East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 18, 1902, Image 5

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i I
75 Corsets, good styles, black
and drab, worth 75c to close at
I Celebrated J. B. Corset $1.25, I 50
and $2 grades to close at each
i p. D. Corsets, $2.50 to $3.50, to
close at
Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
Retiring from business.
j4i. a. Howard. Farm loans.
Hmdley Howard. Are Insurance.
Meeti candy In the city. Dutton's
St main chocolates.
et 12 no hat in Ori)Kn. sec Cleuv
it Bro. Dry floods Co.
fine KM Hll)l'h. Klft books, albums.
I v i.
bjry ITOO'In. ONUS, ann rnm-n non o.
Th Jolly Chili will give another
thlr ploannnt dancing parties Krl
Boyn' ovfralls made of blue dem-
M lr pan cleaver nros nry
hndi Co
Hntlln and outing flannel night
nil, 3flr each. Cleaver nr(s. nry
Rurh egg KtmraiHeed absolutely
Mb. JO cent per iloiii. at the Stun
PTU ill O' " I j . unit mi " i
F' Me i ;-i:.t. t ed :. Mill, mi
Hki iobii' nice hriMid mures; prices
mt: Inquiri oi (' II Vnd. Peinllc
m Or.
for ulr. IM acres of line whoa!
km louth Ot Adams. Terms. I""
CL . balnric-c to nit inr'haHnr. Jam I
i Howard.
Nv medical journal wants a rep
Mutative In this local!')'. Salaw
mt rammltRloii Ship IM Kast 72,
h York City.
For tale, an Ideal sheep ranch of
f acrei. 16 ier acre ;ulao 2000
(wen. $:! .50 per head, nay
E T Wade.
I Martin Ik making prices on hb;h
if traceries clieapur than ever he
i His line of fancy Kroceriea la
I large and Includea all the heat
Iiudi of pickles, canned Kooda.
keitait mushes and fancy waters
irirkfrs If fm want aood cof-
Martin haa the old Kovnrument
or Mocha and Java.
'mU Leader: Stevens Lodge,
, K of P.. held Km Installation
evrnlni; Tha boh officers are:
II Price, (V c cm Frpe. V. 0.1
Head Prelate : C. H Taylor.
A M WoOi K. R. 8.; H. M.
M. F.; P. T Harbour M. Kx :
Wood, M. W.; Frank Sallng, I.
hi Turner O. Ci The InatalllnK
M J H Price, I). O. 0.
Majestic Ranges
(loud outing lliinnel, 1!8 yards $1.00.
Cleaver Pros. I ry Ooods Co.
Ranch eggs, ruaianiei d absolutely
fresh. 2r cents per dozen, at tho Btan
I iir.rl Oroccry. Court street.
Weston I.euder: It Is rumored
i that Milton In to have a saloon run
by an Incorporated company.
All members of the Decree of Hon
or arc requested to be present this
evening at their hall at 7 o'clock
Wanted, a woman to do general
housework on a farm near Echo. Or.
Kor Information, apply to Mrs H. T.
SMi :ii:i South Main street.
Weston Leader: J. M. Elgin, ex
wheat king of Umatilla county, bids
fair to win a new crown In Franklin
county. Wnsh He has lOtMi acres In
MIS a few miles south of Council
Weston Leader: For the first time
In 20 years or more. In so far us the
memory of the oldest Inhubltaut
serves him correctly, the Mine mourn
tains ore almost free from snow ut
this season of the year. Only a few
Inches cover the ground ut the rum
nit . uud Woodward's toll road Is en
tlrely tMUhlS A Tew days ago Ceo
Nichols, of Milton, cume through from
Crundc Honde with I hnueh of horses.
At bedtime I take a pleasant herb
Irlnk. the next morning I tet bright
.mil my complexion Is better. My
dortot auya It nets gently or. the
stomuch. liver a 'id Sidneys, and la a
pleasant luvative. it lb made from
herbs and Is BfSpSNd aa easily aa
tea. It is culled line's Medicine.
1. line's Family Medicine moves the
Isiwela each day Price 26c and Me
Kor sale by Twin. an & Co.. sole
! Set Fire and Caused Loss of Houae
and Three Barn.
I -
m (irande. Jan IS Sparks from
the engine of a work train are sup-
1 poseil lo haw sei fire ti a barn near
the track east of thla city, which burn
ed three Isirns and the houae of P. M
Ki lt l.oaa la $600. with no Insur
ani l A horse and much hay were
burned The hose cart came half a
mile and saved two adjoining dwel
lings A high wind prevailed
Notice Knights of Pythias.
