THIMIHDAY. .TANt'AHY 30. IMS HAVE YOU HKKN OUR PRICES N Felt Slippers, Felt Shoes and Jersey Leggins Kok I. AIM km, M Imhkm AND CHTLDRKHT BE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Who osii atlnnl In hmvv wet feet when you 0M bay nihheiN nt such price: Lading Storm ruhlurs. 20c MiMM Storm rubbers, 15c Child'i storm rubbers, mc Dindinger, Wilson & Co. .. Successor t" Cleaver Bros. WILL THERE BE ANY TROUBLE NEXT SUMMER ! Nyr Citizen Say he Think Some thing Should be Done to Prevent Collision. 0, B. Taylor, of Nye, who was In lvuilleton yesterday, said to the Kaat Oregonion : "Cannot something he done to pre vent trouble between the sheep men ami the cattlemen during the coming summer ? Certainly this should ho done If It 1 posKllile to to do I have own told that the ahep men have en tereii into an agreement to reitat the cattlemen with u-y necessary force ue.xt ISalQU, rial that If It in needed all herders will K" ready to do as the are done hy. TIiIk Is what I learn from the people who represent soni--what 01 the shee Interest! of thai count). .ilthoiiRh I cannot say how ex tensive lon h an agreement may be. or whether or not It I general anions the sheepmen." Wh.-n ihMp men and cattle men .11. UllkSN) with It Is learned that last summer thep were affairs of blood shed that never came to the knowl edge ! the outside world. an li affair, were reported extensive ly yt n i jJJjbsAljf true that many other- were hushed tip bv '' 'n,ur anted parties. This Is not to say that there is any regime of universal bloodshed la the range eouutry. dur ing thi- summer, Ror that the sheep ni- 11 and cattlemen SN inaugurating a system of warfare In which ieople will he shot In great numbers. It Is nn 11 j tn say that there have been In stance of trouble between the con Mi miik' interests: that It Is difficult to dolor Bias Just what are the right mean employ to stop the trouble. The reason Is that there Is no offi cial manner of deciding who shall use curtain grazing lands, and this cause many persons to feel agrleved and to resist the encroachments of other, .ometlmes these others being owners of the name class of livestock as tiiemsetves. In other words, sheep men sometimes quarrel with sheepmen and cattle men withe cattle men. MURRAY AND MACK TONIGHT. JUDGE LOWELL SPOKE AT THE UNIVERSITY. Would you HTS M .: M 1 - 1 i. 1 8th V V 1,0 V -i NUAV 4 a TX E ONLY THING Om THI moai 1 ONIOHT- MURRY & MACK TOMORROW PALOMx SEVEN MILL TAX Offerings at the Frazer Opera Hous' Hemainder of the Week. The popular Irish comedians, Mm ray and Mack will be seen at the Krazer tonight. In "Shooting tin t'inites.' n niece abounding in musi al numbers, and lots 01 comedy to 1 nliven the occasion. Everywher th N lavorltes of the IllOntoYantllg p. bite aii being received Wltfl Btbttf iism. ami the critics are snytng good niings of them. Paloms The coming of I'alomn will be u MptJCtftl Interest to all Interested In music of high order ami It will parti 1 larly please the younger pecple, fo." I lomn 111 .1 'ill, notwltheran II P Bhe 1 enilerw tile most dlffien I 1 mposltlon.s. and has with her he, sicter Karla. younger and possesin - i.rcely less talent. I n Ionia pla. 1 to these prices: I'arqtn t 7.". icnts; oln c. fio cents 1 llery. 25 cents: all school chtlttP . the city. 2f cents. They may g.-' 11 ir seats at Krazler's took More 1 1 ic rrow. Friday. DR. CHRISTIE SAYS THAT HE IS POSITIVE. Special Offer. For the last week of our book sab.-. radiOi Saturday. February 1 OIImou'- 1'rawiiigs, tfi.isi, now $3.85 Wttwter'n . .1 !.'