East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 21, 1902, Image 3

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    . ft nrnni r- -r n a i
dal corset bale mmm
fnrsets. ffood styles, black
and drab, worth 75c to close at
Celebrated J. B. Corset $1.25, 1.50
and $2 grades to close at, each
p. D. Corsets, $2.50 to $3.50, to
close at
leaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
Retiring from business.
A K V 21. 1902.
Oood outing flannel, 28
Clen ver llron. Dry QOOdl
For Ml., all kinds of
hOtl town and country.
L a Howard Farm loan..
Lair, Howard. Are Idiutmm.
Ct rtndv l.i th city. Outton's
,frtir. chocolates. ,
1,1 12 00 hat In Oregon, see Cleav
imHm nry Goods Co.
stationery, now crepe
and fancy goods
flannel night
Cleaver Ilroa. Dry
mareai prices
Wade, Pendle-
Kiiat 72.
mm m
Irfjtbl' b"
Lr ilhunif'
iHlIn toil niltlug
1, an ,
1 10
ft- laic, four ragisicrcu
lorn'1 mi ' iMwii
Inquire nf l II
ff. nil- 110 ai res or nne wneai
i ninth nf Adams Terms. po"
balance tn nit purchaser. .lam s
v. rafdlcal minimi wants a rap
It. 'ii. HiMt i V
1,1.1- 111
.-MIIP Mil
York City.
for itle, an Ideal sheep ranch or
irree. .r iter acre ;also zooo
tmtt. ! mi par neau. way
B. T. Wade.
fatted, a vs . miaii to do general
aswwork on a i.inu m ar hcho. Or.
.1 mm .1 IV
fC; 1CIUI lliai M 'I . lllllll.T .W lltlD. ... .
R. Martin Is making prices on high
:.' .nil'! man ever ne
r His line of fancy groceries la
M7 large and Includes all the beat
kudu of Dickies, canned goods,
buifait mushes and fancy wafers
mi frarkers If vwu want good cof-
fct Martin lias the old government
fc of Mocha and Java.
Through tin Intelligence, enemy
Mi! MthmliiMi nf Miss Imogeuc Hoy
a uit hir ivululnntc fit Poll's
Ktool for girls at Walla Walla Ma
bet made a flourishing and ably con
tacted educational Institution .Ian
WT !7th Is the opening day of the
later term at St. Paul's. This school
fcr girls lias primary, Intermediate
4 college preparatory departments
Ink violin volte and piano a
"!( Pupils under 14 yearu of
M are preferred at this school,
! mom i.i re fill Instruction la
Majestic Ranges
yards $1.00.
real estate.
E .T. Wade
PoeketliookH ami purses, lamps,
fancy chluaware. honks and Illhlea j
Hoys' overalls, made of blue deni
ms. 10c pair. Cleaver Tirol. Dry
Oooda Co.
I, nst goldickct monogram, with
initials t lr (; flnd.1 i. ave at
Hotel Pendleton and receive reward.
The supper of the Parish Aid to be
given tomorrow beginning at f p. DO.,
at the parish house, will be subatnti
tin) ami neatly served.
A. K. Flnley will sell all his per
sonal property on Wednesday at his
home near Helix The sale begins at
in a. m.. J. M. Hentley bejng the
The .1 .1 Tronghton art studio. 706
Cosble street, between Alta and
Weld, streets, will open Thursday.
Those dcslrlnc to study QM call nt
the studio for terms
At bedtime I take u pleasant herb
drink, the next morning I fee' bright
ami my complexion la better. My
din tin says It acta gently on the
stomach, liver and kidneys, and It a
pleasant laxative. It Is made from
hurba. and Is prepared as easily as
tea It Is called line's Medicine
Lam's Family Medicine moves the
bOW.ll each day Price 26c and fi'c
Por sale by Tttllman A Co., sole
Herman Warnebold has sold his
Birch Creek ranch, consisting of a
hall section Of hill land and about 40
acres of creek laud, to Scales A Son.
the well-known sheepmen, for $2500.
