East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 28, 1902, Image 5

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    osing Out Sale of JffiE OF PLAGUE
othing and Pants...
18.00 DB
a 00 Baits.
IA.UU .-in i
250 Suits
10.00 Bttlta
.$ 9 60
$ 8,90
$5.00 Taut $8.90
$4.50 Pan, . $8.25
$4.(10 Pants J53.00
$8.00 Prate., 2.75
1 -c fit? fwftAc'
Retiring from business.
. Irktina
j HOWira. rniiu I
. unwiini Are Insurance.
,gt batter St (I"'- BWW
.... (' cuvcr Hl'OB.
Dill l"i
m. hiw Cleaver HroR
.J. Pn
tlbumen muktffl nun my
r i ito . i . ... i
in r . iiii i ..ci jwmw
Bte w -
fs n.,.. i. .
in tie cltj Button's
fri flroccrv
HI " 1
Itlmii.t nut ii.
( ktndl Ol real estate,
, ..... t. rr nr..iA
u- tit. t.UIn soft anil
jr Carnation crearu. Brock
wudinl llrocery Iiuh tome
Lckeit creamer) better for
Lb per pound.
In di 01 - north of St.
kottl. Mam street.
i A On mi i.rfi.rlm. mii.ciul
TOT in.' . W.'CS l I I
Bin-pi 1 1 prices.
.ii line urtii.Mt
oi Aiiann terms, iziiuu
d Idea! sheep ranch of
U )t ten .alio 2000
M.'llll r.unv
. r, wan !
Mixnt. i inui'ii tn t
Bat hall nniiniitlv nt 7 SO
Btilbv uk there Ih business
!Brtaiic. to transact.
T. I l.b. .. ..I...........
fit nil .T It I 1 1 I t'u.il lirl.-tlt
...... . I J V V am. .
rnmnl... I. .1 I I........
i,."'i in nciini , m.
It acts itetitlv on th
i'r and hi.i ii. -vh. and la a
Mure. It la made from
prepared uh uhIIv hi.
i sailed line's Medicine.
- menu un- moves me
y Prloa 26c and 60c.
W Tallman ft Co , aole
Weather strips at Jesse Fulllng'B
A bell hoy Ih wanted Immediately
al Hotel Pendleton
Carnation cream fOI the chaps
Brock-M cOouuu Co
llllHhee Chapter, (). K. 8., will meet
thlH evenlnR at 7:30 o'clock.
Carnation cream for rhupped handB
and face nt Itroek-McComaH Co.
HkateB Me, aledB. 66c to $H 45.
Ounii'H, fancv Btatlonerv lowcBt prii-H
.Iiiflt received at the standard Oro
eery a full stock of Walla Walla
health food.
He., price TkltaMi tt Co. are nuik
Iiir on book! In theit fedVOrtiaMtrat
in thin paper.
A woman wantH ItWrttOI an cook In
reHtaiirunt or liourdhiK Iioiihc. In
quire at thlH offlei .
Charlfti Crowley und Kd Chapman
xv. re phcIi UHBeBHed $f. in pollre coll I
thW motBlatt for bolai drunk and dN
The wool and MOIIftnfl mills are
clOHed down on aeeount ol th. OOld.
The itIB pipM i; ii. up and mini.
It illfllcult to run.
.1. Frank I'ay ha. tin- i-outrart toi
Milium Poly doit Moms' ice boum a!
$1 a ton. Mr. Iuy hu.vb the lee crop
Ih lair and that lie will hurvcHt ulioiit
HMi tOM in tliin piirtleiilar Hltf ifrti
A tiiirprlbe ..arty
OMrlM Peters, at her
Pcnillt ton lust ii itcttt . In
iriendb. kllfttla hum il
tet'iainnieiit. KeireBlini'v
rni given MY
nine II WMl
a few of DM
W.' e sei".
Aft IV .
EZ-1L. x 1
Clarke & Co
ill Court Si riil
Manager ot Whitman Athletics Wants
Charge in Regulations.
Cecil R. Wade, son of Mr. and Mra.
E. T. Wade, of I'endleton. is mauu;er
Of ntliletlrb at Whitman College. He
Iiuh nusw. red an Inquiry sent by tin
UMMNUaa relutlve to athletic affairs
during lie eiimiug Heasou. It belli
thoiiKbt that a general revision of the
ntlM uhottld lie mad.-.
