East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 20, 1902, Image 1

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r 11 V 'A ti ' ffirv)AAVvv 1 I 1
I 1 5c A WEEK. M mmm00lZji Tiu' ZSL- I TS!- T"0,,"y- ,""M",I I
I MMMMMHMMnMnnHMB -ffr -r an I ' ? i
i l'I'.N 1)1 KTH ITTUATTtl vrv MlM'i:t m,.i, iivi iix .. v . i
l" " " - - .....
; -- : 1
. a I a
un hi
. I Tlll'.lUC III. Fll
I 1 I I II' I M1 U I"-" ' '
Hftchments, Revolutionists
Seeking to Do the Same.
Affair Near Colon Ifogtl
liars Seize Steamers.
New York Csntral Investigation In '
New York Men who Testified in 1
the Inqueot. i
Npw York. lift, I&V- Robert Myt
tie. a signal man ami Fi renin n Kd
mnnd Tyler, were the principal wit
MiJMl ut tills morning' hpbhIihi o
the coroner's InqtioHt which In look
Ins to II v responsibility for the New
York Central tiiniu I disaster. Ityi
tic testified he board the nig-in, 1 tor
pedo explode alter tin train bad
passed the dang'ci RlKtial Tyler tea
tilled the kiKtiui light vim proper!)
Ml and that the torpedo exploded,
lint the rails were slippery on the
Borstal of the rolllalon,
.. a Itl I A
0rCf t miocu WW
jikw lsssuls on Each Side
the ConflictUnited States
lh Qpftif of the Ac
fair nn . - w - -
to Watch Progre of Event
tnu Country.
I.- .'-I. .nil. In I in 'II A till V 11 1
I being lullglll ill I'lllllllllll Inn
0dt between tnree revolution
lid thru' government vessel
imnt laml forces are throwing
wnrhmi'titi The rebel arc
to laml lorci-H. The govern
frills .11 -MUHIi'l i. .11111. lli ill
Chilian lui the I'anuiiin ('anal
Br stiviin Navigation Com
rtniei Quito.
VnH'-ii Bt ttei cruleer Phlladel
toti In re- seem- in nn- hkmi
Sfixed the Ship.
rraiii i" ii .ian. . - i ne i-n
Sleet.: Navigation eoinpum
thai tlii i' v i?- I .n in ait u . fou
nts. QaltO, tonnage l"s,Y liave
Wtnl iIiiiIiik the cist lew
lij Hi.' Ciilnmhlau government
m'ii in plying between Pan
Ml Central America ill the OOfVl
Burning Snip Sinking.
ktamitoii Jan jn Mcud's dir.
uy tin insurgent Hteatner Ta-
attacked tin l.uurata at close
The rew thscrtcil anil she
in- ami sinking
Five Vessela Sunk.
torn Jan I' ii I'uiiiiinii
('oniimiiy th.h artci tu . n
rahlfttrain t rum ita hui" hi
! Mllil lit.. ......... i. ..... . t,..u.
trr iunK in Panama harbor in
niri.ii. .. -in 'I.. ....
'''In;, ('miti.iii Mi.uil i.f tl.nl
nili.li lull... uff I'lllllllllll
'ci- oi Mi, mival liattlc
m the lia
Governor Killed.
"niton. Jan :'i The nihIc ic
MM. . I
' ih ' noun reeeiveil a .
iiimiii .u'lii'ini lillliui'l
"Illlll. Mill II 111111 IK I'll
HI I lit. II... ... a I
P IMtnor hi Hun province
!. II ...
Tun Dead and 15 Injured Serionelj-
W.tII Collapsing.
Belfast, .Ian. ft.- Tin fi 1 ol
larei tptanlM mill DON e jPMd
ilny. All in the ilemi ami In.liived i
recovered. The total ol the dead
ten. the injured aerlnitaly flfti
Many otnera are Mllnhcty injur
ngm hiiiiiireii people, mostly
men, weie in the mills v ii ,i the a
lent occ irr I.
President Transmits Report to Con
gress Without Comment.
WaahlnRton. Jan. 20.--The preal
dent thin afternoon aent ti DOBSTOM
Dootal nn iBajre of 40 vorda tnuwnill
tiiiK without racoanniendaUoB tin
npplenieutal ropori ot the iHthmian
oarta! conntoalOB tavoiini adoption
of the Pamini ravla tor tha United
States Isthmian canal. The report ll
Tennessee River Improvement.
