Pendleton, Athena, THH YOUNfl WIPI OP ITHE SCOTCH MILLIONAIRE PUBLIC SCHOOL PUPILS LEARN SOME OF ART Discarded Photograph Negatives Furnish Material for their Use. 1 THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1902. MEASURE OFFERED CONGRESS (Concluded.) itvs in . for tin- payment of all othpr expenditures provided hn In this act. Provision for Schools. IVivldcd, that III case tlx receipts from the sale ami disposal of lands refiTnsI to In thU section arc Insuf ficient to meet the requirement lor the Mpport Of agricultural COltSgti In the severs! states and terrltorlea. under the act of August 30. 18!"o, en titled "An act to apply n portion r,f the proceed of the public lands to the . complete endowment and fUppori of the colleges for the bSBStl of agriculture and the mechanic arts, established under the provision of an act of congress approved July 2, 18U2, the delcieaoy, if an. In the aum necessary for the support of the said college.- shall ba provided for from any moneys in the treasury not other wise appropriated. To Construct Work. Section 2. That the aecretary of the Intel lor is hereby authorised .ind dlrecte.: to maKe examinations and stirr, v for. and to locate and cor truer, is herein provided. Irrigation works for Ihe storage, diversion and development of water. Including ar tesian well, and to report to con gress at the beginning of each regular SOS-'.ll .l.s t.i til, result; ll! such - animations and surveys, giving est!- mates of works, the cost of all contemplated quantity and location of the lands tk ere from, which can M irrigated and all facts relative t i the practicability project ; also the of -each irrigation cost of works in Of process 01 construction as well as thoe.- which have been complete d From Public Entry, lection :t. That the secretary of the interior may. In his discretion, withdraw from public antrj the lands required for any irrigation work con templated under the provisions of this act, and shall restore to public entiv any or the land so withdrawn When, In his judgment, such lands are net require,! for the purposes of this acf that public lands which It Is propotod to irrigate by moans of any Mates plat I works shall be subject to entry only under the provisions of the bow it lnwi In tracts Of not lesr than 4" not mor. than 1M acres and shall i lUbjeel to the limitation, chance temu and conditions herein provided: Provided (hat the commu tation provision of the hnmestea law- shall not apply to entries male and si this act. May Let Contracts. S. tlon I That upon the .lit. inn nation bv the hecri'tary of the interior that an) irrigation projool Is practi cabl ii' may cause to be let con the construction of the IV hole or In part, providing neeeeaary funds therefor are ! kbli la tin reclamation fund, and then ipoi h shall give public notice Of the lands Irrigable under such pro ject, and limit of area per entry, which limit shall represent the acre age which, in the opinion of the aec retary may be reasonably required for the support of a family upon tl." land In question; also of the charge which shall be made per acre upon the nai l entries, and gpgg lands In private ownership which may be irri gated b the waters of the said Irri gation prsjesf and the number of an nual installment not exceeding 10. In whleb such charges shall be paid and the linn- when such payments shall commence. The aid charges shall be detersttssd with a view of rotsrsin. i the reclamation fund the mii.' i ost of construction of the project and shall be appottioned SS eorolsg to benefits Provided that hi all construction work eight hour shall constitute a day's work, and no Asiatic lahni shall be employed ther -on. Limit on Sales. Hutuji. That the entryman upon lauds t ie irrigated by such works Shall. In addition to compliance with the homestead laws, reclaim such lands foi agricultural purposes, and before receiving patent tor the lan.ts SSVSrsd bp his entry shall pay the government the charges apportioned against such tract as provided in sec tion lour No right to the use of water roi land In private ownership shall be sold for a tract exceeding it' MISS any one land dl 0 lueh right shall permanently at tach until all payment therefor are SAVE YOUR HAIR WITH SHAMPOOS Of uJ uybi 'meat! 