East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 22, 1902, Image 2

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    Clearance Sale Men's and Boy's
Clothing, Furnishings and Hats
$ 7.) Mtn'l units, clearance price 6.66
7.80 Men s Miitn, cIcaniniM' pri U. 1
8.00 Men' tmita, clearance price B.7fi
lO.oo Men Hi suits, clearance price 7. HO
18.00 Afen'fl suits, clearance price 9.60
l.oO Men's duck coats, lined 1 10
1 .60 Men's duck pints, lined 1.10
2.00 Men's duck coats, lined.. 1.60
Men's heavy fleeced underwear, suit .H"
Everything at Reduced Prices.
Pr'n'c Olothirr.1, Fumhlterx and Hatters, Pendltton
Wi:i)N!:siAV JAM AKY Tl. VMV2
The popj who wan in excellent
health rcotVH(l thi- nrnnd Ihiehens
of Haxe WVIniar In audience
The HamtMtnc-Atnerlran ItWtllljl
IVufsrhland. of that HM, which will
take I'rlnco Henry of Prussia home,
will nail on March II Instead of March
S. an originally planned.
Senator Vent has introduced in the
enate a suhstltute for the ship sub
My bill. hiK hill of last congress re
pealing the law prohlhltlnx the pur
linse of foreign-built ships.
W H Taft civil governor at
Philippine Islands, arrived In
Francisco on the transport Orant.
a tn!
Is nutte 111. the Philippine climate am!
the arduous duties he has pel formed
having tolil on hU constitution.
The wai- and nuaii committee re
unieil Its hearings' on Cuban recip
rocity, with pei la) reference t" the
proposed reiliictlnn on Cuh.tn tol'ie ' n
The tohaccn Ini re-is m' the i'nlted
Ht.iKs were largely represented!
The offer received from the Nlca
rauga Canal Company ti convey all
Its property, including all Its Interest"
In the Pannnia railroad, to the Dnlted
States, will make the estimated cost
of the two cannls as follows: Nlcara
Rim. 6T88.864.A8S: Panama 8184.838
TOBUBJt West, who has Just return-
I I la 'hi- OOBJttry from London brings
with him the formal Invitation from
the managenvnt thi National
Sporting Club of London, to the box
ers of this country to take art In a
(treat tournament n - - the HiUHM
tlon services of King I-Mward VII
toad and light for ilwlr hill, re
ess of the supplemental rennrt
. iommi"slon. Senator Morgan
this report cannot change the
- n' the situation and dedans
whole Panama movement Is
t to delay or defeat auy canal
Henaf,. Pn-ti i and lle!resntatlves
Cushmun and Jones introduced bills
provMtBC for the payment to all vol
unteers who served in the Philippines
after their term of enlistment expir
ed, at the rat' Lf $3 per day for of
ficer0 and half that amount for on
listed men this additional ltayment to
cover the period from the time their
enlistment expired until the date of
their muster out.
H 'prescntative L.u ey Introduced a
bill extending the public land laws to
The Clt m Portland won In the
supreme court, the damage suit
b rough t bv Henry M. Wanner to i-e
cover for inturles sustained while tak
me ilown electric wires.
James H Hawley. of llolse. Is a can
didate for T'nlted States Senator, to
siicc. . ii Henry Heitfeld. whose term
of .-ervlce will expire March I, 1903.
Mr Hawe is a democrat and a well
known attorney.
Senator Stewart Introduced a hill
appropriating $l2,ooo t0 defray the
expense of transferring all of the We
natehee Indians of Washington, now
living near Wenatehee and Mission,
to the Colvllk- reservation.
The Washington state hoard of eon
trol has received reports of the su
perintendents of the several state In
stitutions, with the exception of the
school for defective youth. The state
of Washington has approximately
2200 wards in the two asylums, the
penitentiary, the reform school and
the school for defective youth.
Senator Mitchell introduced a bill
appiupiiating $3.2Si.65S for the pay
merit of balances due sundry claim
ants in Oregon and Washington aris
ing out of the Indian wars of 1855 and
IMS; also a bill appropriating fyusTi
for the payment of claims arising out
of the Cay use Indian war in Oregon
in 1847-48; also a bill providing that
veterans of all Indian wars in the
United States ..-hall be entitled to ad
mission to the various soldiers' homes
in the I 'tilled States on the same
Old Table Gives one Delegate for
Each 150 Votes Cast for Qeer.
