IIMIHmiMMmiMMMI TEN UAY!) SPECIAL SALE vh more of our Immense January- Clear- nnrii'i: th'1? coming ten days we make you ...... ...... i . i L0f pricet, unsuryaascu prices on evervuting je vho l av- not seeO our prices during this .i A 1 n irrnat a I v-n n 1 11 it, tit ..Mtui ai.il Will mill 41 fS,v"v i 1 1 "0' wv warn anu ... iir.ii Inn of our D Hli'h Goods. Silk, Domestics, Woolen I nderwear. Hosiery, Corsets, Shoes, Muslin I'ndcrwcar. s L- ..I D wear viihu, Everything in Men's (roods. M. THE WONDERFUL CHU,D PIANIST 18 COMING i n 1 a t 1 t e Alexander uepanmeni Diore, i Audit tor Famous Sris Shoo. soline Engine for Sale i .. .. .. .ii. -t i 'j l n i Tit -niMM U i I i initiL ' it. . ...I... art-all new, onne in use oniv a trw weeks. is very economical and guaranteed to te satisfactory. Price East Oregonian, Pendleton, Oregon. She Hat Played Before Kings and Emperora in Many Foreign Coun tries The Children Especially In terested Paloms In coming, the child pi anist who charmed the people of Pen dleton two years ago with her won Octfal playtnK of classical numbers. It will he an engagement that wlll.at- tract the musical people, and . also all of the children. Indeed. It wJll' be jthe, general desire to witness Pa loma's marvellous rendltlona. which have been Improved very much dur ing the tw years hat has intervene! 'between her last appearance here land the present time She has been i a pupil of the world's famous Herr t Thllo Backer, of the LttfBtl Conser vatory and pupil of Krause. And her tutelage lias added munh of art to her 1 work. The contract with Paloma was signed yesterday, and calls- Tor her appearance here on .January II, one ' week from tomorrow night. She will ' come to Pendleton, where she Is to ! play before the students of Whitman Cottage iter appearance In Seattle land Portland and all the other coast Cities has been the occasion for en thusiastic testimonials of her excel lence. Keuardlnn the report that she was ill a y.-nr ago. it Is found that there Is I no truth In the story. At the time, she was in Switzerland, and enjoying the best of health. She was. In fact I giving concerts before crowned I heads during the season when she was there Prices have been eMd at So cents for adults, and M cents for children under twelve, nil school children will be admitted for M cents chertirtrrs In "Human Hearts." those particularly adapted to Impcr sonate the type of people living in the state of Arkansas "Human Hearts" Is announced for the 2Jth Diamond Bros' Minstrels. The. Sioux City .Iowa. Journal sas of this show"; " (he Diamond Bros.' Pig White Minstrels opened a two nights' engagement at the Orand last night to a packed house which be stowed liberal applause on the per formance The company presented a better program than SU other tnin strel company that ever"vlsited this city. The work of Its comedians. S Hood. F Hon on. ( Oarfleld. f Gallagher. J. Hyan and (1 Wiltama met with especial success of the house their Jokes being new and therefore something of a noT,lt The Olio - work was excellent and startling throughout." At the Kra xer Jan. '24. "Rupert of HenUau." Jan. 28. . The dramatization of that master ly romance,, "Rupert of Hortt7.au." the sequel to Anthony Hope's "The Prls 0D4 r MsMlda,'' has afforded BpDOl t unity for another stage favorite the romantic hero. The dashing Has sendyll of the "Prisoner of Zen. In' appears once more In "Rupert of Hentr.au. " a,nd Is made to achieve even more dashing and romantic things than in the first Zenda story. The duel In the third act of "Rupert ,ii Hent7.au." In particular, offers a scene more stirring In Its action nnd un:.uc In Its climax than anv thing yet attempted In the romantic drama. Murry and Mack. Local theater goers are keenly In terested In the coming engagement of the original Mum and Mai k ami their latest laughing vehicle. Shoot ng the Chutes." which will be tue setited at the Kiacr on January '.Mi ofMtWW there Is an Indescribable strength in the title of "Shooting the Chutes." which appeals with a sort of magnet le Influence to the amuse nient loving public. EXPECT RESULTS between the reformers and the re form administration. WEDDED IN WALLA WALLA. expect people to know what you have to sell If you don't WDO YOU ADVERTISE? unlM it advertises Human Hearts Jan. 2. The distinctly American play de. pends to a great extent on the por trayal Of character and scenes which are to a degree of a local nature Thus "Shore Acres" deals with the Inhabitants of the coast of Maine; "The Old Homestead with the na ;!. ; ' " Hnmiishlre and "Human ( Hearts' . which Is shortly to be seen here, with the peaceful lives of those ' who live In the picturesque Arkansas Hills Admitting as It does or elab .orate scenic effects this advantage. It la said. Manager W K Nankevllle I has eagerly seized to supply to his j patrons something out of the ordl I nary In the way of stage illusion It is also stated that he has scrim d the services of at) exceptionally good 'ompany for the portrayal of the MISCALLED "HAIR TONICS. Mout Hair Preparations Are Merely Scalp Irritants, of No Value. dost hair preparations are mere scalp Irritants, miscalled hair tonics When hair Is brittle, luaterless and 1 begins to fall out. the dandruff germ Is getting In Its deadly worn hi i'u root, sapping the vitality. Since