De-
ill or Themeelvee. Hav-
to Destroy Their Live
L Cipture Was Imminant.
ft Fb. 1 At 10 ociock
Ed Ml W wan uncon-
life slowly was mining
brother Jack was ibikb
houtful Jack may live
Dili Kil l- ilHiitli was loog-
111 few hours. Mrs Bof
inlj recover .tnougn me
i KrtOUK -la. I Middle Biai
; .-;:u. thut all three fugl
to commit aulcidc in
bernnu imminent. They
nt th. ufti ! iii pursuit.
their pistols on them
ring the) hud no chance
He aaiil hud the woman
litth them they could eaally
I my. hut they doom not
liter sin hud sacrificed
ihelpltiK i' escape from Jail.
the statement made thla
Jirk Hiddle. It la evident
murderers and their bp-
, i i- i: .'intuit sill
unic Imml
die talc! thur when they
1 weapon n themaelvea he
Klf in tli. mouth, Ed ahot
th" heart, and the wo-
'henelf In the breast
Met begun to alnk rapidly
on. Jack is now extracted
Inflammation haa aot In.
leaavulsions Mra. Snffel haa
pneumonia and her condl
awe lerioiiF than ever.
Crutlty of the Wife.
to facts dlarloaed by
M tin plot which aecom
I the ilelu.Tv of the Blddle
iirom tin- juil waa even more
thin wax ut Aral auppoaed.
Soffel tan! waa willing he
h aurdtTfi! In order to carry
iMifnp lli-fore ahe gave the
the murderera to eaeHe,
formed tier hiiHhand. The
Ittji he li glad hla wife win
ind bopea'ah will be given
ait icent- of the terrible Hid-
' mi Friday
on the snow-covered road
east of roaiect. Butler
OBi-eri. ii tileucha. came
upon tin fugitives ulso In a
Shooting began at once,
the officers came upon the
fa the guilty conscience of the
WM Ml to turn the revol-
: e tarried upou heraelf and
wtll"' boh in her breaBt
preferred to take her own
' than lu . tin huaband ahe
led Th.-n the Blddlea ahot
The Latter Said to Intend Following
the Same General Linea aa Hia Pre
Washington, Feb. l.-rSccrctat y
(Sage's popularity in the social and of
tlclal life of the national capital was
evidenced today by expressions of re
Kiet heard on all aides at his leave
tukitiR of oHice. Hcuda of depart
nients. Kenators, representatheri ami
even foreign diplomat were UMM
his callers. Leslie M. Shaw, iln- new
seerMnry. wns at the treasury depart
ment. though he will not formally as
MM the duties of oftlce until Mon
Shaw to Follow Gage'a Linea.
New York. Feb. 1 There la a good
deal or speculation In financial clr
clea as to what Mr. Shaw, who as
Vumes the treasury portfolio today,
will do. or under the law can do diff
erent from the policy pursued by Sec
i rotary Oage. Few of the experienced
financiers believe Mr Shaw will stop
the bond punhaaes instituted by Mr.
i Oage. which now foot up ttfii.nn'p.ooO.
Although the daily purchases have
I been amall of late. It la not thought
that Mr Shaw will Increase the price
fixed by Mr. Oage simply to stimulate
I the offer of bonds Nor la It believed
i that he will materially increase gov
ernment deposits In national bank do
poaltoriea. li is only by some of
these exM-dlents Hint the treasury de
pint men i Ml In any way help the
money market. 8o from what can bi
learned hi re of Mr Shaw's policy it
is thought that It will follow In the
Identical Hues pursued by Mr. fiagc
Shaw was sworn In by Justice Shir
as, of the supreme court. Nearly all
the membera of congress from Iowa
and the bureau chiefs witnessed the
ceremony. So soon as Shaw signed
his nam. to the obligation. (Sage ad
vanced nnd said: "Let me congratu
late you and wish you every success "
Grout Oleo Bill Indian and Legisla
tive Appropriation, Tax and Philip
pinea. Washington, Feb. 1- The program
In the house for next week Includes
consideration of the Grout oleoma!
gnrlne bill, the legialatlve approprla
Hon bill, the Indian appropriation
bill, and the bill for the abolition of
the war tax. The last named probably
will be railroaded through. Backers
of the oleo meaaure claim to have
more than enough votea to paaa It.
