DAILY EVENING EDITIM Eastern Oregon Weather ,BiiL o( boVl"" "y oarrlar at P J5c A WEEK. Fair tonight and Thursday tULY EVENING EDITION I fUM lUL I lrs--'-- RIS iorne Ittfl noil tgn i deligM lornr P , MM ! i ill mm an Stott hi pncell lection R. ndletoo vri rated iHT ttel l" eofth m nJ bill- Iware refton- 01 l.d i. IfOL. H- PEKBLBTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1008, HUMS ARE SOLEMN SERVICES OUTLINED ANNIVER8ARY OF DEATH OF QUEEN VICTORIA L.OMBIA MAKES KNOWN HER WI8HE8. . .-j Control. But Not Bov ItrHl aurrenu.. mlgnty. and Lea8e ,or ' """" rsd Vtirt. u , Ian. II Th Colom M n i t I . minuter nati lrl Walltei premuont mi' mm illllllltSSIOll. Ill riiinu . tin' l inn control rana! will pnsH . -I SB iu" . ....... ..oil.. .In Inivnril (pilllllUHS i"'ll"u- fc " - i kl D ... 1 1 t proJ( I IMIIIM...I. m in . ii... United states aliMo- I 10 " . Ik. i.irrlturv wllll'h ( I V ' I " through, "'it win inrreml. r it sovereignty over mo rtorr Col omnia win wi rent from the I'liiw-s ' th. right "I way across mc nun fur a term 01 privilege .if renewal IDAHO SOLD LANDS. Bought Wis., lotit- Jan a rlrk of tli By West Superior. Concern. c II Steunenberg, state land board. is ? tram a Bnp - mi Moscow ami reports the Half or UMO worth hi timber lands in mm in It. 8tuneniierK sold tin- timber to WUconiln I .;; and l.umiier i oni Of West Superior, wib.. on a pDte value oi fi 1" iiiiMiauiiu whlt pine uinl t:i cents per tnous for red tlr and yellow pine ne tie aale was virtually made on Mb bails. tin1 purchasers deposit tin.lKVI tu the eredlt of tile Htate Wailan tni Moscow banks. as an let of KiHiil faith tin- remaining i Of the plirellilKe price to be then kh state turns over t In to the property. Observed In England and Canada Flao were at Half Matt Every where. London. Jan. 22. All England to day observed the first anniversary of the death of Queen Victoria. On public and private buildings dags were displayed at half mnwt and spec ial services were held In all the churches throughout the country. Memorial exercises were held at t'rogmorc. attended l the king and Queen, the Duke of Connuught. Prln ress Christian and other members or the royal family. A sermon war 1 preached by the dean of Windsor while the musical portion of tin ser vice was furnished by the choir or St. Ceorge'M chapel directed by Sir Frederick Hrldge. On the mauso leum were deposited handsome wreaths sent by the Emperor Wlll llam, the Czar of Russia and other royalties. Day Observed in Canada. Toronto. Ont.. Jan. 22 The annl verHary of the day of the death of Queen Victoria was generally observ ed throughout the dominion today. Flags were displayed at half mast and memorial services were held In the churches. A pretty feature of the commemoration was the wear Ing Of violets by the women every I where bolcmn Services. Windsor. .Ian 22 The solemn me ! mortal services commenced today at 1 the royal mausoleum at Frogmore to mark the anniversary of the queen s death The king, queen and most of ! the royal family attended tin htv 1 1 00, which was simple were valued at $4600. with Insurance in the sum or $2tVio. The fire then moved right down the block, burning the Council hotel and Its furniture, valued at $12 and $RO0 respectively The latter was owned by Mrs Phelan. No Insurance The Council Drug Company's build in and stock were destroyed I.osg, 2300; Insurance. BIOOO. In this build Ing were also sltuat"d the post office and telephone office The booki, .iiimiis cash nud nionev onb rs of the poFtofflce were saved. The butcher shop of W Camphe was n total loss; value 2x Th meat however was saved and th owin r. T II Herllne. reopened at OHM In adjacent quarters. A stork of notions owned by Mm! Crlss. In John Nelson's building, was desttoved, ss was nlso the structure. Tin- latter was valued at $500 and was without Insurance. The State Hank of Idaho at Welser was foreclosing a mortgage on the Council hotel and the Cohen Crlsg luitdware store The latter business was managed by Sam Crlss and was owned bv Haas Bros., of Welser. In the same capacity that large mcr cantlle houses use traveling sales men Coughed Pp a Bayonet. Dos Anjti les. Jan. 22 .