Mr. Wude favors u l-agu.- anioio;
the lead In educational iiiBtltutiotiH ol
tile Pad Hi' Not'tliwest. and suggests
the UnlM 'sity of WaHlilngton. the
CnlverBlty of Idaho, the Unlverslt ot
Oregon Washington Agricultural Col
lege und Whltiaaii College, us charter
memb.-rs. !lc Buys that the fctMfltlC
regulutiors now in vogue at the dlff
. ent colleges are unjust and are the
caiiHi of much vexation, und that the
situation would be made satisfactoi
h v the adoption und enforcement of
s constitution und a rigid set of by
laws. Ill suggests that such an iih
boclation be governed by two dele
gates front each eotlOgSi hut is of the
opinion that It would be unwise for
the college men to include uthletH
i inb.- iii their league. Mr. Wade StAlSS
that tills matter has been agitated at
Whitman tor some time, and ihut the
Wallu Walla college is anxious to j
see such a league formed.
Has Raged for Several Months Badly,
and Been in the County for the Past
Two Years.
Nearly .ton hogs have died in Uma
tilla county during the past few
This Is the startling fact that hSB
I come to light since the article in the
ICasl Oregon ian a few days ago con
4 the first news of hog cholera
In the country.
It in Impossible to get the exact
, number of hogs lost from this disease
, but the figures will run Itwn 2f0 ti
100, and possibly more. That hog
cholera has been raging for several
, monthR has been known only by those
losing from the disease, and a few
others who have' been Bworr. to se
I crecy because the owner of Infected
' herds wanted to got rid of '.hem he
1 for the people became awar" of the
P. rrv liouser is salt! to have lost
i 70 head. Tat Klne. 70. Frank B Clop
i ton. Sam l.owe, Charles Wlislns and
many others ha.e lost smaller nuiu
: hers. Some of them deny tst there
is any such thing as h-.g ch lera. but
!r Christie, who has had years of
cp Hence In dealing with 'hla dis
ease, says it is cholera and In the
worst form He has dlssect-'d several
hogB that have died, and n-mc that
were found sick and killed ror this
Strenuous Efforts Needed.
The plague has a Koot sta t and It
, will take some time uirh 'he nui-t
strenuous efforts to stamp I ut Peo
ple living along McKay cr-"k haw
thrown tin carcassses thus" dvlne
Into thi creek and they have washed
! down and perhaps tOlSCtfl everv
ranch below them. f)r Ch'-lst'i says
the only way to stamt. ou! the d'SMSe
jls to QtHUSBtlas and ki I . v . Ms. -as
Sd r exposed hog anc ther. If Is g
hard matter to get rl I of ths feTSSS
ietitlrely. us tin will '.Ve lu 'ti sol1
Vfhert a dtSSMSd ho has -en for
three years und poaa'V'y loiik- r
t)f course. It will sp.-ni ui I . in
dsnn and kill SpPS ' M Ii bnHtt)
hogs, but if thtt s the mil) nivOBt I
stamping out th dlOMSi it . h. it' ' be
done Br. Christie m s then N to
cure for the hog aft I I Ottec 1 I
comes I of set sd sod then is little
chunce to PrSVSSi th si. rend Of the
dlSSOSc when it once ets hold In u
Been here Two Years.
Thele lire verj lew people in I'm a
tills P0Uni that know this disease
bus b. SB here tot two years. It bus
been kept So QMlSl thllt people huve
lost I'oks utiil not known the ause
The Hrst latrodsctlofl of the cholera
In the i iiiint was about two years
go i'as HogSN n tsraw and stock
BOB Hvlna tin ii in the Putter creek
country, but aho is now dead. Intro
.due the disease on'his place by ship
ptB a cai of hogs in mi the Wlllunc
it. vull. . He then bad over Too
head SBd -i"u of tin in died in a few
We.'kS Tile lest lie IllUllcd into 0M0
und shipped to Tacoma for market
Site, that time, the plague has grad
nail) been uettlllg deeter hold Utld
presdfDl over the country.
newspapers were run for revenue
only. "WTiat in thunder do the doc
tors run for, anyway? Bo they run
tor glory?
"An litor works a half a day for $:!
with an Investment of $3000; a doctor
looks wise and works ten minutes
for 1 200, with an Investment of 3
cents for catnip and s pill box that
cost i M
"A doctor goes to college for two
or thre years and gets a diploma
and a string of words Satan himself
'annot pronounce, cultivates a look
of gravity that he palms off for wis
dom, gets a bok of pills, a cayuse
and a meat saw and stlckes his shin
kIc out. a full fledged doctor. He will
then doctor you until you die at a
stipulated price per visit and puts
them In as thick as your DOCkstbool
will permit.
