WEDNESDAY , JAM AHY 22. 190; H AVE YOr BEEN OIK PRICKS ON Felt Slippers, Felt Shoes and Jersey Leggins KOlt I, AIM :s M ISSI H AXP CHILDREN? SEE OI K WINDOW DISPLAY Who can att'oni to have wet feet when you can buy rubber at such prU: Ladies Storm rubbers. 20c Misses Storm rubbers, 15c ChilJ's Storm rubbers, toe Dindinger, Wilson & Co. Successor to Cleaver Bros. PERSONAL MENTION V F. Woodstock was In town yes terday from Nolln. B. F McCullough. of Echo, was In town today on business. Mack Cockburn Is attending court from his ranch on Couse creek. R. E. W. Spargur a:ul wife were in town yesterday from Umatilla. A. Balcom. a prosperous young farmer from 1'tlot Rock. Is In tin city. J. M. Garrison Is registered at the Golden Rule Hotel from Forest Orove James Nelson, a prominent stock man of Vinson, was In town yester day Misses Delia and l.etha Estes are registered at Hotel Pendleton from Athena District Attorney T G. Halle; it 111 at bis home on the corner of Mam and Jackson streets. J P Mrs Maud Stanfleld and Mrs Daisy Hardlstry, Of Milton. arc guests of ; Mr. and Mrs .1 H Ferguson at their home In Pendleton for a few days Lerl Ankcny. the well known bank er. was In Pendleton from Walls WBlla Tnesday night arriving on Tuesday afternoon's train and leav Ing on this mornings train G. W. Rlphy has filed his bond of $600 with the county clerk as com mnndcr of Kit Carson Post O A. R. of I'einl leton. for the term ending Jan 1 uary 6. MM. 0 W. Rlgby Is his surety. J. M Stiem-r attended the A. K. Flnlf v auction sale, on his ranch naar Bella, today, for the A Kunkel Com pan . to talk with the farmers at the sab concerning the merits of the John Deore plows. Michael O'Rourke. who was born In 1 Ireland In ixsn and came to the United ' States In IIN has filed his Intention of supporting the constitution of the United States and renouncing all al legiance to the king of Great Hrltaln Mrs J, H Halstead and son Joel, are In town, arriving on this morn ing' trnm flh- v!'l return hmrt OB tonight's passe ilc- train. The net hall at Echo, to be occupied by the Maccabees, a nearlng completion. On St. Valentine's day a ball will In given at the new hall. H. Hessel. of Weston Is In Pendb ton. He reports that matters are quiet In The Athens of Eastern Ore gon " and there .Is a growing Interest In the coming political campaign Also that there Is considerable Inter est in the marshalshlp muddle In Pen dleton, and the outcome Is exciting much uun-'nt and dlscusstu:.. Walla Walla Union: The Misses Charity and Harriet Ankeny were brou .... from Portland to the family resldeu I In this city, arriving on the early train yesterday morning The former is still suffering from the ef fects of the accident which befel her when :die dropped down an elevator shaft St Helen's Hall. Portland Miss Harriet Ankeny was taken to St Mary hospital where an opera tion for appendicitis was performed by Dr J. E Hlngbam The patient rallied bravely and Indications for re covery are strong. CUE MORE ROOM FOR A GOOD TEAM NE LIKES US MUCH VOTED TEN MILL TAX AUTHORIZE BUILDING. District No. 16 Held Special Election Today, to Vote Money for Improve menu. The school district held a .special election today and voted a 10 null tax for the year, and authori. ltd Uu erec tion of a building in north Pendleton, and the sale of lots as stated b- I At 2 o'clock the school board met in the court room at UM court DOOM for the purpose of discussing and voting on the question of special tax being Imposed on the U payers- .1 Pendleton for the purchasing of ground on the north s dc of I'matllln river and erecting anotlicr school house for the BBCtaBaBBBallCB the litttle pupils that arc now compelled to go to the school house 00 lie til 1 1 Thev also voted on whether or not to sell lots tu. 11. 12. 