East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 18, 1902, Image 8

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    SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1902.
to the Shoe Buying
We have purchase the
with their Good Will.
W shall carry tlu same lint
and ipialitv Of Shoes adding all
HM li"w up-to date Hhoex. Al
so will takt BETS Ot all old u
SOBBtM for siiiirle pairs in fact,
run the BttslDeaa BJ near - i(
f - BSSB run, only ehanirlnir
where i-an iH'tier NtTI our
ilniiH Our motto will lie
Rhe Best Shoes at .1 Reasonable Price
ami the bw4 attention to the
want of our customer.
Wilson & Co.
Oot the Old-Time Religion" tomorrow
eTenlmt at the court houie. AH of the
regular services. You are invited R.
A. Copple.
George R. Varaey. superintendent of
Ft.u. missions, will occupy the pulpit
both morning and evening. Mr. Var
ney in an eloquent speaker and will
highly edify all who hear him. The
revival services at this churcli have
ben largely attended during the week
and a great deal of interest has been
manifested Their will be services to
night and all during noxt week. The
public Is cordially Invited to attend
these services. R. W. King, pastor.
services tomorrow at hours as
follows: Holy communion and ser
mon at 11 a. m Kvening prayer, chor
al, and address at 7:30 p. m.
10 a. m.. Sunday school: 11 a. m.,
sermon: "The Holy Spirit"; 3 p. m.
Junior Christian Kndcavor, : ir ni .
8enlor Christian Kndeavor; 7:80, ser
mon: "A Peep Into a Murderer's
Heart." You arc invited to all the
meetings. Robert J. Dlven. pastor.
Morning subject: "The Value and In
fluence of Human Affection." Even
ing. "Th- Needs of Men Met In
Christ." H J. Zercher. acting pastor.
CHURCH Sunday school, 10 a. m.;
preaching at 11 a. m.; Junior League
at 3 p. m.: Bp worth League at 6:30
p. in., preaching at T.M p. m.
Bi Clearance Sale
Sale i'rom Ian. mtti to Feb. l
If you want book ot am
kind or description come
and look at stock ami net
lneht ot our low prices.
JamM Hill, or Helix, Is In town
R. B. Porter Is registered at the Col
dPti Rub' hotel.
J. J. Urown was In the city yester
day from Pilot Rock.
Dave Johnson was In town yester
day from Pilot Rock.
v v RsymoBd, of Walla Walla, is
rcglsteteil at Hotel St Ueorgc
(ieorge Perlnger and wife went to
Athena this morning to visit over Sun
Will Wyrlek and llarloy Rothrocli
loft last night to spend Sunday In
The Misses BlMCha and Orace Mays
are registered at Hotel Pendleton
from Weston.
Irn Julian returned today from his
plMflUft trip tO the Sound and Port
land. He Is much Improved In health
Miss I. eo Sheridan Is quite 111 at the
home of her mother, Mrs. Alice Sher
idan, corner of Alia and Thompson
Rev George H. Varney. Haptlst
state missionary evangelist, will
preach in the Klrst Baptist church of
this city Sunday, both morning and
Will Knight returned yesterday
from Portland where he hns finished
a business course In the Portland
Business College. He will leave this
evening for his home at Helix.
Mrs Kreil Harpster arrived yester
day evening from Kresno. Cal.. and
will spend a few days visiting with
her sister. Mrs. W. N. Matlock, before
continuing her Journey oast to visit
her old home.
L. K. Penland returned ycstardSJ
from his ranch near Helix. He says
that wheat Is looking well in that
country' and Is growing right along.
The only thing he sees against a good
crop for next year is the lack of
water anil theft' Is plenty of time yet.
Several Dances Were Given During
the Week.
Kxeelslor Council No. IM, Order of
, Pendo, at their regular meeting Inst
night In Hendricks hall, and a social
time after the secret work of the or
der was done with. A literary and mu
slcal program was rendered and fol
lowing It the room was cleared ami n
few hours spent In dancing
About .10 friends of Mrs William
Hlckey gave her a surprise Thursdav
night In honor of her birthday, by
walking In on her at her home on tbi
corner of Turner and Point strectH.
The evening was spent very pleasant
ly and upon leaving all Joined In wish
Ing the hostess many pleasant repet I
tlons of the occasion.
Progress of Cuba.