s ence discovered that dandruff Is a germ disease there has been only one preparation put on the market that will actually destroy the dandruff germ and that is Newbro's Herplclde. It allays itching Instnntly. destroys the germ: and the falling hair stops, and hair grows luxuriantly. Ask your druggist for Herplclde It allays Itch ins Instantly, makes hair grow TROUBLES OF THE REFORMING MAYOR. Seth Low Already Draws Forth Cnti elsm From Parkhurst. on New York's Situation. Seth Low has been mayor of ll peat er New York for only a few days, when he finds that 'the fierce light that biats about a throne" has made lilm a target of criticism, for not so soon as this showing some fruits from he lampalgn of reform that placed him In the office. Dr. Ch.trlcs 'it. Parkhurst gave out a letter addressed to Mr Low which had been adopted b the executive commit t -o of the loctttj for the Pre vent Ion of I'rlnio. of which Mr Park burst is president The opening para uraph reads "While thS So, Ictj for the Proven Hon of Crime counts Itself distinctly an all of the present municipal ad ministi .nun. tl i are certain priucl ides of action to which e hnve uni formly adhered and whirr are deem it incumbent MOB OUrMlVM to pursue and to urge, even at lie risk ol ex eeptlng the edd polii ) of :hosc whom yU' Mil I like t. all ri ipei ts lo si otul anil support In all oiii past a, tivlty as a SOCtOt we h;n. procaedetl uion the distinct HBdontSndlBI that law exists lor the purpose of being obeyed.1 The letter noes on to SO) thai I ha first two weeks Of the present rafjBM h.ne made it "entirely Indetlmi. at to what civic righteousness in this ' it is and what It Is not. ami to that extent 11 has operated to put the reform administration In the mime Vfjmlual attitude towaill law as was; that occupied by the administrations: of "2. '3. M7. and left." It deplores; the fact that "while chartered by the state to Jahor forthe prevention at, crime,, the society Is not quite certain any tOBgOf whnt Is crime" and says ( that the "atmosphere Is clouded by' ambiguity emanating from admlnls trail Ye Incertitude. " and that "the sit nation is morally Intolerable." The ( letter further says that "there Is not fOf much to choose between a Tain many administration that has bail principles and a reform .idmlnlstia lion thai has good principle" but la afraid to use them " The letter which Is signed by Hi Parkhurst. concludes by demanding of Mayor Low that "you brace your administration In accord with your oath," and that he summon resources at his command to the work ot "Imnk I) and resolutely suppressing open or i landestlne violations of rrcognlred statutes." This action Is construed as a breai h Mo-M L. 0. Picket and Miss Marqaret intyrs Married and Move to irnsbury. Wallla Well.v Jan '- l.ewla O. n kel tin Ua TUigaret A Mcln tie bcih Alhe-ia. werv married Tui'sdav nifbl la this city, and at once left for niensiiurg. whrte they will reside Mr Picket Is a pholog raher and I at been In business at Athena Rev .1 M. Morris, of the Christian church, performed the ceremony. For Sale! Eight lots with dwelling iod !.rn, $3,000 I louse lias seven rooms, hath, cellar ami wood lituise, i itv water, J Jxase1 TTi i i In 4 nil stene OBBdStiOak Also (QUI lots ami new olt u;r, $1,250 Two lots iml lionsc, Hi.o.ki. part cash, reasonable time on lalamc, oi will sll on installments. See I!. H17 Mam StroOl BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE -as asr roaviiu.MTi Ar Anyone Mnrltntf h nnd nVrrtii..t. maf j M .. k I f m rt iillf upltihtfl frwo) wrtft liei n HiTfMitVtCJ la rhatlT inl t-l ( mniiti.bs f I ift t r l-t IT n-t"t nl HlUIUHia N I'AteMitB Mttll fitsP) t.tBt Jfe'tii f fT riiriltH IO)Ht I'ai owaiia taknti tFtrmh Mitnti A lo. ismwI wletJ not i without rliAfaTA, In Inn Scientific .rlmcrican. 4 tMaasaeir iiinii ,1 wih-h? i ri isr i-ionJIoi, r ti, ,-iwtiiif1 lutiriial i io.i Ms irkr - f ir in. ,iili, l Si'Vl l nil . - ln WUNN Co."'B- :sm he Peoples Warehouse I4c Ladies9 and Children's Underwear Until the elosiug of our J 2th Annual Irarance Sale we will put our stock of laduV and ''hil dren's Underwear at prices never heard f he iorr-: 26c Children's Union Suits, clearance ta!- I""' 1 ;ik Women'ts Union Suits. 2Qr learance sale prion Wool Hosiery Reduced The heat value ever offered at Ar 20. 1, clearance Bale t ri' c. w Ladies Jackets Wonderful values Thin aBABon's latest Importation, all at olei tool sale pr-nea. $7 06 val'ies at clearan' - sal- pn f o y.5J values at clearance sale price 4.7S 10.00 values a clearance sale pr.ee oW 15 ()0 valued at cleaiauco aale pi we Jjj 1 J BO ealttBO a' clearance sale p m 1 24.00 values ai clearance aale Tioe Klectrw seal boas with tail ornaments, reduced to fl.l Men's Overcoats Aootbaff ):reat rut, another Ixtld xlasliin of prices which makes this by far tin- reateat tnuney saving olotbing I vent ol the It ason Note the reduction-'. Men's Overcoats . Worth f H.Ms, 7 M) and t (Si now $5.50 Men's Overcoats ZfaH? ,,w $9.95 Men's Overcoats SSeVtti $!3o All boy's youth'i and child's ovtroosli raduotd in the rami' proportion . WHEN WE SAY SO IT'S TRUE. There is nothing more servicable than box calf $1.45 SJ.25 We offer von Miaaet1 BoJ alf - iioe $2 OXj valutta at. A Chlds Boi aif shoe $1 78 value at TWFLFTH ANNUAL CLtAKANtt $A T SBlBaBSBBBBBt eaes-