East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 27, 1902, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather 1
. inilr IHl ,lllllt-
wni- imlil"-" y i:rrir mi
Tonight mid Tuesday partly
InitilV met OCCMlOMll) tkrentet
3c A WEEK.
PENDLETON, rMATILLA or V, OUK; . MON iv i . JAN1 AH -7 . 1102.
.... i i
NO. I. ML'
(Hi. 1 "
1 .nuiun rn it" I nil
n w -
0Vl vlM. ' .1 Second Cal
amity That Cost Life.
.,-rr utlFf.KLD
y:n.i i.ui QmrcR Jniured In-
Kicnbablc ConitomOttOfi Reigned
far J Time
u ... , . 97 Tuun nf the in.
IW luru. -
..rf hn afternoon, maklna tht
. J , flu.
York, inn 27. A terrific ox
. fj imltl 001 urrod In front
Hurra1. Hill hotel Just before
llllnc throe, Injuring three
iij pi i m-nlly wrecked two ho
hoHpl'ii! and several private
MHCM. HI"! 'UUHCll IIUlCHCriuaillc
Eniatli ii a time. It w two
C ht'T before the unnlc-etrtckon
E ., .,. urn m their Mtnfa
tit i .nit' II U'll l Till- U I I ' ' l
for a dlaUnce u four blocks
pane i: dans was broken. 1 he
II,. f Iki ' idoded WllS BtOtCl! Ill
Muty uaed h) workmen employed
tkrrtpni '..uislt tunnel. Tno Mur-
Hill. Orand iuhi I iilon hotels hum
Minhanm rye and oar infirmary
on- i)i w recked.
farTera! docks on eaeh Hide of
j-lrit bI tin tunnel wn
tied Toon rn rook und dirt were
n Mo Ihi itreeU. A panic mi
I mil pnli' and llrenien hurriedly
i mi to tin boom to bring order
o( the horrible nknon. The rapid
t tnnti.l is lieine f ill sit I'll i 't i i
the olil Meliopolltttll tunnel
gt I
Thomas to Meet Terry.
town, Pi . Jan. 27. The
taletir club Iihh completed
mont foi hut promisee to be
Ml boxing hIiow tonight. It wu
thglnu' mi lit it tn of the
it an tin wind-up Joe
Mgro Iiim weight, und
ii" lii'i 1 m i champion,
author!' i until not pe
httoreen heavy weightH.
hu substituted "Kid"
"KW Terry. The latter Ih the
rielit champion ot the Lehigh
Hi li.i never yet been de
ami ill bout with Thomas.
alm i limed an a good man
we tu In- mi Inici KHtlne and
club to
Joe Ood
but the
rmlt the
and the
Firringtoe Trial Begins.
Mrtan. Mull Jan. 27 The ease
rVrrlngtor, of Milan, who ahot
lllletl Honker, his wile s
wr in Huh city. January 6.
"!l-il fui dial at the rlrcuit
I"'!.'- Ti,, i.u'lii ni tli. mIiiiiiI
IrirrniKiiM i,.,u m. u Hooker's
here, bli wife was visiting
Itumimuy with two officers, to so
Vldenio .in which to base a
suit The party Been rod ad
' i1' 'In Hooker homi' anil
Ih4 lllMH ,, .loMlto'u rillllll W It S
Parrington discovered the
ejeaJett and wounded Hooker
1 III- ill,-, I (I,.. Inllnwlnv morn.
Kaisers Birthday.
Jan M Tho " " '
Jw uf Emperor William who
Jillltarv 27 lHf.H o.
werv.-,i at, a general holiday
"Kb ware disnlaviut on iiuhllc
Private I, ml, In, m mi ..f ih..
in, U...II on tli, me
ffcoUt the iilllliiru utlap m fuw
sf akjQuenl ittlaci of the em
The feature of th dav'a eel
Wan the i-hvImw of th tronna
Ola attel.il..,! I U mnruuun I U
. ... - . u i . i . , . , .......
' ttlost n Ihu utuamUnn nt
Aftermath of the Treaty of Paris
Comes From Across the Ocean.
Vienna. Jan 27.- Further details of
the anti-American activity in lCutop.