The second annual district conven
tion of the Knights oi Pythias of Uma
tilla countv. will lie held in Caatle
Hall on January L'Dth, 11)02. Meetings
will he held in the afternoon at 2
o'clock, and In the evening at 6: SO.
All Knights In good standing are ex
pet ted to be present.
J. Clark & Co
211 Court Street.
Attention Neighbors.
All members of Pendleton Camp
No. 41. and Daphne Circle No. 2. their
families and friends, und all visiting
membeiH of both orders, are cordially
Invited to attend a Joint Installation
and ball, to be given at the Armory
hall on the evening of January 20. at
8 o'clock.
Hy order of Daphne OtMM I ouiuiit
Out hot Chocolate, Uum bouillon, bc-t-t Tea
ViKc-ral, Tobasco pjp, Tomato bouillon, etc.
They are always hot. We know how t'
make delicious "Hot Drinks" and our pri
is very reasonable only s cents a cui-
Steps from Main Street Toward the Court House
la Working Upon a Thorough Plan for
the Coming Campaign in the
Captain Sam White, ol Haker City,
chairman of the democratic state com"
mime. Ih in Pendleton today. Cap
tain White Is devoting part of his
time nowadays to the work of organ
ization, and proposes to see that the
Oregon democrats come Into the com
ing campaign with vigor and strength.
He is stopping at the St. Oeorge. and
has seen several local representatives
of the pnrty. He was asked regard
ing the status of affalis In his ballwlck
and replied:
"There Is every reason to believe
that events are shaping themselves to
Htrenirthen the party In Orgon. Thor
ough organization must be effected In
the first place, and that Is what Is
now being done. The campaign will
present Issues, and the party will take
such a position upon them, that the
'.item will b attracted to the stand
ard. It is too early to go Into details.
Organization iniiHt first be effected.
Hut. when the Issues nre made up. and
ihe fight begins, the democracy will
h. found to occupy a strong position."
I'nptaln White Is exhibiting cotisld
erable energy, and will direct the bus
InoHK of his office with good Judgment
and vigor
After Three Year of Married Life She .
Seek Separation.
Hattle Penny vs J. C. Penny is the
title of an action filed at the court
house yesterday for dlvgrcv Plaintiff t
alleges that something like two years'
ago defendant contracted the habit of
gross drunkenness and by reason
thereof has become unfit to perform
his duties as a citizen or to properly
care for his family, and has failed to
care for or provide for plaintiff, who
has been compelled to support herself
by her own labors.
Plaintiff and defendant were mar
rled in Renton county. Oregon June I,
1898. and the complaint allegea that
at all times since nhr has conducted
herself In a proper and becoming man
ner toward defendant, but she now
prays the court to dissolve the bonds
ot marriage existing between them,
and grant her such other relief aa 1
seems meet. They have no children
J. H. Iaiwrey s attorney for plaintiff
DeMott Sues Beeney.
tJeorge K DeMott has sued Theo
dor.' Heeney and wife for $1ffi due for
goods purchased In 190P. when plain
tiff was in partnership with Frank S
I.nndry. doing business under the Arm
name of I.andrv ft DeMott, In Pen
dleton Plaintiff alleges that In 1807,
defendant gave his note for the -nmoiint
due. but since that time pav
has been demanded time and again
but always refused Mr. PeMott now
sks the court to giv him Judgment
against defendants f t the original
sum of $1tit; and Interest thereon from
the "J7th day of Februnry. I8M!. at the i
rate of fi per cent, and $1.r attorney's
lees with the costs and d'sllurF' Mientx
of suit H J Mean is attorney tor
plan, i iff.
Some Sensible Advice to Women by
Mrs. E. Sailer,
President German Relief Association, Los Angeles, 0&L
Owing to modern methods of living', not one womau in a thousand -proaohoa
this perfectly natural change without experiencing- strain of very
annoying ami sometimes painful symptoms.
