East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 21, 1902, Image 5

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T What the Docket Show in all De
r I . I
days mere 01 our immense January clear- X
ntirius theae oomina'leii days we make you
lter pricei. unsurpasseu prices on everything T
.,,.nle wlni liave noi seen our prices uurinir tin X
!uill find it a great advantage to come and t
LMMfiironAn of mir
mi mVHP KOlu ' "w
I Ooodlt Silk, Domestics,
Woolen I'nderwear. Hosiery,
Corsets, Shoes, Muslin Underwear. X
r--s i a
j. i-:ir Cioous. aiso
11 f WW
Everything in Men's Goods.
i I ffl a a af a X
- m m swMnsv n n i ram aw r v r .a .
Aent tor Famous Sorosis Shoes.
oline Engine for Sale
MMpOWei KStoliafl engine with pipes and fittings, oil tanks
WtanKs, crsiiuuia ucvcanniy iu ci up ami operate, engine
itfs are all new, being in use only a few weeks.
Sen very economical and guaranteed to he satisfactory. Price
hiding rtttmuv Address
East Oregonian, Pendleton, Oregon.
WKI IlO Vll I ePect People to know what
VV UJ T VSU you have to sell If you don't
litore can never be JS nr"DTIOCO
iMMt II Advertises fli L V U fl I IOC f
partmrnta on Pending Buaineaa.
Plsfrh t court convened Mnnila
with Judge Kllla on the bench.
AfW the aelpitliiK nf bailiffs ami
Ki-ttitiK the woi-kln machinery of the
court In motion the case of the atat
h. Chailn, Sperer came up and wha
arraigned he pleaded guilty to lar
cony and wk chert 2" daya In the
county jail Sperer waa the fellow
who atole nn overcoat from Charley
The State vk. William Irona and
Krneat lloyd caBM up for hearing anil
they pleaded utility to the charge
They were charged with the crime ol
seduction, their victim being the 14
year-old daughter of Peter Wllaon. of
Milton Owing to the nature or the
evidene. Joflge KBi Bft,,r glvlllK
Mi. prisoners a sound lei-turn. Impoa
ed the penalty of three mouths each
In the county Jail Thla la the light
eat MBtencc that could he given nn
der the afatuts of the state.
The case of the State of Oregon vs
Ben Oriseoll, colored, who was chars
ed with stealing an overcoat from
Charles Cravi s. was tried and he sen
fenced to L'o days In the county Jail
The case ol the Pendleton Savings
Bans vs. A. Nelson, for Judgment cm
a promissory note, was decided in
favor of plaintiffs and sale of attach
ed property ordered.
The Pendleton Wool Scouring and
Packing .Company vs. Oregon Hail
mail k Navigation Compan. waa ills
missed without coats to either side
The caae ol the Washington & Co
Itimlita River Railway Company va
John C. Arnold and Jobs 8 Todd
was continued.
The caae of Walter H Pierce va.
Louise Audette and Kellx Audett. is
pending on motion for new trlaj
The OSM of L I Mclntyre vs.
Peter West, was dlsmlased at plain
tiff's coat
The cases of W L. Pe. k aV Co.. vs.
Ruth A Iliad, and R A Sabln va R
A. Hlalr. were continued
The casea of the Cudahy Packing
Company va 1 H Rlehardaon; J. A
I'olyer & Co. vs. Frank O'Oara: O. E.
Stocked va J A Arbuckle: H. Hill
vs Peter Haht (leorge T Porter vs
Bd Swltlei . lOrm st Tatom .John Hoc
and Richard Dee were diamlaaod
without costs
The case of William Connerly va.
Thomiis Arhuckle was decided in fa
vor of defendant.
The caae ol Gideon A Smith vs
tin Washington I Columbia Rival
Hallway Company wus d'cided In la
vor oi the defenlant. who was award
ed the coats of suit.
The case of Oeorge Ctt vs. O. 8.
Carries, (a hanging on motion for con
tinuance. Many eases are docketed to come
before Judge Kllla at this .lanuarv
term of the circuit court, but none
of them are nf very much Importance.
In addition to the caaea dlapoaed of
yesteidny. the following re yet to be
Criminal Docket.
Tfle Slate nf Oregon vs W. H Pilk
itigton i hinged with uttering false
evidence of debt.
State of Oregon va John Stanton,
charged with contempt of court
Stat, of Oregon vs "Herekinh Key
for selling and giving Honor to mi
State vs. Charles Moy. for lutrg
StHti Kn d Pai r lavccni
State vs Kd Chapman and Senator
Mitchell, larceny.
Law Docket.
R IC Porter va John Xmbuaon
Q R Oemott va. Theodore Bssae)
nnd Mrs Theodore Hecnev
l.oula K. Muson vs Charles, I 'Par
Kilatrlck va
Kalyton vs
M. Klaln vs. W
I M Kllpnt
Man Kslytoi
J Furnish,
Keith, as
II MeCei
O . A. Ilartmaii. as
Mike Kotehc and An
M P. Shea vs Charles H
Henry Allen et al. vs. Oregon Rail
road A- Navagation Company
J L. Rlnm vs Amir. Matamn
Pater Vest vs Kdward Manrlor
FrUI (torn h and
John Mnlr.