Recent statistics show that the ex
ports from Cuba have been largely In
creased and the Imports decreased
since it came under American rule
This proves that things are becoming
more settled. Cubans can always look
hack on the change of rulers as the
successful turning point in their ca
reer. The turning point in the life of
any weak, alckly or nervous person
will undoubtedly be when thoy re
solve to try Hosteller's 8tomach nit
ters. for ailments of the stomach
liver and bowels. This splendid med
icine will cure flatulency, heartburn
ball liing Indigestion, dyspepsia and
constipation Thousands of people
have h. cn hrought hack to health hv
Its use during the past fifty years We
therefore urge you to try It. Our Prl
vate Stamp Is over the neck of the
Clark Wood Expresses Himself on the
Pendleton Quarrel.
It will be well for Pendleton to
compromise Its difficulty on the basis
suggesfed by Dr Vincent, says the
Weton Leader Men of high charac
ter and prominence art- arrayed
against each other In this quarrel, and
men of character are usually determ
ined, not to aay obstinate. An agree
ment to let the people decide the ques'
tion at Issue would allow- each faction
to retire with honor Mutual pledges
should tie made, and faithfully kept,
that no personal Influence and no
in. in. be used in the special election.
This would be fair to both sides, and
Insure on honest decision from the
public tribunal.
Is the Only Possibl Wa of Having a
Permanent Cure.
If you see a woman or a man with
luxuriant glossy hair, you may bv sure
neither has dandruff to amount to
anything. In nearly every case where
women and men have thin, brittle
hair they owe it to dandruff. There,
tin hundreds of preparations tl t
"claim to cure dandruff, but not onu
hut Newbro's Herpielde tells you that
dandruff is the result of a germ bur
rowing into the seal1, and that per
manent cure of dandruff and Its con
sequent falling and baldness, can only
ii had by killing the germ; and there
ia no other preparation that will de
stroy that germ but Newbro's Herpi
elde. "Deetroy the cause, you remove
tlie effect."
K.inoh egga, guaranteed absolutely
fresh. 25 cents per dozen, at the Stan
dard Oracery, Court s treat.
A $5.00 Shoe for $3.50
We are soiling men's $f shoes for $3.50.
These an: exceptionally good bargains
Misses' and children's shoe btlow oust.
We invite your inflection.
045 Main Street, Pendleton, Orsgon.
The Jolly Club entertained thSil
friends again Friday night with one
or their delightful dancing patties
The club has leased La low hall for
Monday night. March 17. when thoy
expect to give R grand ball In honor
of st Patrick's dny.
. from me for the purpose of going to
Preacotl to close I sale. Instead or
selling my Instrument hf,
disposed of one for another dealer
Mv monev was used to pay his ex
penses while he did business for an
other person. It was not the amount
of money but the principle of the
thing It was the last straw.
Catarrh Cannoi Be Cured
with lorsi laaUaatlta. hoy 2RS
the stateflas disease. Catarrh t tl"i of
von miiM ink.' Iiin-rnnl r.' incite- 1111
GrrhCtorV " taken InuraaTlr aad aeCTimlto
,, the) i n.i moeiMM wriare. 1111
M-rh Cure ll net qaS ! 11 " Kt
ErtbVfbyooo! tin- best .hy.i,int. In all
roimtrv tor vcsri-. ml lreulr nrri.. rlptloi .
li l,....imwe.lnl the bl WmM known, com
bine i with the best bleed sellni
lln-llvoti the tnneoii. Riirfsres. Thrpi-rfri
comMiistton Ol the I WO laarsdlmu Is "ht
i ni.tni i'" ii''h woinli(id remits In cnrlng en
ttrh Send for testlaimtali, free.
k j.nill!tB co.. Prop., Toleda, O.
sold by .triisii. atiee p
Hiiii' fsBiTT; Mill rc las ban.
One of the pleasant dnnelng parties
of the season was given at the armory
hall Inst Saturday night by the Pns
time DftBctng Club A goodly crowd
was present and all enjoyed them
selves hugely.
The Misses (lay and llessle Camp
bell entertained n number of their
friends last night with a card pnrfv
at their home in the eastern part of
town. Those present were: Misses
Myrtle Hawks. Man I vons. Ihy TottB
ger. Kthel Parsons. Myrtle Hill. Jos
sle Danncr, I.ncy Camphell. Mngule
Campbell and the Messrs. .Inmes Hill.
Arthur Shlck. Joseph Kennedy. Will
Knight. Hyron Hawks. Will Camplieii
Charles French, Will Lyons and Km
est Ruppe
The Pioneers of the Pacltle had an
other of their social dances In the
Hendricks hall last Wednesday night.