Mr. Warnebold. who bus lived on the
ranch foi It years, will probably lo
cate In Pendleton, where In- may buy
property. His neighbors on Birch
Creek express themselves as being
sorr thHt he lb to leave that neigh
One advantage of reading a aerial
story In a dally newspaper Is that an
installment of convenient length i
received every day that does not con
MM an uuduc amount of the read
ers time An Installment of a high
MM serial story appears In every
issue of the Chicago He. ord Herald
a popular feature of that enterprising
Chicago dally Kvry Issue contains
also n short Illustrated humorous
story on the editorial page. Headers
of the Chicago Record-Herald can de
pend upon a never-falling source of
pleasant entertainment In the note
worthy Action that Is always to be
found In Its columns.
Death of
Walla WaiUa
K. Hancock dir
day. aged
W. J. Clark & Co
Mrs. Hancock.
Jan. 21- Mrs Nam y
I -in this city yester
H . 1
years ror several
months Mrs Hancock hail IB i"
poor health and Ml death wm not
unexpected Four suns aud u duugh
ter survive the deceaaed. Funeral
..... i .i . . i . I todav from the
home ol Mrs. W. R
Mountain View.
Second Annual Convention of Umatil
la District Was a Success.
VeHi.nlay and last night will long
b remembered by Knights of Pytli
las as one of the pleasant events of
their history In Umatilla county, and
i mom ially will Pendleton retain a
plMI mit memory of the second an
nual convention nf the five lodges In;
the county.
Pythian Lodge No 29. of Athena
was represented by 30 members.
Stevens No. 4!, of Weston, sent a del
egatlon of 2f. and Hercules No. Bl,
Of Milton. If ! Pleiades No. 74. of He
llx, sent So from their lodge. These.
In addition to the more than 200 of
Damon Lodge. No. 4, of Pendleton.,
made a total of 300 Knights of
Pythias who were In town and enliv
ened the streets by their presence
There were many others from other
After the convention was called to
order at 1:60 by Orand Vlce-Ohancel-lor
.1 W, Maloney. of this city, who
gave a short talk as preliminary
opening remarks, the minutes of the
previous convention were read by
Secretary L W. Held The election
of a chairman was the next In order
and Orand VIce-O.hnnccllor Maloney
was honored with this place Lee W.
Held was elected secretary.
The address of welcome was Milt
ered by Past Chancellor .1. H C.wlnn.
of Pendleton, which was very good
Bnd made the visitors feel at home
This address was replied to by R S
Waterman, representing Pythian No
It ol Athena, M. A. Baker Stevens
No 4! of Weston; V H Chasfaln,
Hercules No. 61, Milton Helix was
not represented In responses
The quartet composed of Messrs
Rader. Prlvett sharp and Fletcher,
rendered mush which enlivened the
J. H Aitkin of Huntington deliv
ered nn address and was followed by
Pnst Orand Chancellor W. L. Brad
shnw. of The Dalles Past Supreme
representative W M Cake, of Port
land was on the program to talk
along the same lines but was not
present Pythlnnism" followed, by
Past Orand OMBMllor ' P Kenne
dy. of Portland Merman Wise, of
Astoria, who was to have given the
Knikhts something along the line of
"Wise Thoughts." wns also not pres
ent. Othen. who were not here mid were
to have given something toward the
urogram, were Supreme Represen
tnflve Turner Oliver of La Oraaih ;
L. R. Stinson (i. H of R. 8. of Sa
lem: M F Davis. 0 I O.. of Tnlon
To till In the plnees of those on the
urorrani who WDtt absent. Orand
Chancellor F. F Handsehy. of Whst
com. ami O. W Jett of Baker City,
each delivered short nddresses which
dosed the afternoon session.
