East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 21, 1902, Image 4

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Salem Correspondent Think Surely
There's a Coalition Between
Tho 8al(ni corrospondont of the
OreKonlAn saya:
The political campaign of 1902 in
now on In Marlon county, and the
nattlo Is belnjt wrkI with vigor
Whllf the leaders air trylriK to work
quietly. It Is learned that the differ
ent precincts are bstfai canvassed to
ascertain where trood material for
primary slates ma b fouiul. and
leaders of the several factions are
being chosen
It Is already apparent that the line
up In thi' republican ranks will be
under the names of Simon" mjd
"antl-Hlmon" and "Geer" and "anti
Oeer." Whether one of these divis
ional lines will become the sole desig
nation of party difference, whether
both will reniiiin until the fight Is
ended, or whether the Simon and
(leer forces will unite against a union
ol the anti-Hlmon ami anttdeer fac
UOMi remains to be seen.
It Is generally believed and fre
quently stated that the Himon and
Geer forces are now working together
and that practically all the antl-Oeer
men are also ant I Simon men.
Whether Hlmon and (leer have enter
ed Into an agreement, nxpreaa or Im
plied. tO tight their battles together,
cannot be stated, hut It la readily ap
parent that the friends of Simon are
generally supporters of (leer and that
the head the present state adminis
tration finds his strongeat opposition
la the ranks of thoee who are against
the re-election of Senator Hlmon. Aa
the political battle waxea warmer.
an1 the Individual members of the re
publican party And It necessary to de
clare themselves as aupportera of one
taction or another, the permanent
lines of division will become more
clear, and It may then ) determined
whether the Oeer slates at the pri
mary election will also he Hlmon
lates That this should be the out
come seems now Inevitable, for
Geer's strongest opponent is a man
who will not put up many slates fa
vorable to Simon.
I M Crolaan, ex-sheriff ol Marlon
county n Itftlnill reshlent oi this
community, and a political worker of
r ognlecl ability, has undertaken
to look out for Himon's Interests In
Marlon ount. It has been reported
that Mi Croisan will also take gen
eral charge oi tieei s campaign here.
AS aaaasHaaWJU J
The Umatilla
ma mm c mm Agricultural Implements, VehiJ
photos $y JWAt
Miss Louise Jones, cf Mllwaukse. Wis., is to be one of the household
of Postmaster-General Payne, and is expected to be very popular. She is
very beautiful.
but if this Is true the evidence of It
does not yet appear upon the sur
To Induce Immigration from the
east, the (). R. it N. has established
a tariff ol special west hound settlers
rates, effective on March 1. to April
30, as follows, the first figures in each
instance being the low rate, th
oud the old rate:
From Missouri river terminals
eept Sioux City, via Huntington, to
I mat Ilia. Spokane and intermediate
main branch line points, $22.50 $35;
to Portland and tnterniedbit' point
also Heppner branch. M 4t to
I'uget Hound via Portland (MM north
of Seattle). 2f. $4o. to Paget Sound
via Hpokane. 2.V-4o
From St. Paul and MbUMftpolll via
Spokane, to Umatilla ami InttrtMdl
ate points. SS.I0 fU to Portland
and intermediate points, $2. 40; to
points east or I'nwitllhi ami south of
Walla Win:. i local added, mil to M
ceed $2.'..
Prom Chicago to limatilla. Spokane
and iuiermedinte main and branch
line points. $tOM Itii. 50: to Port
land and I'uget Sound :U "!""
Kro ii i St I. outs to rmatilla. Spo
Ivaiie ami Intermediate main anil
branch line points, to Portland and
Puget Bound, MO MTJft.
I L. Kay K Co.,
Hny ami Mil
Stocks, Honda
and Craln
tor curb nr on margin.
New York Atock tiachangr.
Chicago Stock Pxchangc.
Chlcairn Board of Trade.
nrt s,.t.
l-,.,ot..,. I .