WIihIiIiik'oii. Jan L'o The hOOM
riven and hailnns eomnilttee todftj
received n delcRntlon rcprcHcntlnK
the Tanneaaee River ami hn prove'
Bl Aeaociation, whloh preaented a
memorial acttliiK I'o-th the oeceaaltj
for fie Inprovaaiajnl of the Tenw -me
river An appropriation ol a mil
lion anil a half dollars la aaUcd to
ie or the a) panne of the (ieelred lot
-- "i : .
virant is Overdue in
F,nt.aco from the Philippines
- 'J l-aie.
tutl Jan in .in,.h mni-.iv I
U I he safen .it the'
"hi wiiii'i, hmouIiI hill.
n r I'aiii'iKi-ii ii nli lull,,..
T" "Mi board three days
in San Francisco.
gjaiaeo, Jan 0. Up to
4"" t' a inul DOtton
Militia Aoorooriatinr.
Jan go. a majority
torrltortao m the
Of lh ,. . -
. - uiiei'Huti' National
g,tlu" hlch hosail here
r--sen.ral and pronilnelit
Th.. l,i..
is i. ii......
" '"Kr nil. . 1 1 1'nnirrM.B
'".tin: . i .....i .........
T p. ., " MUII MJI,UI
u' IMC miliei. M a
... via iur ton
a I I uut 1 n
it i.ii. , ""'i-wuunii uyere,
hZ ol ror the prtjglden-
Of Murder hv Suggestion of
Occult Science.
He is Accused of Exerting the Powei
of Suggestion Over Charles Jones.
Valet of Millionaire Rice
New Vink. Jan There wat he
Kim here today the trial of one ot t!i
moat rcuiHikal'le murder ". .- in tin
history of the I'nltcil States Allien
Pntrioh, a lawyer of previous pod
HtandiiiK and a man of appi'.i 'ii'ly ia
lined taatea and eomfor ih'.e nieann
is charcd with bavtag ind'Mcad to
llleiuis of sllKKeHtlun 0 nyillloll'' in
Buoaoaa a rooai man m nowpira
tlval) weal, intellcet to nci ' ar 'il
him. Marali Itice, an age I antric
inilliouaiM The motive .'ipnlled i .
tlw proaceution was to i n hy Hi
means ot a (OTfOd i1 and I'hoi I :
the old man vast I inn The ley
stone Of the ease afc'i it fulili 1. i
a citiifeHsion :imd ' ' . I J , -
Kn . s valet wh'i olntnii ha raa cant'
polled by some atrani Influenca i
eroiaad over hi to PatrM i ad
miniater poiaon to Rica
Murderer en Trial.
Seattle. Jan. so. Thl 0M0 l John
ii. my. chargod with rnurdor, war
culled tor trial today la tha superior
court The ease presents some IUMI
ttual feature Henry shot at a sa
loon porter intending, accordion" to
hla own admission, to kill him. His
Millet struck Henry I' Kinney, u hv
Under, with fatal results and It Is
for the murder of Klnnej that he is
to stand trial
- mr
Foooo Honori J
the Confedera i
Wis. Theodore Roosevelt, first lady of the land, in her latest portrait
TctC T k N P i N PcA'vEKB
Ready for Fight.
Chleaao. Jan. 20. Ohicngo banks
have decided to tak. united action
and light the attempt to collect back
Internal revenue taxes as a result of
th. recent decision of Internal Revc
nue Cominlaaloner Yerkes Letters
have been sent out aakin all deal
ing houae association to send a del
egatc to a meeting to be held In
Washington this week, at whlchCoro
mlsslonei Yerhee Is to be waited upon
Are m Buffalo From All Over the
United States Tournament Con
tinues a Week.
