East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 23, 1902, Image 6

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$1.36 a month This will add wme to 1
the cost of the department, but would
give better service mil prevent the
alternative of a paid Are department
At a special school meeting ycater
dav a le-mill tax was voted
judse Luasal. of Pendleton will de
liver an address at the ann!versar
meeting of the Hums Society oc Frl
day evening
Ikagwat People Dmit tc Force
Down the Tanff to a Reasonable
People In the state will be some
what stacsered to read the following
from the Daily Skagway News on the
exorbitant charges by the White
Piass tc Yukon route for carrying 21
lies. The News says
Thu 1ik 'rttht tariff sheet of the
White Pass at Yukon Route, effective
October 10, I Ml, and now attempted
tc be enforced, quotes the following
tariff charges from Skagway to the
aummit a distance of H miles:
Orour "A." under S tor. lots $2 per
10' pounds H" per ton IT-' per
carload of IS tona. Group , B " $: M
per 4I per tee ttw per r
load. OffNI -C: t:.2B per 100 II I
per ton 1919 pet carload. Group
"t " M-M ler 1 Sr" per ton $1
62' per corkwd On single pieces
weighing (final to I0H pounds
from to 1" per cent Is added to the
abov quo'ori rates Single pieces
weighing over & pounds take a
pecta'. rate, presumably higher Ship
ments In quantity of five ton to W
tons, a reduction of 4 to 11 per
cent is offered I am Informed tha'
for shipments of over 2' tons a cor
respondtngly greater per oent of re
dtictior. Is made
The aecretary of the Interior nor
axy other public official has the pow
er to make lawful Its extortionate
rates charged by the White Pass k
Tukoc route and he never a tempted
to do such a thing The law provides
that all charges for transportation by
Alaska railroads shall lie poeted In
two places In their depot. I have not
been able to find these posted In the
depot o: the White Pas Yukon
route at Skagway
Congress having failed to fix the
rates the common law. as crystallied
Into form by the various decisions of
the higher courts and now In force
tn Alaska, restrict the charges by all
public carriers to "reasonable rates."
I'nrt.'r the common law all i barges
collated hy public carriers above rs
aonable rates can be recovered The
White Pass a- Yukon route is a public
carrier a publh highway built upon
the pub!:, domain and largely from
material belonging to the public I. e..
citixens of the t'nited Slates. It oc
cupies exclusively the only available
pass across the mountains which
privilege Is worth not less than II
ihhi one am! for all of which It has
never paid the consideration of so
much as one dollar Our public serv
ant the congress granted thts valu
aule right of way and franchise to
the Whit.- Pas a Yukon route- solely
and entirely upon tb- implied consid
eration that they the company
should make their rates "reasonable"
and thus subserve the public good
This they have not done as the above
quoted tariffs show
The White Pass A Yukon route has
paid not one dollar of tax. rents or
other revenue to the government ex
cspt their annua! license tax of I'.'"
par mile of which 21 miles is payable
to our government But on the other
hand it is being paid for carrying
the United States mails at the pres
ent time, at the regular pack horse
rates which were popular three year
ago. It has taken a aub contra :
from th- original contractor, who re
ceives 4I,0M per annum for moving
the malls from Skagway to Tanana.
How much of thts sutn the origins:
contractor be. left after paying the
railroad company can be eat: mated
pretty loaely by those wht have had
dealings with that company
A B Stevens. Sr.. Suffers Another
A B Stevens Sr.. who got a Qlaes, 1
of steel In his right eye son: "time
ago. has been told by his attending
phvsii ian here that he would proba
bly be compelled to have the Injured
eye removed or loose the other one
This Is another case exemplifying the
old adage that "trouble does not come
singly " as Mr Stevens had the mis
fortune to lose his residence am!
most of the contents a few weeks ago
bv fire.
One Convicted of Horse-Stealing, the
Other Meld for Perjury.
Walla Walla. Jan tt.-Jataes. Pi1'
ney was convicte.i of horse steallnc '
In the superior court yesterday a
Jurv returning a .verdict hi a few rain
utes after going to the Jar?