1? and 14. In block 1 1. Reservation addition to the city of Pendleton, and using the mone for the purpose beton men tioned. MAY FORM STOCK COMPANY FOR BASEBALL TEAM. Shares to Be at $2 Each and All En thusiasts Asked to Subscribe Ac cording to Their Intereet in tbe Sport There will be a meeting of the Haseball Association at the council . handlers tomorrow (Thursday) eve ning at 7 o clock, to arrange the ninnn for nuttlni: a first class team In the field for tbe coining year. At this time It may be arranged to form a stock conipan. and have the shares al J each, so that every enthusiast will be ab e to do his share towards the maintaining of a first-class team and at the same time have a financial interest In the association All en thusiasts are requested to be present THE CITY MIXUP FIR8T NATIONAL GETS A NEW CHARTER. During tbe Past Twenty Years It Has Disbursed More Than 1500.000 to Stockholders. The First National Hank of Pendl- M' Menus left lasi v.-nlns for ; ton ban received a new charter from Walla Walla on business with th stock journal Rev. A 0. Hughlet. pastor or th Helix and Adam Baptist churches was In town yesterday. F. J. Donnelly was clerk at Hotel Pendleton. In place of Charley Hard ner. who Is taking a lay-off. Mrs N Loverldge. who has spent several days with relatives here, left last evening for her home in Weston. Perry Whltworth. of Echo, passed through Peudleton on this morning's train on his way to La Grande on a Tislt to relatives. Big Clearance Sale books for almost nothing Sale from Jan. mtt to Feb. L If you waul a book (it am kind or description come and look at stock and get oeneti: of out low prices. TALL MAN & CO. connected 1 Comptroller Ridgeley. extending Its orporate life M years. The new char t is granted i virtue o: tii, ai ap proved on July 12. 1882. The showing made by the bank Is one that muy well cause Hie officers and directors to point to It as one of the strongest financial Institutions in the state During the past 2 years th- First National Hank or Pendleton has dl boned to Its stockholders more thar. half a million dollars and makes the following showing of business on Da 'enib.-r 1". 1 .'. Loans and discounts $523.2."T.ii fritted States bonds to secure circu lation $70.0011, caah on hand. $7f WfcfTi capital stock. $70.00n; surplus fund and undivided profits. S88.0d0.43. I deposits. I5t5'j.226.4&. On Tuesday evening the annual election was helu. with the result J that the following were re-elected of ficers and directors: Directors lv Ankenv of Walla Walla. W F Matlock. J 8 MeLeod W 8 Hyers H F Johnson, of Pen-! dleton. The officers are President. Lvi Ankeny; vie picaldent. W F Mat lock: cashier. C U. Wade, assistant 1 cashier. H. C. Gurnsey. The bank commenced to do bust ness In March 1882. hut received Its charter on July 12. the same year and Bat sin' :na' tliu. be.-.-r. establishing i Itself as a stron.". conservatively man aged Institution. ANOTHER DELAY IN INJUNCTION CASE. Matter still Hangi Fire in the Circuit Court. With Interest General in the Cause. The Injunction cases afjejnsl Mayor Hailey and the lour counellmen that voted utains' retaining Marshal deathman and Recorder Heam are still hanging Are Time has been set several times for the argument before Judge Ellis In which the defendants ask that the Injunctions be set aside but each time It has been postponed by one side or the other for various reasons This afternoon was the last time set for the argument and deefcl Ion of the Judge but owing to the ill ness of Mayor Hailey, the case was again set aaldt ami it is not now known when It will he heard The people of Pendleton are show-ins unu sual Interest in this caae. as It Is one of vital Importance to ever: citizen with property in the city and they are showing considerable Impatience at the seemingly unnecessary delays that have been made In deciding the question. On every hand people can be heard asking win the principals are dilly-dallying along so niu-b ami wh something definite Is not done TUTU ILL A LETTEP H II t Notes from Suburb South of Pendie ton of the Past Week. Tutilllla Jan. 22 Mrs H Hoopes is seriously 111. Mr. and Mrs Frank King liav. turned from their wedding trip alliornla Mr and Mrs M H. Oillett. whe hav. n.-.-i, spending their honeymooi la California are expected home this eek B K MeElroy and outfit are up M Eureka Flat. Washington, seeding for Charles Hohrman Fred Creswell came down from Eureka Flat on Friday with a band of horses for the First National Bank John Orivette and Ace Daubner were over rom Julper 011 Friday. Mr Daubner lost a watch and chain dur ing his visit. Frank Wall William OOBBafty and John Crow sold horses last week to j Seattle buyers at prices ranging from 1125 to $170 Sam lwe who start.,. tt nog I ranch recently, reports a number of I his hogs have dld from some mys tertous cause. n' a r mi "n r,a. : ,.