East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 22, 1902, Image 4

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Great Slaughter of Prices j
Winter Goods Mast be Closed Oat.
Y arr potting Dili all 01) I suits and overcoats, at a lug re
tluction during this salt Voil will timi our net prices far below
the prices e( others OH the same poods, notwithstanding the
big discounts offon-l b) tome. The size of the discount does
not mean lOything to trio purchaser, it is the net price that
determines whether an artic le is n bargain.
Laui i' Wa III and Wrapjwrn at a reduction.
Ladii Capai and Furs greatly reduce J in price.
Flannelettei ami Trench Runnels at cut price?.
' mforu all i at raduoad prices.
Coil ood
gel KMBfl Ol QUI batfaiai
X f Wherej Whole Families can Trade
aces i
The Amenran people have lieeomc
OOSOOtaOMM to UtUClaa their offlelaI.
ant I! the habit mmietlnie- 'o -i 'lie
ih welter over the line of reason.
Jin ' now many statements and much
apeculu'mt. appear In the newspa
pers regarding the reveiaal of the
Isthmian ('anal Commissions posi
tion upon the relative merits Of the
Nl' a - .... an.'. I';i:;'.m,i : - The
eottiwissslon says. In supplement to I
former reports, to the president, that I
tfcv re-nurd the offer o; tin POOOM
eompan;- as the lest for this cottn-1
try They recommend Its accept I
an .
Thin eommlsslou. at the head of'
which is Admlrul Walker distinguish-
ed in i ! ill I Ik; knowledge and above
reproach p"rsonally. has Inciulred
csrrefull;. and this report Is the re
suit Now many aawapapar v. leers
are InslnuatliiK that this ilee-Mlon is
oi si a. it- hut Is the effect of the
srel.ie of the inffu t.i of transcon-
tul railroad representatives.
Analyze the sltuati n The com-
Msslpners are entrusted with u sac
red mUsslon. A nation hands to them
tan! of deciding one of the most
stupendous questions that have aris
en in Its history. Will they act In a
sMnner to permanently betray their
caautry's interests" Will they sell
ttwlr sacred trust to bribers? Will
lary make u yaw ot history that will
he black with their crime of treason
a all that men ot honor hold dearest?
ft is unthinkable, except to thooe
who thumselveg bear the possibilities
af such crime. Surely, Admiral Wa!
fcer i--i.i.tii- t:l:t-r that he is. and the
ether excellent men will do no such
thins The must be sincere.
Speculative land owners are going
to reup some Kreat advantaKes from
the incoming of so many people from
the 'east. At this time, railroad men
are tailing of the influx that is com
faK, aud various NgtOM are making
preparations for the reception of the
aOaOasnnhatl That is right It will
be good lor any lucallt) to have peo
ple, of tiood character come In to as
sist in the wonderful work of up
building the west and reclaiming
areas now practically unproductive.
To the student of economics, bow
ever, it will be apparent that the ex
pense of doing all this immigration
bureau work will fall upon those who
' receive the least benefit, while those
who are helped the moat will do the
Who will be moet benefitted? Sure
ty, no one will deny that It Is the
land owners. They will be boiiettt
ted because they need do nothing ex
cepting sit clown and wait for the In
coming army of home seekers. The
arrival of one thousaud prospective
land buyers in Umatilla county will
directly and immediately enhance
the value of every acre of laud in the
county. The Immigration boa.ds may
go on year after year, inducing, peo-
l to aome from the east, the land
ewnere tin- meanwhile doing abso
bafOfl the stock is picked T
:es caa Trade
1 1 1 1 aces
Iiiti'l nothing to Improve tlii'li pro
aartlaa Otbot ONMaban of tbt mm
lUUtlM, If they Increase- their hold
Into of wealth must exercise enter
prlsr and oneric They must do
sonn-thlns )f positive aIuc liu
the laud owner
need do nothing hut
the linsliieHH men or
u "liimi on a log '
for irie demand (or
a point which he
may Hit unioiiK
the day like
nurely wnlttiiK
land to reo'h
OHMta In at th
He hate not paid
toi and th'-n sell
ta.x', commensurate
with hi accrntloni Ol value He llDf
- i iuwd the Itiirden of government
In u measure, while those who hnvi
Inillt up ttM i iimmui.ltle and borne
the expense of the lOUOlcrOtiOa
"uards have simply don
'""! owner should have
what the
Lot the expense lie dlHtrlhuted go!
