I wis. H RICHARD CROKRR. RETIRING, TURNED OVER TAMMANY TO L P. NIXON, A YOUNGER MAN PAYS WORE OF Q UR SPECIAL SALE U t ...... Immpni I fi n . i -i r i'lnor. X I') (l nlOrO Ui MM IIIIIIIVIIOV WIWWI " Daring thww coming wn aayi wc mate you x , , ((( (lOaiM p. "ii v u:i llllllji, J ' I ho have not Ran our prioM during thin Wj rill'1 " " orvmm " '" Ol OUT Goodi, silk, Domestics, Iwnolea Underwear; Hosiery. I T V -I- Corsets, Shoes, Muslin Underwear I Lfai wear Goods, also Everything in Men's Goods, x Alexander Department Store. !; Igent ur Famons Sorosie Shoes. ; I i saaaaaaaWMaTMB. nwwjpK iKSp """" Annua ERS BEST FLOUR L j hrw.i MM .yarn1 Hat Floor. It took tfrsl lomSIt i rfrt.f1u Fair ,wr all rnmimti. I J ......... nv(nllftti i Hat inflict ion wh'revr iihwI ".. 1 Ol.. Laa 1., Hi...,,, Kffnw" . u--.ii--- Harlnv IKollw BMW7i " " ILETON ROLLER MILLS W. s. MYERS, Proprietor, iline Engine for Sale tpower gMOl.M Mftlft with pip s and fittings, oil tank'.. it, mrything neceniiary to set up ani operate r-iinint ..ii ...... i-iii' in list; onlv a few weeks. i .! a-i ' n . Ktv economical and Ktiaranteed to M satisfactory 1 net' tetittmcs AdareM East Oreyjonian, Pendleton, Oregon. The picture sliows Richard Cic .tr on the left and Lewis P. Nixon or the right. Nixon's popularity is due ti-st to hit business success. He is at the head of the great shipbuilding inc'iia itiy at Ehzabethport. N J., he has a 1 large Interest in the manufacture of 'smokeless powder at South Amboy. N. J., and he Is president of the Unit j ed States Long Distance futorrohile Company. These are only three of I his successful business venture. The second cause of his populnty is his association with Grover Clcve I land. Mark Hanna. Archbishop Ire I land. Bishop Potter, Charles S. Bona parte, John G. Mllburn, Charles W. Moore. Charles M. Schwab. John J. I McCook and Cornelius N. Bliss in the j adjuh'.ment of labor troubles, and that he did much of the real work in avert ing recently the threatened great ! strike among the garment cutters of I the United States. This In good com I panv and good work to be found in. Add his record as the head of the Tammany vice committee of five and th total forms a lenaonable basis of congratulation for all well wishers of Tammany Hall. What Nixon ic he has made him self. His father was a citizen of Lees burg. London county. Virginia, and. though he was school teacher, magis trate and sheriff, the family were al 'ways in very moderate circumstances. Btlti as It "ass an educated man him self, lie BOtMht to ediKJte lus son. He not only Ml pM hinl all he c-jld. but socceedc in -jitti.ig him an appoint ment to t i L'nit:d State Naval Acad emy. How. L.t- I N Mn waii graduated at tee head of his BMBB in I8P2 at Ann ipoiis: hot lie took a special cci rse with honor at the Royal College. Greenwich, England; how he setved in the United States navy, designed the Oregon and other war ships, and finally retired from public service to go into private business, have been told .igain and again. In and out of Tammany circles Nix on Is accounted a handsome man. His MM defective feature la his nose. It i shoit and retrousse, the very oppo site of the long, broad and command ing nose of Richard Croker. But it indicates a pugnicity that is borne out in