Soring th Spanish-American war are
learned. After the treaty of Pari
wiin signed, another note prntonttnu
nualnst the annexation of the Philip
pines was circulated. The note (Ml
oil in Its Intent, because Kuasfs uii'l
Kn eland refused to slirn !t
Thirty States and Territories Repre
sented In Milwaukee. Wis. Tt
Ask Legislation.
Milwaukee, wis.. Jan. :;. Re pre
seiitutivcs of over Til. nun retail uro
DetH acatlired ptfer tblrtt states and
territories hnve gathereii in Mlhvau
Kee for the annual convention nf the
National Association of Ketall tiro
cers. w lili Ii will he in session I err
during the cotulnc three days. In
point of attendance the convention I
the largest gathering ol Its Mud ever
hold In the United states Today's
I proi lings wan oon lined to the re
ceptlon and welcominr. ot delegates
the nppotntaMBi ( oaoniltteet and
other htislnoRB of a routine nature
The renl work of the convention will
commence tomorrow when the con
Volition wi.l take up the discussion
of legislative measures and numer
I otll other mutters affeetlng trade
throughout the count ry. The officers
of the inooetnttoB ami P J, Hnnoon,
Minneapolis president. W, I. Oray,
Brooklyn) Vice president Chillies
Pl'elffer. Si Louis, aecretat y . nnd K
(I. Ashley. Toledo, treason t Kim
sas City, Indianapolis ami several
other cities are in contest for the
next convention of the association
Wisconsin Poultry Show.
oahkoah. WIh.. Jan 27 -The fifth
nniiunl exhibition of the Wisconsin
State Poultry Association opened to
day in the Century rink ami win re-
main the center of Interest anient
poultry lOVON until Its close Satur
day. Hotli as regnids the number and
high class of the exhibits the show
Is the most notable of its kind avet
held under the auspices of the state
association llesides a large and vn
rlod display of all kinds ot piotlary.
the exhltiltlon embraces a notable dis
play Of Belgian hares, dogs. egtB
cavvlos ami Other pet stock
Rice and Lowery.
Charleston. S. C. Jan. 27. Some
good fighting Is expected at the
Charleston Athletic club tonlglit when
Austin Itlee. of New London. OOM
and Jack Lowery, of New York conn
together In a 2. round bout lloth
men have been training faltbtully for
several Weeks 1111(1 HppeHI to lie I II
a condition to put up a good contest
According to the article! Of TM
meut thei will weigh in at the ring
sub- at 1-1 pounds.
Against the Company.
VVIashiugtbn, Jun 27 -The supreme
court today decided in favor ol tin
ovarii awl ll the land case against
the Southern Pacific. It was appeal
ed from tile southern district Ot ( all
tornla. The ease Involved the valid
Ity of title of a purchase of land from
tie railroad. Jackson tiraves. the
holder of tiO.000 acres which is the
hulk of the land involved, will have to
forfeit this to the United States
Masonic Grand Lodge.
Muskegon Mich Ian 27 The
Orand lodge ol Michigan K A M
began its annual session here todO)
and will continue through toiuomm
The attendance is unusually large
big delegations of prominent mem
1 bers being present frOM Ditioit.
Jackson Kalamaoo J mini Kapius
Port Huron ami oher linen ft Q"'
citi.M ami towns .( the aUHk
For Pugilistic Championship.
London. Jan. It, The liautuui
weight hnmplOBaklp Ol Kngland is to
be decided in 'he arena of the Loll
ilon Sporting Club tonight when Hai
ry Ware and Andrew Tokel couie to
get her foi a twenty five round bout
lloth men are last fighters and us
they are regarded as evenly matched
a lively contest is expected.
O'Ke.f. u. o
L w ww aiflil.
Ukl;e. Wis I.n -ft laeW
sari is. ' ..
l IL.I. T ""' are rcnuj
'"ir (it I...... .......I. i ...
- - " UUUI W II 1 1 II IB IU
i!SLoff t,,nKht before the Bad
-uiieu,. c 111, H... I. k. l.vnal
kQd WXII Ikinrik Ma
Mib, ....... . ,
.""Sled over lur mmdt fV.
