M-M"M"M"f UK MtlllUHIM Geat Slaughter of Prices Winter Goods Mast be Closed Otrt. Vi mo pulfinfl out til 'Mil suits BOd overcoats, at n big re duction during this til( Vnii w ill find our net prices far below the prices of others on the same Roods notwithstanding the bin dtscou; :s Offal I b) tome, The size of the disouint does nut mean air tliiim to thi purchaser.; it is the net prici that T determines whetivr an article is bargain IuliH WjustH and U rappem nt a reduction. La li s ';is and Fun graatly reduce.! in price. Plannalattaa and French Flannels at out prices. 1 nmforts also at reduced prieHH the farms am! home oi the stntc wliile offering enormous exemptions to tiu oorporatloaa, They pay rata lively hut B tithe of the tflXeH tin ) ought to pay. The favoritism Ot Which they are Ihf bSBeBclaflSS has made them all-powerful In politics ami behind the Quay machine stands the vast corpora ta IbBbsbcs whoa strength lies In Its immoral prUileg x es. m ei lOflM ot outbargains I' -fore the stock is l eke I T P V Where Wnole Families can Trade I HE ies can Trade taw FAlR i i i I I I It I I I I HI Htl I I II Hl I II 144-1 PRnu JANUARY 31 itot, movements 'lied BXMtl taaat of the accumulated largely. In b) virtue of the cardinal party platiorm THE PASS EVIL. Kill was The atati democrat! coatral Battles met today in I'ortland I: catherniK ol leadtai men bora of the imrty t" formuhlta plait i. the cmbIbb cMnpalgn A luarteetlon araa made b) thl Baal I nxttas tin oth er da, arhteb will bear repetition. I' wm tlu l.et the Oregon democ racy taki iu the tree pass evil, and I i I'orati r. :t- plntto-n an opriH ion against the continuance of the Bl 'is. daaUMUllaa that all who a -cept aoaUaatiaa at the hands of the stats I 'i.e. m BeBtfi that the will re i .-!'.. i - i .11 au trans- apply alike ta state. iei official. It will he i ollcj . ami will appeal thl s'ut. It Will be Ul win Iperoaaad toi used in sincerity. "It' is ileniauded lu He reproeenta a very powerful ele ment that opposes the Philippine polto) Me tielieves that this eountry Ik ShOOthSJ down people who are aierel) rolaalai to attimi that they to not hellev. In the Declaration of In- depeadsaoa, Believing thin, as do millions of people win. are atllliauts ol the re nubllcaaa it la paaslaa stsaaajs that he .;i retaia his membership in the elt H- l otllCSSes that III the ( Use "i tin Filipino a principle vltai throuahotti all Usas is involved PThlk when protection lie coualdei .1 l: i onh n policy of ecouonilcs that is Involv.-ii. His attitude Is an open eoateealon that he . wllUai to sacrifice tin sacred rights of u poo . I ;n. si holds we are doing in the Pblllpplaes, for a system that OBlj lor money prullls. Such Ol Ofa ' la indeed, hevond coniprele'i,. ion .ti fitrnsajis utilises a poea- liai text book on logic, apparently. The fanaeri ami home own. Poaaalvaata paj I1S.H in taxes mi each 1 1000 m vaim while th. itean rallrondH pay hut fl.fS, rbe tartaera ami bomeownen pa) $lti.6r per 1000 Of value, while the 'street railways pa hut 11.7." The tarmers and home owners pa) $n.ro par taao af value while the telegraph and telephone rompsnles pay but t:.2u. It Is this sort Ol "reform' that dot Nash la plotting to aaddle on Ohio. He litis gone lo a good school in on. ing over to Qaayaom ror his Ideal Then' Is no trick In fooling the pen . nle which has not been redttced to .i Rue art in this poor commonwealth. There is no shoot which does not puss muster here as an achievement In Stateeataftahlp. There Ih no swindle that does net command the npplausc of Its victims ami the support of the oress ami the pulpit. Yet even In POBBBylvanta the pee urew tired Of the false pretens. ami are beginning to see the trans parent trauds which have been I nt poaed on them under the color of tin law ami With the sanction of high an thority Tin tanners ami home own era are waking up. and while they may not Baa clearly what needs to lie done they do see clearly that the) are being rohhed. ami that tie I IS under which the paj tribute m the corporations Is responsible for their unhappy plight The lOeHaStOWB 1 1. moeral r v. s and OLD PEOPLE ME The Plac to Buyj i. -i... .nlTtM sail ok J line ol Utb Bad Circulation is the cause of most of the Ills that come with old ape. With advancing veais there is a decline of utreugth ami vigor the machinery of the body movea with lam speed ond accuracy. Because of the weak and irregular action ot the bean tin i.iooo moves more siowiy, occomes impure anu loses much of its life-sustaininsr iiroiHTties. mi l muscles, ttssuea and nerves literally atanre for kwk ol nourishment A sltiKgi.