East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 21, 1902, Image 6

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    Great Slaughter of Prices
Winter Goods Mast be Closed Oat.
I putting out all our suits and overc oats, at a big r
dttCtion during tins sale Vnn will And our net prices far below
the prices ll Others on the same goods, notwithstanding the
bitf discounts offers, il b) some. The sie of the discount does
not mean anvthing to the purchaser; it is the net price that
determines whether an article is a bargain.
LmHm' NVaisti tad Wrappers at a rtdttotioD.
I.i.li l' CaptM and Ftttl greatly reduce.! in price.
FlannetotUl and T rench I'lanncls at cut pricep.
I !om forts all il radtuMd pfloti
( , .11 I gel lOtnc o 'mi hargains lifore the stock is picked
IW" Wnere Whole Ktmiiies can Trade
mi 4 inn
DtStftCl AttOfBAJ Hailey al.. ma
or of I'emlleton. haw lMlfflfi"fl that
km mbllriK must stop In this ttSM
Th. order it "IQBa'lllgSlgs.l in a slat)
nn at that kfgMW hSSSSi to UM bSSl
hih interest n In the prevention of
furtliei operation of games-faro
routett' '-'1." poker. raps. lot ma
chines ami all fornix of kiiiiiIiIIiik
anl the abatement Is made that the
preient intention of the ilUtrlct
attorney U to see that tin- law
If enforced illirlllK the remainder of
his term of service
Disiftel Attorne, Halley took an
oath so Ui do when h- MMUMi the
Uutli-s of hlH ollii . ami 1 1 1 author!
ty of iIh positions as district ftttOf
n- - ifil pi!' t. enable him to
com pel entire stoppage Oi all puhld
KamiiiK in this or any BtBSf town in
I, .hsiini It i- the plain I' tier
ml spirit of the law ot Oregon and
II of the machinery necessary to the
carrying out of the aniioum ed Inten
tinn In hie hands lie Iiaa the cir
cuit court, as well as the city courts,
foi the ordinances oi the town pro
hibit tin games and bawdy houses
as well a do the state statutes.
It auuot be denied that the IUHJoi
Ity of- the business men liellenrs thai
It will work a detriment to the town,
although everyom concedes that the
district attorney cannot keep his
oath sacred without doing what Mr.
Hailey is now doing 1 1 - argiic-a that
It will In th- Iouk run be a liusluess
benefit, aud In no manner a commer
cial injury. It will be an InterestliiK
experiment in municipal muuuKement
for perhaps no other town on the
roast of equal importance does away
entire! with such things.
Pendleton gets along with tele
phone appliance that are uoi up-to-date
The system utilized here by
the Hacillc HUUk Telophoue aud Tel
graph company Im post-dated by one
much hitter and convenient. It Is
the on- in which the subscriber calls
up central by merely raisins the
transmitter from tin- hook, the ac
tion being automatic Pendleton hah
the old system, necessitating riuglug
up central tuet telephone sub
scribers have done for years past.
Over In Walla Walla when the
town was using about as many
'phones as are now used In I'eudlo,
ton. the company Installed the later
system, and the result has been that
now, where 200 'phones were used,
JOOo are on the company's lines In
that town alone.
Would it not b. good business pol
icy for the telephone company to
adopt the same plan In Pendleton?
If Improvements Induced Walla Wal
tans to increase the number of
'phones used from 200 to 1000, why
Is It not iogkal to annum.- that con
siderable augmentation of patrouago
would result from a like move here?
Pendleton people are prohabl) much
like Walla Wallans as to their gen
eral characteristics, and the tele
phone company might profitably ask
Its officers to put In h time studying
tin- elements Of hernan nature as
manifested hereabouts If. as would
be the case it Is found that Pendle
tonlans ate constituted from about
the same component parts as are
those who live over the line In Wash
Ingeon. then applications of business
methods here would bring to the
company the same fine Increase In
patronage that has been recorded
A powerful Intltii nci ha." bSSfl "
erted to secure the appointment of
an American, or at least an Anglo
Saon or a Frenchman, as apostolic
legate t nun tin Vatican to the United
States Cardinal Maitlnelll will he ro
called next May when his term of
service expires ami It was represent
4 that the American Catholics
would appreciate the si lection of
one ot their own race and blood Hut
the Italian inlluence at the vat leaf! Is
too strong to permit such a thing
I'. 'h locates ttms tar have been Ital
ians an. I the next will be of the same
Tip- Amen, an Catholics should
cougiatillate themselves upon their
nairow escape from being placed tin
'1' i tin' spiritual Jurisdiction of
ii Spaniard The most influential
t audidate lor the appointment to
Washington has b'een Mery dii-V'al a
sou of the Spanish ambassador to
i in vatic an and an intimate iierson
It irlend of both the pope ami Cardi
nal ltampolla Perhaps no one ex
pt his own relatives has sinii tut i
man relations with the DOM and
IM since Cardinal Iiampolla was
papal nunlen at Madrid the Mery du
Vii family has enjoyed Its fullest;
confidence aud personal favor
Mery du-Vai. senior, has represented
the government of Spain at the Vati
can for many years, and is the most
influential of the ambassadors.