" to
Klve- tn the land QWMI whe
for speculation Ma Just atefl
If tin farmer hut- no; the tunc n
keep the tnrm accounts let his wife
or daughter attend to it. It will In
a help all around If this Is done In
gin now
Ui Arlthnietn -nin figured out
:l ,u i wry Hoer 01. the Trausvau:
n:ni has ms: Cnj'lninl bis weight
. gold counting Ml pounds as an
'erae weight.
v. online to an artuh published
recently In a French chemical Jour
nal. the output of sulphur In Sicily
ha.-, increased from 16o,i tous In
tiOq to i4T,000 tons in 18l8
Somebody suggested to try Dewey
now for having cut the cables at Ma
nllii It was a desperate dd to c-ut
I ! l:n!iH that connected hltli
with the navy department.
In tin coldest parts of Siberia a
rainbow may sometinns he um-n all
day long in a cloudless sky. It Is
supposed to be dm to tne reflection
Of the sun on the fine particles of
snow in the air
The buffalo arc increasing in such
proportions In Canada that they
promise tn become agau fairly
annuitant Some tine ago they
threatened to become extinct.
Anilr.-w Carnegie gives uwav $n.
0 hi during 19nl. He can dupli
Mta the amount this year and still
have many millions U keep the wolf
from the door Jurtaaj tin remainder
of his life
Friday foi the time In live
years tile Streets o ' 'Icacro wen-
sprinkled In mid win. ind even
then tin dust was so the., that the,
...'ii. 1 1 ,'iu kin wiaiei wokoi: main
little impression upon It.
The first spelling book printed In
this country was entitled the "Amerl
can Spelling Hook." by Noah Web
ster. It was issued In 1873. and tar
considerable more than half a cen
tury was tin standard work used In
all American schools. "The Klcment-
arj Ipalllng Hook" by Noah Webster
was Its successor anil was the popu
lar spelling boi for ytsrs
Some years ago a farmer conclu l
ed to put In a crip of tirooom corn,
lb wrote to the aecretary of the
board of agriculture, asking what
fcbll nf trom CO- d OC JUv Jt to
sow to reap the best results. "I j
havn't given the nrcom coi n quns-1
tion much thought." replied the sec )
retary "but I would gdv:ae y ou to I
so wthe striped handle brand as It 1
OOM to be the best seller"
An exchange gives timely advice
to the young when ! says "Enter
school with the Intention of going
to the top of the ladder while you arc
young. The time will come In after
years when you will regret that you
did not do your best. This also ap
plies to buainess Wheu you start
at a trade or profesalon aim high.
It Is batter to miss the mark than
(1. never attempt to gain It.
The time la at band when the
farmers are making arrangements
fur hired help during the coming sea
I son. and It safe to say that the hired
man of the present day will get a
1 pieater money consideration than
I did Jacob, the first hired man who
, served I-ahan seven years for
Uachel and then had l.eali palmed
off on him In the dark, and then had
to serve seven years more for the
Klrt he wanted The present day lilt
ed man nets $2li per month and his
board and ohOOBM : Is own elrl
Representative Springer Friday
concluded his hearing before the
house agricultural committee In OP
position to the nnti-oleoniargnrlne
bills. Saturday the cOBBOtteeC will
visit a butterlne factor near Wash
lug to get a practical Idea of the
manufactnre of this article.
A syndicate of Plttabttrf, Pa., capl
tnlists have concluded negotiation!
for 11,000 acres of coal lam', in th
(first pool district. The price ll Mid
to have hewn IR.nim.niiii. Right mlw -are
to be opened to have a daily M
uacitv of 12.0ii" tons, and 1"" hous
cb for the worklngmcn to In built
A clothing merchant has a new ml
vertlslng scheme. Bvery Saturday he
turns a greased pig loose from his
store nnd the man who catcbea till
porker gets It as a prize alons; with
I") worth of gooods H that means
he has not only worked up I good
deal of excitement, tint has already
sold l. inn worth of new clo'lies
According: to the almana' there
will be five eclipses this year- three
I of the sun and two of the moon
! (inly one will be visible In the t'nlt
I "d States and that will be a total
: eclipse of the moon which will oc
cur on October 115-17. Thee BtOOH
will enter the shadow at 10:17 p. in.
and the eclipse will lie total a' II : 10
' a m.. and ends at 12 4S a m
Thev have Introduced a B9f
of bookkeeping In Chicago Which Is
; expected to save the city 00i I
I would save four or five times that t
Introduce a sure system of heaping
i the bookkeeper. '
A cUrlous letter has hot n received
j tiy the postal authorities of England
It was written on on ordinary square
of army "hard tnek " the add reel am!
stamp being placed on one side and
the communication on the other.