-tu and polluted circulation is followed bra long tram of bodily ailments. Cold test, chilly sensations up mnl down theapfne, poor appetite and digestion, soreness ot the muscles, riieumatic pains, Hard and fissured akin, face sores, chronic running ulcers on the lower lmiKs and other parts of the body these and many other diseases peculiar to old people are due to a lack ol ULt. . PK Tar t'Warn,,: Brick, I'laster Sar 8cr ann v. ,.i . m.iu ni- - ., bauth; 1 ood and impwfect dreulation, Hcstorntion to health must come through ..... T 'ill I lAn. i Win, Bpj ' -tt Pipe Um illdimj Bp and purification of the blood, thus adding strength and tone C the vital organs and ouick, healthv action to the effCBlatioa, B B. bettUJ strictly a vegetable blood remedy ami the beat tonic, makes it thenn. valuable and efficacious of all medicine for old people. It la free from all ininc:.i: iii -it dicuts, and mild and pleasant in its action. It cures blood diseases c en those inherited or contracted in early life. Aetheaystem Pts us influence of S. 8. S. there is a marked improvement In the general health and aa richer and purer blood logins to circulate through the body the n appetite im and there is n softness and elasticity about the akin that you n. rORSTFR D rat i - ' 'I mi I ' 1 1 tt . t I . . I n Lumber Yard have not noticed for vcars ; sort-s iicciu iicai. e.r.ns in uiiuu iea ana lomts irrmi in. v ceM-e. mi. "ii bint in. o u is fxwsniie u neiniiipv im.i iirniinTeven in old ape Ourni in. in i-in i lurge of physicians who make a atudy of blood and skin diseases, It vou would like to have their Opiaioa and advice in your cose, about it and vou shall receive such information and advice as you v. it you in. thing. Others have found our medical depart MS it benefit to them their cure being much more rapid us the result of oun s' direction, received irom our pnysicians. I inn t be your ow n doctor w hen vou can get medical advice free. Book Blood aud Skin Diaeeeea mailed to nil who desire it. MIL SW II I SMtiCIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, OA. James A. Howard Vou get GOV. NASH b GOLD L,l,iCK. This should cotiat) ..in! oti a sound bit i. to th p. opli i'. loi :u, IllWll.e f it be BfOOd sun all laoaos tnl. en up by the Oregon de tha trust Btieraej It is the prime essential ". ' " ,uy tl,l,l,u' to Tom L. to th. npbuildiB, of the party ,n this m Z stat. And the tree pass evil, i Oolumbw Ohio. A hill has been brought promlaoatl forward, win drafted la the attorasir paaorala of- arrvii :tben the urgauiation ..:. .itlv "' :" "QaOBl ot (Sovernor Nash """i-r a ' ori.oiatloi. tax in "hlo Tie bill eiimhliies the fen. tures of the l.lttlufleld MIL now pend- rre, ;,i... , s-natoi Um Idaho ' V"' "w 1 nrk law suggested l DUBOIS BAD BREAK senator Until Idaho. has signalized his r. turn to the BPfWI houn ,.f i ongresa by giving utter-, auce to the sentiments In which he I Wtl hav. Itttl, Hiiimort by the people1 ot the couatry Ha attacked Oeneral ' Wheaton. a gallant officer, brave and j i foteii to hfs t rof.-aalou. and who1 iraoj thi earliest days of the Civil War has earned honors for his mill-1 lary nam. Dubois may oppose aa he will the policy of the administra tion in tb. Philippines, hut he has not the warrant to make his animadver sions the auso of Insults to such worthy men as General Wheaton. It a plainly a case of bad taste, as well as of wrotohod policy Such blunders injure the political organi zation Which elect,.-.! him to the nen ate, ami disgust all decent people. Imbols baa Jolne.; the democratic party, and id.