Therefore It will be- seen that the
Junior member of the lamily. who is
a bishop and who was attached to
the papal household at different
times, had unusual Influence behind
him when he applied for the appoint
ment to Washington. Hut the pope
was too wls- to permit such an ap
pointment. for Merydu-Val la per
haps the most sympathetic of all
the prelates In Home to the Catholics
of the United States and hostile to
very thing that Is American Unlink-
the receni war with Hpaln he was
very active in stirring up sentiment
against the 1'nlted State and in try
ing to persuade the pope to Interfere
on behalf of in- aountry he exclt
ed the Indignation uf every Ameri
can In Home He belongs to th. -
1 1. im- conservative faction
Uulestt the plan is changed for res
sons that an- now unlorseen. the suc
cessor of Cardinal Martinolli at
Washington will be Mgr. Ulonn dc
Falciuo, metropolitan of the province
of Thessaly. He Is a Kranciscau
monk. 58 years old, who spent sev
eral years with the members of his
order at Allegheny. Pa., and speaks
Kugllsh fluently In 1899 he wag
sent to Canada to settle a quarrel he
tween the clergy of the Dominion
which grew out of the Insanity of
the archbishop of Quebec, and has
conducted himself with such ability
and tact as to command the approv
al of the papal authorities. His pro
mot tun to the legation at Washing
tou Is bis reward Although an Ital
ian he Is comparatively liberal, and
hi experience in foreign countries
has made him progressive in his
Ideas, and he belongs to the young
er generation of churchmen of RoBM
He has an attractive personality, en
joyed great social popularity wbsn i
he lived in Rome, and Is an eloquent I
speaker. It is expected that he will
bt ailed back, to Rome for instruc
tions before bla appointment is offl-
daily announced.
The Influence of the Italians in the ,
iff ail of the church can be better
I understood when It Is known that
I more than half the members or the
College of Cardinals are Italians.
There are now sixty-seven cardinals.
I of whom sixty-one have been appoint
ed by I .eo XIII since he was elected
pope! in February. 187. Of these
thirty-seven are from Italy, and thlr
I ty from the rest of the world eight
I from France, seven front Austria.,
i five from Hpaln. two from Hermany.
! two from Ireland and one each Irom
Poland. England Portugal. Helglum
Australia and the United States
, Three of the Italian cardinals are
I front Sicily. representing a pt) till
I tlon of iJU.Ttt, while there Is only
one ,ii all America, with a population
of 71,000,000, Twenty two cardinals
reside at Home and are in actual rOfl
' trol of the affairs of the chun h 0(
these nineteen arc Italians ami IhT
j are forelgneers
Peter's ponce Is the sole stay ami
support of the papal household and
I the contributions nverage aOOUl 11
100,000 a year, according tfl good au
thotily Nearly one hall ol the lull
amount Is contributed by Frame and
the United States combined. Italj
j Austria and Spain, the three OOtbollC
countries of Kuroite. are the three
smallest contributors Ireland with
! all Its poverty eontrlnutes twenty
times as much as Italv with her
thirty-seven cardinals. The rontri
bullous from the United States an
made through the apostolic legation
at Washington, aud are greater than
all other countries combined with the
exception oi France and Ireland As
long as the Catholics of these tin.,
countries continue to pay the SSpeni
es of the Vatican the Italians will al
low them to do so. The latter e
plain however that while the do
not contribute so much as other ua
tlons to the direct support of the pa
pal household, they are compelled to
support a larger nutnhei of priests
bishops, cardinals monks and nuns
than all the rest of the nations put
together. This is prohahly true hut
It docs not affect the force of the
complaint made by the Catholics of
America that they are Inproporlj
represented nt the vatlcau
His holiness has shared with the
rest of us the benefits of the pros
perltv wave in the United States
and there was a considerable in
BfMM In the contributions for two
or three years. Then, when the at
tempt was made to suppress what Is
known as "Amerlcalsm." there was n
fallini' off
My little vii r half .11. um grow. It
hari.li .u. i In ,i ii t
ul.l I'itiik oil. nn. I her
acab. . lull oi dry
comb out. A ..-c ,
lie. 1. 1 wit' kihl, and oi
hair yaa eoli two
Ufd C i ril ( HA
in", ill mat I could uot
uiiii.I tl- back of bcr
lb.- MM of bcr head tile
ttarae nssMBs I. ma 1
ami Mime I rnrt'SA
lllntineiil, .in.l liei li.nr Im- rnic 111 Unci, anil
aollatll. Mas. A. M)WMKY, Alfred, U.
