East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 21, 1902, Image 2

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    Clearance Sale Men's and Boy's
Clothing, Furnishings and Hats
$ T.'() Men's suits, clearance price $5.65
7.60 Mod's mite, clearance price B.iO
.00 aten'i suita. dlearunce price B.76"
10.00 Mod's suitf, cltui aiioc price 7.80
1 2 .( x 1 Men's suite, clearance price D.fio
L.fiO M'd's duck ooatf, lined 1.10
I An Mod's duck p nits, lined 1.10
no Meu1 duck coate, lined l.0
Mod's heavy fleeced underwear, mil .86
l:crythinj5 at Reduced Prices.
On Prito Clothier. Fumitln'r mvl Hatter. RnndltlQH
An attempt on tin pait ol Torn'
Hunt, luil i U Hi. i ompttun to run
their earn on the city Jines. after ft
boycott wan florhaTOd hy thi Coatral
Labot Union, resulted In several
mull ilots in the luislnes center.
Tlii mouthers ot the Washington
delegation ror tompletely surprised
to learn that the president hail. Inde
oadoatlj ami without coMulttai U)
one of th. mi auUtOllted n tiii'tsratn to
OoJieetoi Hoattti, asking ir hi' would
accept a reappointment
The AniaUainati .1 soclntioii
at it lata tin' last strike with the
Ualted BUI i itool Ooi ittou v nil
$7:'. in tin trOMttTYi it Mil pon1
Mot I) In th.. tight. It will go Intci
the MSI roil rtl 'ii With I 1 00 CHI ;,i
the treasury said President T. J.
Shall, i th gtattattfffl. In ail
At KrunUfort. Ky.. attorney foi
the defense in tile Jim Hivvnrd Blur
i is, fitiid tha'
arltaeaa tand
who will irlv.
laged Qoebt
Tit v iaj U
BhOU tl.at Id
with id' erti
Evidence ,,
they will put on
reliable persons
. detail, or the at
Hi. loai piracy,
. O
uiil.l. sliver and en:il
d feci ritlj a: Wavtnun.
MHBplex were tent to
Mnnton. piinripal of the
offlca at Denver. A
in him shows at. MMir
I Of lOtd and ,M of ill
ill vleld 144.10 to UM
gala ,
Bftifll .i
of 1 0
ver. li
ton On the strength ol the assay.
company has bOOtl nrginllOd to de
velop he find.
Prini ii. no ol I'm ila in miking
ever hl plamt ot travel with United
Mates Aiiilmssador White at the din
aer given li Huron IDchthofen the
Soman minster of Ion Ikii affairs.
to Mm ami PriaeoM Homy, tha
A in in .ii .iinhiissador ami Mm.
White John H .Li. Ksmi secretary of
thi .uuiussv. and a nuiulier or dlatln
gOtBhod persona, said he wan enpi
ialh pleated with ('resident Hnosc
veil's selection of Hoar-Admiral Rob
lay D. Evans to receive him In tin
United Stall, as there was an oM
tailor's friendship hetween ilnm
Jusepi, Burke, the violinist and ac
tor wlio ai hleved phomlntncc as the
c i umpanlsi ( Jennie l.iud. on her
tour in IM041, died in his 87th v .ir
('onKriwisiiiui! Charles II Bourke of
South Dakota. Is his nephew
Word reached tue pilots at Astil,:t
that Hit- Austrian steamship Marfan
Uu had arrived at Port Towntend.
and hail received orders then- to pro-
i to the ( oliiinlila to load a earK
of lorade loi tie Koveriiliient foi Ma
nila Hi Many D Kline prealieol o tin
Kin. 1 ' lty Medii a! Society, and a
pfOMiOOll ne-tnher of the state or
IUImUoo. died from pneumonia
altet ,i, hi ii i illness. He was consld
i'.: on. oi tin leudiiiK physicians of
tin tate of Waahlngtoo.
Mrs AUKUsta .Schneider aned 4f.
years, died of dropsy at her home,
neai Oreenvllh where she hud lived
for yeort Inceaaed wan horn
ear Berlin, and when 7 years old
rann t,, Aiipleton, Wis., where she
mariliii Oeorge Sehnelder, who, with
tlxbt children, survive her.