Adotph Mormanda Company
I. outs ,el
Rudolph Martin va.
and A Nelson
J. McConnell vs. Maty P Thump
nil Man
Jamea Roach va.
Mar) Nelson
KeCoari vs Mary P Thomp
'est vs Oeorie Btal and n-
vs. Oeorge Kle and
drew Kle
Peter West
A twtw.M l.-l...
Cec'l vs Wbttm Rull
Joaejih C Saltmarsh va the OfSgOS
Rallroail A Navigation Company.
I ma P Sturgls va William Raker
Kd Thomaa va B I Clemena
Joseph Oupula va. W. B. Byers.
John Msnd vs. Alex Mclean.
OMSOS Railroad A Navigation
Company va. Hugh O. Yoakum. Mary
Bahl t and Thomas Maker
Hriihn A Hennv va. William Hen
Kate llatehett va James
Equity Docket.
Alice Hanna vs Amalde Pa
T HIM va Jamea M Klgln.
Klgln W J Furnish, aa
Charles Hamilton. T. F.
et si
J. A Horseman and ntH Corle
ciiinles H. Horseman.
. nn Harveater Comtany vs ('has
II Ootid A Co
I'nae Oober and Rose Parr vs John
lintiiHiii and Oeorge Perlnger.
A. F.
et al
S. C. Stanton va. Lewis
Andrew Sullivan vs. W
inach. assignee
Pendleton Hardware A
Cotnpanv vs. 0. A.
Fred Stlne vs
tone Kotehc
The Oregon laud A Construction
OnaiaailJ s the Allen Ditch Com
Qeorge D PtaDttf vs s. K. Yates
IVnald McRae vs William Klllott
VTaftei tlinn and Oeorge (linn.
John Rosa i ,ekaon et al. va. Mai
R Olckson.
I K Kllgore vs Qoofll Caimleh
Tin p, inil. Mon Savings Rank vs.
Rose Kerrlck et al.
Wi KSadei Coffey vs. Krank Ftaler
Charlea Rlark Ha?wk vs Tota. an
Indian I ouish Hergeiuan and Carrie
" Thutnas Whit,- Hull vs Is Ka Malk
ft I alapSttSh vs I M Hnaon.
H F Johnson s William RhiKli
sheriff ot Umatilla ronnt) ami I'm
tills count)
W F. Mstloeh va William Hlak
ly. sheriff of I ' mat 11 In count) ami
Umatilla county
.1. S Mcl.eod -
aherlfl oil tTnaatllla
tills county.
B, W McCo.nas f. Mix Drisdab
and Hnliett Watt.
Levi Anken va
sheriff ot Cmatllal
ttiia eovaty,
Ahrah:im BirSbSCher m William
Itlakli). sheriff ol Umatilla .unity,
and rmatllla county.
Hell Swabacher va William Rink
ley, sheriff of Umatilla county and
i mat Ilia county.
Henry A. Reynolds a William
Bisk ley i aherlff of Umatilla county,
ami Umatilla county.
Allen II. Reynolds vs. William
Rlakley. sheriff of Umatilla county,
and Umatilla county.
s F. Harrington vs A H m-marls
John Roaa Olckaon vs Henry R.
A. L. Coffey n J. 0 Saltmarah.
Thomas Kerr s II F Hoyt.
Susan lals vs Jeaale S Vert,
ti uatee
The Fleti het OOMBSB) vs Simon
Robert Forater vs Run. c Kidder
J. W McKlntiey vs Hesektah Key
et al
Hent Kopittki vs 0 0 Tackle
John I Basal s U ; Prsilsf et
Johl m. Heathnsa w Vmikua
I ane et al.
Julia Fit .g raid vs Tom liinil and
Charlea Wllklna
J W Oow.ly vs Kdwat.l P 1 nt
it al
Charles HI. liter va Henry Mease
i and Anna Means
I ouiaa Charlea va I Yot I Yot
Divorce Suite.
BtltS Jane Piildwln vs. James PnlsV
, w In
Saiah M. F:t land va Charb Me
Roaa Boaephlr vs Frank llonephlr.
Anna Nellaon vs John NethMW
Nellie Run vs. C F Mutt
Nellie W Junes vs John F Junes.
Hellen A BurtOU vs. Chailes Pur
ton. Siti.h K Caichius vs inamln f.
Cati hitiK
Kllen Wilson va Rube Wilson
HuMs Behiberl vs BJraeel s. ka
H. H Williams a. Ida MS) Wil
liams Alexandria Woods II Arthur
Ltaaje Btlse Richie vs. Ohsrlea wu
llam Richie.
Rub O Foul is William S Fold
Una krehtbsM va. John Archibald.
Peo AVnts Sonmv is Paul Caton.