-After being given up to die of what doctors sup posed was consumption. James W. Plutikett. a veteran soldier of the regular army, now staying In this city, coughed up the tip of a bayonet out of his lungs and probably will get well. riunkett. who is a soldier or 20 years' experience, who last saw serv ice with the 41st United States vol unteer Inrantry. I uuabli- to account tor the bayonet tip In his lungs, but supposed he must have swallowed It with food. He often used his bayonet as a can opener, and presumably the point broke off In I be canned meat. YIEEDS 1 THRONE TD BE MODE RENOUNCED A THRONE TO MARRY POOR SOLDIER r TN SEATTLE CHURCH FIHE. Plus Loss to Trinity Parish Is $6r,000, Pipe Organ. Seattle. '.Ian. 22 Fire earlv this morning totally destroyed Trinity Parish Episcopal church, located at the corner of Eighth avenue and .lameii street. The lire was first dis covered aout 2 o'clock Nothing tint " il.e massive stone walls of the temple ' Btbl ,or Coronation. are left standing The Interior of the i l-ondon. Jan. 22 -After what prom church nri-Hents a ruined scene which: lies to be a fruitless search the Ird Prese Will Honor Him. New York. Jan 2L' Tin New Wis Staats Relttmg staten that Prince lltiiiy has accepted the Invitation to a banquet In his honor by the merl can press during his visit to this coun try. The dinner will probably be held at the Waldorf Astoria The editors and publishers of all the large dally newspapers In the United States will be Invited to attend and It Is antlcl pat ed that between NO and 700 per sons will be present The proced Ings will he entirely In the English language, and some of the foremost representatives of the American press Will be asked to deliver addresses An Austrian Royal Heiieas was Wed ded to a Penniless Lieutenant in Vienna Prince. Vienna. Jan 2:' Archduchess Elizabeth, daughter ot Princess Ste phanie. and the late crown prince llu dolph. was married today to Prinre Otto Von Wlndersehgi it a poor lieutenant In the Amerl' Vi army. Hc lore ceremony, which araj attended by the emperor and otner niemtiers ot the royal tamllv. the archdin ln-ss renounced her claim to the thrum CERCLE FRANC A IS DE L HARMOME S BALL Met in Madison New York and morn plrou whirl Wine. MI8S CA88AT WEDS W. PLUNKETT STEWART Fruit Growers Meet. ii,. w.i-i, .lan ' m anu lititi an gatln-reil for tin ttax ol tin I : i i i-i.l Empire llorti tl ami Kloricitltural assocln wblch ill he In session here the MMBiBf two days. The am in on. oi the llnest ever pre- lor a hum ting or the kind In aorthw.'.st Among the promt I lortlrultiinst., and others to be MM President E. A. Ilryan of WanhiuKton Agricultural Col- President I A McLean of the in .it hniln. K A McDonald and dairy commlesloner for aaiaoti ami S I.. Morse, gen Itrtlght agent of the Northern Pa Railroad Daughter of Pennsylvania Company and a Reigning Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Jan 22. -Th Railway Belle in In comparison to the attractiveness or ih- edltlcc bcroie the conflagration. Is most woertil The roor Is entirely gone and only here and there u char red timber marks the place when tor merly rich furnishings had been The church represented an outlay or IIMOO, A short time ago an ele gant pipe organ was Installed at an expense of $ . .". As churcb apd or gan were entll'i 1 consumed the total loss will easily reach $76,000. Among other things destroyed were several memorial .windows, made In Munich, and which wen highly valued by the pai Ishloners Chamberlain s QaMO bar.' i;ur. In