Best Babbitt Metal
For line shafting and all
bearings of machinery
of the mill or factory It
cannot be surpassed : :
Made from Type Metal.
East Oregonian Office. Pendleton, or.
Wood Choppers and Lumbermen.
We carry the largest and best line of
Wood (hoppers' and Lumbermen'!
B Supplies in the city Consisting of
Axi'H, Wedges. Sledges, ("roes Cut
und One-man Saws, ('all and ex
amine onr line and get our prion
before purchasing
Thfi Laadino Hardware Man.
I II I I H I I I I I I I I I II I I I IHmWItl M I ll I I I I . I t t I HfH t1 VH ! I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 MHMIIHHM
I his sale being a bona fide closing out sale, the purchasing public is taking advantage of the
the various departments of Pendleton's big store. During January we will endeavor to prove
popular in Pendleton. Prices that convince will be the great factor.
The first week of this sale shows nn increase over the first week of last year.
exceptional values offered in
that this sale is the most
$1.00 Shirts
Men's laundritd fancy colored shirts
"Hi-Metallic" and "Wilson Hros." and
other, th regular values of which are
11.35, 1 1 40 and $1.75.
Odds and left overs of men's under
wear at cut pfiotO to elofce.
All kindH of 50o neckwear to
close at
Hosing handkerohiefi il So
er cent discount on
on'i forgttl this
li 'i
A hunch of odd hats that we are anx
ious to (dose out as follows: $1.50 hat
for $1.00; $2 50 hat for $1.76; $3.50 hat
for $2.76, etc.
Don't forget the $1.00 mittens for 50c;
$1 26 glows for 85c; $1 .OOglove 50c.
JJOC Men V Bitot: Working Shirts
Special socks 5c
An unprecedented buy enables us to
offer toil great bargain in men's suits
$20.00 suits for 12.50
$15.00 suits for 10.00
All sixes and 100 of them; these cannot
be duplicated
Vtf0OBtl must go. Bfjoriftotd liicvaie
$25.t 0 oottl now fc'l.S.OO
18.00 coat now 13,00
16.00 coats now I I 00
12.50 coats now 9 50
10.00 coats now 7.50
7.60 coats now 6.00
We have received another dray load
of our celebrated 50c overalls, the bell
in the state f
$2 50 and $2 8WEATKR8 now $l 66
Muslin Underwear
All our new goods included in this
sale Here ,uv superior value to anv
Offered elsewhere.
All materials and trimmings, original
prices 7r.r qow 49c; 85c now 69c; $1.15
BOW BQo; $1.36 now 98c.
Dress Goods
At one-half price. This sale contin
ues and has proven very popular,
thousands of" dresses left.
Ladies Capes and Jackets
$2.50 and $5.00 for twice the value.
Winter caps at half price
Quality as above 25c now 17c; 35c
BOW Me; 76c now 69c; 85c now 9c, and
Others in proportion.
All kinds as above, 36c now 28c 66c
DOW 49c; 76c now 59c; 86c now69c.
We challenge comparison of values at
prices quoted. The children's dresses
chumses and ooraet covers included.
We have made a great cut in tlit
prices on this line. We baVO dscided to
make a quick clearance ol tli I li' lUl1
therefore the entire line is 'divided into
lot to sell at
2hc, 5c, 10c, 15c, and 20c
Cashmere hose
Out deep,
iOi values :
60c values now JJ
66c values now
76c values now .....
$1.26 values now
26c values now 3 pairs for We
Entire line to close in lots of
I9c, 26c, 32c, 39c and 59c.
and Misses
Underwear knit
tl Oil ...I
$1.25 values now 7y(.
$150 values now qw..
Ladies knit skirts
To cloee at oue-half price.
Flannel Waists
Formerly $1 .00 to $2.00 values iQr
now to be elosed at
chui' circle Hiroughout the Nortn 1)fe
fAMY. M) Muotury , Hu Krunto, USJ WMi
n day i
tter pi to
i ...i..
nth win
utn invent
M J"
,dv to W
hi Alex