Hnffaio Inn. ru'' taBPta ptajr
ers from all ov.i tkM COtUatfl
gntherot In Botnlo Ut laK.- part in
the m I'i ll I 1 " "' 1 " M" lUtv l'"t
..(,Kj, . ,, . i he sei nod champion
ship bowlini tournamenl ol I
United Hiaiea. Uegl
aiternool t" iontlnu all aveeh, h
tbt Atlantic t' the l:c ihc t.asts r,.
ail. v men have war aw Ig 1 ""'
paU for tha mani prtooi "i" rod ''
enroll themselves n fuesla Ol th
West u i Ne Vorl Athletic Uaoala
lloi boat fot 'in- ehnmplonahlp taanr
name!.' The aotti l I i"'1 l'"nV "
ttth ii iv looked 'oi in ail i'e "
Bve-nvan. to-mn ' ",! indlvlda-l
New Toi 1 ' ''ad 1 ! ' ' ' ' 1
dozen tee ins strong. '" " ' 1
strong bid. while all the as) seel a
New York ll" olttM fcgVS sent in
deleaatlua and Byrm a 1 "
Indiannuuiix Detroit. 8t i oul
lumhiis Km Toledo Cleveland.
Wbeelinn. Top'ka. ClBOiBOBU Pltti
hurg Toronto, Angeles. Akron
and Kansas City men are here an
ions to Bomimr their skill with the
better kuosn players of KM 11
and Chiesgo
Reported by I. L. Ray 4 Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New Yi.rk Stock Exchange Brokers.
I New York Jsu 10. Tha wheat
iiiail.i t was eal today glthoogh . a
hlea sere blghor than Sanmiay The
Ineronae In tha isiiie supply ot i.
-.in started neneral liguidatioa
I a'hieh -m i- t . - aearij H entl
under ntnrdai l.ive-'poid ''used
U nmtpaied .villi . Satin
day. Ke Yin k open..! U and
closed Mff. ( 'hit .'ik' 1 OlaMod Id 14
and closed ' Stock. loNf,
Mum y I pel ' . nl
Closed Saturday. k,
i ipein d todg) MI4
RnnRi toda) Hltiii'Mi't
Cloaod todag 14
Si:ar. m
St t el 4S.
St. Haul e.aS
I n: hi I'aeilit loo',
Busi'.ess Suspended and Public Ex
ercises Held in Diffnent Cities of
the Country.
Atlanta a Jan W Roheii K
I., i i birthday as ooaerved hen- to
.lay li a elosiug ol the stale ami
cii public offices ami a general sua
nil ol business. This evening
ii. Virginian locioti "i Qoorgla
hi. Ids its annual IwngWSt at which
Oovernor a j Mottlgguo. ol viigmia
is lo In tha glMOt "I Iioiioi sntl piln
clpal I peakel
Iii Savannah.
Havanngh. Oa Igg. io. Kohori k
i Idrthdnj r celt b rated toda
'iv s pnrnde ut all tha Ohita military
iii the Ht) KToacIl S Maitou 0US
ill huiis ul Confedeiate Veterans
gives its annual dinner si tin Ot
Sola hotel this li ning In iiIisim.ii,..
i'i snnlvi rsary
wncst m Chicago.
' i:n an" Jau ,''S Vh. m
S" 'k'O
Shooters at Brenham.
brenbam Te.oa. Jan l
nent sportsmen of several states ai
among the untestants in the Hu n
South llvi hird hooting contest
which began In Brenham toda Th.
tournament extend "v,t several
days, during which time an later!
ins pn i.' am of events alll ha shot
Texas Foxhuntcrs Meet.
Maishall. Tnxgg, Jan W. Kokhuut
ere from iiiai.i parts of the state
gatheri d at My nsun Springs, this
county, today for tha evaou annugl
meeting oi the Texa Koghnntera" Aa
.-'Miaiion. uhlili Mill u- held during
tha pest four ni gvc days Qvav
' i ts aii- ! po'ied iiniisually pleat 1 '
ml and a nrrisaful hunt is anpoataW
Another Eartnquake.
M. -vii.i City Jan Inhahiiants
ni riiiluauciuso were terrltlid vester- 1
day tor another earthiiuake which aa
tended all over the countri l.ittl
damage as done how
0 CKCftV was
Governor of Missouri Refuted to
Meed Threats Against His Life.
.leffi isuii ' lit) Vlo Jan 2i (lot
roar Doehary paeadvod lettstr
ihreotaning aaaaaalnntion " be did
n il noaamnta tha gaotb walaMoa of J
I 1'iait to lite imprisonment t'rall
a ho is a coiitiit ben billed a guard
ul.ilc atfelliptllig to t-S'Si'i' DOflhOiy
pai doned hiui this moiniiiK for the,
naTsaai (Ot mhleh he was sent to the
IM'iillentlai in oid. i that he may he
hanged lomuiiovk
Mrs McKlnley GeU Frank.