I Improved much since then
Pi-is to reverae matters to-
Want Henry in St. Louis.
St Louis. Jan 27 An effort is be
ing nude to Induce Prince Henry to
lay the corner stone Of oue ol tin
main buildings of the Worlds f air
during his visit here The suggestion
has been made to the authorlt.ee in
Washington and it Is believed will be
j favorably acted upon.
Cold Wave Goes East.
Waahiogtou. Jan. "The OOM
wave now is prevailing tu the entire
country west of the Allegheniee to the
i'a itlc Coast It will have reached
the entire Atlantic Coa-t by Tuesday
night The cold snap will laat for
several daya
T-f 'Z. , dff
' ew
4 ' JP
Board Of doertors of the New York Central, who may answer in court for the tunnel horror, and some
Otner persons connected with the investigation.
Presumed toe Latter vVjs a Cant
Do), Educated by the Goi.lT,-, ent
in tht Schoolt.
Washington, .i.n. "7 in the unate
today. luboia. ol IJaUo, rial a to a
QNeettOO "I pe.i oi, i : Vlh no
Bonnood ' oernl Wheatoi (or ad
venely ctltlcizmg the Semite's major
ity report on the Philippines tariff
hill and said the pfOOidMtf shouhi rep
riniHnd lulu Me aid i' do n it know
Wheat, .nit presumed In hi i
chanty bey, educated n. the goviite
un lit .
The debate becalm general many
senator) i clouding Wheaton. but no
action em taken.
House Committee Ways and Means
Hears Various Interests.
Chicago. Jan. 27 Tile house coin
mittei on ways ami means today be
gan consideration ot the question of
tin reduction Of the war revenue.
The tea hM IM was discussed. Tea
interests urged upon the commute
l he neeessilv ol removing tile tax ol
in cents a pi d on tea. The brew
ers followed the t'a men Tin y want
a reduction ot Jl.t'si tax to II per hat
rol. which was In oxtstctico before
the Spanish war.
Reported by I. L. Ray 4. Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Beard of Trade and
New York Stock Exchanjc Brokers.
New York, Jan. Zl. - The win at
lusrki i whs weak loilay on lower ca
hies and the weakness in coarse
:nilns I I vi rpool don d 1 "s Now
Yolk open ' at and closed
after Belli Of down to lift, Chicago
opened 7k '4 and closed 77V The vis
lido supply In n . ise. 1 102,000 foi the
vi k Btoeko steady,
t'losi d Batnrdn . xu1,.
Upi in d today s : ",
Itutigo today. K2vv('o3"
CI .1 " id'iv, X".:L
Sugar 12'
St. i'a.ii tni,.
Union Pacific, ltd.
Panic in Oats.
Chicago Jan. 27. Heavy selling
caused a panic in May oats on the
Hoard of Trude this morning, the
price falling trom II to 3'J. The
selling is lii lleved to be due to an
i fTori to break a large line of oats
held by James Pntten His brokers
supported the market and prices soon
jumped tu
Dole May Remain.
Washington Ian 27 The story'
sent out from bete tbtt the president
would appoint Samuel Pnrker to tie
sjovemoi ol Hawaii to succeed lXile
is entirdv iineutnortted The praoi
dent has not yet .von ieeMeJ to rg
move Dole
Baker City Republican Suspends Pub
bcation Today.
Hak.r City. Or Jai" 27 The Ore
gon Repnbllcan, an eventm PMM
suspended publication toduy.
Schley's Busy Day.
Chicago Jan. 27. Admiral Schley
had a busy day of it today. This
ton uuoh be visited the Win Held
Scott Schley school ami was given
an enthusiastic reception by the
school children Lad i In tin- day a
public reception as iield In the ;iar
lots of the Auditorium Annex
s hi, y made a trip to the public
school named after him He waa giv
n a rousing ri reptlOO by the child
ion Next be vv.nt to Memorial Hall
ebofl congratulatory resolutions
weie presented Ii i in by the Herman
Americans of Chicago
After luncheon he received the
Mai viand Society ot Chicago, at the
Calmer Housi and then held a puhlh
receptloo at tin I'almor House. To
night he will review tilt- naval reserve
and tumoiiow morning start for
Kitchener's Report.