.: Dictionaries $4.85 I-anion- lo mo. standard 7.S- edition- 42c (lilt top Mi 1110 staiidanl 4h edition 22c TALLMAN & CO. THE LEADING DRUGGISTS. Affirm HI Diagnosis Is Correct Had Experience as English Insper tor. Or. J. Christie, whose diagnosis ot tin- disease now affecting hogs In this county, started the present discussion anent the nature of the malady, n af 1:111. h,- Hi.-; i-uti'im-iii and say.- D Knows It Is hog eholeia. and that he has found cases In the worst stages or the disease. He states thai his opinion Is based upon careful ex itntlUfltlon and that he had six years experience as n Inspector of Jive stack tm itrltlsh government bi )Mm training in regular veterinary s. hools. He Is willing to submit his case t any qualified authority, ami ha.- no objection to having the state hacterloloulst. K. F. l'ernot. of Cor vallis. make a report upon the subject in controversy. It aiipears that hoc cholera, has np 1 " ir.'il in V. si.ti Oregon, n ti legrani from Corvallls saying that from a sec' tlon of hog's lung received at the Ag rh'ultural College the bacteriological department has determined that swine plague exists In a herd of hogs i!i Marlon county. The sample came from a Salem veterinary, whose letter relates that on the farm from which It came 100 hogs have died A guinea pig Innoculated with germ from the specimen died in eight hours exhibiting all symptoms of the Sit ease. There Is no known remedy for the malady, ami the only available precaution Is acparatton of the Infect el, from the healthy animals Car casses of hogs that have died from the disease should be burned COUNCIL LEVIES AT THAT RATE FOR 190. Also a Poll Tax of $2 on All Men Not Exempt Under the Laws. The cltj council met last night at the council chambers In regular scs toll, with Councilman Clopton in the rhalt in the absence of Mayor llaih y All tile COaUCtlOMtl Were present (ex cent C A KlBier. An oidlnunci was read for tin Ufa! tittle, rules suspended and pas.seil to gn Into effect as soon as It receives tin- ognat'itt tin mayor, providing that n special tax of 7 mill.- In-levied on all taxable property In the city of Pendleton tor the purpose of paylug interest on all boini sXIhm than water bonds, for tin year I901. and paying the propt)l amount into the sinking fund It provides furtlMf that a spclal ta of I mill be levied or all I '" ' lovles and also the sum H be collected from every male person In the city between l'ii mid fin years of age. ban lug those exempt under laws 01 tin state of Oregon, to be used for tin tin provement, building ami maintaining of streets In the corporate limits K X Hchemp's saloon license wa reneweil for Bllolhel .sx months W H Mi Corinai-b presented a psyfl tlon which was granted, asking that lit he allowed to erect and maintain two telephone poles on Washington street. The following bills as rent ami city 1 Ilb ials' salaries v. .-re allowed .1 r Heam $n .1 M ll.atliman. $:.". J w Behalr MS; winiam Coffman No; P 11. r. o c !i carter $-::. H I Stlllm.11: 10; W It Wltln. Psadltton Isvlnga Bank, Mrs. On rains $i" Qnetrga Dnrrnnn s total, MSI lUftna Students Listened to Address on "Law and Lawyers," on Tues day. Judge B A Lowell, of Pendleton, ipoki to the studanta at the Dnlvaral v o OrngOtl On Tuesday evening. In ! ne, on the subject of "Law and 1 iwyera,' Mi mnnrhi being heard with deep Internal by tha student l)0d) and odhnri who assembled in the collage ehnpal one excerpt is1 here given from his address: Then- are today, roughlv speaking, fotli 1 laaaaa of lawyers- tlrst, the cor poratlon attorney, who draws an as lired -alary or retainer, of ample magnitude; second, tha lawyer of the ,,1,1 school, who maintains the Ideals of hit profenalon, ami who is being SirtWl) crushed between