Standard oil made a new low ree
ord Friday In Its prvaenl downward
Tivmcnt. sclltnr as low is $i"i: Tin
stock sold a year ago at S'io a share
and on May last It rea In d its hlghoal
price, whoa M4I was paid for a Idocr
of in shares.
A Hrghtoii England man BfVontad
a magnifying or amplifying trumpet
through which tire human von can
be heard and understood 10 mlies
W are going to get one and yell the
Mt tin., i
nar-ii jtnd l
hair did not irrow. It was
ind ffoaM in ik en ami her
t dr . rl in I' nil last I ' "Hid not
iha sreaad un- tM k of her
and on tin e. of tin lieud the
Mrs m three hteht loag, I
i sil' and -nrtii I i i n rut
M.I r
head i i i i
I. II' M.l '
U-ell I I TIi I I.
llliitim-ni. .in. I her li.ili ii i-. ..ii in in . k and
S...,ll.i- ilk anc- A li'VM, ured. tl.
Sini iCimp.4, vuh Ol VtSSSS Soar as4 ifh: 4nm
tug won Cl'thim, purtal f aiMlliu. elaer
tkaauJp ta4 t ".I cruau waxa. wA OaeSraS MMfca
Imiwl aa.1 .u a. 114 auilaca.
For SaleiBARGAiNS!
Eigjit 1 1 ts with dwelling and ham
Hmtbe has aeven room- bat hi
cellar and wood house:, ctt WfttOI
hard finished on stunt- foundation
Atiu tolir lol!4 ailll
new ci
Two ipts and huusc. $i,ui
canii, reasonable lima on bai
ot will sell on installments
' nc f
817 Main Street
I TwTaTl
p iRAoc Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anyone Midliif a aacn-h an.l iin. rlpn..i u.i
qulcmr Meerueui mi i.Min .. itm: !.,...,c,
invatitaiiri la probAbljr Liiiiiilt- e n.eijm)i
n.uia alru-ny . . i.u.l.mu. llunlo.uk 01, i u
ani l.lal wwicy fur htuiiiu utueiiu
Fauauu takwi Ihr.juMh alum, a Cu rwalra
atu' tuttct. wllb.ul ci)arao. In lb
Sdennfic Atterkan.
A baiaaaorualy lllqetralail waekly larseal r-lr
cuiallon ir any loaaainrj. i iain.al i .-rma 1.1 a
ISSf-URFfS-1 "JyaJi aAaai.ce.
MUIIN & Co.--" v York
A Constitutional Affection.
Spravs washes, powders, salves, medicated
tobacco and cigarttta, however long-and patstaotly
used do not cute Catarrh. They relieve temporarily
the Inasmmatioo in the throat and nose, and enable
von to breaths mon i and freely, but the con
Bnnal rush of impure blood to these parts keeps up
the irritation and ultiniaulv produces ulceration of
the glanda, WhaO the breath tiecomes exceedmply
offannw and the soft bones of the nose are frequently
,i.f,,v..,l The catiirrhal intlammation extends over
the entire surface of the mucous membrane, or inner akin the stomach, kidneys
1 1 qb . re often involved ; the whole svstem soon tiecomes affected by the rapid
absorption ol poison IW matter into the blood, and the disease that you bad hoped
tn cure with simple local remedies, assumes a dangerous form.
I had Catarrh about 16 years, and I had Catarrh so bad was entirely
trlsd during the time everything Ioould deaf In one ear, and all the Inside
hsar of, but nothing did me any good. of my nose and part of the bons
At last I came to the conclusion that slouirhed off. The physicians cave
Catarrh must be a blood disease, and me up ua inourable. I determined to
decided to give B. 8. B. a trial. I could try S. B. B., and beg-an to Improve at
gee a little improvement from the first once. It seemed to get at the seat of
bottle, and oontlnued it three or four the disease, and after a few weeks'
months, or until I was cured. Have treatment I was entirely oured, and
not taken anything for sis years, and for more than seven years have had
um lust as well as 1 ever was. M. MAT- no sign of the disease.- MRS. JOSE
BON. Lapeei. Mtoh. PEINE POLHIXJj, Due West, O. 0.
Catarrh is n constitutional disease a blood disease which is frequently
Inherited, and only a blood medicine, such as tt. S. S., can remove the hereditary
un;:, destroy the poisons that have been accumulating in the system for years
jo;l, the blood to a healthy and pure condition. The inflamed
Bembranei and dl seed glanda are healed by the rich, pure blood which is carried
to them, and the offenahra discharges from the nose, and the terrible headache and
neuralgic juius cease. Chronic cases of the mo9t desperate character and apparent
ly Imp-, - s. havi hi cured completely and permanently bv the use of S. S. S.
