EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITIO! DAILY Eastern Oregon Weathe i hi ami Wednesday throat enlng w'th probable snow Wod ncsdny Not ho cold. ,5c A WEEK. PENDLBTON, UMATILUA OOTTNTT. OBBOOX, TUESDAY, J ANUAB1 08, 1909. NO. WWW & BBBBBBI M BB1 m WBBB'-aflBBBBBW SBSBBBV m I BB "WBBBBBt MEN GOING LATEST DIPIOVUTS ADDEO TO THE Q)RP In WSHINliTON FROM F0CEK1N COUNTRIES' new vork market niurr tnwr" EXPECTED AT HELENA . ... to u.ii";. - i lr a tliri'l' w7 "'"'" !. 2S I' I" '"lOC-tC(l . . 111 i hum!" I Kttll'o will ..in.l V ..WITH U8HO si.i in Helena, foot . . , .- i .iillll I I I ' h h. tin nulrOBMi 're- ali"r- V.n a' OM Of thu clubs kmioii.- oi tho convention t h iatarastini irotit- tku MWCUrtlOB membership hMB men lu llll- isfi .. . lihilui IMllh I 1.. ll'll'll OV III. i. .ti.. v cIiti mirlan : l. ,, iiiiinn'K- Professors Hlsnsetialilp. of Ilozeman. i inri mm : ii iu uricultiii.' Ferguson; r. d HillliiKh. nml many others. , ...... i . Iilltltll't MINI " - u ii,,, .iiiiiin mill will Ur in ii" . ronvi'iiti'iti representing In this state I. am year poumli- i'l wool wore clip thr BKkl 111 BtBtB mini lssB m sEsbbbbbbbbII 1 irji : ml Reported by I. L. Ray A Co., Pendle ton, Chicago Board of Trad and New York Stock Exchange Broker. No York. .Jan. 28. The wheat market wan very quiet today and prteta moved within a narrow range Liverpool WM higher. fi -1 1 , . New York OPOBld ' lilclnT. 8:1V and clos lod S3V Chicago opened .7T. BBd dosed 77-V Stoi k higher. MOBBJP 4 per rent rinsed v sicninx lli OpoMd toda, ISH Hangc tmlay. II i I I ClOOBd today. MH Sugar. I27S St. el, 4IIVi. St Paul. K'.:!'. t Unloti ftel to, mi ,. Wheat In Chicago. Chlragi). laft II Wheat 77 Wheat in San Ftancieco. San Frani'lmo. .Inn Wheal Lumber Denier in Session. Kaimat- City. Mo . Jan 28 The annual tnietllig Of the aoiithu extern lumhermeu hi .an seHtilona tmlay i In th' Century thrnter. haa attracted i several hundred lunvher dealers from all pails of Kansas. Missouri ami sex eral other states The sessions which will he devoted to the discus I al(M of various matters affecting the trade, will continue two days, closing with a hunn,tict tomorrow nlghl. Fol lowing the close of the convention the memhers of the association will leave for a Jaunt through the BMtBTO ii southeastern states The picture shows Phya A. K ry. olio minister, Baron Ludovic Moncheur. jm mw maim Mimm. Italian ambassador. Slgnor Edmondo Mayor dec Planches 110ns micuam. CwMimilimu. the sheep .... ... . . . i 1 1 1111 H I'll 1111 1. 11 H II J. 1 . MKOr HI llle IMirinwe.il Bd WoolkTowara' JoomeJi Imvi' ItttirdB) im Helena. B attend the fifth annual M the I'Hi lln Nortliw.-' t lit mat place February 4, fi count) am: will do all In termor in ine oem man till ba bi the oonventlorj ib men of Washington Idahu. I'lah. Oregon and . BxtPiiHlvi arrangements j Bade h) tin citizens of irhtertain the delegated in. aannur A nceptlon will at one of the clubs and of the roDTWUlBJ prom Br of tin' iiniHt Interesting ur. .. ni....t ,i... aw had Mmn itu .1 u..J.,,..i. .uiunin.i iiiiu .i , inninin about in days. I Oldest PoliMmin Jin Ik lMua ..in,.. -'I Blr tall pulliemen and en i ii i a T iioiiii cm ha the oiliest noil 1 til. orld Hi,, name Is Alex-1 Main sriii ... a ... . w m aao i.viv clffht iah IvI-etAst.. u- lioy. iti. nittiiur alalia ii Mix th fltMt il'Iik. nhiifj " iai n in 1 1 T" 1 1 i m IVftlNNIMa.. t It II Uf IM ill that r- iaii' Blirt". lir 'H I' It) PIHU ..t ....i. ... I l Van ilVJUOt.D ( . White iH'Ttli.r,, Mr I. .-nil iiifhiiM i ot thv uoltce ! I Bin,.. it . . inn, (v't-iMiiiy ii r 11 nt tin, i I ... a.. ..I. .. wmel. the killing oi an Ml Hawk'a trlln who pjpjj uutu- tj !!