locating the MMo used st the coro nation of Queen Vb torla The Hi hi. was desired In order that an ex act duplicate might be made tor the forthcoming coronation or King Ed ward After a wearv hunt the prec lous vllume has at last been found In the possesion of the Itlshop ol Olllld rord's nephew who Is a gramlson ot ebop Sumner, to whom It pftMod by right In virtue of his ONetO when ll'shop o! Winchester. I..r..l -w mil I .... mi. other, mini all parts or : ' ''' "" "' annual ! '"" " . '" ' " witness me wciiiiiiik m .Minn r t I I fR ASKS FOR SCHEEPERS SALVATION. Notables Arrive. York, Jsn 22. Among the on tin- steamship Celtic, due 1" today are lird l)i(iia I Ddira" I, the ehuninlon snort l of Knglaml. and spent some tt thin euiiatrv as a member ol Iytrtal embassy of his fatheer, Miauls o( lttivm, for the settle- " Ulf Alahumn clntnm l.adv ' th- widow of the Karl of and a unuer of th t&trl nt Sf Ann. b.' Celtic are Ih-nrv VMM Baairman or the board on llf II... I I,,,.. a i. .1 P'k, ft" William James fUiriusn of the llarland and "'ipbinldtim company. to Cassatt to Mr. W. Plunket Stewurt. which took place at noon In St. James church. The sanctuary was elaborately decorated and tin ultui MM with white roses, over which a numlfer or lighted tapers east their soft light The ceremony at the church was lolloweil h an clahorati wedding hn al.l.ii;t ami reee,,tii.i, .1 tin home of the brides parents In Hltteiihouse Square. The bride came from one of Phil adelphia's best known families, be Ing the daughter or A. J. Cassatt. president of the Pennsylvania Uuil road company. She has been a reign Ing belle since she made her debut in the whirl or gaieties two years ago The bridegroom Is a well known busl ness man and popular socially In Baltimore, in erhlch eitv he realt-ta From British Death Sentence Wants Senate to Pass Resolution. Washington. Jan 22 The house I took Up no urgent dellcieiiey bill to i duy in committee or the whole In the senate this morning. Teller introduced a resolution i-atlliia on ih in-e.ieetit to request (irmit Hrltaln to 'set aside In the interest ot hUsMI I lty, the death sentence imposed upon Commmander 8olieei. i ot the Hoer army He said he hoped later to pro duce indisputable proof that the ac tion of the British is in gross viola HOB of civilised wai Tare, and called lor action by this government, or i some other that had the Interests of , human!': In view. Southern Interstate League. Vicksburg. Miss., Jan. 22. An In terstate base ball association will probably result frOBI a OOBfOtOBBO called for this city today An eight club circuit is proposed, to be be .nade up of eight of tin followtM named cities Jackson and MeOsBeV .s. Tenn.. Oroeenvllle. Columbus, West Point. Aberdeen. Corinth. Vleksbiirg. Natchez Meridian, Jack .son and Yuoo City. Miss. Ilaton Rouge, I.e., and Tuskaloosa Ala Fish and Came Protectois Meet. Burlington. Mich., Jan 22 The North American Fish aud (ianie Pro- tectlve aasorlatloii held its annual ineieting here today Among tin laObJOOU discussed were deforest a ; lion. the wholesale slaughter of name, the preservation gf fish and ; lie colonization or trool stnains and I lakes with bass THEODORfc BRAEMER SHORT IN ACCOUNT. Naval Lieutenant Providence, K. I.. Jan ding of note here today Miss M.i' I ' Weds. 22. A wed was that of laughter of th. .man -' l(. Dr. and Mrs (ieorge M I ellan j Klske. and Dleut. Wells, D. 8. X. The wedding was a quiet one, atM-mi ed only by members and Intimate friends or the family to Routine Busioeas. lha ian JJ Routine bus MwuumtM the areateal motion D session ol the Miners' con Ml elect 1 1 in ol officers, ac- the lttii .iiillini.it v.. Mel - ... j - . MUtll'M cliRrvH AirnliiHt "Itrhell and Secretary W11- OBJ delerivd until the in 'otnin.tt..,. renorti It Is believed Mitchell and Wll a re-eleeiH Philadelphia Charity Ball. Philadelphia. Pa . Jan. 11. -The an nual charity ball to h given tonignt at the Academy of Muah will from the outlook, bo a great sOOiaJ ami II ........iul ulleceMK Th nirtiK-y taken !