'ffTT" pared of llaulakiuc urea Tide atopafuiliUH ban, reuiovaa eruait, aculr bud dandruff, aoothca Irritated, llcblug aurlanae, alliuululcM lha hair luliklaa, euppnt-a Ibe r,.,ta with tinerfy aud nourlalcmaiil, aii't cuHkni. ili. ban yruw n poo a eweei, whola cjni, hfaltby acalp when ail t-lae falla. oi' laaiaa band uatUMaurld l'na, awr,a. , Vi i mi nui him viiaa , aoi rroi omJIw 'Mawlebwa BmiOIBar Mrs. Lucy Carnegie, wife of Andrew Carnegie. s said to be lit hearty sympathy with the works of bcnevclence of her husband. She cooper ate? In a'l his plans. j made. The annual Installment slm e paid to the receiver of the lOOgl land office o the district in which th ' land Is attuatedi and n failure to BSke j an two payments when due shale I work a cancellation of the hOMSltSi I entry and a forfeiture 01 all light under tills act. All moneys received from th tbOTi source shall be paid Info the i ' Lunation fund. The Reclamation Fund. Section i. That the secretary c.t the interl. i is hereby authorised ai. , directed to use the reclamation film. for the operation and maintenance il all reservolt and Irrigation works construction under the roviiMons of this act: Provided that when ' payment required by this act are I made for the major portion of tlte i land Irrigated from th- water f any of the work herein provided ft-i then the management and operat1 n of. hut not the title to. such Irtlgati : works, excepting reservoirs and the works necessary fo- the- prsteol and operation shall pass to the w i crs of the lands Irrigated thereby, to ' maintained at their expense und I such form of organization and umb , such piles ami regu stloni a t. ay acf epfltilc- to tile scnretai o t ie ferlor. ,Msy Buy Se Use T. Thai oat tt'.c proeieioai Property. where, in oarrying Of thi act It he. n,c nc eessai to aequlri or property, the secretary t rior Is hereby authorised the same for the United in rights Ol the . to acquire Btatea iy purchase or b comb ninatlon utidc:' judicial process, and to pay from the reclamation fund the sums which may ii' needed for that purpose, and the Halted States circuit or district COUlta of the district wherein such property is located shall, ooncurrenth with the court of the state or terri tory, have Jurisdiction of proceedings for such condemnation and It shall b I the duty of the attorney -general of the Uajtsd States, upon every appli cation of the secretary of the interior, under this act. to cause proceeding tn ! be commenced for condemnation within 30 days from tin receipt ot th application at the deportment of Jus tice And In all such condemnation proceedings in the United State court the practice, pleadings, forms , and modes of proceedings in causes arising under this act. shall ronton. ' as near as may be. to ihe practice pleadings, forms and proceedings ex I isttug at the time u like causes n ' the courts of record of the state ui territroy within which such circuit or district court is held, and rule of th" court to the contrary not withstand life Conflict With Stele Laws. Section 8. That nothing in this act I shall be construed as affecting or In- tended to affect or to in any way In - terfer, with the laws of any Btate or territory relating to the control, ap propriation, use. and distribution of water used in irrigation, but state and jteriitonal laws shall govern ami con trol In the appropriation, use and dis 1 1 1 but ion of the waters rendered avail aid. by