( O'Kuaa Tuberculosli. Hn' Jan 28. Couatdei- U llla..ll.ln J I ... i .......... ii,,;,, hi I . L r" s"'-iiiors mesHHe Z: "- i" iieviuen exciu P" ttUit of tubereuloslH r , ' " i'ji' i u t"1' Mm ,.,i,,i hn.nl J PMlMIUU I'rominent lla UllUU. DO K- -veu Utiai'd ii fi.oi t 1 1 'QMuaiptUes. at Rutland. ; JBaeiid Changea .i,M9or " Baaoolatlon WD el. im. ..ii-. . tv u , eaiiea 10 or- 11 o clock this rnornlna at u l mot imikortant k. ",M ev"- held In , "MB are oi me fnin.. -a i i .... --ouibi legislation 1b hI1T ""Vfuvnuient or the lr omcw and will bo " Ute lejtslature FOR ARID AREAS I K A MILLION DOLLARS FOR GOOD ROAD WORK Will be Amount Senate I May Take Favorable Action This Session, IRRIGATION BILL FAVORABLY REPORTED. It Provides for Proceeds From Public Lands to Go Into a Reclamation Fund. Washington. Jan. 28 The Han brough-Newlauds Irrigation bill wind was agreed upon by tin OOnUOtttSs pi Northwestern senators and u pri sen tatives. today was favorably rsjfoitod by the senate comiulttee publb lands. It provides that tin proooadt from the nubile lands be placed in a reclamation fund for tin par) irrigating arid lauds New York Legislature Asked to Appropriate that This Year. Albany. N. V.. Jan. 28 An Import ant kim n I mods, convention opined In Albany today. Noort) 1,0 leleates were present. Inclirtlini many (arm ers of New York, in Ir-i's ,ini! Vermont. State Kugiuei r Hond called tin convention to order. In his own ing adddress Mr Hond called atteti tion to the work done y the BUthori tics oi Nov York to liuinov- rotvds OOpeolaJ Bllwlloil being ;.l n to the experiments in t'r.an- o'ir.ti uiule. lln lead nt Kilwai . II llii .iinin to piovidi roads it sm.ill cosl. PlTOltk nt Wi H Monte of tie- Na tional Qood lioads AsHoeiit I iii and other leaders of tin- movement are scheduled for addresses dsWUag the mici i i-illug sessions of the tontrOaV lion RewohstsOM will oe idoplod hi;., the .hi at nt tOgiaUt e ti ap pfourlate $i.ouo,:mi for ruatl iittyravi BjaMtB of GOVERNMENT CABLE FAVORABLY REPORTED The Corliss Bill for Ocean Wire From Some Point on the Coast of Caiifor nia. Washington. Jan 28 The house coininiUee on bjtOrataiS mi" inielgn commerce today by a oti oi s to T declared in favor of tin fOVOrriBiant construction of the Pacitlc cable Tin Corliss bill was ordered reiorted the house with favorable recomini i dtttious. but wan amended by a pro vision that It shall he operated from any desirable point on the coast of California instead of specifically nam ing San Francisco Overtures From the Dutch. Ixindon. Jan 28 Balfour in the house of commons today replying to a question, said no overtures loi peace in South Africa had been re celved from anyone authorized to speak on In-half of the Boers, but M admitted that a oommUOiOOtlOB I , n received Hum the Dutch BJOVOTI ment last Saturday and was BO del i OUSliteltttiOn. Ull It Was Chloroform. New Vork. Jan II, la " Cs murder trial thlB morning l WU ii. .na nr tho state refused to be ..i.i,..., i thu m.ininn that Millionaire nii.ni ii iu ." v - i i . 1....1 hm. ihu Bftnilnisu allon or l 1 1 I ' llll II llV" - chloroform gas Chinese Eacluelon Again Waahlngtoo Jan. M -Bx Secretary Kiiat. r ajcatu appeared Uejore iue om mlttee on foreign affairs of the to argue against the Chines. ...ton bill President iwuipr.r American Federation of ed in faror of the bill. house exclu of the Labor argu To Fix Grand Circuit Dates. IM-troit Mich. Jan. 28. The stew Brtfl ot the (irand Circuit, in aunuul session aors to, lay have a hard prob k in to solve 111 the way of satisfying tin various applicants for racing ilati the ciunliiK season and at the same time preventing a conflict. It has already been dei ided that De troit, will open the circuit ou July 1, winch is a week kttOf than last year, and Cleveland has already claimed the week beginning July 28 The Columbus Buffalo and Glens Falls WOOtlBH Mill follow in the or dot named. Tin DOetfafll 00BB0B be IWOOB Hnghton Boacb