The lullniiolio.lt destroyer Holds
borouxh has passed from the posses
sion of Harrison 0. Piatt, trustee In
bankruptcy for Wolf ft Wwlcker. to
the United States government, and
all concerned are hoping that the
transfer will mark the disappearm
of the ImlustrioiiH hoodaw that has ao
persistently followed the craft
At Vancouver Wash., Mother Jo
seph, of the order of Sisters of Char
ity of the House of Providence, and
founder of the mother bouse of that
order in tin Northwest, died at the
convent which she erected, at the ad
vanced uki ol 7!' years. Mother Jo
seph was well known In Cathollc
chun l. ' in lei- throughout the North
Appeal From the Board of Ttus-
tees to All the People.
The following stntemert is author
ized b) the hoard of trustees ol the
Canton McKlBlt) National MtnoHal
Tin MeKlniOJ National Memorial
Association liavinK been Incot porati d
accordliiK to law. met In Cleveland.
(I, toiler In. I'JDI. lor the pill pose of
effecting: an oiKaniutlon by the ajoo
Don of ofllcers and adoption of regit
hit Ions for Its governij.ent.
The president or the I tilted Stales,
at the reuuesi of Mrs. McKinloy and
BMIBbers of the latnily. named the
followlni: board of trustees: William
It Day. Canton: Marcus A llanna.
CI. vi land. Myron T Herrlch Cleve
lar.d. Cornelius N. Hllss. N'etv York.
HtBry C I'ayne. Milwaukee Thoma -Dolun.
Philadelphia ; W MuiTO)
Crime.' liostun: Alexander H. Oovoll
Chl aso. Chart, s II Kairlmiilvs. Im'i
nopolU; Hoary m Dn Sold Dotroil
Oeorg' B Oortotyeu, OTaohlnaton Rll
T u r. nre M i ii n a ol is : William A
Lyncb canton Jobji 0, MUboro, Hi
rata William Hi Conway PitUbarg:
OavU R Praaola, St. Umto; Robert
i Lowry, Atlanta; Hoary T. Seott.
.-.ii Kraiiclsco Kranklln Murphy,
Nu. B s. Hanmoodi Hcnphia;
ogdale, New York
having nuiilliieil. pro
. ell I I loll oi otllcel's
prOQldOBt, William It.
O.l Vice-presldi'llt. Mui
i i- A llann.i Cleveland. ).: ireaOUl
r. Myron T. II, -tin I, C. eland. O.
ecrerary, Ryerooo Kltchle. OkrTO
land. O.
The porpOOO Of the association Is
defined iii u... certificate oi Incorpora
tion, are tin- erection a. id muni,
oaaoo of a suitable memorial to the
luti- president, and raising (In- gOOO!
sary i'unds for said purpose: and.
alter (alls providing thoretor the
-mi Ins of sin h Inn, Is If any. to he
devoted to such memorial ;- may he
lirovlded ior the late president at the
national capltol Tin- memorial will
in creeled at Cuiitoii. "it city hav
ing been his home throughout his
PttbllC life Ulld selected bj ll i til a.- his
laal resting place.
The memorial is to be. in tin high
s sense, (he sincere expression of
all tin- people o! the country of their
love for President McKlnley ami oi
tin ii admiration ior the quulltli X
luessi-d so tailaaatly iu his life ami
Free Will Offenngc.
the purpose to have the
r u I"
The trustees
e.-ned Ui II
I . .oosing as
: i uaatoBi
It Is
nigs of the people
lull opportunity to
Tin- cooperation
and i diners ot Un
other or-
I eipiestcd
i pool. Th
.ess oi the
i laal aid to
wardlug of
1.000.000 POUNDS.
Biggest Sale Ever Known in Idaho
12 Cents Was the Price.
The largest wool deal ever consiim
mated in Idaho, tool, place recently,
when Joe Streng. representing UIshc
maim H Pros of Boiton, purchased
from Robert Noble his wool clip fOr
the past two years. The ftim paid
was in the Deighborhood of lso,
It Will take 4ii cars to deliver th
wool at Boston, and Mr BtrOBg bgi
already ordered the sanu and load
int. the big bales will commence at
once. Most ol the consignment will
be shipped from ltole and tin lnji
mice from Nanipn
Mountain Home.
amounts to nearly
and the price paid
average 1- cents
Caldwell and
The total clip
1,000.000 pounds,
par pound ail
Will Mercer, sheep man says there
are filltl. 01)11 sheep lu Klickitat. Klttl
las and Yakltnn counties. Washing
Ion A majority of these ore bolBg
wintered In the valley between Pros
ior ami Rllenaburg Raaehon am
selling their hay to these tlockmas
ION at from ti.10 to It in the stack
.lames B. Welch will tell you
what these letters stand for.
