East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 22, 1902, Image 3

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Aavo more of our Immense January clear-
DnriuK thete coming torn Have we make yu t
Lju-prices. Unsurpassed prices on everything X
i- .-I,., havfl not Been our nripps rlnrino- (tita X
) Will nll'I ii hvi.v ...... .i;- ni UWUIV a u X
,n invert ipi"on 01 our
L Goods. Silk, Domestics,
Woolen I nderwear, Hosiery,
Corsets, Shoes, Muslin Underwear, t
- -j.. i
Ljv to wear uwu,
Everything in Men's Good, X
i i n i a J
e Alexander uepar.men. &nre. t
Agent tor Famous Sorosi Shoes.
Diamond Minstrels Show It Rather
Weak, 8ay the Manager in Portland.
The following . i. tin s to the Kast
To the Editor: I wtah to Inform
the theatergoing public o( Pendleton,
through the columns ol your paper
that I am In no way responsible for
the hooking of Diamond Bros, mln
strels. which appears at Fraset's
opera Houac on the 24th. Hearing
Until a reliable source that the show
waa very weak, and ako having my
own opinion In the mattier. 1 positive
ly refused, through correspond. -n
with Mr. Condon, manager of aald
company , ti play It in Pendleton, but
while on a business trip to San hit
elsco Inat week, the agent went to
Pendleton and Mr. Welch (not think
Inggi signed contractu for the ap
ptUSBM Of aald ahow. On being In
formed of the fact, on my arrival
home. I Immediately took steps fen
cancel the engagement, but they In
tilted on playing the date. A 1 am
almost certain the performance given
by MiIk company la far below the
Standard, and ax It ban always been
my aim to give the public tf Pctidlc
t in nothing but the heat. I take thia
means of explaining the hit nation ami
nlao of warning them
aline E
for Sale
horsepower gasoline engine with pipes and fittings, oil tanks
Ltrunks. everything necessary to set up and operate Engine
ip ire all new, being in use only a lew weeks
is verv economical and guaranteed to he satisfactory. Price
tludinR lutings. Address
East Oregonian, Pendleton, Oregon.
"Human Heart Jan. 27.
I "Human Hearth" In aald to be a
pity combining both pathoa and com
dy in that way which has ao often
been apoken of aa that "the laughter
OkMM away the teara " A play to
enjoy Inating popularity, muat poaaeaa
theae (iiiallflcationa. or else fail to
long Interest a fickle public It is I
necessary to touch the atrlnga of the
humnn heart and the title Indicates
that this waa the author's object In!
writing this play The drama will be i
preaented here under the manage
ment of w. E. Nankevllle who has
sin Hafully piloted It about the MM
try for the paat six yar. It Is prom
ised that It will be given in a auperb
manner by a company ol unusual ex
cellence "Human Hearts" will he the
attraction on the 27th
Sam 2m
Mm Edith Root is one of the moat popular belle in Washington. She
take her mother' place in entertaining in the Root home, and perform
her duties frjcefully.
expect people to know what
you have to sell If you don't
i store can never be
unless It advertises
Rupert of Hentzau" Jan. 28.
The elaborate production of "Ru
pert ui Hentzau." which la to be seen
at the Frazer on the 2Kth la aald to
equal In Mask magnlflcance and elab
oration of detail anything which lias
baaai produced under the auapleea of
Mr, Hanlel Frohman The entire com
plement of seen. -iv and accessories
r.ic exact diipllcutes of that uaed In
the original Lyceum theater presents
tlon. and Includes two of the best ex
amples of I'nltt's nk 111 as a scene
painter the scene In the cellar of 19
Konlgstrasec Strelsau. where the la
tuoiis duel takes place, and the throne
roOsH of the royal palace at Strelsau
The company Is an especially strong
Snooting the Chutes" Jan. 30.
The two Jolly fellows. Murray and
Mack, in their latest mirth provoker
Shooting the Chutes." and their
' I leering companions of mirth. In nut y
Mud melody. Is announced for an en
-.iireinent on the 3ith The support-
ng eaat Is one of unusual excellence
and Includes the following well known
players Messrs dim I'lxley, .lames
T Fbiimui Kdward Powers. Frank
i 'ha mil. rln in Kdward Jolly, Robert F.
Oraham. Kd West. Frank l.lndell,
Misses I llllan Ourhatn Mlanehe Crea
go. Kathcryn II Huberts. sdelalne
Mnnn Francis Foley. 1 .una llamll
ton Winnie Jolly. Francis Ollroy
Kmma Carouse and a dairllng ehorua
Of fifteen beautiful and talented girls.
Don't Live Together.
' 'iinst i pat Inn and health never go
togcthi r DaWttt'a Mttle Rarly RIs
era promote easy action of th" bowels
without griping or distress TaMmar.
Co. ant Brock a Mcf nvaa
Are Found and Returned
Serve Out Their Time.
F Indian Police Kdward B tithe re
ceived a telegram yesterday from T.
W Potter, superintendent or th
United State Indian school at Cheat
awa. stating that Mike Pierce, Willi)
Radford, Bddla nelllngei Johnaaa
Chapman. Cyroll Mar. u lo.Hoph
Chapmnn ami Charley Williams, who
are students from the Unatltla ier
vatlon. had deserted from the school
and asking hltn to arrest and return
all except the first two name. I who
were not wanted, as they htul former
h d. seited from the Carlisle s.-hool
and dli) not belong there Mr Mrls
!o found Bellinger here and later re
ceived a telegram from the school
asking him to meet Oovernmcnl Of
ficer Brewer nt I'matllla with Bellin
ger Inst night, as he would pass
through there with four of the other
boys. Chapman would have been die
. luitKeii next summer had he nut ib
si lted, but now he will be compelled
to remain his four years out nt tho
school He was sent there Inst summer
Nlgbt Wai
"I would cougji
long." writes Mrs
r Mmaadrla ind
Her Tsrror.
nearly all night
Charles Apph-ttnle,
and coul. I hardly
gel am llep, I had consumption so
bad that If I walked a block I would
i ough frightfully and spit blood hilt
when all Other medicines railed, three
$i butties or Dr Kings New Daw)
srj w hoi I v cured me un.l I gained
fiS pounds " It's absolutely guaran
teed.' tu ear foaahl, ctdda In grippe,
bronchitis and all throat and lung
troubles Price fine nnd fl Trial
bottles free at Tatlman & Co i drug
An Inquiry From the I ait
An eastern real estate firm writes
to N Berkeley the real estate MM of
.Pendleton, as follows What luiv
you to offer In a tract of good agrlctil
Itvral land something hxatct wall aa
to market and that will produce crops
without irrigation?" The easterners
nil. that the land is wanted for oll
nlaliou purposes and a big number
of acres are deal red Mr Berkeley
has tor sale a number of deslrnhle
farms In fallow grain, nlao several
tracts of land In stubble but in or
der to III! this want from the eatf M
would rtipilie a ooapLj of thousand
acres more If you have any land far
sale or wish to buy laud, see llerkv
ley. In ibe Pendl n Savings Bank
building ,
Mrs Anna Taylor of Itlveislda,
III. received M,000 lol sllllpl) Imv
la i uiirteoUH to nil old lady bv the
num. uf Mrs Fields It always pars
he Peoples Warehouse
Watch this space
for our Advertisement
Thursday Evening.