Moat of the time of the senate ne,rt
week will be taken up with consldera
tion of the Philippines tariff bill and
the delivery of speeches upon the
Philippines situation.
The Conductor and Motormen Have
Gone Out in the Sunflower State.
l4-avenworth. Kan.. Feb. 1. The
conductors and motormen of 11 citlea'
atreet car lines have atruck.
Lng Out Census Employes.
ItOO Fi-t. 1 - Stpvaral hum!
I the
M thetT dibchargea today and
fv uri- re expected to go aur
mn. ins IB In Umm with
"taiente intention to reduce
St tliri .- I.I.IXII 'llll 4nUI
. . . ... uiiuui bairi- uiin li
M mteniplated in the
"-unif, tiioveinent.
ChamDer of Commerce.
'ark Feb. 1. Extensive ore
hSVl- t..n ..Amnlaloil tnm V.
Mer of the lUllan Chamber
' KwJaTht Prominent anions the
til be Mayor Setb Low,
I sm4 ltalt.M 1. I VT ,
Ml 8 foier and Oacar L.
Conm:n i Traatlaa.
OB, Feb 1 The Tawney
Which innnlu UtA lk
g" m senate and president to
u treat u .ut. ..
ttiug the revenues without
-.me p.rt uf the noU8e
Mail Carrier to Be Pitied.
Mlllersburg, O., Feb. 1. The posi
tiou Of carrier over rural delivery
route No 4, out of thla place, which
waa opened today promlaea to be any
thing but a sinecure The route shows
4op persons who will get mail, and ot
this number 117 are named Miller
Tin- rooM takes in the Amish settle
ment. and that sect has many Millers
The worst of It Is that many have
exactly the same baptismal names, so
that the difnVulties of the carrier may
lie Imagined.
Question Unsolved of How They Were
Coached Away Down to Umatilla.
Harness for eight horses was found
cached In the timber five mllea down
1 the Pnaatllla river yesterday 8heno
i Hlakley was notified and went down
I to inveatlgate. They were found in
! the bruah where a tree had been
, blown up by the roots and left a hole
I m the ground, and had been placed fn
I thla hole and covered over with leave
; and brush. They are all good heavy
' draft harnesses and some are almost
new the collara at least not having
been out of the store oui
time, but had all been uaed. Where
they come from or who put them there
is the thing that la now puiallng the
offlcera No reporta of bre hir
ing been loat ha come to the iherlffs
offlee. ana there la no claw to the
owner, but it 1. evident tkatl "maoae
haa atolen and cached hem TMr
had been there two or thra weeks
The harnesses ore now at the ahertir s
09 d
MM - 00
Northern Pacific
Tariff for Ten
Great Northe.n and
Issued a New
St Pnul. Pi b I The tin iff i. due
tlctis on the (Jrent Northerg and
Northern Pncifle went Into oaTt
day. The MdwCtlOBO, which vnr
.'i to 15 per cent affect mainly the
classes.'' and .Milium! it lutes ou
lumber. Hour ntid wheat i cumin
chunked. R idttctlnni in the
raten are pnetnoned until later
Captr.in Be' tram Tracy Claton, U. S. A., haa been divorced from hia
wife, who did net fight the auit. being anxious again to marry. Clayton
aerved with honor in the Philippines.
Di to
i toni
11 the
year, ns II Is President Hill s Idea that
1 1 on t ions nt this time Would not help
the farmers as neatly all the BMl
j has left their hands.
Changes on Southern Roads.