Klrkman's orchestra furnished the
music and a pleasant few hours was
spent h those present
Mr. anil Mrs Thomas Montgomery
and Mr and Mrs A. L Knight expect
to go to Melix this evening, where
Mr. Montgomery will practice with
the Knights to help theni In the com
petitive drill contest between the
eastern Oregon teams to be given
here Monday night. Mr Knight will
attend a meeting of the Odd Fellows,
of which he Is a member in that place.
The friends ot Miss Hena Ferguson
met at the home of her father. J. H.
Ferguson, on the corner of Illuff and
Ann streets, last evening. In honor ol
her 1 4th birthday. Tnff pulling and
untnes of various kinds were Indulged
in until '1 o'clock this morning before
the happv guests departed for IkaJl
rMpaOtlVe homes Refreshment wer
served and the hostess received se
eral presents as an evidence of the
esteem She holds ill tile hearts o'
those present, who were: Mesduiie
Rothrock. Havs Kverlngliam: Misses
Hael Arnold. lone Wells. Kthel Kim
bel. Reno Troyer. liessle Krtbl
Messrs Thomos Malarkey Will and
Jim Wyrlek. Will nnd James peters
Henry Olerllch. OartUa Hays Orner
Stevens. Roy Hay.-
Mormon mthomtf rilla u Ucn
i uul UhJkir i... ,uff rUsc.r vuii
. KM I
of lint t oitMjnin. tmm i n. o cifanua t.uuU4
n.PaeR,- Itrll pMlna. mi Irfileal
isiinsiwstiisu to tmmm. t-o
aSaatMn uv. koto Mt ' i mtmm. mc m
i mm ia mm lr um ' - -'- ul u. c Mun
CMW UM wunl c.- la ukl lu l MUUif l."i . I.
Leei SSanni
one. Lame
uaa U l-cii.
. ui. S km aJi IT W41I-
XKl. im-
4aok, Marvou !-
Rrnl MMlL mmimmtmumt
rsNiii.iiTON. OSJWoa.
He Says He It Ready to Carry Out
His Promise.
Kdwin Fish wlm recently offer. , to
take the water and light plant of Wes
ton. Atlw-na and Milton, answers his
critics in a letter to the Weston City
council, in which he aays:
Now. as to our proposed deal at
Weston. I am prepared to carry out
that little deal preclseh at, outlined,
anonymous letters to the contrary not
withstanding. I await your pleasure,
As to the water imiwci on the Walla
Walla river many prominent men
have worked on its promotion two
yean, before I appeared on the scene
and so far without success. I may
have as little success as they; Other
people are doing all the talking I am
only "sawing wood " For your Intor
mation. however I predict the comple
tion within two years of a first class
electric light and power system cost
ing over a quarter of u million dollars.
( and it behooves Weston. Athena and
Milton to U- in line and not too ready
to take snap judgment.
Finally. I would ask the honorable
mayor to safely keep the annonymous
letter and its envelope for further ref
erenee in due time.
ResiM'ctfully hubmitted.
ll Montgomery St Han Francisco
Walla Walla Music Man Charged
with Crookedness
Monte L Cambern. a piano and or
gan salesman, well known in Walla
Walla, is wanted on h charge of ob
taining money undei false pretenses
The complainant Is K V, Stanley a
music dealer who alleges that ( am
beni while in his employ at different
times failed to turn In funds belong
lux to the Stanley Music house and
that the salesman now owes in the
neighborhood of $160.
Cambern is aald to be in Waits
burg at the present time and la un
derstood will be arieated and brought
back to Walla Walla Speaking of
the affair, Mr. Stanley said
"Cambern would s dl ar iustruinent
ana after collecting pan of the mon
ay would fall to turn it in All of
the sums were mall and the thing
was not taken up by me at once. A
few days ago he secured about ft
But They Will Soon Qrt Together and
Select the Men for the Team.
So (if th- re has been nothing done
ftbOtl organiiug for a baseball leainie
for tin' COBltal HI OB. Mil nin li talk
is baiBf indul l In by tnc yOUHl DME
oi Pendleton UlOBf. thifl line It was
ajfjMBBOad Monday that 4 mectlnc
would be called sometime this week
for the purpose of s. lectmr o'llcers
nnd ninklnr. permanent organization,
hut this has not been done and tin
ha.-i i all league Is no nearer n certain
t than It WM I week ago However,
tiie boyi BBO are liushlng the proposi
tion sny they Intend to have a meeting
in a fi days, when all the necessary
preliminary work will bi gone through
and a team be selected to go into the
Hi Id to practice playing the coming
summer The boys have several good
players from the outside in view and
are confident that Pendleton can. If
ttie gi ( together and organize a team
tiefore the good players are picked up
have one of the strongest teams In
the country. H. A. Clemens, n recent
arrival, who ha taken u position, on
the Tribune, and who played last ycur
ns third baseman and shortstop with
Helena. Montana's, track team will
probably be one of the new and trus
ty additions to the IocaI nine.