Its a good story.
Have him tell you, and if you
do not. you will find out later by
watching this space.
The Burlington railroad has had
plant drawn for a large wool wan
house, which will be ereeted Just
across the river from Cody. Wyom
lug. Tin- tractate will be. of Iron
and will hnvc n storage capacity oi
boat 1,100.000 pounds Cody Is tin
shipping point of the Big Horn bfl
und the wool t raffle th rough hen- In
the tall is large
Sheep men of thfl Bed DOWtl
Don of Wyoming an- still unable m
estimate their losses iii the big si uu
of December, tint the gen t il opinion
Is that the first reports n groatl
exaggerated The Mocks drifted be
fore the wind M hoiirt Mid In doing
so not only wandered lar from their
own ranae. bat haohBie shaaotod
C. and C.
.1.1. . . . . . . . . ...I.I .1.1.1. I.I.I. 1.1. I. I.I. I.I.I. '.,.,.1.1.,.,.,......,,.,,,,,. ..I,,,,,,,
Most Hir Preparations Arc Merely
Scalp Irritants, of No Value.
Most hull preparations are merel)
scalp Intrants miscall. d halt tonus
Winn had Is brittle, lusterless ami
I - to tall out the dandruff gOHB
Is getting In its deadly work at tin
root, supping the vitality. Since si i
dttcoverod that dandruff la a
germ disease there has boon only one
preparation put on tin market thai
will actually dettroj 'the dandruff
germ and that is New bins llcrplchlc.
It allays Itching Instantly destroy
t - itu and the falling hair stops
and liaii grows luxuriantly. Ask your
di iiyglst tot Herplclde, It allays Itch
lag Inttaitly sakea hair groa
AttlORI Editor. Fred Boyd. Sites Up
Pendleton Question.
While it may be tha best for all '
eoaceriied in tin Peiidleton marshal
ship Blsup, to settle tin matter on
the lln. s sutgi.-led by i. x Mayor Vni
cent, to i disinterested person the
fact is patent that i' Pendleton Is to'
expect good municipal government
the stand taken by Mayor Halle)
must be sanctioned b) in t fitlMni
Mayor Halley was elected to hi- in,
portanl ollle. by Hie Vole- ol I'. udli
ton (IDens and it wnubi.be but glar
ing Inconsistency In the expression m
I heir judgment In choosing him for
mayor to knock the prop- l nun un
der hi in ut the first opportunity. Ma
or Halley has taken Ifn nervv stand
for heiter government In Bendleion
ami his action in this mm particular
BtattOf above all others, should be
0 crw helmlugly vindicated
I 'irJfHCrf'
VCbI jUtas WL gW"BIBagggf2Bfc
. jLoaeylKt gH HgfegM
w'nii ;i pair of "Pendleton Blanketa" on ymr bed
you will be eonfortable and wunn dnrio the oold
eat winter nights '
voluntary with u
all to contribute
of tin- governors
state and munici
palities of the I'nited Stales and all
religious, educational civil
Iraierual. benevolent and
gu i. i .at ions is Invited
All public nth. ui
bodies, and the press are
to take steps to secure, at Die curliest
po.-slble time, a full response to this
aaaoulntlon looks to tha
country to lend Its effl
tin collection und for
subset 1 pilous. Moneys
may in- deposited in hunks ami other
laaaelal institution express offices
tforjnuuuy orders which are issued
tree) and with postmasters, who are
roqUOfltad to receive and transmit
them to the treasurer promptly
Tin- trustees and honorary mem
bers of the association will receive
subscriptions. RemlttagOea may he
mude directly to Myron T. Hcrilck
treasurer Cleveland 0 Tin- nume
aud postofflce address of each con
tributor should be forwarded to the
treasurer of the association with the
(und remitted, for preservation in
the permanent archives of the asso
ciation. Subscriptions abroad may he re
ceived by the ambassadors, mnilttera
uud consuls of the United States, and
in Cuba, PortO Blco, Hawaii, ami the
Philippine Islands by the respective
governors thereof, or persons author
tsed by them.