Chairman (leorge A Steel of Port
land, chairman of the republican
state central committee is working
on a new apportionment of delegates
to the next state convention, hased
ou the vote cast In the presidential
election of November Lieu.
The existing apportionment was
made upon the basis of the votes cast
for Governor T T (leer in Line lvv
mil delegate at large being allowed
for each county, and one foi each 1.1"
votes cast, and one for thi remain
lug fraction If over 75.
This gives a total of 33r votes in
the convention Taking the vote
cast for President McKlnby in I860
as a basis of calculation with the
huh apporttonaMBl ratio 11 addl
tional delegates would be divided
among the different counties of the
stati-. making a total of 141 Then
has beep nome discussion nlotr: thi
line of making I new iipprotionmcnt
on the ratio of one delegate for each '
MQ votes, anil for the remaining tr.n
tlon of 196 or over. In addition to the
delegate n t large.
Assuming that a new approtlon
ment. If one is made, will he at the
same ratio as the last, which was one
delegate at large, one for each ItO
vot. and one o fraction remain
Ing over 7f. votes the .'tl! deleiyites
will be as follows, the figures In the
first column denoting the present
Present New
appor- nppor
CoonUi tlonment. tionment.
linker 9 11
Benton 8 7-
C'al amas 15 10
Clatsop 12 10
Columbia 6 7
Coos 7 !
Crook ., 5 4
Curry I 3
I'o iglas LJ 14
(illllam 4 4
itrant 7 7
Hartley f 4
Jackson 10
Josephine 6 7
Klamuth 4 4
Lake 4 4
Lane 14 18
Lincoln 4 4
Linn 14 14
Malheur 4 4
Marion 12 22
Morrow 6 8
.Multnomah 70 67
Polk 8 8
, Sherman 4 4
Tillamook ft 6
I'nlon 12 11
, Wallowa 5 6
, Wasco 10 12
, Washington 13 12
Wheeler 4 4
Vamhlll 12 12
Totals 335 346
The figures In the ilrst column
o.npared with the second, show
Kastern Oregon counties will have an
Increased representation. Baker, 2;
Harney 1 Morrow 1 Umatilla 1;
Wasco 2.
Has Many Virtues.
For cuts, burns, bruises, DoWltt's
Witch Hazel 8alve Is unequalled. Be
ware of dangerous counterfeits. Sure
cure for plies. Tallman Co. and
Brock & McComas.
J. P. Morgan's X-mu,
Employes In the office of J. P. Mor
gan & Co. were made supremely hap
py on Christmas by a record break
ing act of Mr Morgan's. Every man
I his employe, received a Rift of
100 per cant of his salary. From the
office boy to the specialist In bonds,
and the heads of departments checks
were give equal to their entire year's
salary. This is to say. the bond ex
pert or loan clerk who receives a sal
ary of 110.000 per year received from
Mr. Morgan on that day a cbeclf for
lio.ooo. The little office boy who be
gins his Wall street career at $40 a
month was made happy by a check
for ii- This is the largest distri
bution of profits ever given by a fi
nancial house.
Stops the Cough and Works Oft the Cold.
LaxatW Bromo (ulnlne Tablet cure s sold
lu who .lay Nu nr. mi pajr Price 2& cut
The Lynn canal liner AI-KI. Is over
' - - i
Future of Arid Tracts and the Use
of Water on Them.
The future of large tracts of arid
l lands In the west, amounting to
many millions of acres, depend large
ly on the use made of the streams
i flowing through them Whether
they shall remain In their present
'unproductive and uninhabited con-
dltlon. or become the homes of thrlv
I Ing populations and centers of Itt8l
I ness activity. Is almost wholly I
question of the fullest and most 860
nomlcul use of their available water
supply Irrigation has been practlc
ed for years in some portions of
these lands and proved Its value be
yond question, but the development
of more land demands the use of
more water, and especially the use of
the considerable amount of water
which the older methods or Irrlgn
tlon could not control, and which has
been allowed to run to waste This
waste water represents n large and
Important acreage for reclamation
form an nrld state. If only the means
are found to make use of It. Part of
It Is to be fottnd In the spring fresh
ets. pnrf In the water that has sunk
beneath the stream's gravel bed. and
part alrendy used for Irrigation and
which hns worked Its way so far he
low the surface ns to be beyond the
reach of vegetation GEO IV HOI.