V : ttl our phyaiciani fully about your case and thev will cheerfully assist yo
bv their advice Wt ClMUM BOthing whatever for thi., service. Hook free t
uattu s of ilidlioiueti
: n
the roof every morning
The Kansas Cltv Mexico A- Orient
Kallroad Iiiik awarded a contract foi
taal rails 10 a Kurope-an compan
j Iha rails to he- furnished for the con
struction or the road In Mexico one!
the contract payment Is to be- inaib
with Mexlcun govi'rnment snhsiiilili
which are u be turned BTBT (0 'h
t company furnishing the rails And
the- difference hetweeii till- cost ol the
' rails and the value- of the subsidies
after all the expe-nses are paid. soe-
to the cnaatrnetloa aampony Tin
rails an to in Balgtna auantnotnfi .
ami will le shipped ,r. lots ant
to lay ill miles 01 track
James k. Howard
Court 8t. near Flntt Nat. 8mi
Has Real Etato forSato
See Here;:
360 acres of choice wheat land
about ten miles northeast o: P-r.ji
ton. This Is one of tne fini-st Improt
ed farms in tne county ana nas qooc
school advantages. Will ael' for cash
or trade for equal value in unnnpiov
Eignt IW lots in Pendirton .U 'V.
each, on easy terms.
160 acres of wheat land south 0'
Pendleton. 1800.
si a".rea chuice fruit aid g.TOe
idni) near Milton. One-half of trac
n bearing fruit tree , 7 acres alfai
a. Ail under irr.gation. Finei, in
ISO acrea on McKay Creek. 2s.
jcrrs al botton land under irrigation
balance good wheat land, wed irr.
fA0 acres good wheat land, en a j
J. 'our miles from Pendleton,
terns half cash balance on time te
suit purchaser at Vd per cent In
Is"' ui-n-t. uer iVQeiielnu.
-In a- ree- near PeOxlletein.
1120 iicrvh ueur I'onilleton.
l-.o lecrvi, neitr I'endli-t.in.
-"0 IK-re. netr Pilot 1 h
vc In ,t
Kroiii I
to 1U in. 1. . from town.
Stx New Houses Cheap.
N. Berkeley
Having Bank Hulldliin, IVmiletou, j
Jonji auiiaiiin
The Louvre 5a loon
T WLaafka A m m m II T af U f
You get
Good Beer.
v I en you drink
t4uuranteed not tt
t!aiiH aadacha or
diaaiaaai .....
Ask for it.
Schultz reding Co
c OrvRiOtlf
luuKh Weather on Carriages
1 'iv . nniaa In ;miur) Hint February, bo
Ii. ilinu- .liI froi.il mail., unci tvpaclilng U
1 .. . ., e. Metr) letter llie- .rnaon'a elilVM
Thoc-'lie wi i inperlo wurk, rvsaeiiibi
H Ki .l Urate ma a.-rm-e lu title line lieufit
'"ii k Hi lr vetiicl.-i in unr ihup, wnen we
I KUaretinei- mi .( i.e. i HU tlrust.
eaterS) aear Mats, PandaMan, OaojaO
A caivlew, lauinlry w 111 jre' thruuKh
jrour shirt In two watdiiugM - wnrn out
"-- mi lete-ly a if yeiu had woru it a
year. We save your shirt ud save
you aOaaOy. We will aeud for your
iinei, iryou send us your add
r KobiiiBOii, 'rti.
fea. -ai X I tfe I .,r.l) alir.
K a ' I ' -L i Ll ID"
' - 1- R -a V J a icrvn.--
Notdry and
$3.50 to $5 Delivered
Order of ua and aare money.
Orders for Hubbr tianmpe
also solicited.
1 hi. ns
1 ,,c race to
,nR papsT
"men p;,l
n -'-1111
WinHnwo ti
5 iWe r
lJotU Pipe.
Pendleton fcfa
mm Yard.
" -"i r
1 iuiiu mu
i " f f a - ana
a .a v 1 11 1 1
W I'ilhteriHdHkan
Best 25 cent
Fruit l es, Fisterti ud
1 vl x r. .
tu ri
I J! U
ll'KTI.'l(nl.' wi
nr 1 . . 1 . 1 A a wr.HH
and ottiet baiMisi
uistenst inelndiaj
and Sand.
Wt- hare s Isrge itoek ol
l"t Wisi -
Oregon Lumber
AJia Dl.i w -
: . is n
vi a i ,i.v no
m r mil ill.
yj iu a-' a.
1 wvu
Toinlrv HilfXPS
Hira (lr t-Arv.
all fM I1C A L
Farmers Custom
easier, r-j
rieui MIU faed CJbooaa
riNULKivfc .