Washington Jan 2ft. The house
MM granting franking privileges to
Mrs McKiuley was passed by the
senate today.
Dei Ision Has Breu Reached In
the Attitude of the District
Attorney-Mayor He De
clares His Intention to the
East Oregoniani
Pio.'osf to Enfotcr Law Relating
to Gambling. Alto Bawdy Houses.
if Complaint It Made.
Vn Baal Ornajonlan rapraaimiatlva
i , ri Mnyoi iiniit i ibis aftamooa
what he int. tided to do with gambling
in I'i i, ill Ion anil In replied thai he
was going to stop it Me said
i am going t" . lose gambling la
I'cndletoa ir tha oHg rannoi tun its
ie .mi h'.il annus u Itlinut ll ve
urn'' gatharad from tha gaming
1 aea II win have to stop Hut that
i i mietakeo id. a that n town can
nut In .nn with, nn Kit in li ng. Some
w ii i iii Injun the town If gnmol
ni Ii itopped, but that is not true
ll li nut I mi the it. mi. (Hi the
" band it will be a bennflt Mi o
I I IDend I lu ll BMMH "i i s
. i ' I ling table II on had go meg
i.i.t. ea t miid it. tin u in bta and
make it I" tit r tin tin' business of
i v ' r thai ihc Hovomagl is
on tool i am but going to stop until
i'i 1 1 ltd: I ,t I till
W '.. n taked a hat in arouM .1"
iih the "it r ill lame M...tr
1 lull, y said:
"Thai is gotnothtag oi ,i glf i g
nature Thai ran plgnaa thai i do
Oi ii i ne i i 1 nt ate almost u ne
reaaltj in a town I cite ss so ea
ample the i ate m Irons and Bogd,
who wan In nntirl today, for aodut
lag tin Wilson girl In Milton. I
' all nn! in ;t Ji ' i tiui women, uuleaa
complnlol Is msiit to me. luit I will
l bni t'i do not Muubi tin ii i n aa
boldly, and that all di Inking ami is
rousing Is stopped In their houses I
have trletl to olelliKik thisi' lhln't
in the past but I will not ilu H uai
longer "
A Minority Bill Presented. Headed
by Rawlins, of Utah.
Washington Jan M Allison l
lOWa made lis Hist appi-arsnee oa
tin loot of tin senate this mm mug
-nut the boUday adjooraaiehl it
vi a si nih coagralntatag upon r.t
t lei'tioll
Uodga roportod tha PhHIpntaa isriff
bill und gave null, i hi- wouhl call ug
tin bin on Tuesday afmmooa and
irgl its iiHssage from iay to ih lie
won Id giii proper npporlanit) for
tbuiough debate
Rnwllaa regreaeatlag tha minority
"i tin iiiiiimllli. insentet a minor
' . repori In the form of a sub bill
The minority report provides that
m part from tin. Phlllppdae into m..
I'nlted Ifgtea -hall t. tand only 7ft
par i eiit of I hi Majria) itis ami tui
tin r radvetioa on loom article upon
which th. tgporl tan i 1 1 the
amount ut sm 1 Sgporl tax
Elkm for Governor
Mai i isbuig i's . Jau m The sjred
ut Panaalvnnia poiltlctan are ton
ad lodai toward iiuiiuiiu nouat)
whara tha aiaatlng "t the repubiicaa
rount) committee la expected to foi
uislly la i nib tin gubei usturial boom
of Attoraey-Oeaerai Hlhla Tin m
pslgn for th uomlnation thus bag
will he pursued rbjoroualy until n..
time of the louvenUon l'n tines of
th. atlnruey general liearlng an
uouueeiiienta of bis candidacy for thr
Kuvernorsblp. ate slresdy msklug
theli appeerain i about tin slate tap
To Look for Condor.
Victoria H Ci Jan 20 The Pbae j
ton starts tonight on a cruise to look i
for the long overdue sloop of war
Missouri Paciftt Dividend
Ne oik Jan 'Hi Stockholder., ,.f
the Missouri PoilAc Hallroad today
reeeived a semiannual dividend Of
2 per cent on their holding Thin
plat -e the sioik upon a 6 iter cent
basis the last semi annua! dividend
helag i par ceat