East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 27, 1902, Image 4

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    Great Slaughter of Prices
Winter Goods Must be Closed Out.
Wi in purlin, mr .ill qui suits and overt.oats, at a bin re
duction during Ihia Bait Votl will find our net prices far below
the pi ices t 'Ulu i v mi tin same goodi. notwithstanding, tlio
bin dtacounta nffcretl b some The size of the discount th i s
no) niU anything t. thi purchaser; it is the net price that
rleterntiwei whether an article is a bargain.
lie Waigti an.l Wrapptn at a ptdaotlon,
i - Upe and Kura gnatly ftdaoad in priov,
r lanneltfttM
French riiinnrls at cut uric-en.
i ai reduced urii'es
Uf bttg tins It -lore the stouk is picked
Where Whole Families can Trade
V ibw
Newspaper writer- oiiu tune le-n-
Itati t rrtUetat tba aeUen or aaayora
ami i iiiiiu'llni'T oi nth." itlex hut
ttic ih a priaclph lavolved tu tba
granting of ii twenty-yen i- fratn hlse
hose con pain j in Walla
furutsbes malarial ur
to, th. t. la
Walla tha
in in mi daw
crump liai
aim t
i i.i
pi Hon
in .i-1
for ii n iH'wni hi iii.. eompattjr'i frail
eblaa, which ha- live fH rot to
llv. heforc it r.it tiii Tin- matter
wat tnr I' mentioned tin- tliis ni the
nietluK. unit tli COUaell c.iv.- aba!
the telephone . iiinpiiny wanted with
out arrriai tin adraataw ol previous
iiisi iisMion by the eitlarai
An amunn-nt wan ottered i
mayor Mr, IhtbCOOk, in Jiutdkatlon
of the action taken, tliat tin roaipaa)
iirnp..H(ii it. niai.. mnr laaprovanoBta
it. tli. form in a iifv IhiII.IIiik ami
tl.it tli. extension i- desired of
th.' I ranch!.-, before biilhlinK plan
were decided mi. Certainly," tin.' peo
ple won .'ntltl.il tu hi.i.u about It.
Tiu-y aaiow M turn aad opportaaitr la
exprKi tbeanaolveai uihi tba council
ml mayo. slum!, -. a v fti i it only In
ooaaroaaace with what tti knew to
he the aiahaa of taa rertdonti ot
Wall.i Walla.
In fa't. publicity at al! times ami
aawttiai ail aria of public servunts
the right i our. When publicity
Be given then all acts that are cal
culated to make for the public good
will stand the test of adverse erltl
etsm. While all contemplated acts
that are not tor the welfare of the
community will fall. At least, pub
licity will cause a close approxiuia
tion of these I'oudlttons, and ran do
n rood thing any harm.
These remarks apply equally to;
WAilla Walla am: 1'endletou. The
people of this place were treated to'
somewhat similar action a oai or'
two ago when the charter was re-,
vised by a ipaCsflJ law of the legls-!
laturo without u dozen uieu knowing I
of It Although the changes were
Iii this case such as to commeud
thenwelves to right thinking peo
lle, it would have been proper to let!
the citizens know about them prior
tl their mcorpotal.ou .in.. Htatllte.
make It cans fottv feet of water for
deepest Bet giln: essoin tt Is net
aaaar) only to road the pttttloa
sent out by the Portland Chamber of
CoaaaaaTw Cm itajBatures throiiKhoin
this raajion, di appaara upon paapa 8
ol this Issue. I to innvlnce oat laal
PortlaaH'a aftorta are noinn lot taw
" i ounltion of both Uppat ami lower
liver, and most BtHdaati of the BMk
bMn ballSYl this to bo the only plan
II!-' I to cany Itsell tbrOVajtl Mm- dan
lora of fodoral IcfHaratkan and elfoc
tnallj offset th. itt. i i.. nadi upon
th. t'olnnibia ii ii-. iNfrslstent iae
i-u ,i i ommoti
talk upon the wi:n
iiied for coatompt.
iwaajaatoa roroaa to
witness stautt they
rajoicinc. Hoari .
up for w hut Uaaafi
das aad talkad about
k plans of the .Mo
i at in tin ii .i. mi. to
aad ajaaoratloB.
ntent of the fauns. We can see very
plainly in several nlaces parts of the
wall Which RotnulUa built to slir
lolllltl his new it v . trncliiK Hues al
the ftol of the hllll with a plow
drawn by a bull and a heMci. with
the haifor yolkod la the near side tn
dimly that strength and coinage
were required without nml ObBdlOBOl
i and fertility within the city. Then,
i - also a well, which we are told Is
the oldest thing In Home as It STM
tin ra before Roaitttaa cams.