- aeceaaion was thought to be a distinct gain for that great tattl. However it trausplres that it at. aii instance of doing more harm bf eejBlBfl IMB be would have doue by remaining elsewhere. General Wheaton follows orders He obeya hla superiors if there bo criticism for the Philippine policy, lot It be di rected toward the persons rusponil Die tor it Lmboia may well receive excoriation at the hands of demo crats and republicans alike. Ideas tie! Sc etnry o State CARNEGIE ON FILIPINOfi Andrew Carnegie Inveighs against the policy of the United States In the Phlllpi.ii.. - He referred to It while sneaking of the English and the Doers and made between them a comparison as to the principles In volved. Mr. Carnegie Is one of the strongest members of the republican party He has received from Its pro tection policy as much benefit aa any other one man He la lust now en gaged In distributing several scores aHn ' of millions of dollars in educational Ing the great burden of taxation upon In ami sonic ir-v fJoveruor Nash l-ayllu It provides lor publicity or the af :aiis . oi i orations in Ohio, ponai lies tor. perjury in making annual statements to the secretary of .state i."! foi an annual tax for all corpora tions iioiiis- business In Ohio both do mestic and foreign. The hill will be carefully- considered by Governor .He' Hie state officials, am! limy SS modified In some respects before it is Introduced to the legislature. T' aim of Governor Nash Is to bead af the winning tight which tin Cleveland mayor la making for straight taxation Nash realizes that the people of Ohio are with Mi John OB in his battle against favoritism .01 the corporations, ami now the Will governor i to the front with a gold brtek -me which he believes will work a.- . ' in Ohio as It worked in Illinois ami elsewhere The corporations will make no real opposition to tie Nash hill Thev may preu-nd that thoy fear It. and thOJ may make a great show at op l osing It Hut It will be for effect. It w ll; be iii .-i .-! . .art ot th. play Th. meauure Itself Is tholr own Bug K.-stion And Its true design Is not far to seek. sea The corporation tax scheme In Penn sylvania la a fraud and Its adminis tration In a scandal. It was concoct ed by the corporations themselves, and it uao operated wuollv In their nit. -resta. The Pennsylvania state grange has recently thrown light on the workings of the law, and the facta brought out ought to be Interesting to the people of Ohio, who are expect ed to be buuLOed by the Nash false pretense. Tom Jonhnson h program is an hon est and open one. There la no thlm-ble-rlgglng about It and no appeal to the galleries U is merely a plain proposition to tax railway and other corporate values on the same basis that other property Is taxed. And It la to escape doing tbla that Gover nor Nash concocts his precious bill. There waa never anything more hopeleaely dishonest than the cor poration tax law In thla state, which i has been taken as the model for Gov. bill. It has the effect of nil-1 SCHLEY'S FINE BEARING It takes a man with admirable gsll control ami with a positive genln- for tanlturntt) to Mes such a bom hard meal as baa welcomed Admlra schiey to Okteaao without amhina as aai ot himself. That he has stood the ordeal without having lo inn a tlmetooh on his hps is tin boat prpol thu the p nausea i a level head Noth that be evi did throughout h.s BBd honorable car. at in th. BS io redounds to Admiral Bchle) i credit as his beating In the midst of th. volelferous eulogies ul thl ad ir landlubbers ol Chicago. I hi nature oi this a ell nme was ,11 calculated to torn the head of a mod .ratal) modest man ami modes tj has not beefl considered Wlnfield Schley s overshadowing chat tatli Prom the moment be ttopped from the trait Batarday fore- '" 01 until he pulled the covers Up iii- weary aara Buaday morinug the; bad rung with the Beolalta that greeted bin as tin- commamlei ,r Bautlago Through th. atrooti al the rosop Hons, and amid the willeyed eheeis and sniok. oi thi HamiltOfl club ban 'i'" ' om populai parpoae was mad. clear. It found SXprssolOB In the motto accompanying tn. m unlet pol -ii tin;; "Honor tc Whon Hi r Is Duo." it was btagoasd ta the sin cb woi.i "Justice" that cropped out .'erywhere It louiid Its tltting rhet 01 1 Si climax in th. conclusion ot Cltork K. Can's speech "There is Olorj Rnough fm all " Vie! through tin- various BttOTBBC s oi the iav at- Admiral Behtaj was called upon to acknowledge' the warmth ol this reception he apobs B0 word asprsassd no ssattmoat that snu calculated to nononoliaa to aim seir an undue ahan ta tin speeta. itlar destruction of the maritime m "i of Spain at Santiago. W. are not of those who are .lis posed to place great dependence oil aaj man's disclaimers of ambition The history of the world Is too full at hiitamcs wh those protesting "I will ne'er consent consented " In.