Thos,' dreadful hot flashes. SMldlM the Id.vl surging to the heart until It
NNM saad to burst, and the faint feeling that follow -. souk t ours with chills,
if if the liem t were going to stop for good, are only a few of the symptoms of
a dangerous nervous trouble. The nerves are ervinc otH for assistance. Tho
cry should Ik heeded in time t.yilln K. lMnkllJllU's VcjrctAblO Cortt
imuiid was prepared to meet the needs of woman's system at this trying
period of her life, and all women who use It pass throug h thla trying period
itli ,oinf.,rt ami snf, t
The Purchasers Are Dindinger. Wilson
4 Company.
('leaver llrothers have sold their
ilocl, of shoes and good will which
they have run In this i Ity for the past
line years, to W. H. Plndinger and J
V Wilson, and the business will be
continued at the same place undei the
firm name of Plndinger. Wilson Co..
but who compose the "Co." will be
kept In the background for tin1 pres
ent Mr. Pitidiueer is the clerk or the
Boston Store, where he has been for
the pnst eight months, and In that
time has made many friends in Pc
dlctoii He has had munv I NU1 ex
perleiu e lii tin merchandise business
In Seattle and other (daces Mr. Wil
son recently cumt here from Eugene,
where he was for years connected
with the First National Hunk of that
The new 111 III have COflBpl.UK the
Invoice of the goods and took pos
sesion this morning. The store Is al
rcudy Wi ll stocked with the latest ill
footwear und the new prop' let. is In
tend to lay In a much large m.d more
oinulele stocl.
To Our Patrons and Frirnds.
The firm of Cleaver tiros., conduct
lug the t'leaver Pros Shoe Store, has
disposed of the business to Plndinger.
Wilson K ( who will continue the
baslMM in the sunio location. We
take this method of assuring out pat
ron thut they will receive the smne
or better treatment as well as quality
of goods, us we huw given our trade
for the paat nine years, and we be
speak for them the same liberal pat
ronagc. Thanking not only our many
patrons and frit mis but our business
associates for tlodi patronage and
many courtesies, and asking them to
continue the aauie to our successors,
Pendleton, Or. Jan 18, 1M2
Next Spring. Says E. H. Clarke, the
Well-Known Buyer aod Exoert.
E. H Clarke, who is regarded as one
of the best posted wool men on the
Pacific Coast, stated to the East Ore
gonlan yesterday that the sheep men
have enjoyed this winter very much,
for the reason that the weather has
been such as to cauae a very One
growth of wool, as to quality and
HHSltlty '"l"' evenness of the1
went lici has induced a growth In the
llbre without the breaks that are pro
duced when cold snaps occur. Cold
snaps cause the wool to atop growing
for the time, and this Is what causes
the weak places In the fibre
Early In the winter the sheep men !
were worrying about the conditions
for the reason that It was so dry, but
the later fall of moisture and the
warm weather have combined to bring i
almost Ideal conditions to those who,
own the sheep bands of this part of1
the coast
He Spoke Before Pacific University at
Forest Grova.
Judge Stephen A. lowoll lectured in
tin' college last evening, says the For
est drove Times His theme. "Climb
nig the Heights" was an appeal to
htgfe.l living; that each one should
strive to be one of those who "count"
in cause they have done something
He traced the marvelous growth of
our civilization from the time of Al
fred and noted the lanious men who
have marked this period into epochs
In the greatest advance that the world
.Is making now he urged that it Is
these who think and then act that will
put their names in the master class
Coinage confident'-', high thinking
personal character must combine In
:1m one w ho v i i, i sr.ilt the neig' It
of. fame und mini, the tweiitle'h man
who leads the other nineteen The lec
line throughout abounded in good
things, all helpful ami encou. .iglr. I
I he as pi IT It of 'ti s HI I he -! ei
nous life.
He was UstMC'l I 'i by .i ui" -ii ill
euro of St Udell's lot.: town pen! If 'ho
showed their appi -i.it ion ' y reqie
Alex. Oliver and Family Come Back
From Deer Lodge, Mont.
Mi Oliwr. tormeily of Echo has
returned from Deer lodgc, Mont .
with his family and has bought a
pp t e In lower Pendleton, where he
will make his home. Mr. Oliver ex-1
presses himself as do all who go
away seeking better localities, that
he Is now well satisfied with Pen
dli'tnii and Umatilla county, and pro
poses here lo end his days. He
finds that this Is the best place he
has found, yet, and thinks he would
have to hunt far and wide to dlseov-1
it the region In which better cundl
Hons would obtain for the man who
is willing to work ami do something
for himself.
"irK .Mi - I'jNhHAM ; When I nise4 thioayh wiutl i known
u 4 ehann of lit '.' I hud two petit ufbrtng, udileQ betL und us
quick chilli Would pen OVOI DM my tpPBtltfl WM variable ami I never
COUld 't il tin tdaj at a nine how 1 WOttld feel the next iluy. Kivu
but til fol LytUst I'.. I'itik liulll's egetnlile OOMpOVBd cliangcd all
ihat. my day btOMlU' days nf health, and I liuvo enjoyed evt t y day
-'in e, now six yours.