The younger men of Pendleton are
also talking of organizing a second
nine and they have already been in
tin Held practicing and getting the),
players lined up. They will practice
BBln tomorrow afternoon on the Alta
-trei t diamond.
Pendleton Houses are to be United In
a Qeneral Union.
The Orocors' Protective Associa
tion met In the law office of Collier ft
Collier ThurHdny night End elected
the following officers who will serve
the interests of the association the
present year:
H. Alexander, president; I. on Haw
ley. vice-president; Frank OOara.
treasurer; II B, Collier, aecretary.
The names of the organization was
also i hanged from the Orocers' Pro
tective Association to the Merchants'
Association, and Instead of Just being
an organization for the mutual bene
fit and self protection of the grocery
men which has been Its object here-
i It has now broadened Its scope
and nil merchants nnd men doing a
general sales business; of the neces
i ol life In Pendleton, will not
only be eligible to membership, but
will be asked to join the association.
They will meet hereafter every ec
Otld and forth Tuesday of each month
In the same place of the meeting on
Tuesday nlghl.
Walla Walla Pythlans Coming.
Pythlans of this section are deeply
Interested In the gathering of their
order to OCOUr at Pendleton Monday,
when It is expected that fully BOO
mom mTTI will bC there to attend the
second annual session or the eastern
Oregon convention. n the Union.
' I ' ll Weston. Milton and Athena
lodges .ill go to Pendleton Hunday
afternoon EBd Will remain for the
festivities of the day following.
(riA I
people are Interested In the unus
UlJ, If then bj something unique
about your store or stock, toll It In
your advertisement Salt i.uke Trl
Hi- .1
Nn o
"11 lam, -
C 1 v e . 2
. IB
Ill 1
Owl Tea K
le and coflWs
1 J i KING
' I i VI I ' ll n
" - - " . 1 1 n 1 1
Emperor's Launching Feb. 26.
Washington. Jan. 17. The ship
building firm OOBBtTW ting Km perm
William's yacht have annOBBOad that
the date of tin launching Is llxetl foi
February 2u.
. . . .Will Continue through January.
And as heretofore you will liml our prices lower than our com
pctitors VVr an' iti a position to rivc HEST valueslor LEAST
money SO KEEP THIS IN MIND when you o shopping
we Brill vjivc a few prices, but everything goes cheap.
IK JPBlda QtBBhaen fast colors ii.ui)
IB yards luting Flannel . ,op
-O varii Cnvdi Toweling oil
A yards (Jisxl Hliirting . ... .. I.tm
aril - Itleueiieil MiimIIii ihi
Jfliynril l't ter llleaclietl Muslin l .oil
PlB( Sbcating, Bj incites wide, per yard 20c. Big lot of
Remnants, bU grades at HALF PKICE ConcaaoaHti
Very truly,
Men's Shoes.
Vici Kid Leather
lined, four dollar
values, NOW
a pair.
"Pine Knot" Shoes for
Peoples Warehouse
ft- - .V ft: -K a .
The largest stock from which to select and .til at pri"'
t di;f competition Uadartakinfl parlors in coBaaetion.
Mam and Wabb Streets PsBdiBtOB, Orron
vfB -aft:.
a aav a a mm a . m a- av
a am tk itii
I liave a full line of the celebrated
W(kh1 and coal stove guaranteed to
lie absolutely air tight. None of the
hoat ib wasted and the Htoven will
. A s a I i
wave UN E-H A LF of your fuel hiu.
In handsome furincw
i s one of tin most agreeable
surprises that delights the
mistress oi ,i home, especial
ly in such new designs as we
,oe hoBin in ill lines uch
as are kept in an
Up to Date, First Claas Furniture Store
You get
What yon buy J
from us.
Hit I Stock of
e. ao..
Trucking & Transferring.
1 also have a full line of cast cook stoves and steel ranges
Prices ar the lowest, quality considered.
C Tlli nn a i u i.. .. Mini
i w s w n a rm uriiu hit- miiii
i ni i i wn, iiic naiunuiv i
'i' Main street. IVndletoii. Oreuoi
International Poultry Food makes them.
Beef Meal gives them flavor.
Clamshells make them solid.
Mica grit aids digestion.
Try ample.
Hay, Qrain and Feed
and 139 Kaat Alta Stieet. Pendleton, 0i