and the Ne", Tor Stale fair at Si r e use both of vi .Ii desire to follow the Buffalo lin-tini! The stewards desire to BBt lof) Brighton B. adi a.nl it; the end it Is probable one of the plates to which dates have already been allot ted will he persuaded to give way International Fisheries Congress. St. Petersburg Jan 2 A notable Intel national exhibition opened In St. Peteisburg today under th auspices of the Imperial Kussian Society of Kshartat and Fish Culturi Among the objects of the enterprise are to acquaint producers aud eonaumerg rtith the various product of fisher ies and with methods oi preparing and preserving them; to exhibit the gradual development and actual state of artificial fish breeding and n, promote scientific research In the mi.-ri-ii! ot fisheries An im-i noi nn al congress to discuss all phases the fisheries industries is to in niijunction with be held the exhibition Robbers Dropped Plunder. Jan 28. The ban who held up the passenger near Branchvllle last night closely pursued they rob train Were SO nv bloodhounds that were compelled to drop the safus .1. .. l,.,iL tin III I tie XUleS . O.I m: safes were found this morning, and contained about 16000 The robbers .ot 1600 and the Bei FOR COMMERCE Proposition tor Added Cabinet Member Progressing. K I W DEPARTMENT CREATED BY THE BILL Senalr Passses the Measme ToJay A Close Vote on an Amendme it to Strike Out. Mashlllgtoll. .lull. 2 I ii si lisle UMBsJ passed n hill POO I IBI a new do , in t iiu-nt of conimeice. The b''l aa passed tarried an amendmen' hang ;t the title to real ' Heparin ent ''f i iimmerce und Ijiflor." .-ii nrieni DMSl to strike out the lil-or clause was lost by a close vole. The auieiidim-nt irovtdlng .or a i in , oration iu the department of the interstate comment ominlsslou w.'.a wltiidrawn An amendment to strike out the census bureau provision was defeated. APPALLING CONDITION REVEALED IN 8T. LOUIS. Investigation of Alleged Bribsry in City Government Taken Up by the Grand Jury. St Ixiuls. Jan 28. Investigation In to the bribery of councilmen by the mi i t railway companies waa resum ed by the grand Jury today After be lug in session for several hours, tin district attorney said that the devel opBMBtJ of today showed an appalling I, minion of affairs. Publishers' Complaints Heeded Waablngton, Jan. II. The p sstof In i i oiiimlttee of tin' benat" today couimeuced an Investigation of me r.nt ruling of the ppal Ml Ml at MM eral under which certain premium publications are denied second-rises rules Senator Mason, who In dull man of the co.iinn i.e. tint -'in (. in 1 u number of witnesses to prove thsjr the action of the department la not warrranted by law. Officials of the postofflce department, on the ottn-i hand, are confident that the commit te. will sustain the rulllng Mabel Goodrich Csse on Trial. Philadelphia. .Ian 28 The four young men OtUaTfjOd with the sensn tlonsl lobbing and klilnitpplug of Mrs Mahle Goodrich lust September were arraigned for trial today. The accus d are Howard Sloan. D, Knight Fin ley and Harry Walline. m wspapei reporters, and 'Oscar Hunlap. a bar her. Owing to tin- fromer good chsr a. ter of the in OMBOd and the si BB0 tlonsl feat iips of the i use. the trial 1 will attract much attention Noth Ing of the Kile oi defeni e has been dlBClOBOd, Lumbermen at Cincinnati. Cincinnati. O. Jan. Keiail Iiiniher dealers m Ohio. West Virgin la and I'ennsy lvauia met in annual OOBiVOBtlOSJ in this city today with a large attendance The sessions, which continue till Friday, are to be di voted to the dlsi iisslon ol matteis of business Between cession there will be Interspersed many pleasant features of entertainment provided by tin locul lumber dealer Hanged for Murder. Hui i isburg. Jan - Henry Bow ltd Watson King were hanged hen .Ms mornlnat for the niiird. i of Cash h i Ciiailes iiyau in the Halifax. I'a. hank, which they attempted to rob They i onfessed and proftv-n-.l repenl anco. Will Investigate Philippines. Washington. Jan 28. -The senate this morning adopted the resolution by Hoar directing the committee ou 'tin Phlllpplmni to investigate the con dltlon of sffalrs In the Philippine an h UJ0 WrecKage Was Found. 