The again met at the La Dow hall
at 7:30 when the secret work of the
soclctv was gone through and the
, floor prepared for the five wnltlng
candidates, who were to receive the
third degree and wen the victims for
the competitive drill which was put
mi to determine what lodge had the
best and most perfectly drilled team
among the five represented This
work lasted until 3 3n o'clock when
V V Handsehy. of Wliatcom 0 W
.Tett of Bilker City and J. P K. MM
dv of Portland were selected as
imlccs by the executive committee
in MteTMlM the wlnnlnr team and
:iwa-d the prize of a beautiful altar
Bible and altar sword to Damon No
4. nf Pendleton
Thlr over 217 Knikhts repaired to
the QoldM Rule hotel, where a boun
tMUl spread, consisting of the best
tie land could afford had been or
dered and was spread before the then
wearv nnd hungry visitors and local
narfldnants In the evening's festlvl
i ties and work.
Walla Walla Pythiana to Feaat.
Walln Walk Tan 21 Columbia
lodge Wo I Knights of Pvthlas, Is
preparing for the reception to be
arlv.n Oram! Chancellor F. K Han
schv on Friday night when the of
ft.-lHl visit to the lodge will occur A
meeting will be held and Mr. Han
1 scby will deliver an address
sumptuous spread will follow.
all of these being Implements and
emblematic of each craft.
About three hundred witnessed It.
After the ceremonies a dance was en
joyed until midnight, every one belhg
pleased with the evening's enjoyment
and friendly disposed to the mem
bers of the circle and Woodmen for
the excellent lesson taught by the ex
emplification of the floor work.
In a short time, 32 of the Women of
Woodcraft will preaent combination j
figures, letters and drill work that
will be something new In lodgecraft
Log Rolling.
The Joint log-rolling campaign has
started In real earnest, reports eon
Ing from all the camps and circles of
district "H" showing enthusiasm and
The war cry. "For 1144." seems
like a large number to he initiated in
eastern Oregon, but the officers and
executive committee feel safe In say
ing that they will not only reach the
mark but will go beyond It B.THJ
camps and circles have reported sev
cral applications, and when work be
gins in real earnest, chips and logs
will follow by the wholesale.
It Is not amis at this time to say
to the people of Pendleton that on
April 21st and 22nd. the Woodmen or
the World and the Women of Wood
craft are to Initiate 1144 candidates,
and with this number there will
probably be a thousand visitors In
Pendleton on those two days. Of
course. Pendleton will furnish 414 Of
these candidates The buttons seen
on the coats of the local Woodmen
with the figures lMl means that
Pendleton camp ledges herself to fur
nish 222 members for Initiation, and
the figures !'.' means Daphne Circle
will furnish that number A month
later Information will be given to the
public showing them the magnitude
of this logrolling campaign It will
enliven Pendleton, and bring to town
at least a thousand or more people
to he here two days Special organlr.
era will be In the field and both
crnfts will show the strength of their
Hammond at WOODMEN
211 Court Street.
The Infanta Maria Christina the
widow of Don Sebastian. Is dead. She
was born In 1833.
Our hot Chocolate, Clam bouillon, beef lea
Vigoral, Tobaaco Flip, Tomato Bouillon, etc.
Thevare always hot. We know how to
make delicious "Hot Drinks" and our price
is very reasonable - only 5 t-en,s a pHP'
65 Steps boat VhV Street To w rd the Court House
Camp and Circle, with Thras Hun
dred Present Induct Officers for
the Term.
At the Arniorv hall last night Pen
diet. .11 Camp No 41. and Daphne
1 ctn lc No 2 Installed their officers
' ian C I 1 Orsdal! and W J Mm
C 0 Van orsdan ann w. j. mrev
acting as Installing officer.
The floor "rk ol trie iwo ieins
was something out of the ordinary
and was very prettllv executed, the
...rA. (or tee Clrcl- r.p,'"ng lu
with a sash of the
of the circle and
Frazer Opera House
0o l. Ber. !. sn.l Munnircr R. WUh. IjicsI m.h.t
Friday January 24th, 1902.
White Minstrels
Scat sale nt Fraiers.