London. Jau. 87 Kitchener today
reports tin aplure of a small party
of Boers by Poultein y and Colonel
Villas eoluuuis after a long pursuit
Died of Cancer in Walla waua.
Walla Walla. Jau 27 The body of
vi re Mary Bahii. nKamp waa yester
day afternoon shipped to 1 Orande,
Or., for burial Mrs. Babmnkamp re
cently came to this city for medical
treatment for cancer but efforts to
prolong bar life failed She died Sat
urday night. Mrs W H. Bahnen
kamp accompanied the body to the
family borne Deceased waa 47 years
of age
Implement Men Meet.
i rookston. Minn., Jan 27 Several
enrol of prominent agricultural Im
pl. in.-iit dealers are gatlnred here
tor the auual meeting of the Ketall
Implemeut Healers Association of
North Dakota and Northwestern Mln
uesota. The OOnventtOO was formal
ly opened today and the sessions will
coutlnue until Thursday Many
questions of Importance to the trade
are scheluled for dlscussloa,
Printars' Show.
Kanaas City. Mo. Jan. 27. A de
cldedly novel exhibition opened today
In Lyceum hall under the joint a us
pir.es of the Kansas City Manufac
turer!' association and the Typotbe.
tee. The display ii in the natur of
an art exhli It of all that Is finest In
printing, ugraving, lithographing
and all the correlative branches of
the printing industry
Perished in the Blizzard of Friday
Body Found on Sunday Attn
Hnntlngl n Jan 27 Brovot
laOCke, the l2earol,i son ol J. H.
Locke, a ramiior living 12 Bailee east
oi ben wus foead froen to death be
tweeii hoi' ami hl houn lit . o'clock
Bondnj afternoon
The bo) hud been in' town and
started to walk homo on I ridsy After
wall, ing four nubs, he hrmii ll red
slopped at a ranh house and lioi row
ed a horse to rule the rest ol the
way. seven nubs ovi i tin moui.taiu
When about half way houn ho was
oaeghl in tin t. ruble blteanrd that
was awtepllig ovoi tin OOnntfl III the
afternoon The horse was found Hod
to a tree about Olio U,illeis ol a
mile from when- the bOOJ uas found
and it Is supposed that lie becnnM be
Wlldired and rbllled and tied the
horse witli the intention of walking
the rest of the way. (l inking that be
could keep fiom freel'ig by doing so
Opposes Latter'a Rsconcentrado Pol
icy in the Philippines.
Cincinnati Jau 27 QovOfMI Wil
turn Tnftt oi the PklllppiBM arrived
home today In an Interview, he aald
be was opposed to Oeuoial Bell'l re
OOncentntdn IMillry When he left the
Philippine, there had MfW been
any thoughl of eklablinliiiiK rorogOOl
nation i a in pit in the ordinal y MOOgt
ami oi On term All that was pro
posed was the laldlshiueut of a'
bad lino I BIO which the lueurgouti
would Ik gradually diawn
Canadian Civil Enginaeis.
Montnal, Que Jau 27 Civil en
llneori from all parts oi thi liumiu
lou an- attending the annual meeting
of the Canadian Society of Civil En
glneero, wbicb Uigau ken today. A
good program of impii.- and addns
ses has beu piepaied foi the see ,
slons which ' ontinue till Thursday
Theodore Thomas' Daughter Wade.
Chicago, Jan. 27. The marriage of
Mlaa Morian Thomas daughter ol ,
Theodore Thomas, and Oaien Cartel,
of New York, took place today On
Ing to a recent bereavement In the
family of the bride the ceremony waa '
strictly private.
Germans Will Welcome Henry.
New York, Jau 17.- -Germane of
New York have decided to welcome
Prlnei Henry with a munaier parade
on the night of February 26 fifty
thousand men will be in line
Before tiif Court of Highotl
Argument to Btlng Up the Import
ant Issues lor Discuss on by High
est Com t.