Iabne was found In posf slo
horse belonging to Caairles r M
and rlalmed he had boucht the !
mal for 116. To prove the asse-r-
he produced a bl" o' saN " 1
r man whose nnnie was I M
Whatcom. On trial yafrterdaj
Mil of aalr was prOTSS I
workmanship of Dabae) ham wi n
experts clearly proving :l"
hip Dsjbney will be senten
a term In the intteniiar
A brother of the convicted mar. :
H Jail awaiting trial for perJu-
-..aving attempted to secure th.' rs
least of James by false swearing M
h. preliminary.
Pres.dsnt SMImsn Asks them to
Corns Here During Training
Manage- Stillman of th. Pendleton
Kl.- '''111'.
-,.i:r, has offered to the
Utae Company Bought a Half Sectior
of Land and Win Stock it With
1 Grand Jar. 23 Mirer Bros
of Fatrview I'tah. have bought 32'
acres of land at Nlbley. In this valley
and retuncd home ioda to prepare
for removal here next month They
are in the stock and tuereantlle busi
ness, and will bring Z Jerseys most
of then, milch cows, sad will manu
facture Pasteurised butter They ex
pect also to open a genera, merchan
diss business in time
O W W.lliams sold yesterday ti
Tboma Clark, of Alicel Vj acres of
farm land for 144 pes acre
Clement Broa of Falrvlew. have
aiao purchased Ml a r of the Con
ley ranch at Nibley and will farm it
to wheat and beets
Fire Department tc Reorganize.
The La Grande fire department iutld
a meeting las' night to consider
aueauis for increasing Its efficiency
Of late the menii-r ha1..- beer, lax
and the town feels the need of better
protection It was decided to disband
the hook and ladder company and
have none The captains of the hose
com par. let. were ordered to recruit up
to 25 In the two companies in the
business part of town and lo In the
Old Towu company They will re
port at ai. adjourned meeting next
An effort u to be made lu
asvh active fireman on the member
kip roll of the Commercial Club and
save the uiiy pay his daes which are
This portra t shov.s Mias Lillian
Norton, of Bcstor. ho receives tne
highest saiar. 12250 per year, that is
said a woman employe by tne fede'S
Tne PendlMon.
Leonard A Baker. Portland
C M Smith Portland
Henrv F. Conner. Portland
J C Lonergan Ta. oma
I K Levy San Franc iaco
C D Gabrielaon Salem
H R. La Kansas Cttf
J R Dontbat O R ft K
John 8 Gwinne Portland
George Stevens Spokane
Mrs Williams Portland
W D Algood Portland.
William Maber Portland
Charles Nabergall Portland
F E Gerald Portland
Letha Bates Athena.
Charles E. Comatock
W W. Walters Brownsville
F J. Ginger Spokane
Oeorge W Harris. Portlam!
H B Reea: Spoka.-"
E A Schlffler city
I J l.ukei Portland
Flint Portland
The Golden Rule.
1. H Ogden Waltsburg
Mrs Waterman Athena
w C Cunningham. Portland
f'harle Gerklng Athena
Caato Sixakanc
William McCorkell. Briwaon.
J. K Johnson Pendleton
R E Toiler Wasco
T J Kirk Athena
Charles McLean Athena
H Brown. Athena
A. McCorkell Br.gson
Preston Mlt' M0 Bnggaon
D W Kelly Denver
MlSs Kei Ienver
C. H Hamilton and wife Warten
James Scott Clarkavllle
E A Slater "ampbell
J. 1. Higgms
H. (J ttaniels
W F Woodstock Nolin
Mrs L Burnett Milton
Mrs C E. Colt Aatoria
Allen Kennedy Kansas
Roae Kennedy Kdi.jas
O T H:gie Nebraska
Charles Pi Chipps. of the New York
comotrolierS office , tried 'or embez
iong 130.000 of city funds. He was
a'waya respectea in that city.