Wbiii ilitini-uo llh Ci lie HI SiiphJ il I.I 4ru
lag iUi ctriiiH,, mi'i ot mollii. will clear
lunli mn 1 na.p 1 1 rr.l. m Usl 4r ,rt,
I UI I. L. . j MIUVI
For Sale!
Kight lots with dwelling ami Imrn,
HOttM lias sevun tuuma, laili,
cellar Bod wouil b0UM I " water,
hard Ii n i shed on stone toundation
Also (on i lots and new cottage,
Two lots and house, Ji.ouu, pari
cash, ruasonahh tune on halanct,
or will sell on installments Sen
817 Main Street.
a ra aar
ConvRioMTa Ac.
Anrouaaenilng a an li and dtwerluiseu oat
ulckir artiii oer oSakm free wueBserau
kuveJill.'O la probably inlrniblt i pr-'iatr
tkiuaati lctly .-.inSaaiillal. Iliuiouk waTaiastU
tent free Oloeat agency fur aH-.uriug iieuu
Patauu lakn Ibrouali tluiui a nmln
tlcl nuttct. wlllicut eharge. lu Ike
Scientific Hntcrtcan.
A hsuidsvxuely Uluitrvt41 Woejfclv Larattwl
vutsiion or mnj aoutuiUsc kruruaJ i i-rnu
ioui utoniua 91 aula by aJl tevs
" Wii. II.
Dally East Oroejonlan
only 1'. oonts a es
Csrdul a woman an do sny reasonable work and enjoy good health. The
health that Wine of Csrdul brlngi makes s woman vlgoroui In body snd mind.
, reed Irom those terrible deveitailng pains s woman grows well snd strong
nstursllv. Wine of Cardul rtgulstes the disordered menstrustlon and cures
leucorrhoea Ulltng of the womb end periodical pains In the head snd back
csuud hv standing, or sitting a long time bi the seme position. Thtdlord s
BlarH Draught puts the bowels, stomsch, IMtr, kidneys snd blood In proper
nun- Greatly Increased strength and endursnce Is Ihe natursl result. Most
rases eft cured quickly. All drugglsti Mil $100 bottles of Wine of Cardul
end 25 cent packages of ThedforcTs Blsck-Draught.
M ,4to, u, llwratan. uMkm. iItIu traei, -ITS l.Wi SgfltStf
mImii Th. nutuaooo dedul Oof, Chan, t.
In .. in. there.
Sjpfakl Is. cUutiiitlirr .
Bf (iesm Rain
:raiic."ittsari ..
tin- dier.l tin nlr
It SSfM aiarrli n.l di SS
iwny a Cold lu Ihr Iii mI
Cream Halm l .ii. e.1 lnb .he niMtril. apraad
nrer the membrane ami I absorbed. lUIMf I Ini
iiinUaldaudacuref.j.lows. It is not drying doe
not produce neetlu.-. largo Site, so eent at Urug
Kist or by mall ; Trial Bute, 10 ccala by mall.
KLY UKOTUKUtl, Warren HUoet, Mew York.
James A. Howard
Court St. near Flrat Nat. Bank
Has (Real Estate tor Sale
See Here:
3tio acros of choice whaat land
about ten miles northeast o' Ptfldle
ton. This is one of the finest improv
ed farms in the county and rUM jooc
school advantages. Will sol' for casn
or trade for equal value in unnv.provd
light fine lou in Pendleton at $100
each, on easy terms.
160 acroe of wheat land south of
Pendleton, 800.
acres choice fruit snd garden
1. mar Milton, one nail of tract
in bearing fruit tree , 7 scree slfal
fa. Ah under irrlgstion. Finely im
120 acros on McKay Crook, 20
scree al botton land under irrigation,
balance good wheat land. well im
11 roved.
960 acres good wheat land, In a
body, four milee from Pendleton:
ten ,s half cash balance on time to
HlH pure seer at ' , par cent In
M ai rvh near IViiillcluii.
DO aert-n near IViull.-inii.
Hill acrs near IVmliHoii
160 acre ueetr IVikIWiou
.'1J0 avres Mgjr Pllol Iuh k
IS) aervn whem Utin I
IHO a.Ti wheal land
mn aerus wheal laud
'.i' acres wheat laud
ISO acrcn wlieai Laud
l0 acren wheat land
IbO ai'iva wheal Und
Knun ti in jn mile.-, fiuiii Uiwn.
Six New Houses Cheap.
N. Berkeley
Hstvlugs Hauk BuIIiIIuk. I'eucllelon, Or
The t ouvre Saloon
A Strong Woman
Inwm fit v. fowm, Aug. IS, ISM
My wife w" si" tr throo y er. We triad
eTarVthlns without rsllcf and spent ninob
monsy My wife tried Win of Oarclnl and font
EBmS oil red her. She took two mora bottles,
knowing h would have to work hard during
the hay narreit Hhn attended to all her house
hold dutlon and loaded and unloaded all the
hay. Thin medicine nave her strength. For
merly elie was wenlr and tired and ootild hardly
gatanont. hnt elnee hn haa been taking Win
of Oardul ihe feels bettor and etronger than
whan M year of age. -IOB. A. KIBBNI1APHH.
Mn. ElMnhsffr had tried everything, during
htr three ytsrs ilckrstH snd had spssi conthT
craMs monty Sht was weak and could hardly
gal shout for Ihrts ysan bsforc ihc took
Now, after taking the Wine of Cardul, the can
work with her hutband In the hay field. That
I hard work, but It U not at lnurioui to a
woman'! health i labor In itorss, factories sad
of llcei where thousands of girls are closely coa-
li..l . MMt mltmr r Wiik Ihc al.) nf Wln nf
You get
Good Heer.
When you (I rink
iuantii UiihI not to
B4)UM LsBidiiohi 01
dillilMM ..
A-ik I'or it
Schultz Brewing Co
Tottfll Weather on CarriaRes
alwayi, couir In January and Kebruary, both
111 IbavS ami truseo roada, ami reihlos It
aiuitit ueecuary alter the aeaaou'a dilvea.
lboe who nam auneilor work, reaaoiiabir
uricei. aiiu nrl c laaa .. rti, . In this lino alieuia
brum 'heir vablelee 10 our thop, where we
snai.iinri aalialaeiniii at all lime.
"""' .'i near Mum l einilelon. uregou
A carelesei laundrv will ki through
your shirt in two waahingM worn uut
a completely as If you had worn It a
year. We save your shin and save
you money. We will semi for your
linen If you send, ua your address.
J. K. Hohinaon, I'roi Pwidtotoii.
Notary and
$3.50 to $& ldicrcu
Ordor nf ua and save money.
Order for Kuhbor ttUi&ps
also sotlc'itmi.
"t- nace hi p...
11 wnj roo
nnl.l r""1 OSS SM
;e,mnt. Picket,
r Brick,
"and, Mouldir,
" naow, M
vu ripe.
Pendleton Planmir
LflffliVr hi
R. FflRRTFR n.
' if.
L iir,
I i I. f 1 1 ii , Ii Ii ..,,..
i r, u ,
' I . . Ill,, IMI
r -H MBJSMBl BJI Steam
Best 25 cent
n tatCliy.
Krug Lsgs, Kaatarti
1 lie vu mill
I J u
1 I'll Villi. III!
iimrinii 1 in
M'WI V tfl'IIVtl
lt l I I 1M.1H
11 l.l I .1 IU1
1 . t . irwiikai'ii 1 1
Ami , ,tiiar Mil IH
alaa I at I llkf HI
nrl Sa
. a .a
tL . u. laraw llOCt of
ler balDS
Oregon Lumh
Alta St., opp.
LaFontaine i
. a IS.
Old Uutcn
m s a
. , , a S
' . a .
I ill llll' 0 w
rioor. Ml"
id bau '