Washington, .fan N In (he I ml
ed Slates supremo court today argu
ment was DonaMIDced upon Hie apph
cation of the state ol Minnesota for
leave to hie ii hill ol , onplalnt
against the Nortken BecUlitiM 0M
puny, bnnrlng upon the eeonolMntloi
oi the Korthotn Pncldi Bnilrond cum
pun., with Hie Oioat Nmthurii anJ
BuftlngtOn systems
Tin i dings rorn me need tisiay
have .cit. ih, polnfa m unliue intor
si and owing to the Importance of
the issues InVOlVOd they will he loi-
lowed v nh . lose attention throngfcool
the country. The application wlibh
is up tm banting soIh forth tbi ua
ture m tin- Noiihern ,s miti, com
pnny, ami prayi tbol tin oBtoon of
Hie oi run!., ill, in in enjoined iron
exercising any COOtml OVOI the i all
,ways that hav, lon i onsolldated ant
from part 1 1 Ipntlni in tkeli MUMBO
meol Tin two tnnln points are the
employment ot Ike eguHj pus ess ua
the irouod that the complalonNt ims
mi other adenuatt rewodyi ami hi
rennoni for whbh the lunrenM court
is naked to grnnl aneh a rnnndvi
Pbeae last leveret n declnkM whetl
ot the Noitiieri Becnrltlot t-ompnl.vj
is r ill) a rnltwni monopoly, Thus
un issue is rained or greet monaenl n
the w hob cm point Ion pi ohleiu.
should the lupremo court decide la
iiivnr oi t lii complainant state. It wit
tfcereb) tak Juiladlctlon over I
largo class of cases which blVI hith
erto Roma so.i befon tkd state
courts The suit Is of special infer
est become II practlcnlli abendeos
Ihe Sin i n,. in it 1 1 Trust Ail, and ili
Interetnlo nonimaifi act as ground!
ot pm adnn,
The irguntasta by ttnrnoyi up
rnaeollm Mlnaoooti ami On ombpbbi
I tee 1 1 In on Ho ipiestimi as to whuthef
Ho court has Jm ladletlon in the east
and V bethel tl shall allow the suit .
compel the i olupauy In dissolve shag
ho (Hod.
Fight Renewed.
Pull rlnVOO I in. 27. Hostlluisa
hav, beOM Wle wed belwetii th
Nortken Puclfli ami Ornnl Nortken
mllWO) IHsiog.iidllis Ihe lerhai
Igreeuenl reached lust month, the
latter la building a ' Ui off which oh
slructs the use b the former of laud
bought foi terminal! The railway!
an aeaifing ooallctlog frnnofekjoa ims
tori the wkntoom cnnncUi Mid must
let tie On tlghi In On- courts uiilnaa
the Nortken Becurltlao Pompiny le
let foi e.
Notable Horse Sale.
til w York. Jan 27. The moi uot
aide bom aule kini u Hu- dispitrsal
ol u,e I outlaid ami BMtM mOtH sla
Ides begun Lodny In Madison square
Oarden Pka string cowprloei one
hundred ami smsu blooded luustn
ttelOMlng Hu- I', no V'alluy Klriu at
NorrHvlUe, r Included umoug the
horses to go mulct Hie hauinu-i ar
mm i tin- lauel trot im in tin
connto heed ad by Oakland Bbtun
i OB44 tJtki i famoui trot tare an
Inn i im Hell Warren wood II. Mary
I 21 Jim P lb Hi Will . s i Anna
and Lad) iiauu. There aiu in addt
ion a dnngktei oi Oakland llaioii a
slsli i of OreOMMi and iwi-ulytivM
brood imtiir with irotttM record!
Naval Transfers Made.
i'm. aiola Ha, Jau. 17. Captaia
I' H Coopet today relieved Keai A!
miial Wildes 4 i omiiiandani oi the
Penaacola uvi Mint jfagi Admiiai
WlldoB proceedk liiunedlatd to Sag
Krlsco where lis sails Kabiuazy
7 to relieve Idai Adm'ial Kumuf
the junior squadron cominandei of
the Asiatic statlou
Hecord Breaker in Patent.
Waahlugion, Jau. 27 The yeaa
IM1 was a record brOnkM g the pat
' nt otBce. according to the anuuaJ re
ui i of Patent Commissioner Allea.
submitted to congress today The
number of patent! laeued waa 27.17s,
the iargeat annual output in the aia
tory of the oakra