Halelgh. N . Feb I 1 II Mar
K i today nssiini- d office as siiperin
d ndefll of the scc(inil division of the
It i.o.ird Air Line with In adiiimrtet s
i In this city, icllovlnn F. K Huger
I WbO l eslarned to become superintend
ent of the rharlea division of the
Southwestern Hallway. For If years
Mr Unreel was connected with the
Xorolk Welt On system
Erie's Freight Traffic Manager.
Ni o York. Feb. 1. The appoint
ment of It. It i ha m In i lain as ftelght
traflli' manau i ol the Kile railroad
system, which became effective today.
Is believed by railroad men to mean a
rcdiKtlon of the sphere of authority
of O. M ('umtulng. first lrlCfprOol
ii nt, In charge of traffic, about whose
possible rislgnation there have been
pertloteni niBwra tor some awoki
Mr ChOBlborlOJO liegan his rilllroail
in i , 1 1 I s 7 . with the New York
Central Pmm hko to ittJ he was
chief leik 111 St Louis of Hie freight
depai'ttnent of the Iron Mouutalu
railroad Foi UTOMl yiais past he
lias In - ii Kastern In lght and trunV
nut oncer ol tin- Brin.
Monte Carlo Chess Tourney.
N'iiii. Fell. I 'ln-ih Otportn I nun
outny pnrti of tne rtvlllaed world have
nthniMl at Mont. Cnrla tot the gronl
1 1 i - notional QBOOg POMTOM and tnui
nnMont n bo bold during tbn next
irteb oi ten days a prellnlnnry eon'
iii. me was held today at which the
rules and regulations for the toanM
BtoM win doefdad The opening (day
InJtM l lai e Monday Aim iii n will be
repreoented In Um oonteol by Pills
burjT, Mm shall and Napli r
St, Louis lnV6ttigRtkn Pronr
ises to Result in Grave Dis-
cloBurM d( PerfWy iy officials.
Grand Jury Will Make Final Report
Tonight Warrants Issued Chary
ing Also Ptrjury Bank Clerka Sun
poenaed -Another Boodle Fundi
St I inns, Feb I The dual report
ot Mm irnnd Jury will be made V
night it promises to provide) moat
annntlonnl reading. Hoveral benrfh
wnrrnntl charging briboen and per)
iv will In- Issued thla afternoon. B
Is reported this morning that several
bank Clerka have been suhpoenaoe)
nnd li was hinted the Jury had ir
i d tiaie of atiotlier boodl fund.
therefore She Took Catholic Acid
and Died Niece of the GeneraL
i id i inn. i 1 1 i-'i i. i i ana n m
t 7 ai old in .i d ( 'til d. i ate (lea
mi Brng?i inlcldoel with onrbotK arid
iasl ii Ik lit becaiihe a gypsy furtuno tot
h r whose nagW she had aroused, pre
dieted sin- would I,.- murdered within
o days.
Tin appropriation by ..ingress for
pensions is six and a half million dot
lars less than lust year.
Good Roads Needed in the Islands
Insurrection Carried on By Chris
tian Filipinos.
vVushiugton. Feb, i. Tsn roauniofl
his testimony baton tfea kMMM Phil
IpplavOJ OOMMltMO this moining. Ce
bu. be aaid, la one ot the most popu
loua provinces iu the Philippines
Hoads an badly needed throughout
the archipelago, both tor strategic and
commercial renaona. A million not
lars already has been ,-xpcnded on
this work. When tbe eommlaaion
made their tour ot the Islanda they
found all industries greatly iiiteiruot
ed dm to an epidemic, rinderpest,
which carried off ".' M r eeut of the
cuttle, and to war This, however, is
not tbe case now
In response to a question. Taft said
he thought then Wen between live
and six million ( hrlstian riiiplnos,
about two million i the non Christian
tribes, about two million Moros The
Christians, he declared, were those
who were carrying on the insurree
Recruit for Pnilippinea.