-.m: -ri Child Worth Millions. "My child is worth millions to me." I work plowing bis T'ltullla ranch Bays bbish aiary uiro. or narrisnurg. THE LEADING DRUGGISTS. 'yet I would have lost her by croup had I not purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure." One Minute Cough Cere Is sure cure for coughs, croup and throat and lung troubles. An absolutely safe cure which acts Immediately Tallman Co. and Brock it McComaa. T he Pendleton Shoe Company Maw 500 puirri of MisseH Sh k?s, thtty are Helling at, per pair , . Former price from Si. 50 to Si. 70. 500 pain ( hildreu B Shoes at, per pair Former piicca from Si.aS to Si. 75. Besidci lan Barga'as la Hen's and Ladies' Ahoee don't fail to qft ouk piuces $1.45 $1.20 Pendleton Shoe Co. 645 Main Street. PtnUlctoOi (Jibuti MANHOOD restored;? D4 viuuiar. UpttcT:ii,,iut t,uuVncU pttjcia, will qukiiy curu you oi m& L.rvuutur itbSMul ti.a irucrauv uivmu, tuch m 1 auhMHl, ln.l. la ltBk.iiiil l.a.Muu.t.r.oiu IM.IIIIy. KtaiaUa I alllu.ah.Harr; l.ihaaillaf Uralat. arlnmlr aa. lullaUwL I I IwtM Si 1 haa b T (L. r . . i L It. irinl. nulnhn... ill rtili.r.. Mhlrli lfiinrrti.nh.1 Jatva 10 hpariuMorrt-u. aj ,.1 ,l thn Wruri of imuwrr. " TTlrr H r liaraailln Uvtrr, Ihm khlafauja lac-.... ...j. orgau o( av. Uupuxtuaw .1 aJ 1 wwak onaai iMawiri 1 Jl cnraxl by lorum.a hinaiaa ID wrnalar. tmorvUd wtu, RinuEniE UK cxiiy Idowii na.ri, Uj rare wIUmmji n oatraUua. M00 laaUa.onUia. rwiw."" wu."-7 iTwiuni 11 jnia goal Uaj -n-r' a uafiuaul cuxav Br naa II saad tor rusai arcuiatr ul aaaiuiioiuaa. auuraa vm. t wa, aiamuaa .., I o. tfcu aSS. ta Ulllium Yohnka .ml imn. . 1, ... moved to Pendleton to resid. for a short time. Mllo Gibson a former resident of Tutilllla returned today fron. Idaho where be baa been spending tha win ter. Roacoe Hronson was iluwr. f om Gil llland today for s uue wo'k bon that have been wlntennr at Tutniu. . That thriving burg, taat is usually ' buried under two or three .',.,, 0'f I snow at this time of year, Ih now en-1 Joying bare ground N . tui. r,,' sleigh riding. Fra;ik Hrown was down from in.- I cattle ranch at Wilbur on s.urda His brother, who had his arm broken and was otherwise Injured on tbe rail way a short time ago 1.- reeoverlssi Simms and Duffy Again. Ietrolt. Mich . Jan U There promises to be som.- good fiKhting at tbe Twentieth Century Athletic club tonight when Art Sinuns of Ak-1 ion and Martin Duffy of Chloagi. meet In a fifteen round contest Uoth men are trained to the minute .nn ! Poor Mall Service. The mall service from Pendleton west to Th, lalles Is very poor. Fust Oregontnn siibscrlbrrs complain that they do not receive their papers with any regularity, a subscriber at t'ma t Ilia. wrltliiK that le does not receive any paper for dvn at a Mm" and when they do come there are three g more together. In short, the mulls ure carried by I'nuitilla east and west, there being little desire to errs that BOnWsttJ with an prompt ness or regularity The postal In taeetor'i ittentlnn will be called to ihls alms until a rcrcei' M 1 irth coming BOUQUET THROWN AT PENDLETON PEOPLE. Peter Gearhardt. of Pomeroy, Says This Is the Best Ever. Petor Gearhardt, one of the pronil nent men of Pomeroy, Wash who at tended tha Rnlfhta of Pythias meet Ing In Pendleton Monday night, while talking to an East Oregonlan repottar threw the following bouquet at Pen dleton and her people: "Pendleton la the best town of Its size In the Northwest, and It will equal many other places of twice tu I size for business, enterprise and life. I have been In several towns and cities recently, consisting of Spokane, Cortland, San Francisco and other places, and nowhere have I seen the 1 life that Is manifest here. "I think, too, that I never met more boapltable people than you have I was only a vlaltor at the Pythian con vention, but they treated me like a king. I tell you I will always have a warm place In my heart for Pendle ton nnd her people." afl 'If1 rSaassV 15c 14. OwITeal TRICK The bomllest man In Pendleton aa well as the handsomest, and others ire invited to call on any druggist 1 .. . 