Virginia Smith vs A f, Smith
name Deaale is .1 c. Denale
William lilaklev.
eonntj nnd Umn
William Blakle)
county and I'tnn
A Fireman's Close Call.
stm k to my aaatne, atth nigh
1 ii r) lolnt ached and every nerva
was nu ked with pain. ' writes f W
BeHaary, a kn oaaotlre Iran a. of
Burlington Iowa. I was weak aaA
pale, without inn appetltt aad an
run down. As 1 11 aa about to alva
up I Ki.t a bottle of F.h i trh Pittsre
ami aft it taktSI It. 1 felt la will aa
i.i did In m III. Weal,, slcklj.
i nn down aeontf alwayt nsll nee life,
stnngth and Vlsoi froti tin it usa.
i"i then Batlafactlon Kiutraii(ral
In rnllumu a C) Prlir BO cents
"Yellow Kids'' In It.
tepolt Willi h hits I., ill . II . II lilted
it i i ii i. h li thai the Justly ct-lcurataA
bsll team of Athens The Vetlov
Kids." would not appear ou the d's
moiitl during the coming season.
ate lafOraied h persona who should
know la false In even particular,
says the Adama A.Iiiiiu . AlfSBBP
mi nts t ien ,tt this earl) day . are bav
lug perfected which Will male nf
Ihoej it nun. formldabb oppaMBl
than last season do to It Athena
and mni success imwu the iffuit
( sturrh lannoi K I'urad
With In, at spilli'Sll.in. a itir raniiot i.'kI
tlt 'st nl ilia iIImnim. I'atarrh ! i.Iimm! c
.mi-' u ' '. .lUeatii', mi. I III tirdtr In . itra II
leu itiiil laki- Inlt rnsl ri'iinsllo ItaU'a U
larrh t'urr In Utk. n llil. ii.nllt and a. In die II,
OQ tbf Ulood Sad i ....,,. Italia fa
larrlt ('tin la mil a .iiiai k . . .t I ue It ua pr
a. rltn'.l to una nl tin' Is-al ptiyal. lana In Ibli
i aOBtr) M tear, and la a regular pn a. mimi
It la i.uni...d of I In beat loan a kn.iwtt. .-.tm
liln.il ariili tlir tM.at Ii'imhI puriSir. ai Has
dlrsetly on ilta laueoua mrfaeoa f tu rttt
itiinliliialu.il in tin ut, i liiarcdl all l what
pntdii ill ti., nit tint r mill, S I'Srtaf SS
tarrh Sand lot trailmuuial,. lit,.
r J i MUSKY i n Proaa i i... o
Bolitliy.tr iMUti. pr'. i lv
Hall Km ii 1 1 I'.INar. lite Ix-al
lajaejkjBaUu .....,;.,:,..;.
v'k'vvtwwM rv
E mosl siiLTessfiii clearance sale in th hi;torv of th Pennies irchon t Hinulrt' k of huvpra hua 1 ivcil our ;cll.'iw
- - -w- v-v -a- aaaaaa PH J ' " BJBJ " J ' I BBBJ BJ WSIaVWa- aa7 - - - aas a ' maT " ' V W a, I I tl a ' Bk V F "a 0 I
dlities in many departments to the utmost. Don't miss this great sale of iiry goods, wonen's and chlldrens shoes
lomens readvto-wear varments, men s. bov s and children s clnthinff and furnishing roods. We c in nnlv y'nc oii a hriof
Laa dj a A at BJ .a si al
nmary ot tne values in tnis small announcement.
'ool Dress Goods Department
Every item in our wool goods tioth black ami colored, is
autkttl av. ;i down to a substantial reduction. Venetians,
terges, broadclotfal and cheviots included anions tlietn
woo! noveltiei away hplow tip ir aluee.
values in bUfk fancy tnohair reduced to :cH' yd.
;viluei in black fancy mohair reduoed to 26o yd
HrJ silk waistK in all the latest shad aiul inake
I ... a,
i wi regular price or 25 off.
Ml Slid ( ' 1 1 i Id earn 'u .lui.Luiu iii Lull' i.eii...
1 "'" . ii v ,a. v vr. aav iiap. I ara aasa
Ladies Welt Shoes
Ma le by E. P. Reod, wixtb $I.H) BOW
a pair.
Fractional prices on Desirable Goods.
The following low pro es in sc.iMinalile j-noils will dppejl
especially to the economic ally imlim il .inmnk hotel
keepers, r' st.itii.int proprietor j and headl "I famillsi
11 1h bleached ihuhIhi : in tor fl.lN)
72 inch uhitetin t9fl DOf yart.
86 inch pppooJot, l'Ht o utility, nic a vAfd
Kvcryihin in hoineH'ica redinexl at the Itmc rati
Agents Buttcrick's patterns and publications.
For To-day
i's Under-Wear.. .
Worlta up to $1.25
Clearance Price
75 cents
Per Suit.
Men's Sweaters
For To-day
Men's Overcoats.
$7.50, $8.00, $9.10
Clearance Price