Nixon's daily life is backed by a firm jaw and a drtermined chin. Nix on's stature is commanding. He Is six feet tall and rplendidly propor t.oned. Physically there is not much lacking in the new leader of Tamma ny Hall. Only DADS MEET TONIGKT. Routine Business will Come up For Transaction. The Bit) 'IhiIk will meet In tho council chambers inniKiit fo Um BmI m aim i hi Itl Instant. They ,i not hi-on iiM't'tlng on an nint tit the Injunction aialuxt the iii.imii Mul four COU&cIIbmB, who voted SBtoat Marahal HrathMM m4 Sa . nnlcr Iti'iiui. wAH hied. In the ah nact of Um Mjror, woo i lit, OoWMil CloptOfl will preside No business M' i cut tin i aulai amnthlj roulinu nmi Ik to ciinu v lilnK In-fore the ilad:. t' Is S imtoi KokIi'I Invoralilx reported Benator Mitchc41'l iBdlsM war vi tcran hill, which iroviilcK pmtoM lor the ni.ivhoiH ol tlu CaytiHi- u ml other I'u illi North west wai Announcement. To Bt i oniniodale those who ore par tlal to tin um- ol atom liters In apply ing liquid! Into the nasal passages or oBtarrlMl troublac, the proprietors prepare ':ani Mnlm In llipihl frotn. which will he known as Ely's Mquld i'u am Malm. Pries). iBchMlM Ihc spruyitiK tube, is 7r cents. DiiikkIsIh OF I'V niBll. The liquid form MMOd lea the meiliclnnl properties of lln Hollil preparation Cream Ilnliu Is quickly alihorhiil hy the menihrano KBd float Ml dry Bp the accretions hut change them to natural and healthy charncicr Kl Urothers, tf Win i en Ktrei-t. New York. Clearance Sale Carpets, Wall paper Matting I ace Curtains Portiera Km discount ail along, the line. Kemilar lt;n - gain Counter. rhons W ho COmti lirst Will have first choice. I:u: diBCOUBl nil all MWiO ma climes Ni m mtehinwi from it up, a-, ond I I mai Inn. MM $ to tlO just Bffived lot tin iprjnn in U a lew ()i ii Ml i uf -"iii' in ! see tliem Jesse Paiing M .mi Si teei ii' ,n tin- I i ids he Peoples Warehouse ts' and Children's ifwear ( ntil tin- el.ming of our t$tjfa Annual Clearance Mk we will put our Htock of ladieb' ami ohll- ,inn UndftrWM! at pricen never heanl nf M lore : 'liildren's Union Suits, clearance mile prio I4c I Women Union Suits, Clearance sale pliotJ 29c Hosiery Reduced The best value ever offered at I Ar 5i0c, clearauce sale price. LadlCS JacketS Wonderful values Tbil Heafon' late-t i tnpuriation, all ut U Hale pr '. 7 mi vahieH at olMrtttflt -al price y."il valUHH at ele tmnot sle price 10.00 va'uott u eleiuance i-ale pi n e 15. IK) value? at eleaiaiic.' ale price 18 ,90 valuer! a' elearance sale ptiot 24K) valu-8 at olearance inn priot Klectrie teal boti "i'li h i ' ornaments, M (llleeil to. trance : SO 4.7.r roo T 60 '. r 12.0' .19 sttSHOESsn There is nothing more servicable than box calf We offer n-'ii a li--e Boi ''jlf 4 Bhoe $2 00 vtJue. at, fmimj A OHIdt' BOX - alt shoe $1 .75 value al $1.25 Men's Overcoats AnoihftT Kr,at ont inolhtr bold plntliing of priosi wineh mnkti this lis far the reaiebi niniiey paving olothiog event of the a boo Nun! the rtdnetioni. Men's Overcoats Woilh t .ii, $7 H ami mi BBJ $5.50 Men's Overcoats w.niii ia iiaja """ $9.95 Mcn.s Overcoats Worth M.ta la ami $ BOB $15.90 Say A 11 bov'i vontha and obild'i ovavooali radnoatl in the same proportion . WHEN WE SAY SO IT'S TRUE. ELFTH ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE i