HlMllU'Tt TTTTf T1T1II1 mill DAYS MORE OF 1 1 UR SPECIAL SALE 4) i! 4 dtyi mow of our Immense January Clear- J During theee OOTDing ten days we make yon t I InmirnosiiAH nrirci .... T ! i who have not seen our price during this $ h will find it a great advantage to oome atMl t i : .... wit P mt an invent iguiivn . L Good!, Silk, Domestics, Woolen Underwear, Hosiery, Corsets, shoes, Muslin Underwear, z , - 1 Ljv to wear uoous, aiso Everything in Men's Goods, e Alexander Department Store, f Agent tor Famous Sorosis Shoes. ITERS' BEST FLOUR Tomsk X bleed nm leers' Iit Floor. It took first prsmmni at the Uhicapi World's Pair overall competi lion, '' I'VSI aacollont satisfaction wherwver nswl. Kwry sacs if yiiarmitiKMl We have the lat Nteani Roll! Railv. Hel Rv ami Bwrillmw Barley. fDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. BTERS, Proprietor. CRATER LIKE MISS HRWIN WILL FIUHT I HI CHAWtrS Mi 4 INST HI R iolinc Engine for Sale tkrse DOWei gaaolibe engine witli pipes and fittings, oil tanks Lfetanks. everything necessary to set up and operate. Engine bp ire all new, being IB ttM only a ew weeks peiiverv economical and guaranteed to In: satisfactory. Price IdodinR lit tin :;s Addt East Oregonian, Pendleton, Oregon. liFFORT TO MAKE IT A NATIONAL PARK. Will G. Steele. Well-Known Miztmn. Hcadr. the Movement Congreaa man Tongue Aaalata. Will n. Steele, of Portland, ha In augurated the movement on hehalf of the So( lety of the Muamas. for se- urina H.'iioii b) BOUgfsSS to inaKe i 'nit. ft LeltS a national park. He hat taken hold of tin natter with vigo.-. mill win anitil tin co-op railed or ail persons who en toteaaeted in raen t! Ingn. Mr. It sola cull,; upon th. p.. lie of thi' stall" to SXStl l luniselves Ik tvciy menoei possible, ami he will no tl on tit have the support oi nil who loestrs thai the wonderful lake he pre served ns I place to which AaWiSl all HUM people Will po upon their pleas ere Jaunts Th' following petition sots forth the raOtl and should have the lifBetUrSI oi nil OresoelftM! To the Senate and llour.c of RepreaOl tallvea In Cntmrosx Asaeinhl'd mil pctltlonera. residents of the rteto of Oregon, respectfully net forth the following facts, ntid ask your eon idetetlOB thereof: Crater Lake la located on the sum mlf of the C'aaeade range of BOttQ' taina, in Klamath countv, Oregon, aid is inn of the grandest natural wonder.s oi the world. It Is n portion of the iiiinpproprlnti'd vacant domain ol the I'.iivcrnment. and In the opinion nf your petitioners should he set apii'l ii mi maintained as a national pari.. To this end Hon. Thomas R, Toague has Introduced In your honoraide body h. n. 4IM, for which we reepei : fully request your support.. The surface of the I..Ke la fTM let aliove sea level, it is nearly aix BllM In diameter and Is completely kiii rounded hy nearly pVrpendh ul u walls from 1090 to MM feet high ll contains a circular Island, or dnd r cone, K45 feet high, In the top ' which la an extinct crater M 101 deep. The water Is clear as eryatai. L'nim (eel deep and of the richest pos slide bine, Adjoining the lake and guarding Its appronches the moun tains are rugged, oi great altitude and of no value for agilculture or nilnlnc In spite of laws to the contrary, wild game In tin- Peclflc Northwest Is rao idly disappearing, and unless step'i are taken in the near future to pro vide a refuge for It. many varieties will become cvtlticl Therefore, your petitioners a.k your favorable consideration of H it. 4(98, Mint Elizabeth Erwin. school tea her ef 'o ayton. Conn., is accused of sending anonymous letters through the ira s, oh fi t.onable In character. She proposes to fight the case to the highest i ourt in the land. UNCLE SAM WANTS SOME YOUNG MEN1 For Battery and Coast Defense Aim. of Our Military Service Recru.ts. Win I In Wnlla. .Ian. "7 A recruiting station has been opi ned at For' Wiilla Walla, where an effoit is belBJ made to secure a large BUBSbOf of BsOD for the arm Great flHming poetett have been placed at dlffereet pleoei in the city, advertislna for roOBI men to enter two arms of the servic. tlie field batteries and the nopal de fense, Then.' Is plenty ot room an." recruits au select the arm of sen lee In which servic will DO I lilt The move Is Hnid to be necessary im neeount of the largi niiuiliei of Mo!d " im i ur week en. small word wowlera. Trj lha Th 1 1 ma n (k Oo 's. iMSte nice c at Annual Clearance Sale nt to the Philippines The do i in i w i I .' tie Columbia haa been rallei n limr nuniber ol men and Hie. have ii. I'n furnished (roei a i i i ri nrganiaatlona, and it Is for the p tilling up these vaean pit s thf 1 recrultl are SOS so much deal: ed. Wcik.ng 24 Hours a Day. Therea no icm for thoss tireless little workeis Mi King's New I,lf Pills. Mlllintih me nl ways liusy cur na torpid liver, Jaundice, hllliousuess. lever and aiue Tht benlah sick hi idachi drive out Malaria Never Carpets, Wall paper Matting I ace Curtains Portiers Big discount all along the line. Regular Bar gain Counter. Those ho come Rrsl w ill have first choice. a H IK diacOtWl Oh all MWIhg ma clinics N vv tn. ii him s (inni up, seeond hand mm bines from $1 10 S i o Just arrived fur (lie spring trade s few Oriental rugi Cobbs an. I see them Jesse Failing Mam Slie.tt, n'-ai t lit- lltidge he Peoples Warehouse adies' and Children's laderwear I'nti! the closing ot OUT 12th Annual Clearance Sale we will put our 8tck of ladien' and ehii (Ireii H Underwear at price never heanl tA be for. : IfeOhiidrao'l Union 8uit, clearance Mkl frice I4c Women's Union Suits, Clearance sale prfon 29c fool Hosiery Reduced The best value ever offered at An 20c, clearance sale price. Ladies Jackets Wonderful values Tin- MMon'l latest itnporiation, all n oleaVflehCC huU- priOM. 7 00 val is at oltaVnaDOf al pricn 9.60 vaiu"H at olesvcnet ial ufiot 10.IK1 valuns clearatute ale price 16.00 ValllM at deatanc'' sale pti'-e L8.90 value a' flcarance ale p'ire 24 (JO Valtl M ai clcaiaii' c sale pri-e K'ectiic enl l"a- wilfi tail Of BlMfntP, ledtrciil t'. la d 4.7' 6 m i 7 r,u UA- 9jU tuSHOESsst There is nothing more servicable than box calf We offer you a MiHsew' Box calf nh06 $2 iO values at A Clilds' liox calfahoe $!.75 value at $1.45 $1.25 Men's Overcoats Another griat out, iaoUmi bold lathing of prioti irhiob makes iIiih by far the pOilMl moiiey Mviug olotblng tvonl of thews H'tii Null- the mjnotiouii Men's Overcoats Wmik H,lO 17 to) himI ini now $5.50 Men's Overcoats Worth 111, MJa and P, now $9.95 Men.s Overcoats w .i ii, lf4s (im, ejssj bosj $15.90 I Xf ni'l child k iiveii'onH redu:l in th ame proportion WHEN WE SAY SO IT'S TRUE. ELFTH ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE i i