centralization 01 , ommorctal Interests on the one. nam and the sharp practice of his otnnctltors on the other: third, those, men nominally lawyers who supple men! their meaner professional In- on bj collections, loan and Insur anc bualneaa; fourth, the 'rantler,' . eks business " the same moth . ' .1 thi trnvnllni salesman secures In- orden and Who either never knew ,n hns forgotten that the duty of an upright counselor Is to prevent, not ; to foster litigation." The 8word Discarded. In the Brtthth army tin sword has been discarded, so Tar as Its useful ness Is concerned In modern war fan A hall century ago It wns con ldered the best weapon, hut the rllle has now taken its place At the present tlnn thousands of people are discarding their Old methods of trying to cure stomach ami bowel complaint ami an using the old re liable Hoetetter'l Stomach Hitters It has never been known to mil In casex 01 Indigestion dyspepsia con stipation, biliousness liver and kid Be) troubles, or malaria fever and Bgwa and a trial is therefore recom Bended it has ben before the pub lb for fifty years, ami by Its lecord of cure- during that tlnn has firmly eatabllShed its superiority over all Other remedies. Try a bottle and satisfy yourself Tin- Tokta correspond' .it ot tb Dally Bxpreaa onblea that over soldiers have been froen to death it. Northern Japan PERSONAL MENTjON APPRECIATION POR EX-MAYOR VINCENT. Counciimen and Cituens Present a Fine Snhtaire as a Testimonial of His Efficient Services. At the close of the council meeting on Wednesday evening, Acting Mayor Clopton ruse and in a few well chosen remarks, presented ex-Mayor Vincent with a beautiful thrcw.uarier carat diamond ring, which had been put chased by voluntary subscriptions from the citizens of Pendleton to show their appreciation of his three years' reign as mayor and the work in had accomplished in the interests oi the city. This was a genuine aur prlM to the doctor, as he had been asked to attend the meeting to con suit with the council In regard to the special lax they were figuring on levying. He thanked the council! and eitueiis for their token of appracia tlon of his efforts and said be valued this gift, not only for it.- money value, but because It told him the feel ings of the people toward his administration lhtPendleton Shoe Company Hav 500 puirti ot Misses Shoes, thv are Helling at, - pair rornser price irom ai.30 to 91.75. 500 pairs (liildrmi's Shoes at, per pair urmer prices Iron Si.aS to Si. 7V $1.45 $1.20 fla.y Bargalaa la run mmd Uuftoa' Ahoee. DON'T PAIL TO OUT OfJK PsMCHS. Pendleton Shoe Co. 645 Main Street, Feadleton, Oregon. Iiinies ami William Harris are , town Iron Weston A. Nolle left this mom ijl for 11 business trip to Portland. florae, WalKe: ha- gom to BtOOk ton to visit his sister. Mrs C. It Dun 1 an. Qeorge vV Ehroohatel ami VnA Pink erton arera la town yeata rrtaj from vVeatoa. Ml and Mrs W S. Falling hav. n turned from their business trip to Washington. Mr ami Mrs H. A Tliouson 01 this cit. are visiting their parents ii' a 1 Kugene. Blaaai K Olaafti lep yaaterda at 1 mng lot Pieri e Ottjr, Idaho, to looi, aitei hi- mining interests imige s a i.ow.ii has retnmed frOM Kugene where he delivered III. address to the law Students ot the university. Miss Hllib-i siipei inteinlent ol the New Walla Walla hospital lafl IN the train this morning N lo-i return after visiting friends in Pemlb on Sam HantM ami tw biothers ai Milton who spell i the Wlntei in loruia returned last night ami M) they are pleased to gi t bad hoi Obarlaa Knucb, pnlBtai ami pmaral engine inspector lot the O. & Kailroad Company, ints retimed f rot i Slarlllick Where he bjg heel, allele ing to the business of the eompMJ C A Payne, wife and famll ,-n yesterday evening tor Port folllni Col , where Mr Paym- wkO is i e.j, peiiiei and builder, ha a joi on Un ix w beet sugai factory i balltg elected there. lioiiry Mill who ha been dOVB with typhoid i.