Waiia Walla Snov. Attracts Peopie
One Rather Old One
Walla Walla Jan 23 The third
itay of the poultry ahow opeued with
bright prosiects The first and sec
mil days iar wtesaaskas 'he same
!ays of th last show In way of at
the shov. dal!;. am! tomorrow aim
Saturday the number will run into
the thousands Especially a msh ic
he attendance large
The work of judging Is about d a
edge sF w HHetaaek of I otorado
is doing the work very aeewptaMFi
am! his de. mions are general!) taken
as very fair A great many ntrds are
being scored at over M points while
a fee hav reached 95 One hen on
"xhlbitior Is known to be over 14
vears of age and ts st!l! quite sprtte-
I'ur i i ..w
n nrnfs!nna! trom the free use
grounds and every encourage
, .r come here during the season
nf practice, which the team desires
10 pat :r. In this part of the country.
Thi ell mat e of Montana Is too severe
to enable early outdoor practicing,
and the climate of this town belne
salubrious and pleasant. It was
thought to help out the crack Von
tana aggregation and allow them to
come to Pendleton.
A similar offer was made to the
Helena If an ta Manager John L
tlharpstcir. of Walla Walla, and It !
hoped then that the offer will be ar
Wpted It the event both offers are
;i.t up 'he Montana teams will
m. to each place. Butte to Pendle
.v and ReleM to Wnlla Walla and
he local teams will have the advan
.. -. t.i v the fast men
'hes aggregations
This would Inject life Into the base
"mil situation such as no other thlnf
liar .nr. b thought of. and settle th
meatton as to local interest :n thi
talk over th matter of orga
ir. and effect some sort of per
t tilans It is suggested that
k company be formed all who
to s-1 ko'! ball In Pendleton
ear tc subscribe for the shares
each This would rHiev. ;h
rho r.sualh bear the brunt of
grdea, and make it possible for
n.. t ilo Knmethine to encour
base ball men to do their
It Is hoted that there will be a
meeting this evening, and that
thing definite will be arrived at
o'her towns they are moving
Pendleton does not propose to
i-hlnd In the movement
The Umatilla
Agricultural Implements, Vehfc
vge fh
.r. a
Fnn 7PP flnnni 11...
vieo l. Buser, Lessee an n Msnsger m. b Welch. Local
Friday January 24th, 1
White Instit
Prices 25c, 50c. 75c and $.oo
Seat sale at Friz
Cetaeeh cannot Be Cured
siit ii pd'.i utioa. w tty eaaej rea-s
lur : of ihr dixaw i SUrrb l s bluod or
seastltntlOSMi disease and In nnler to cure It
Tim r.'Mit ik inierna: remi-di Hal) a
tarrn I an ta uken inu-mallr n,- acts dJ.reetty
mnwc ' 'm
: ra arttns
The perirrf
a .lia
Martin's Family Grocery
Pendleton progresses and with the
-rogress the stores muat move along
Off fall behind in the race for busl
ness. To keep atep with th move
forward K. Martin, of Martin r l am
Up Grocery, will move into commod
ious new quarters next month a. the :
'. .afontaine block. In order that a
tirand new stock of tne beat sj 'reeb
goods may fU! the new store tha old
stock at the present location is to
ue disposed of at coat prices. It ;
must he disposed of ctmpletely with
in the nest ta.-n';. iia BOMekMp
ers w1!! pleaae take notice and otne
to the store and ascertain fur
selves Prompt delivery of s! pur
1 haaes to any part of the city
The man who never forgives or
org- ts in to be pitied' Ah h :riv. h
lid his bosom Is a bosom of old
;ruilges and they are 111 company.