"We haw used urn .nl. talile ot yolll i e.elalilo ( ' illl Ullld ill otir
lutiiublu rk, us we Und I hut to restore u mother to health so
he iii iups)i i hi melt und thoM depsndeBl upon her, if inch du n) iw,
true i ohariti than to givs othtr tid. STou nsva toy httrtj endows
msnt, for you nave proTen yourself r tint friend to sutleritiK wonum."
Miti Iv Mixi(, 7;uii Mill St., Los Angeles, ul.
When OM stops U think ulsnit tho gissl Mrs. s.nler derived from Mrs.
Pinkham's mlvlce ami OMdletne, It seems almost Im voihI belief yet it Is all
trus as atatrtl In her letter pniilishetl alsive at her own retiiest.
No other medicine In tin- wo l.l Iium re U d such Hldespreaxl
and uiHuulltied eudorsemeiit. Kefuae all substitutes.
Aa a matter of positive f u t Mr-.. I'lnkleon has mi Us IhOWMindsel letU-r.
fioui woiaau who have Urn aafi-ly carried Uuvttyh that danger period
"Change of Life." Mrs. Nailer cur la uot an unusuul one for Mra Pink
ham 'a medleine to aocoinpllali.
No other person can give su Ii lielplng siblt r Ut womein whs
are sick us csn Mra. IMiikliam, for none lotto liud sin li it trreas
experience her wd dress la Lynn, Mas., and li-r advice frtie- If
you aire sick write her -you are foolish if you don I.
tir.WA Kit. - W.. hM It
wuu'l, villi buftlti lo ftjiy pti,ii U" j. in,. i .
Is aot fynilae. or tu bubltaatsl U-t.i i "li ,
ii, ii l.ytiu I'. KtabbMii Mi
itL,i...iiul ItMier
i I . . I wt
, l. riti. t .
No Sales of Note During the Weak
Wheat has fallen again In price In !
, the local market Today It is quoted
1 at 61 cents per bushel and is not very
strong at that figure No sales of note
m,i. I ,, recorded ftn a week nast
and the probability Is that little will
he aold until the pfftet ngsln goes up
Train From Walla Walls.
General Passenger Ageut Cralg has
written the following letter to O. R.
N. agents hereabouts: On account of
the district convention of the K of P's ,
at Pendleton Monday afternoon and
evening. January 20th, train No. 41.
will be run ahead of time on thut date,
leaving Walla Walla, 8 30; Milton
9:05: Weston. 10:10: Athena 10 -"
Adams, 10:40. arriving at Peudleton
uot latei than 11 'M Please .-. that
every one Interested in this movcim ut
q this train lb notified particularly
the hotels and postmasters
Nutlilug bul local
rnuctly or I i.hiikc '
OUSSStS will run-
The Spselfle Is
Ely's Cream Balm
1' ! .ulrkly sbsoroBil.l
lilvr Kfllt-l HI mil'tv
OImium anil rloeUMet
Allsyi lultsmiusiltiii
Hrala sail protn it lbs Maasafsar. Kr.iorss
Iks Ems ol Tle ul Smell. No Msrcury. Me
I itj urtuiif lirun kt'Kular sls Ms , Kmuil) IM
SI .o si DriiKjrlaU or by insll
Ki.Y HKi)THk.KS6(, W.rn-u si , ' Url
You will
make money
by calling on tin
New Lumbermen
bciorc tmrchtf inf. (''tt
bill of lumber
New sheds kmng up
New stock coming in
At the new ii tail lumber ard
your shirt lu two washings
Cray's NarkM OwMfdil Co. -.rr "rrn 3
To make gissl brisd ase livers' llsl Klnur. it look first
BffaSBlum at thi Ohieejaa World's Kalr over all con
ti'in, and gives eicel lent at Ufaetion wherever int
I' vrrv sat S is giiaisnteisl We have the best ftnam
Knllett Bailay H Ry sin) Heardiaae Harlay.
w. s. BYESfl, Propriatoi
A (Mrs lass laundry will go liirnugli
opposite the W & C K. depot
miu money. we will aenu
linen If you seud ua youi add
The Columbia
Lodging House
K. Uniinawi. (Kaf, ' iuueui
Tha Cast Orsaoniaa is
.yen's rspreaentstl ve paper. It las
and the people appreciate It an. m
it by their liberal patronaga. It bs
advsrtHtlag medium of Mils