j San Francisco. Feb 1. The trans
port Thomas which sails today, ear
i ries 15)l unussigned recruits to the
Philippines Among the officers aall
ing on IM TbOMM re Majoi William
i Paulding of the Third Infantry , First
Lieutenant Pear! M Sliaff.-t ol tbe
I Thirteenth Intontn Henry M M
Feiiy ot the Tenth infantry; Hecund
i I It utenant H U Bui tiunan and, H L
Kvans, of th, Ninth Infantry Johu M
Craig, of th, -Twelfth Infantry. Wll
liam H. Plui ii.er and Samuel C Or
chard, of the Third Infantry ; W B
RentlHin'" and DotlClM H Jacobs, of
; the Fifth Cavalry W P Screws and
Leonard T Itaker of the Nineteenth
Infantry. Melville H Te heheimer. of
the Eleventh Infantry and James T
Hun hinson and Joftn 1- Finlayson, of
the Philippine seoute.
lUlicn Queen Coming.
Rome, Feb 1 Dowager Queen afar
gertta has expressed the Intention of
visiting America. She will go to Ni
agara Tails Yellowstone Park and
perhaps to California
Employe Muat not Meddie
Waahlngtuti Feb 1 Rooaevalt
haa laaued orders forbidding employ
ea of government attempting to In
flue nc. legislation under panaXy of
Dsstinguisned Party Will Be Met and
Esccited to Tabernacle foi Welcom
ing, Nashville, IN un Feb I Nashville
is decked out In Its best bib and tllek
r In anticipation of the coming of
Admiral Hi hle Th, down town
atieetl an- gay with Mags and bunting
aim many strangers are In town The
Mrt) of dlstlngiilsheil gin-sts will be I
i.i.i . n lotl'e and iittli la!1' vv. h omed
ITmn ai riving In the city Admiral
Schley will bo driven to the Taber
nacle, where w. -I, uming addresses 1
win i.e delivered by Governor McMil
lan Mayor Head and I'icsident ar
i,i In ant. ol th, Detail Merchants' As ,
aocintion. Th, two dnjm' program of I
. tin tthliinii nt will i.i tot mall) usher
ad in tonight with u baaejnofi for
which olnSorntn ai in ii L.-I tnetits have
in-, n made.
Reported by I. L. Ray 4. Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
New York Keb I Then- was
Bt arfafy anything doing In wheat to
day. the disposition ol tin trade being
to await developments a hen the snow
un. overs the winter wheal Liver
pool closed r, I N w Yol k open
td and dosed Ua '"Imago
open, d 77v and closed Tv' Stocks
steady Money 4 mt cent
Cloaed yeetarday, 83.
Opened today today n'c,
Range today
Cioaod today U
Sugar. 12C
Steel 43 iH
Bi Paul, 164',
Union Pacini "IV
Carolina Oav Celebrated.
Charleston H C t' t 1 This waa
Carolina day on the calendar of the
Charieaton eipoaltlon and It proved
to be one of the moat notable days
IjjM tbe gates of the big fair were
Aral opened Arriving trains laat nlgbt
ai d early tbla morning brought a- ores
uf visitors and long before noon tha
exposition grounda were crowded
Many special attractions had been
provided by the management In the
way of formal axerclaea an entertain
ing program was carried out In the
auditorium addreaaea being delivered
by eminent representatives of the
atate. city and the expoaltlon com
Woman's Work
in preparing appetizing and
wholesome food is lightened by
this famous baking powder
Light Biscuit
Delicious Cake
Dainty Pastries
Fine Puddings
Absolutely pure. It adds
healthful qualities to the food.
Baking Powder
Tha "Royal Raker and Paatry
Cook moat practical and
valuable of cook booka
free to every patron. Serai
toll addeee by postal card.
Their die bjaaj Ink ma powder,
made ft oiii dlum, but thry are ri
ccedingly harmful to health Theii
aatlingent and ,ut ruing qualitica
add a dangeroutt element to food.
aovat basino aowota to . tea wiikiaat ar , atw
wie t;aierday