It Is hoped that the reapouae of
the people will be to liberal that a
memorial niay be erected which will
fittingly honor the memory of our
martyred president and emphasize
their loyalty to our Institutions and
their abhorrence of that spirit of law
i. which Inspired the assault
upon his life.
Tsk- Isxstlvu Bruin. , guiniiiA laMtlt A
liriiKKltl. rvluud tin- lumivy If It lulls Incur. .
K Vv. lirovu'. slKiisture I. on aMB ls gtl
Naus Dyspepsia Cure
Has cured these cases
and It will cure you
J. at. Chureli, IOaoaata, Qaa., aaj
"1 siitlerel for -Jti yeurs, anil lielieve
hail I not u.- il Nan's lv-i. p-. . I Un
I would not gg alive to write you a
Natlian Kalk, HoU... Idalm. suys: "I
ill.-n l tor yiuir-: found mam relief
but no cure except yours."
For sale by Ta'lman & Co , and all
first claas druggists, or aend to Prank
Neai, Portland Hotel Pharmacy, Port
land, Oregon. Price $i a bottle or n
bottles lor $5, express prepaid.
I 12.600 for a Prescription
'Ins UrtMl sum BOOl MM lor s restfrl.iiui,
etiaut h.nU. In Snn Kr.ucl.ou, Aug. ,), i-u.
1 lis UWOOlM tavolvtt.1 lu osiu u, nock 1112
mj.i.i Kiel wu psl.l by party ol aaataOM Bin
lor a ipsvillu lur iirllhl'a Dtwaat aad Pilit'K,
bitlit-rio liirurablo dlwawii.
Tbsy uoiiiiavui-ixl tbs acrloua UlfaSJIgoaoS )
tba peelUo Nov. 16, 1 Tuoy iuirvlw.1
cuiDt ol ibu uuro 1 1.1 1 Irlu 1 11 uni on iu iur
iu by pulling over lUroo doicu uaac. 011 lue
Irealiueul and wslcbluf Ibuui Tbf) alao gol
pbyslclaua to asme i hrniik , luiruraLlu
aud tuinloltlerad It with tbe pby.lclau. lor
JudfiM. Up to Aug. ft, olgbly seven percent
ol tbe last cases were either mil 01 inogrea.
lug (arorsbly.
Tbsre being but tblrlseu per cent of I.I lure.,
the parties were Mtlsfled and closed lbs trans
action. Th proceeding, of lb. Inveitlgaung
coin mil lee aud tha clinical reparla ol tbo teat
cane, were publlahad and will be mailed free
on application. Addreea John J. Viltum.I'oh
rasv, 1 J' Uenlcotnary at , tan TTlBtlaM. Oal
A pair of tii pouml llanktiis of PuiidlHttHi manu
faoture have been proven tube us warm ion
pound pair ol other brandi.
Nntliinn but pure PLKKl K wool is used in tin- IVii
tllitnn Mill.-, md Um Hpin tlieir yarn Hner ami
reave their blanketa Ototar than other ihUIh
Manufacturers of
Fleece Wool Blankets, Indian Robes and Shawls.
H.l.i.,.1.,.,,1. , . . , . 1 ..an.V.VW.YiTIItlinife':
l:or Health. Strength and
Pleasure Drink
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
Pendleton Ukiah Stage Line MQTT'S
Huston at Larn.. P..'.
Libvave Peiidleton every day at 7 o'clock
ejreept Sunday, for Pilot Koek Nye
Kidge, Alba aud Ukiah tiood ac
commodations. Reasonable freight and
(Messenger rates
City office at Tall man A (Jo's drug
iuiioai., U"1
" 1 lnUt
or aau "-rr"
of menstruAtion. " They are
- ."f.?aute
I II I Aaw, ,1,
-" . arm ik-m
. . . , , irvBU, -
ut uruaririaut. uk. atun siiu.'n