1 r .,.. n -ini fc 1 .at M T- aw a"- iivtv a vi mi ui.LLie Ul rvemp 8 C r iialsam for the throat and lungs, a O I ( ) P remedj that Is guamfeed to cur .na1 v " I rallera all chronic and acute coughs, isthma. bronchitln and consumption Price 2fc and 60c. For sale by Talk BH Co.. aole agenta. Dog with no Tali. Kre,i Crawford oflBtl a freal to tha pBhllCi In the shape of a fox terrier puppy that was born without a tail The young canine lived for three ilayH then died and Ih mourned by the mother and four other little ter riers, all of them of the bluest blood or that family of dogs The latest contortion of the facial expression la the automobile frown. I CROWNER Crossett's Men,s Shoes... Vici Kid Leather lined, four dollar values, NOW OUR GREAT CLEARANCE . . . .Will Continue ihrough January iforTraffi r Show v UtaTE cc WAN stjlBw j Secret , Minage ,Co"Pnie' Uftoti 1 Interstsi ttted to . ...I.H.I aapawaw I, fomtw mIU not fnoin" o! TSt deno alt dl dwtni Itloti ol srsb- p' A I I . 1 1 f . "nu as ncrr-ioiori- you win find our prices lower thin pettton. We are in a position to give BEST values for I moiic rw rtr.r JHIS IN MIND when you go we will give a few prices, but evervthinir -v. O aaasaasB '-''' yard- (riughaiu. fast colors i!A yardH ( luting Flannel yards f!nanh Toweling 14 yard Oood BhMlBf XV jtaSRta BaVMahed Maribi Oyardn lletter Mleaehed Mimlln rise Micctinc. Si intlies wide, per yard 20c. Bill rvcniuaiith, an ;Ta-; v ui nftLr rKiLL Very truiy. ST. JOE STOR tl.B l. 11 1.B IB l." ,,m, , -J 2.95 a pair. "Ptne Knot" Shoes Children. for Peoples Warehouse Fettfitter. You jjet What you buy from us. n - Jljil SURP a In handsome fa is one of the most surprise that deli(k nn tics' ol a I cnn- l 111 such new designs an - bowing in all lineal as ate ktp' id an Oli York repr 1 tii J' at it t clltar. ur m or 1 Ud at tl Up to Date, Ftrat Class Furnitorf Stort The largest stock from which to select and all, at pn defy competition Undertaking parlors in connection M. A. RADER. dal BB m tn at fk Man arc! Wchh Stiet-ts 1'endleton. Ill . Mock ot WOOD, COAL, SAND & BRICK. ... e do... Trucking & Transferring. Laatz Bros. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. appear to be in the pink of condition IViSri la.'Saa. aV.i&V Jii. 1 ma win De ineir necond me-tinK riT v''"n w in.- HQ0raii, u hsi n the pilous. , 0 , test Duffy won a BaVk PUJn oiX dectaiOB after ten rounds of lighting Ln xht eoon,i " ''"iiu. oi ti.M i?T,,t belUK the onlv man t,, ,t ,. hucumplM aiiu all ol ,. dot prtwuuHi to the oaeeialtisad being the Akron boy only man to defeat the niHmi.r sTT.i,wVit(x itwrnuittTN !. 1.1 -m. , 1 m ,,n hueumplUd -ULal the oruwiai,,,,. ..( .k'.. . zLf 1 . OBT to enable S.iion., . Justus fS&XSft Ke,WD1 U, f..r.u l.f 1 mi Purpoiei. spw..Y. d July Jlte-tfjgite I. WlUUm gidg,b 1 ,m 9' 1 "rru ,io hereby .er.,1. '"''inl N.lloii.t bank ,l ei,rti . , TSJ. isuatar. la oa awary bos ot tas aea.las Laxative nrooKKitJaiiJiK: Two profesaora In the medical lab oratory at Ann Arlnir Unlvermlti claim tn ham. iIUaa..baj -a- an auaoiuie tl.r. I , V T . ruaii-iT mitiseptlc tor a intestinal diseaaati 1111-, . . . ' " couoi, ,,, r uih as cholera tvoh.dd LTr f, , uai'ti! ?i .'2S '''ib!'y' uysentery Tney will call the new Jb 01 L ' I V ; UB I Li'lu II I II Z I IV I inn It las . a. . , . ' ' hon-i it win amMiiak ... .w." T. 'ZT'' SKMT.'!?? urA.ud : B " an ma. is , iuii, iiiKflim, ,ia laauici (or it a; aaaayaaaaaa, i ".i-uireuoj uairiou u ined n 11. ol biidaaMou January le. lie 1 aa i la!! 1 tan IDIa Ist.-eulL la ol Jaaaari WM h alDOKLY ' uapuolkM ml lha Cut tauo, AIRTIGHT HEATEI J have a full lin of Um celebrated COLES A IK-TIGHT Wood und coal Bt)Vl uarantaajl ) to lie ab-Holutti.y air tight. NoM Jjjj heat in wasted and tha Htv l1 aavf ONBHALF ol jroui fuel bill. I also have a full line of csst cook stoves and ateel raaf Prices ar the lowest, qualit) consiOeteu T. C. TAY! OR, the Hardware 7ai Main street t'endlei'"1 t0 POULTRY and EGGS International Poultry Food makea lhe Beef Meal gives them flavor. Clamshells make them solid Mica grit aids digestion. Try a sample. C. F. colesworthy, Hay, O rain and Feed BB ataaV 1 I a7 ud iav Kaat Alu Stieet Psndlen