Km a raatury or More thoaa aa
atrtini deriuan laatarlalliu itavi
been trying to destlo mil b 'lie III
I the baautifttl legend oi in. two boyi
; who foaadod the Btoraal City and
sent them back into th.- mythological
I department, bat Professoi ; m laai,
' the great Human Brcheologtat, who.
bj the way. has an Anterlcati wife
has rescued them and within the last
lew years ha- found some InaVrip
tious on some potter) i .-"in thlni
of thai sort bv which In able o
establish their raolitT. althrtnah l
faar the wall thai suckled thorn la a
lake The Inn of Rotnului waa pre
served until the lime of Mero. Wi
are ahown the place on thi brow ol
I tho hill whore i . brothon quarreled,
like Cain ami Abl 1 and 000 slew tin
Other. I'ioiii that date until lie
Invasion iff the barbarians the Palu
tine hill was almost contlltUall)
iinearod with blood
One oi the llrst things yon iei al
tOI entering the enclosure that pro
tocta the I'alatliie Is a haOCh ot mar
ble, beiiiitililllv sculptured .1 high .i
the tort at Of a man Mv. t. el I. mi:
ami throe foal thick, atandlnp aloni
in a little ampithoater, whl h tin
giiiii.' tens us was tin- nitat i ' i ii in
known god. perhaps the sann thai
Paul referred to it was iltscovercKl
iii isi'o wh it standi and ttu In
aoriptlon r.-uds "Sal Deo Bel pal
vae sac. c. Boxalnui Pi i.- ion
tontk) Reatltlvlt"
Beyond this is the moal Inl il
I Hi thing of nil one which touches
the poreonalttj ol .v.-iv rlsttot the
namoa of a lot of Roman school boya
letibblad upon the walla ol tho Peda
Roginm or aehoolhonae, at which the
mmis oi the patrician ramllli v. n
educatod. Unman natun waa about
The Shin
Million ' of little clmiits or tubes connei I the blood with the skin, and through
Otall drum pip's perepi ration pass, a out.
pace ol time, and tna poisonous matter forced hack into the ctrcula-
ili .ii xmiiiiii tcsuit. in uiininim i me sweat (rianns, tne skin is
rnrrvin with it the impurities tbi
thrown oil bv the mood, Miouni tne pores ot me sk in nr entirely cloned for
even a
tl.tti tn.l Ml
, ., ... 14 ... :i..M.. ' " .
pro certain uiers which pour om u kui h ony mirmtonce. Keeping
I prol cttngitfi il it and cold The blond and skin
i atiects om- seriously interferes with the func
!i. but hfi lUi U, tlejiciuls upon perfect harmony
.ti th. b I aad akin. When, therefore, tba
it quiokly I ntCmMI Mltd
a m the Form
mioaa L.Xt&r'nMl fOIMOHM
ornptive diss ises, By the character of the
uabled to determine tho nature of tbt poisoa or hnmor in the blood,
iseose orurinatiu In the blood baa ita own peoallar aoraor pasapaa, The
i , oniy ,iit, cted bj the poiaoti Bauerated In the system, but poisons from
through the "pen a pores and quickly infect the blood.
VI rubbed upon tba skin will produce tuisumstism, and Poison Oak snd Iry
mt i gaiu easy access t.iln blood tbrouvb tba abbl. As so-called
skin diseases originate in the blood, the application
Plif'C BlOOli-" ef powders, aoapaand washes can do no permanent
000 I "it 0 ton ! immense damage by
Soft. Hemlthy Skin closing up tba ouUat totbaae littlotabM
ami latenoring with the natural action
nt the ikin, The Uaatmenl must begin with tba blood, aad tba aoU or other poa
ons antidoted o neutralised, S S. b. does tliis nmLpuriiics the circulation, builds
ind (lush SS the little jglauds or pores with pure, new blood, and
rseton tb skin Tiu-tiseof i iimiiillia naiar jad Bnwajlil liaalUi
.ind beauty loan red pimply skin or sallow complexion. What is needed
: makes. It not on 1' i.iievcs you of all disfigur
Itating, itchiiigcrupuon . but improves your general
health B I contsJa O mercaiy, potash, arscni. or other mineral, but is a
put- ' at aad the .safest and best in .ill blood and skin troubles.
Wriii ottl ph) Ician for advice OT information i tbej have made 11 study of blood
and in diai .n lmvc the beatiiiedic.il advice without cost Book or
In d aad Ikla Daa ai fraa. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, 6A
alames A. Howard Vou get
Court 6t. near First Nat. Bank
Has Real Estate turSale
See Hern:
Wbfa you drioli
the s.llil,.
I-- en boys
If Je'li.