(' 111 will, as usual, be used for IIM fit of the several hospital- are to be any number en to precede the and navy will be mid there will also oi-H from New York Baltimore There has bee. n a rush for the tickets but some been reserved fur late Cincinnati Packer Is On Small Sal ary, Yet He Has Magnificent Man sion as a Home Cincinnati. Jan 2- A morning pa per prints a story that Theodore Hrae- nier. for 27 ears connec-.ee won no ing housi of Scm'h Brothers, It short In his accounts $4un,ouo. Hrae in, r denies the charge, but admits he has turned over to attorneys $71,000 to Indemnify the company for errors that muv be foBBO in accounts Brae no r wot l.t d lor rOBfi on a small sal ary and lives In one of the most mag inhcent mansions in the city. TO COLLECT MILLIONS. Thore Asphalt Pavement Inventor Demands .timers glv- raouiouB oun.. The army ,.,... Jan 22 Collection n i II ltl on m.-tallii curbing ..III. aulil.uh liKVellieUtS. Said amount to To Discuss Stock Breeding. Talladega. Ala.. Jan .'2 The an nual meeting the State Stock Breed er's association opened in the OOBli house here today with a large at londauce. President Carey of An burn, called the meeting to order and presided An Interesting program nf papers and discussions will lie car riod out Minnesota Bee man Winona Minn.. Jan 22 - At the sessions of this, the closing day of Um meeting of tin- Minnesota Bee Keeper's Association, the following were among the topics discussed Wintering bees, queen rearing and shipping, uses ot separators, honey production and marketing, hives, frames and sections, feeding hoee. drones, comb foundations and be pasturage 8000 Gay Maskers Sauare Garden in Danced Merrily. New York. Jan 22 For the thlt ty sixth time in as many years the Cerele Prancais d I Harmonic held Its annual mnsquerade ball In Madl sou Square warden early this Ing Fully 8000 gsy mashers etted and cavorted In the dizzy of this mornings mary dance women and the dance are three fac tors essential to s real French ball All three were very much In evidence at this thirty-sixth reunion of the Corclc. I .anky I nele 8sni. chunk) Jahhn Bull and the doughty Kaiser Wllhelm frolicked about arm in arm like trip lets from the same cradle The In evltable Trilby, with her Indlspensl Mi gray military coat and arms akimbo spent most or her time knocking on the bats of two six foot farce poln eon i with her historic slippered feet. A shapely Queen of the May in a scanty gown of gnu.e atid a wreath of real pink ros. kick ed boles In the ntmospheri and In the brand new silk tttoo of many broadclothed .lonnles who flocked about her. each one auxioim that bis l at should be the next to be ruined by her poluted pint, sandals Zouaves, mab and female. Prln cess t ii'it tiling ii .;iIIm ii host and Mil in doublets of blue and ted and white .and princesses more charm lug in anything they . hose tu wear formed a BsOtSrOOOJBO set ut Isiicb-rs which was graei-rully dignified at midnight aud iiproarousl undignified four hours later. The ball opened with a grand march and ballet or unusual Ml HMF Aftei that came dames of all sorts A score ot mora tilled the progiam and a the uioruiug grew old the) becalm fast and furious and hoiihm saults aud guuo ol leapfrog were Introduced to lend spice or va rlcti (o the stnld flgurei of the Ian tiers and the quadrille Ii was not an ut .hum thing to see a sturdy I'm.. Ii soldier of the n volution scampering acriwis the hig ami ithca lOJF with a struggling golden fairy very much fM an I Kl"kmg under -ach arm or to see the twentieth 'eutury girl of the illustrated papers with her jaunty brown derby sinseb 1 1 o ne eai and driving turner