-,. ioi. when th. lime comes, If It ev.'i does come w. could not es pect that Admiral Behloy'a emphatic deulal of any aspiration lot anv civil ofBoe would embarrass his. aocepl Htea of nnv duty his fellow eltlzens might insist on thrusting upon him The:-.- is a sovereign polem-v In thai one word ' duty" Whlofa has haw found siiffleleut to brush aside the most solemn and sincere BSSonratloBS of th. will and purpose of man Por the day and the oecasiOB Ad Blral Scbley'a declarations were mod- is of discretion, and thev had th. ring of frank siuceret) Hut who can dam the tide of time and iMrcuin stance with a barrier of words? Ii' oni Herald. HEAL ESTATE BROKER. Court St. near Firet Nat. Bank Has Real Estate for Sale See Mere: Good Beer. 161) acres )( choicr wneat land out ten miles nortoeast of Pen ile tan. Tots is on of the finest imprvv r.ii f.i'ms ic the county and hau poon schnoi advantage. Will net' for caar or trade for equal value in unlmpro -land. tight Rim lots hi Prndletor. at $tl Ci Btti on JSy turn's. ISO acres of Wheat land soutn al Pendlrtnn $a00. -!G aorea cttuice fruit and gardsr 'a. ul near Milton. One iialf of trac m noa'inf, trult trie , 7 acrea a!:.. f.i. An unde" Irrijatmn. FlneU ft 0'owed. 120 arres on McKay Creek. A J' n al botton land undet irngatlciv balance oou wheat land, wall nr proved. S50 acres govd wheat land, in a liooy, four miles lr0m Pendleton; ten -s naif raen balaOSS on time tc '.i. it pure aser .t e , per cent le teres l. V iiet) you tlrink PILSNER BEER. Iroprtetflh. es OIH lint U U Feed Yard, M valni II. .r.. L. i v'dii i inj o ur 4 IV lake taken Tb? A lie fAurati a...... y ear , II V S A C vw , 1 u I lifn i) Hot ai bj headacha ixzinaaa A k for n. ti nt Schnlt Brewing Co j -'-f r.caam lumber BARGAINS! Slid other huilding n aterial includine Line, Cement. I'laster, Mrlck, and Sand. as adva s loras stock of ROOD ODTTaUl lot baraa and dwellmga. Oregon Lumber Yard Aits Rt.! opt). Cfmrt Hoasa REAL ESTATE for SALE i .i. n . l- ,' j ...Oku . uaiiiLi ui u hikkv- i ..ii..- iii J.nu.rv u ri In 'iii.h mnl iroien rNul, n i i in mi- win. wmiii .upniof won prl. r. an . : iir.'. . lu. .ordn in en urluK Hi. ir s ul.i io uir ilf. KUi.rie.t- uoiai'tiuu niilllltM NBaBu (so L'lH RBO inn sen acres aorm acre aarea iiere m inn ISO ao 111! Inn it. i. i-mm n Baw lieu I 1 1 em near n.-ur leodletoo. I '. oilletoli r.'li.lletoli Poudlotoa Pilot ICH-k acre- aorsa acres aotss iieren BOM I i.cre-i wheat w lout wheat arhaal wheat w beai w lieal lib 1 1 t land littiii html laud land land London salt a day consumes eleven toue of Nau's Dyspepsia Cure ties cured these caaea and It will cure you J. M. Church, IaGraiuir, Or. aaff, "I sufTenxi for ao years, and halleva had I not ustsl Nau s DfapSDalB 1 Ml I would not oe alive to write haaaavMstaL'1 Nathan b'alk, lioiae, Idaho saya: "I uttered for years; found BaBBJ raUat Out uii cure except yours." For sal by TaMaaan A Co.. and ail first class druagUta, or send to Frana Neu, Hortland Hotel Pharmacy, Port ind. Oregon. Price Si a botHe or 6 fori, express prepaid to Jit tiillee from UlWIl. Six New Houses Cheap. N.Berkeley ' HE RLAL ESTATE MAN. Having Hank Kuildtua, PendleUiu, Or. For Sale! Kijjlit lots wtth dwelling and barn, $3,000 rouB4 has seven rooms, batii, OSjllai and wood douse, city water, haul finished on stune foundation 1 he Columbia Lodging House MWn hTRMHHKl H I, 1 ( ONNKtTION IN I'ENTlBOi BLOta Ft t ."l.WEBBflf r.x.scmMPP.Prtn. WHISKBT Also four lots and BaSI . uttane, $1,250 VI I your 001 NO THROUGH . aasatass laundry win go ihrSuoi youi siiirt iii to wasliings won. out as comj letely a If you had ..rn it a year ve nave your ulurl and you money . We will aajd for linen if you aaji BS youradttrew, Tilt DOMESTIC UL'NDKV J. F. UobiiiHon, I'n.p. Peudlei.Mi Th Ea,t oregonlan la Kaatern Ore h "!' It leads, and the people appreciate It and ahow t by their liberal patronaue. It la tn. dvt,.(nu mtm H tniTatlon Otf Bad house, Jt.oou, 'ari I lOOablo tune on balance, or will sell on installments See uaia s. mis euHS The Louvre Sal PKNUUtTON FRANK B. K17 Main Street. SEALS yuVl IVH, Ntary and Corporation a-s . iniiir rarmers Custom Mill t0 3,0 Order of ""?Ssa Order, for Rub' aJai. nollclted. 'd Wahtare, Peaeietr. Capacity, UO barMU a Oaf. riuur tuohaaaad for wheal 'loot, am vatid uaeppae e aieis si hand