Prices 25c, JOd ;v ami ,00
Andy Anderson Will Submit to an
Operation In Portland.
Word by telephone this afternoon
from A. Anderson, who went to Port
land yesterday to have his right ey.
treated. Is that It will have to be re
moved in order to save the other Mr
Anderson received a slight bruise to
the eye during the football game here
on New Year's day between Pendle
ton and Hcppucr, but thought little
of It at the time thinking that It
would get well and give him little
trouble. Instead of getting better It
got worse, and he concluded to go to
Portland to consult a professional 00
enlist with the above result. His
sister. Miss Carrie Anderson, leaves
this evening tot Portland to attend
JANUARY 27. 1002
Boarding and Day School for Oirls. I
i Primary, Intermediate and t 'ollege Preparatory DeDMrtltlMte, Mui.
I Violin, Voice ami PtMO I specialty Pupil- under lourtn n years
I preferred. Address Ml Imogen Boycr. (rinclpil,
S4M Catherine Street, Wnlln Walla, Wash
.....I...I.I.1. 1.1. 1.1. 1.1. l.l.l.i 11. 11.1 )
li.nM-d $'j00 for a Baseball Team
Will Do Something.
Pendleton baseball players have
had considerable to say recently
uhout orgunl.liig a team and prepar
1 1 iK themselves to meet outside play
ers. but while they were talking and
hesitating about gettnic into action
Atheaia players and enthusiasts were
mil asleep. Word cornea from that
Saturday night a meeting was held
ITkM f-r,,m was raised as a starter
towards organising and malutLlntng
a paid baseball Mm for the coming
season. This move on the part of
i be Athena people was milte a sur
prise to those hack of the Pendleton
enthusiasts, aa It was the Intention
to - Hi. aome of the players that
will compose the Athena team for the
To make good bread use liters' II it Hour It i. oh first
premium at the Chicago tforld's Kair overall competi
tion, and gives MMllMl Mtiffarlion ah.rever used.
I very sa. k is guarantum! We have tbe Ut Steam
ROIIM Hs.leV. S-ml Kv soil 1-ear.l . "r I ' e
W. s. KYI Its. Propi i toi
Thorne Type Setter
For Sale!
Sbriners Return Home.
Mr. and Mrs I .eon Cohen, T. C.
luylor. William Rlusher aud M M
Wyrtoh have returned from Portland,
where the gentlemen attended the
annual meeting of the Mystic Bhrlu
ers This Is one of the events look
ed forward to by the Masons with
considerable Interest What Is call
d the "Scotlsh degree" or 32d de
gree, was conierred on a large lass,
consisting of 35 members from the
territory represented at the state an
nual meeting Mrs. T. C. Taylor, who
accompanl. d them remained and will
tisit a few days lu Portland
You will
make money
by calling on the
New Lumbermen
before purchasing
lull ol lumber
a chiffon puff
In the hair The learn tor me .rmii
were lii black suits with s saah of
the colors of tne csmp
ti, ,cutlon of the different
...mien, were made like veterans
consisting of the following
: I I M ' 1 wedge during installation
letters W W standing
u-..,,Hii...ii of the World and
of Wkjodcraft these letters
,i..,.hi.. hi si hai !' 1
1mm ban U u a''u'
uTa Vedge tie edge With.., tie
1 ill."
for the
made in
idi aud
crokS. id 'i"' douol.
New sheds going up
New stock coming iff
At the m w retail lumber yard.
Cray's Harbor Coiniiimial Co.,
opposite tin W & C K. depot
W. I SEWKLL, ' Manager
Machine is in good COoditlOOi rtMluifOI 6bJv one quarter
ouwer to run it and with it OfM person i m u t Uom tO(O00 to ay
. ins brevier in eight hours
With the in, hine there is the m i . ,.,, pii)lyi d biiltiog a.d
700 to 800 pounds brevier type, 8 point
Machine will he sold for 350 f o b at P.ffdii ton
East 0rej(on;an, Pendleton, Or.
cle the