tlie floot at a furious puce two grn I'Hlied old paps harnessed In lace air. rlbbOM torn from the bedraujcgled cost nine f some played out and van qiilsb-d ;val ol ball well represented lie many visit Washington am! great hera. The of laid to ji, ime, miii mas oegan niAn who mak. s i he ' lami ha . coiners B, Nominations. Jsn 22 -The nresi ttt III. lollowina nomlna nale W W Utwora ' CUMIiin. - c. .. i . (V.i "'"I IHOKU, KjM. , ,' -.1 .''I II- - '"rt of Idaho Pfllinot D.bL.... --li"v nuuucri. Ia Jan. 22. The Bank ... loniiei iv four men a -l . . l i secured about $1,- E.BSt OCi'lirr.-.l I..,...,.,,... -It I 'Oblwrs hm th l.ttur nt COUNCIL, IDAHO. BUSINESS HOUSES ALL DESTROYED Tuesday Afternoon, ne Warehouse and Spread ih Israel l.anilis i (hs out a patent ago and that throughout Ty to be Sinned. JSC tt It la H.dnila lluZ ,u' "'eaty with the m w-m Indies Is to be oiaglon this week Occurred on canning in ing to All the Others. Arir Jan 22. Kir the entire north side of the square at H vMtHn av. which on 'i'"F V HUH' I' J w ....J nnrtion of tllC UUSIIieSS Bvwss Kw of the town xi muru discovered in Crlss warenouse m . . .- headway. Tney quniviy V.ar.luiure Stole oi mai destroyed , houses the who declare ne mi curbing 30 years thousands of people the Clllted States KIIOW ..... ri. .1. ( c was im' ne I ti..mu.l vi.k of It without authority ii.. kit his secret so many years cause he orten felt the lapse ..an m a cnntlirv Ol II'"!' Lv nmieniahle claim for royalties ..n, noting to a fabulous sum lilted States circuit court in claim upholds his contention her of users have settled Boston, Chnago and St. Louis. Washington. Jan. 21' Tin com inittee of arrangements for the visit of Prince Henry today decided to place Boston. Chicago and St louis on his Itiuerary The claims of other !'ii-s have uot yet heeli passed upon be of a would Kaiser for Peace Manchester Jan 22 - The Guardian today says It has good reason to be lien that Kaiser Wllhelm Is using his good office to bring about peace In Smith Africa The "lie wnoie niooing r. I 111 Ufn,,u Ai U IlllUOr 1 vmiu, jaw "Uiil iiuaj A num ' voured an entire wedding party near Cniosa. Sen ih The party consisted of the bride, groom and 20 guests NEW YORK MARKET. Reported by I. L. Rsy a Co., Psndle ton, Chicago Board of Trade end New York Stock Exchange Brokers. New York Jan 22 - The wheat market was very quiet today and the range was only a half cent Liverpool closed V lowei 21. New York opened M4 and sold between Hi anil K.r. fi'i'Sgo opened TJ't and losi d 714 The minlei wheat Itell has had a general snowfall which has helped conditions Closed esterday. o5V Opened todsy. 4 Kaiige t.aiay k4Cfg( Closed today. r. flugar. 122V, Steel. 42 St Paul. 162 V, I' n Ion Pacific, 100 V, Wheat In Chicago. Chicago Jan Tl Wheal &7v Whsat in tan Francisco. San Francisco Jan 22 Wheat 110V 7 DANIEL COME TO JUDGE. Cohen & under good . .. .I.. ue.i w .... -- - ,.(mld,.te immeaiateiy UJ.-., both Struciureo nlire stoCK. Ku i.rm Iv destroying ..... almnlt the i wim ..-. - --:: K.,ua... offort was made to save me 0,I05. TZJZ k.. o Are department. as me i , .uiiins were ucmw - all efforts Destroyer Has Accidents a,i Maaiatrats Interprets i'ortsmoutb England. Jan 22 -.muni.'.' - - Drummers. ' mr is eurreui iuii an nnuui umm Judse ueranen me lorpeao aesirorr . nur. Slot Machines inrlnnatl. Jan l.uchers this Hk 22 Polic mnrnint dtsmlssefl tne saloonlota arrested on charge of hav Ins penny slot machines In their SUTS the ground that while ' .i.mni nf amxabllng In f h r. in ll - uff Falmouth Crefcer'e Lonaaom New York. Jan. 22 -ker aalled for Bttgland Only a few friend bade i Going. -Richard Cro thla morning him goodbye Pedereweki Coming. lAjndon Jan 22 Paderewski sails for the United States today He be gins his American toui with s 000 cert la Carnegie ball New York Feb ruary 16 Marconi