Mm iiii. nadi
Btubba did not
the phllaiithr.il.
raatvHIII n ,
v'hat daea it an amoonl to, this
IntroduebtB of bUla b -enators and
repraooBtatlrooT Mills (or the pleas
lag ol a eonatituaao) that can never
pass.' Some rarj industrious bill In
troduaiag baa been don. by the Ore
gon delegntion during the present
si SalOB, and not only k It true that
lew or them will becoiiu laws, hut
leu of them ought to.
janitor Siruou baa succeeded in se
ining an election boaru In Multno
imih county favorable to him. And
this Is tin sum total m hi- a.hiev.
BMBU ar senator.
II find the line
I house 111 tie
aa at 'ii. eruoa
Iowa a' iii the ii
mi oae oi tn. most
"in s oVOI made In
on. th 1'alntli" Ii n
crucifixion tVmaai
le noble famllll s ol
. ill one of his enis
i think, tells n mtbal
Caesa Iiom whold
imetultig oi tnai suit.
M seres Oi choice wheat land,
about ten sailor northeast of Pendle
ton. This is nni of the finest Improv
f.irms in Nm county snd hsa gooc
school advantagea, win sci! ttr cast
er trsrie for -uo.i' valur.io unimpro. Hi
I ind.
Cipbt tine lots n Pendleton at $!0f
eedi, on easy terms.
160 jcres of wheat Isnd south o'
f cndleton, Hho.
'5 acres chuice fruit and par del
'anil near M 'tun One-batf of true
in bearing (roil tree . 7 acrea BlfBl
fa All under Irrigstiun. Flnelv irr
130 ecre on McKay Creek, gC
acres al botton land under irrigation
balanea goer wheat land. well irr.
acrs good wheat land, in
four miles from Pendleton
te: is half i ash balsnce on time t
(tuarfttiteed nol
disi "ii'kh
4 i
BUII pure
aser at 8 par cent In
tli tn Tituoth)
fhe Chi Istlaai
salute ilm oi
' H tne tip orj oi the areheoloKb U
thai ih. you nfl son of one oi these
Obrlatlnn families attended school a'
hi palace ami was toaaad about th.
oa rei Igloo hj his play fellows, ami
in make fun ol him. th.-y dres the
Hide iketl Ii upon fh. wall of a SCBOOl
li.iy vvo..;!iii ing h!. s.r, p. ip ,. the
anariai tba head m en aaa
Bom nth it is tin Inscription In Qroah
"Alexamenui worahlpa bis Qod
Kbtht ot tho collerlos in th. Hael
ton district were closed because Ol
iiigh water.
Aguln and again it la necessary to
miud people that he who Is just
ulna In th.-Jong run. In the discus
sion of the opening of the Columbia
river to more extensive navigation,
many newspapers are prone to do
Portland injustice They are leudiug
themselves to the use of the ene
t.lea uf the Columbia river, ami aid
; those who would prevent the rec
nition of that great waterway by
the federal government.
Doubtless in all sincerity, and yet
with apparent (allure to understand
the issues involved, the Dayton Courier-Press
prints a column editorial
.ii which Cortland Is accused of eui
idiusiziug too much the improvement
ol the mouth of the liv.-r. so at, to
Win. K. Curtis, writing uom Home,
To the great major!! ot popple tin
BWWL Intoraatlng spots in Home aie
Si Peter s Cathedral the Colosseum
ami the Palutliie Hill, that scene ol
hnpaiial splendor which is BsOTC
closet Identified with the lives of the
old Romans we have read so much
about than any other ,nrt of the city.
Then magnificent but comfortless
pake e- stood thor and they seem
nearer ami more r- i us when we
visit them in their uoi . touch the
walls that she!: .. 1 i,, ml fi.-ad
tar loom thai ware proai by tin-ii
golden sandals.
i used to think thai Rtcbard Odour
go Llou was merely a characiei n,
fiction until I saw his armor hamll
if his sword and read his autographs,
and that All red the Great was a
mythologlcul Ideal until I went to
. Winchester, where he lived. Then
lis always more or less vagueness am!
uncertainty In th. mind about the
I heroes ot ancient histurv until vou
tun them down as it were, and cor
ner them in their haunts, and that ht
the greatest benefit students derive
by coining to Home. They see as
well as read and hear, and take their
information from the fountain head.