-ver at tin hoi I hi- brother. James Mill in Kast Pendle ton, is much better and will be sit ting up in a few days mil. , ,, tare lor the worse Is taken J. W. liudemann. of the Warren locality was in town regtatdaj Mr, Hinn umn ban placed an ordei with Montgomery ltrothers 01 thin ir material, and will greet hlmaali I residence in the spring. T. U. Wllmeth. ronreMntlag the American Printing Ink Ooapni Chicago, being the I'aclhe Coast agent, with baadquartei ban Fran ciseo. is in Pendleton arriving last night from Baker City K. M. Oliver left on last evening W. A C. K. train for Pasco, to m -. his sister, Mrs Mary Uabcock win is expected to arrive there tonlghl from Minnesota. She is 73 yea age and will make her boau bare svlth her brother. LADIES' Warm House Slippers 75c to $1.50 Warm Lined Shoes $1.25 to 2.50 Warm Slippers for Children Peoples Warehouse Feettitters. Victory at Last. FALUNQ HAIR AND DANDRUFF CAN BE CURED. OP ALGINE The Latest Scientific Discovery Cures all lorms of Scalp Diseases, such as I 'an. drilii baldness cVc , and will stop the Hair from Falling out. As a Dress mg it has no equal, keep ing the Scalp and Hair in Healthy condition. The entire street car system of Vi tuna baa bean transterre.t from bOftt to electric power OPALUINE HAIR FOOD CO a BALTIMORE, MD. ' k a aleOOMAa, a u tor i ouu0 Ms vietaltr. think of going hnck Uxwndlti ftef lining oil la in s No. A n ti you wouldn't think il using any. thing else after trying bug of our Qfttoiina I.ntnps. SOLD ON Owl Tea House Mother's Pride.Coffee. TRANSFER, TRUCKING, ST O R A G K. m CR0WNER BROS. TKI KI'MnNK MAtn 4. THE French m "wet stsj fPnl U I in ,n"Clt,. aw . EXTRAS OPEN Da You p-et What from us. yon 81 B Mock m wnnn ta ti 4 All L nn. v-F'ailLF (V nnl "H saIN Is.. Truck ino Af T...4 M , . QIIU Laati Bros. 51. JUL 5 run Wc art still in the saildle driving prices down d Ihe LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURES ii ALL DEPARTMENTS of this STORE We are SLASHING PRICES in order to -'t in shape for our BIG BPRING STOCK, winch will com mence to arrive soon. If you are hunting Bar gains, we have them for you. Kcnicmber, the largest stock in the county to Mitel from Cotrn .uid set us. THE LYONS MERCANTILE L. AJ Ai -J A X.- -Xj -U -U AS ASA A A AS A A A HJiHitilAlJIg Jtgglg V a a r !rtsay A SURPRISE ii .Jin isi mir luiui ! f tV wsag 1 , H V turpriaei delights I , i. ii .u ,lttmns 11 l III 1 1 1 1 1 . ' L " k 111! lll'lh 1,1 " " as an kept in sn lip to Date, First Class Furniture Storr i in- largest siock irom which u avravi r---- def competition IJiuh-rlakinn ptrlOffl IB connection M. A. RADER. Main and WDP Streets ' C,1U' . : u.j,ltlltl - B-S a .am-a -v s ii mm s t-ii m. B SI I B B I BBS IC I 'KM - ' in all limghtH, just rooeivod by ii m m a r m m h w n M m mm m t m ll i Ftrtnere and Stockmen are invited to g Mr. Taylor's prices before buying elsewnerc Alfalfa, timothy, Bromas IntmUi, BllH K"188; other seedn in quantitiJ to auit buyer? inquiries hy mail will roeiv (.romptattenu . mmmm. - . . . mm i . . k SSi k W i 1 A 1 ' I ill a I kV-f , . rIU urr TI M.m .trMt. Pendleion. Oieoa r sg, ........ " -' - - POULTRY and Interuntioual Poultry Food makee ! Beef Meal gives them flavor. Clamshells make them solid Mica grit aids digestion. Try a sample. i C. F. colesworthy. May, Grain and Feed. Pern!!00 a7 and 129 Kast Attn Street