the work constructed under the provisions of thi act: Provided that the right to the use of water ac QUirSd under the provisions of thi i act shall be appurtenant to the land irrigated, and beneficial use shall be ; the basis, the measure and the limit of the right. Section I That the secretary of the interior i hereby authorized to perform as) and all acts and to make i such rules and regulations as may be I necessary and proper for the purpose it carrying the provision of this act i into full force and effect. RANCH HOU8E BURNED C. Rogers'. Living Half a Mile Nortn From Athena The residence of 0, Hogers, living ix half mile nortli of Athena, ww t stroyed by tire Tuesday morning, which eras caused by a defective stove pipe Most of the household goous j were saved but the house was reduced to ashes. Senator Spooner introduced a s I stitute for the Nicaragua canal bill Tin- new bill Is a practical a.ithorU. I tlon of the president of thi United i Htats to choose between ibe Hanan . and tbe Nicaragua routes. HOTEL ARRIVALS. The Pencil -ton. 'lockman, Sinlth. Portland Jonea, ion Francisco. Pi MtOBi Omaha I achapellc Utnatllli ( S T H, i Mrs Indian School. A Stevenson. I'oitlaml . 11 Colwell, Arlington A. B Heartfleld Ipokaaa 11 (lilndley. Portland, v i it- I U s,.nkane. J. S Charles B, '-linstock. William Maher. Portland. S. Stem berg, Ban Francisco. ( Richard. Sumpter. ; V Tgpe, Hot Lake. Harry W Wolf. New York. ' Miller. Portland - in Hradley. Arlington, t It Dunthat Portland (I. on;,. Harris. Portland Charles McAllister. Arlington The Golden Rule. II A Kay tier. Moslem c K Whistler and family. Carth l t? T li. Oosaell, (.rant's Pas Me) D Hurmtt BpOkaSS. Inn Uothrock. Maud Uothrock. And Uothrock. lames II. Kates anil wife. W W Stone HI Paul, (ieorge W. I'roeiistel. Weston, ('reel Pinkerton. Weston. v.. Blsaaisgsr, Dnptoa ii B Rita r, burton. A I Caldwell. Portland Urg, Payna and family. ii R MeBrsen Ipekaae. A. Schwartz. S. A. Travis. Spokane James Harris Weston William Harris Weston. I Council Umatilla. John Uozier. Yakima. SPLIT. BRITTLE. DULL HAIR. All Comes from Dandrut. which is Caused by a Germ. Split hair, harsh hair, lusterless hair, brittle hair, falling hair all owe their origin to dandruff, which Is caused by a measly little microbe that burrows into the scalp, throw Ing up the estlOSle into damn oft scales and sapping the vitality of the hair at the root, causing the several .diseased conditions oi tin- hair till it finally fall out. Modern science ha discovered it reined to destro) the luudrufT microbe, which Is combined in Newbro's llcrpicldc. anil ina he hail .of any druggist Allays itching instantly and makes hair as soft as silk. Take no substitute, nothing I "just as good." Revival Ssrvicss. RSfiVSl st-rvlees will buajln at tie. M K. ebureli. South, tonight. Kvsn Kelist (.' C KaKle. or Idaho in expee! eil to assist in the uicoOuk. lit will arrive liv uoxt Hunday Also, Rev. J t' Thomas will hoH quarterly M iiiK next Sunday aud will preui Ii or Friday ami Saturday at 7:30 p. m. You will make money Hy calling on the New Lumbermen before purchasing liill of lumber that New sheds Roin up New stock CSSOUM in At the new retail lumler yard Cray's Harbor Commercial Co., opposite the W. & C. K. depot PKNDI.KTON, OltKOON. W J SEWEl.L, : : : Ma natter The pupils of the Pendleton pUDIU schools are using dozens of old nega tives discarded by the photographers, lot the mounting of pictures It Is for tin purpose of Inculcating In the pupils, the love for art. and to shoe then how homes may be made bright or hv the use of Inexpensive articles. The Other day Principal Conklln haul . ,1 m tO the school house on the hill ,i whole wagonlnad of old negative. at spoiled photo plates, and now the pupils ,i njoying the task of learn- B t do "PsepSKSSl work." Thev take the old negatives, wash them