Wouldn't Talk. New York. Jan 22 Marconi sail ed today for Europe. He refused to say anything further regarding the breaking of his engagement with Miss Hold ma ATTACK ON COLON EXPECTED HOURLY. So th. State Department Was Inforav ed in a Dlspstch From Colombis By Consul. Washington, Jan 22. The I'nlte Slates consul at Colon. Colombia. B ' I OlllOglOBI to the state departmeajl this morning ssys a com cited attach hi Colon b the Insurgents Is hourly 1 001 ted South Afrlcsn War. London. Jan 22 Kitchener in a report received lottos) ssvh that Prurs Ihnnilt"! re. i nth man In d agalOOt Botha who shitted lila position, beg 2 oi '.is men were csptured M. tiniest overtook Commandant Hm . hpouri. and attci a tunning tight for . ige miles captured a laager, taking M prisoners and a qusntlt) ol cattle. TELEPHONE COMPANY 0ET8 A NEW FRANCHISE. Walla Walla Council Held Special Session to Grsnt It Walla Walla Jan 22 The Inland ToloPPOQjO Company has been granted I renewal or Its franchise, which ess plres In a few years The company promises to place Its wires iindsv ground In the tiusluess i cuter anal provide the .It with 10 telephone lol i ll iihc if tbi fran. hlse he grant ed (Off 2'i yesrs In addition, a largo lirlrk building Is to be ronstrin te lot offices A special meeting of thO in uuuBBM was held yeeterday to consider the matter and last iilghf the rrniichise was giaiited THE ARISTOCRATIC FOWLS EXHIBITED AT WALLA WALLA. Po-ltiy Show Entries Oibplay is Said to Be Very Fins. rt'lil la Walla. Jan 22 Tin third Manual poultry show now oien la this city. Is proving a vert saturate lory exhibition It is pronounced by landers lsltlug It as the hOBl show In msnt rBBBBBBI 00OI told in the Northwest While tin nuiuber of p. ns Ih not unusually larrc the mill vldual buds aie of a high class man, 'or them being prize winners at see eral shows In the states or Oregna aiid Washington Those i thlldtlug ' birds sic named below I From Walls Walls Towns Mai thews, bantams. I. S Smith barred Plj it onto Km ka; C 0 'lose But i i "iio I I Phillips Wl ie I gaj I brotti Mis BBoraaOf Brown l-ay .horns Bllvoi Hainburgs lU-ib spa ' laOdrahtna I J Dam. While leg I horns: 0 J Kit Buff Leghorns, I let) white gflaoreas; Arthut tlBO Partridge t o. hlns It Han. Buff Plymouth Noefcg B lohusoa. I Brown LooJlorBd MiKlno laBB Cold Isod Wtaudottia E A Me I Klnrli White Plymouth lto ka J M , Fleill. i Indian Calm s Mongolian ' pheasants. J II Kvers. While Pip mouth Roe kg W It CrlnVld Slugl omb White leghorns laiiigshau; a M Wray ParlrldK. OorklBO, VVhlte Wyandottes II H Buffoin Hews i gaorM White r? sn. i and OoliOO Wysndottes mi entries) QoOfBO Barber White Leghorns. J W Shepherd White Plymouth Bocae Barred Plysaowtl Bocks Mrs H-0 WismI Bailed Plymouth Km ks ,A K jTroger Wlilte Plym Mith Horhs An drew Taylor. Barred Plymouth Bis ks. 1 Embden and Toulouse geese; A RlWaBBollOf. Houdaus. P I l.udwlg, Partrldgi Cochins F M Hedge.. Bron.e turkeys Black lsngshans W. E Oroao, Bllvei Wyandottes Barred (Millionth KiMka Dsvid Msc, Blai k latngsliaiis 0 OOOBOf Willie Ply mouth RoegJ BrOWg UogBtinM Mrs Fred Slim Silver Wyainiottes , I. H . II Huff Leghorn D M Sultb White Plymouth Hocks. J I. Itobln sni Browu I eghoms Barred Ply mouth Roekj E c Mills. BJIver locod Wyandottes. I. I. Qoifroj Wh latofhorns Brown leghorns Oolfai J O Housekeepet Barod Plymouth HiMks Pullman B E lloovei While lg horns Miltoit C M Shields Baud Ply mouth Kocks S S Shields Barred Plymouth NaBBka: K B TosOO But Plymouth Kocks Kreewater J A Ayres Barred Plyiiioulh Ko ks. Single comb leg horns Dayton Q A Psrker While leg horns While Wyandottes White Ply mouth Hocks iCibeiton K Kelly, Wlyandottee WaiUhurg- W W Abbey. Hand Point Oeorga Shaw barred Plymouth Hocks Lapeai Sweetbaker P.-.. m but the playing th machines they are re to be completed. stock The building ana "oca I