Disfiguring Humors
Itcblog, Burning, and Scaly
Eruptions of the Skin and
Scalp with loss of hair
Complete External and Inter
nal Treatment by Cuticura
The Set SI 25
CoatlttlngoftrTtCCau vaI (Sr.,. torlaanae
lb i lie of ervMto and aJ aod mftro Ue
lb.l-end eaueir, ecru l'SU QMasSBJ (0r.;,
a iitMaaUv allay in , Irntatwi.. aad In
ammauoa. sod . .un- and beal, awl cm-
I as Usaocvaarr (r .;. to eaol and dleaiHe
lb Dl.- d A uuglr t U ofsao aun-ient lo
cure HM OK41 lurturme. duSii'' . akin,
sealp, and bluod humor., rasae. iirn.no. aad
Imisiiou, atitb Ium nf batr, wbr Ux best
pnh.n and all otn. r ramedle UH
hirtu . in iutu i - awl. -
tAf I All I I I
tfuim unuuum a m lu uh
Wi carry U.e larpetst and Isest line of
Wood CkoppMrl and Iamtfrmen'i
Supplies in the city 'm. sitting of
Axes, Wedjrer-. Sledges. Cron Cut
and "lie man Saw, ('all and ex
amine our line and get our prices
iieTore purthasinj:
Tha Laadlnr, Hardware Ren.
I Ell t - I f 1 I
i m v m a aim. .
For Sale!
rSawr Sana aaS abaaS
t There will be a meeting si the
Baseball Aaaociauon at the ittnetl
ehambers thia. Thursday I
ninf at 7 o'clock, to arrange :ne
plans for putting a first- iass lean. In
the field for the coming year a this
inie it rosy be arranged to torn, a
i stork eonipany. and have the shares
at tl each, so that ee.- . :. ..iat
win be abl e to do his share tiarda
I the maintaining of a first-class team I
and at the same time have a financial
interest In the association A en
thualaats are requested tc be prevent
lu .. iia aia.w l-tm
aos4 ! alssii rie'a
Ely's Cream llelr
A Fireman's Close Call.
"I atuck to my engine, although
every Joint ached and every nerve
was racked witn pain ' writes C W
Bellamy, a locomotive fireman, of
Burlington. Iowa "I waa weak and
pale, without an appetite and a1'
rut down Aa I was about to glv
up I got a bottle of Electric Bitter
and. after taking It. I felt as well a
I ever did tn my life" Weak, aickl)
run-dowc people always gain new life
strength and vigor from their uae
Try them Satisfaction guaranteed
by Talltnan 4 Co Pries sV cents
They have struck an oil well near
Danville. 111! A compan hat gsjsj
leasing land for several months
Nau's Dyspepsia Cure
Maa curvet those caac
and It will care yua
J M. l.'tiurotv Lyra:,'l. . .n- aays.
I aoflsead for 'Ai ysr. ai.d i
tisd I not ussstl Nau yapefaasa are
( would not be alive t write you a
NaUiai. Fslk Boiaac Idaho ssya: "I
aiifTered for roars: found Sju reliefa
out no cure excit your
e- i i
i a ik.. ia .. U ...
a at
( ram IWilm n r d lo:o .S -irire spiaaili
iMuwiH a A ii ajaoriv: ha.iafia.a.
siarliatssadacufa fo..ua. It ia boa Sryina; k
l . Ur-iae, ..ji,Iii,
giauor by Basil; Trial Siaa, loesais bj mall
glT B HUT Hans, as WarrE bW. Basj Tors.
I L. Kay !t CoN
Bar aad aati
and drain
of sasb ar oa mare' n
tori Muk I k..- .
Chacaage Stack bsuchaagr..
1 hscagc Bsaard sf Trade.
rl aaM. sMaitu.. ,r.,
kepraraentstlve Stevens of Texas
introduced a bill for the union of
Oklahoma and Indian Territory as s
, state, to be known as the atate of
Oaiah oms
Fear ease by TaJtsnsn a Co . and all
saae SratggtBts. or send to f- rank
MwrtaaeS Motel Hharenscy , Hort
OTogvo fries i a boUlc or A
Seasies see satsreaa prepaid
L : lv one fla"
mat. nine is in ajooo coQOHion. ieiuiis V &''
power to run it and with it one person can set Iron v.
ems brevier in eight hours i aktlDsf
U:U .u- u: .i .1 ..ci nulled
nil llic UKI.IIIUC II1CCC l UCa" ' r
to boo pounds brevier type, 8 point
Machine will be sold for ino f o. b
at Pentilrtoo
be sold for I350 I o f '
a llr
East Oregonian, fenaiw