'n lorla. Jau 28. The revenue cut i, i QflasM has found wreckage evident in, in the nuishlp Condor off the west roast of Vancouver Island. Eleven Drowned. DOVOr, Rngland, Jau 28 The traw r Heron auk durlug a gale off BOf t iday Kleven were drowned GETS MORE HONOR SCHLEV WILL BE GUEST OF LOUISVILLE KV. City in Holiday Attire and Ready te Receive the Naval Hero. 1 oulsvllle. Ky .Inn N Admiral Winfieiit s.ott Behto) win hM0M the guest of laOlltoVtllO this evenlhg. I'lie ohabomto plans for his r n'Moa which have lieen umler was for see- ml months were completed this HBO i i iig The dty 1ms assumed a holiday nit Ire. ami the people will unite to do honor to the gn it naval onniiaiiiliM RvOt) haw Of the lima the sitmlial Is iu Louisville will he ,;ieii over to som lorm of enter tainmeni The dlst Ingulshel cunat and othei uieinhers of his party win be met across the Indiana Hue by dolOf tiQOB icpresentliiK the Knights Templar ami the l.oulsvlllo hoant of trade, under whose Joint simple the entertainment will he carthd nut. An offlclnl wel ne will Ut I t Ii ltd to the admiral, and on his arrival la the city he ill 1 nn1 in tlnlt house, which place will he hit he.'ldiiiartets while he Is the city's guest. The elaborate program ol teiialninent imH0ll for tomorrow and Thursday calls for a I'Siiijin t a ball, a review of tin- Knights T' nip lur Blid n public reception, togetln W ith I'lllliHge ill Ives shollt tile city. Hobson in New York. New York, Ian 2S Lieutenant lilchiuoml IV Hobson Is In New Vurb and tonight he will deliver a Uh l lire on the "Navy and the Nation" ni th Wahloi f-Asioria Th etilei talnment will he under the dllc lion ol th. Ns in mal Society ot the Daughters of llll for the beiu ilt of the new naval branch in llroolilin fm iiII'iih and inarliii s Ten Millions For Improvements Ni w Yoik. Ian 28 The minus! COBfOfOsMM nl dip i tins ol lln Van del bill llm to In In Id In New York Ibis week Is of more than ordinary Interest to the localities touched by the Kieul system The ut a nun al Inspection otMViBMd the officer of the necessity for many Improva ment. Kspedally is this turn of iua Flushing distill t. where tin- proa peels of W.'ihanh competition has I pfrod latnadlata action. It Is r BOrtOd that 110,000,000 will bo spent fm Improvement In this locality alone Tin Impioveinonta will hi Isrgely In the na'ni of ot' unions and branch Hues Into lerilloi; soot to bfl penetrated by other roads Bsli Southern Relirt Society blBStOBJ, ' ni -'8 Ti i Inaritf ball. Ulldei the auspices in the 1 4, die' Solltheiu llellcf six lely to b given al the Arlington hotel tonlgh piomlses to be 011 e of th largest B clal and flnamliil BtsMsBsWI ol tue season In the R4UM ot charity ttasa hand of Roiilhein women propose ta rale fund to lst In relieving tko BOOOOaltles nl many ,1,1 veterans who terved In the ul lules .,1 II,,, Ute Cq fodOTBli fOVOtrBBJUHal and theti t pendents. Man Frozen at Seattle Seattle Jan 28 An unknown was ffOOOg In d.Hth heie this UUi Im Baltimore and Ohio' New Lin. Pittaburc. Pa., Jan. M It la oa peeled that the final details of the merger of the Pittsburg and Weatern Kallroad Into the Baltimore and Ohio will be arranged at today's meatlng of the oflhcials. According to preaent plana the identity of the Pittsburg and Western will be effaced and It will ba made a division of the Baltl more and Ohio. Baking Powder Made of Pure (irape Cream of Tartar. Safeguards the food against alum