I ISTKH Hydrographer
A Fireman's Close Call.
"I stuck to my engine, althoug)
"very Joint ached and every MrVi
was racked with pain." writes C. V
Bellamy a locomotive tinman, of
Lui'llugtou. Iowa. "I was weak ane
pale, without any appetite and a''
run down. As 1 was about to glv
up 1 got a bottle of BtoetHe Hitter
and after taking It. I felt as well a
. eve; did In my life." Weak, slckl)
tun down people always gain new life,
strength and vigor from their use
Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed
by Tallman & Co. Price .'o rents.
Physicians' Price Agreement.
Th. Sioux City Medical Hocien
and tli Sioux City Homeopathic Med
ical Soeletv. together comprising
about 80 physicians and surgeons.
avi Deflected a third organization
BDlbntOtllB both 6W6l6tl66. for tin pur
i use o: maintaining a trust to main
tain feet Most of the doctors have
i OtVlBS LS0 a visit, and it Is
proposed to raise the price to ft. Any
physician giving "bargain prices" will
le expelled from tin tm i. ties The
physicians say that fees have not ad
ramd for lo years, but that office
rent and nppurtenanceH cost more
than formally All physicians are
agreed in forming the trust
A Significant Translation.
A certain clerk who wus badly smit
ten with a voting lady, wrote her u
:'ote the nthmer day and breathless
ly nwalteil the answer It came. A
SWeetly Scented envelope With II rOSI!
in one corner, and the enclosure was
8 cam bearing the letters: (. W II.
A. 8. D." He couldn't decipher the
letter, but he knew It was a loving
message from the fair out At l.i-t
he took It to a friend for Interpreta
tion. She looked it over and gently
informed him that it signified "Go
Way Hack and Sit Down "
Sl thousand troops trotn various
regiments in India are about to t-'
; ron i Calcutta for South Africa
Nau s Dyspepsia Cure
Has cured these cases
end It will cure you
J. M. Church, LatirumK-, Ore., nays,
"1 sult'ered for yeuru, ami Udieve
UJid I not used Nuu'k DapafMel ( ur.
I would not tie alive to write
you a
unman raiK, ttoist, lilaiio. say8; "j
uttered for yer; found DJ6AJI reliefa
, but uo cure tutoept yours."
I or sale by Tallman t Co., and all
llrst class drug Uu, or send to dank
Nra, 'ortUnu Hotel Pharmacy, Hort
busd, Oregon. Hrlce Si a bottle or 6
bottle lor $g . express prepaid
. . I K. 1 . w . ...
O HAVE lirl 5
JJ-.NT j
. i itlTel) n-, , i mffff,
,i -iwuru a. jret mftwttm t
P ' 1 l
.... Wtaf.Il M
i a-.-. mai. fca-L 8
ClosingOut Sale...
. . ii.lii. I. t.'.l.l.l.l.i. i.i.i. I.I.I, l.'.i.l.-
With ptair
you will bt
est winter
Manufacturers of
Fleece Wool Blankets, Indian Robes and Shawls
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor
i. a l.i.l. I .1.1 i.l. I. I.I. 1. 1. 1. 1. 'i i. I. iee. 1. 1. 1. I.I. 1. I.
VW . ( -tsWtJsgJsa
PWbfWy- JJbJLMWK tJjH .r8888L8888.888888W-
of "Pendleton l.lunkots" on your bed
oomforteble and warm during the oold
A peir of lix pound blnnketi of Fondltton nianu
factuit li,iv lnt'ii proven to he aw warm as- a ten
pound pnir oi other hnindn. ..
Nothing hut pure KLKKt 'K wool is used in tin- Pen
dleton Milh ;;ud tht v Hpin their yarn finer and
weave then blaokoU oloMV than other mills