"An editor never gets his sdttOS'
tlon finished. He learns as long as
he lives and studies all his life. He
cats bran mash and liver, he takes
his pay In turnips and bay and keeps
the doctor In town by refraining from
printing the truth about him "
Assemblyman Bennett, of Nf
York .has a bill that provides punish
ment for men who m.ike "Gio Go ,"
eyes St the girls. Young wo nen op
pote the measure t' rjughout ti
Planing Millls and Steam Laundry In
stall Them Esch Fiftyv Horse
Roheft Korstei . for his Pendleton
Planing Mill, and John F. Robinson,
tor his Pendleton Steam laundry,
liuve eucl bought a new rii-iorae pow
er boiler and tin purehusus huve ar
rived They will at once be lustullci;
ill the two institutions. These were
demanded by tin growth of husiuesii,
rendering tin old boUers too small to
do the work Thej were bought lu
Erie. Pu and are said to be tlrat-clas
pieces of machinery.
Santos Dumont's Sailing.
MIOS, Jan. 28 -Santos Dunmnt
Blads u hlghl successful uscelislon II.
his new dlrgllile balloon today. -sail,
d over the harbor, having com
til. i. control ot the airship.
Tills was the first attempt evet
made over the sea in a navigable ba!
loOi It moved along at a rate of 10
.m lis per hour and sailed about (bo
IMJ twice. The trlsl took place at
Mi nte t'arlo.
John Dryden Elected.
Treutou. N. J., Jan. 28 --The re
publican caucus selection of John
" d n for Bultod States aeiiator wai
COplrBSed today by the legislature i'i
joint ballot.
Frazor Opera House
(too I., Rsker, I SBBM and Manser tSS. B. Wilrh. tx-sl Mansg'
Tuesday January 28th, 1902.
Anthony Hopes tnc.itest Romanes
Rupert i Hentzau
Sequel to The Prisoner of Zenda.
Complete Original PfOductioBi Splendid Cist, Mngniflcenl
Scenery. Hnndtoms Costumes anil a liost nl Atixiliarirs
Prices i so, i oo. vc, ami jsc
Se.ii ..(!. g Frssieti
Water Tank Exploded.
B. F. Coon, living M the foot of
Jackson stnet. north of the river had
a peculiar experience with lis BOOI
Itl . Saturday morning. Mis fJOOt
wss away sod Mr. Coon was doing
up the breukfast dlShSS when all of
it sudddeu und without any warning
the large water tunk on the stove
bnnt with u loud report, letting ii
the wster out on the floor. The cause
the explosion Is a 'nvstery . The
enter was warm and It cannot 01
laid to freerlng.
Machine is in gmn! omlitiou, requires only one BMnfter biise
power to run it and with it one i rsoii i an set from 311,000 to 25.000
. ins l.n viei 111 1 ilit Inniih
With the machine there is the necessity j ml leys ami shaftiuK
700 to fhso pounds brevier type, 8 point
Machine will he sold for 5 I I. at PomUbOM
East Oreonian, Pendleton, Or.
Felipe BaonennUnOi on of tns di
rectors of the Filipino party, la en
deavoring to luauguiute an exposition
Ol commerce, to be held next December.
Ed Bnsbo Claims Will Muiray Said
Would Kill Him.
Kd Bfteho tnd William Murray are
Strlnf their tfonhtw In court again.
This afternoon iirislio utid Murray,
wiio is his brothei In law , up before
Judge Fitzgerald, asking the court to
bind him over to keep the peace,
churgiug that Murray had thresteoed
the life of Urisbo and in was afraid
would do iiim bodll) ben
Our hot Chocolate, Clam Bouillon, Beef Tea
!Lotd' 1 ohasco Flip, Tomato Bouillon, etc
bey are always hot. We know how to
malfc i hi lous "Hot Drinks" and 0111 price
" vy leasonable only 5 cents a cup.
from Main Street Toward the Court House
Pupils Begin Latter Half of the Years
At the Pendleton Academy, the pe
pils began this week their second
term of school for the year The for
mer plan of having thiuc lurms m
the yesr has been succeeded by thsi
of having two, ami the students were
accordingly aligned to duties eoosll
tent therewith The SttsndMOS is ex
celleut. aud the growth ol the acad
emy is a source of satisfaction to the
friends of that institution
James B. Welch will tell you
what these letters stand for.
It's a good story.
Have him tell you, and if you
do not, you will find out later by
watching this space.
Editors and Doctors Compared.
The doctors are all friends of ours,
says the Medical Journal We ex
pect 'hem to s'ay wt.1 us mill '.'
yet at the risk of Incurring their dis
pleasure, we reproduce l hi follow lug
from the Lichfield. (Couj.1 Knglm.ei.
The autfior of the arth I - n..;iiy
withholds his name, hut that has
nothing to do with the case The
fucts are plainly stated In I OSlsUir
of truth and fuu d u C
The doctor horn Uoiiga .ud that