And Every Form of Torturing
Disfiguring Skin and Scalp
Humors Cured by
HesKov oaaaj TaauMaaaf, -Baaaa am
altts-i.-.l um lh.,t. mill, hiiIi ., i Waimi
and I i riei'HA Htue. Mexi appl. i . unia
OistssMt, iIjm itriut kn. , nr.-. 411. 1 latlly uk
a full .line of (.'unci ut ht. kst. ' lint
troaiiiiwui mis nil ir. I iiuuin. relief paruiil
rostni.il sleep, ami point t a tpaoty, uarua
llrut, in-1 tH'.ii.i,ir.,l .'iirt-wtlsll all eUd llLt
ami other building
materia! including
and Sand.
a large -to, k of
vsui.ii oomuM
lor barns ami dwalllltgi
Oregon Lumber Yard
mltz Brewing Co
lag Boraa near ivmiieton.
310 aero Hem IVipllcloii.
SgD norra near IrrndbHou.
l) acres near Poudlotou.
Li' "ti near f'ilot ItiM-k
l-li acre- ivti.-ut n.ml
n baal
v. baal
w iieal
a Ileal
a heat
I till
Bon 1
aon 1
I rooi 6 to Lti mile!, from tow
A in
' "'7"" "c IMBil f . . uf, L- I,, .
fi iLM. Ti. , '.. sai'' o ..( u , wo,
1 o1 " M 1 IIBU I ufer , I'(,.,. . ltuW&.
iww u Cuf k. Atu,4.'M -.t 1km.Ii, Ira.
The Palatine Is one of the seven
hills upon which Home is built, and
the ouly one . .1 . .m.v practical
ly dear The rest are covered with
modern buildings, and the diggers
and tillers and graders, the sunerln
temlents of streets ami the architects
or buildings have taken Such liber
tits with the original topography that
it struins the Imagination to see them
us they usefj to be. But the Palatine
for various causes has been kept
clear, and we can uow actually visit
tba Place where Evunder, the shep
herd king, is represented by Virgil as
entertaining Aeneas; where Hercules
lived, and where the sylvan godd.-s
ses of the primeval woods used to
perform skirt dances for the amuse-
Nan s Dyspepsia Cure
ties cured these OBtaj
and it will cure you
J M Church, IaOrai..i.
I suffered for HO ytrs, and ballrvt
tiwi I not used Nan's Dyspepsia Curs
r " 1- iu. .
. vtiiuiii uoi oe alive (,, write
fttnwhU "
Six New Houses Cheap.
Kuvlng liank Hulldlng, Pendletou, Or
For Sate!
E hl Lis with ilw.:lliiiK and Uirn,
I louse lia.s seven 100111b, bath,
Catlai and wood huusc, city water,
hard limshed on stone foundation
new i ottagt
vou a
Nathan 'alk, iiolse, Idai.o, sja
oitterwl for year-.; found riiai
but uo cure except yours."
For sale by TaUman & Co., and all
first class druggists, or send to Prank
Mstu. for Hand hotel Pharmacy, Port
and, Oregon. Price 1 1 a bottle or 6
houses lor $s. express prepaid.
A careless laundry will go tm,,,Kn
your shirt in two wasliiiigs worn out
as BBBBJ letely as If you had worn it
cr e ve your and
youfuonev. We will i f,
liueii if you send pj yotu addreiw
J. F. Rrddnaon, Prop, tlharaj.
The East Uregonlrn is Eastern Ore
gons preventative papar. It loads
and the people" appreciate it and show
u by their Itbaral patronaoe. It 1. Z
sdvertlslna medium of this taction
Also four lots and
1 Ota and huus, , lQgQ, l,art
cisii reasonahle tune on balance,
or will sell on installments See
N17 Maui Street.
Farmers Custom Mill
Pn4 Walters, P. e prist or
isuiltr, UO barrau a da;
'loot exofcaugwd loi whaai
rioer, sun read. uiiOrre f es4, .. aiean
011 ...
Tho DlTT
"v r,ce to y
' Mai
"w line of rnrjj
l .
pipef, T
(ftVl . ...
u,. 7". 1 i'lt
A en ,l;
cCrn II-
,,r.," "H)rt
Doon, T(
Cotta Pipp
Lnmber lard,
Old Dutch Hi
Feed Vari
I) . .
"wi ur uuu TAj
Toart Weather m I
a I., v- I'timotn Unutrj r.. tt
In lhawi ii. I Iroirn imi: ttt
allVH.la ,-.,1) itllr.- Ill xu.II I II
iii. . Kim wast rapm
prilM HIHI II Tat I lK n-rtl.r 10 U
urli.K ttli-lr rt ulit iu o-r rl,
giinniiii'i' mi li.'i qb ! !! itae
Wstarsi sesrBsla, iaJkMal
Mie Columbia
LodinK Hous
MWI.1 K'.H.MHHii
it kt A l.TA ewaari
I . . SCHfiMPRf'rogJ
tor Oaalki
who cwri
oai 1 l,v JUOI
The Uuvre Saloon
o Kit tn fi ltfllve1
OrtieM ' " Kutr -
i.t ndlcM-