lean Of the emulsion and ehOtttlealt, rhen once they are eleSMOtf, h i, old plates are found to be of th" beef qualitj Of To buy glass new and supply a much a was se- cured from the psstofrspbsn, would i have entailed the expense of not leas than S0, perhaps, and yet this obi jusl what Is needed for the purpoSC In hand. The clean plate of glass are used (Or the mounting oi picture! of nil kinds- illustrations from magazines, .nints coming Iroin city papers In col gSd in black, iii Short, anything that Is artistic and that will be -v- tractlvi when mounted niton gias. Some of the pupils have done excel I, :it work In deed, and many home in Pendleton is brighter for the learning bv the pupils to do this work. Says He Wan Tortured. "I suffered such pain from corns I could hardly walk." writes H RoblO; son. Hillsborough. III., "but Bucklen'l Arnica Salve completely cured them." Acts like magic on sprains, bruises, cuts, sore scalds, burn, bolls, ulcers. Perfect healer of skin diseases and piles. Cure guaranteed by Talltnan & Co 26c. Bear Admiral Schley's appeal t the preaidssl may not bg disposed o' for some time; but when the declalou ; ' reached there seem to be no long gSJ dOUbt that President Ron. roll will uphold the finding. rl IV ' court of Inquiry. mi I.KA'IN. vi m: i CATARRH t in POM CATARRH IK Hyi Cream Bulm Kh mi l clc'c,nt to iimv OnOISlni nn In. iedeesdnWc ll Ii citc'Slylnorl.'il. Olfss relic ( m ones ll IpcQI nilU I liSMISS I llC C,, I'. -,!.'. Allity i in i .',' .' i COLD 'n HEAD llc'Hl- nil. I ITClU'rt till- M' mice. Ill MlircH the Mi'tivec, ,,f 'l nittc unci l.incll I. my tfc. fWH m Hriunioi- or liv innll ; I ricd SIlO, HM b mall. HI.V BHtlTUafte, M rrciisi . s, w fork 31 I-. .)' tor Hritioription li)"lrgfl ii in v ec pul'l (or n pr aerl t Ion rlitUKOit linnet- in Hmi 1 tain I',,, Aufiet M, M flie ii miikIht id v vc'iln com 1 1 it tock 111.' i cin.l n pm i k) " PH) "I bSsiaM iuvb lor n pt I lie lui KrlSSt! DlSSSSS SLcl i la ' licoec, hlthcrlic Ini'iiralilc .IIiciimic I lio coiutuu.i''t llivi arilul lnv m iitntlou ol , tliu n-cl i: i November liV Iliu intvi vie ,c I xori'H of Hie i ur"t hi l trlecl II vut un its merit by patties over hree doicn oess' ' on lb MetlMSi i"l triiluM Itoeiu I l,y alwi got i'ii lkii tn MM ' kreeie, Ineumblt: SMWi nl kclmliiimomt it with Un plii l lu I I judges t 'loAugui ; i-lflil) bvii pei vein of in. imi nut etf either will or rf reMlnx Invert 'l. Ibti - Im i'ii, lut lliirleru wr cviii ul l ilurei the- ptrtlcM c ru untiled n.: cIomhI fet lru rlloo. Tbe prucwdluRe ut I0- UiveetigaUUK SMMUtseesnd Un-1 liulcsl repuru ol lliv utt were publltbecl mnl will In until. 1 1 froe on applieotloD. A.llr John J Elites i i- M . HO MeatSMMVI St. Han frani ir t'al The Umatilla Implement Company Agricultural Implements, Vehic Wood Choppers and Lumberme We carry the larasji and beet line of Wood ( 'li'iiiti rt and I. imhermen'i Supplies in the city uiisisting of Aim, Wedges, Rledgss, Orosj Out and One man Saws ('all and n amine ntir linn and gel our price before purchaning HANSFORD & THOMPSON, Thn Landing Hardware men. ' AMERICAN IH.AIN $3.0(1 per I)p and Upwards. THE PORTLAN! PORTLAN D, ORsVOON, .Sorclot WateM tn 1 .intern Oreiroii oeuple vUltlnir "ortlsod lor tniirlatn end rommercltl travelers M C ROWHKS. WOOD! COAI ! WOOD! COAL! WOOD! COAL! ll. Ray a W. C. MINNIS SELLS BOTH. KenererGoaL First Class Wood (kders Promptly Pilled. TrisphsiM, Bed 401, orojtii uu W. ( MINNIS, Otli.e Mstli Htreet, JusloiiHMile !l:in funl A Tti'Uiipmiiili liarilwHre sUiif. CRES James B. Welch will tell you what these letters stand for. It's a good story. Have him tell you, and if you do not, you will find out later by watching this space. CLEV finest Hotd In thi I Not ttiijr aal Ml StockfS, Hoi ids and Grain for o!i or on our t' Now York 3tock Chicago Stock t-ickup Chlcsjo Bosrd ef TrsS uri ,, -