v. w Clearance Sale Men's and Boy's Clothing, Furnishings and Hats 8 7.00 Men's mid, oleerance price $".(") 7.50 Men's auite, clearance price 8.10 sod. Men's suita. clearance price 0.7fi 1000 Men's lulti, clear ancu price l li . Mcii' suit, clearance price l.fiO Men's duck eoate, lined I 50 MerVs duck pints, lined 2.00 Men'- dftck routs, lined . Men's heavy fleeced uuderwear, suit QLOVES, NFCKWEAR, SWEATERS AND UMBRELLAS 7. So . .(' I I 10 110 1.60 sr, F: very thinj; Bt Reduced Prices. BAER DALEY Om !'! Clothier, Pnmuhtn atnd flatten. P8ndUton LAND SALES. STYLES FOR S PRING BATl liDAV JANUARY is. IMS, GENERAL NEWS a annua belief prevailed in Bun rial etfCh I that noKotlntions for peace had beer, reopened between tike lead m.. liners ami the Itrit 1m)i government Th- transport Kllpatrlck sailed for Manila with a full tMMflf list made up chiefly of recruits for the arm anil men for the United States marine corps and their officers. General Uhaffeo will leave Manila for the Inland of Samar next Satur day, tie will thoroughly in est inate the situation there, ax It In desired to stamp out the S.nmar Insurrection dur ing the dry leuoo. PfSOldsal 0. V. liallfduy and a ma Jorlty Of the stockholders 01 the Ctfi elnnatl Safe v Look Company ap plleii foi a receiver, on the ground that tli. cor.ipuny in insolvent Assets S4S.TSS, Ilaliillfles $lo:. What appi.us to he a bl.ici eyi 101 th Panama Canal and clearly helps the Nicaragua Canal In :i It it. BMBI B) p. rson i, "rescntlli tin I nlteil States stockholders oi tie I'anuin.i Railroad Company that they would not Hell their Interest in the railroad to the Unit, d States Chaii man liurton. of the rivers and harbors committee, stated that the nv. r and harbor bill that is now being trani. I BUM not In largei than the hill reported by his committee at the last ss.on This is tak' u to mean that the month oi the Columbia will n.elve 1600,000 appropriation. Krlendi. id the Nlearugna Canal say that Die dopnients now show that tie- I'mariia r.r .i omian ha.- noth lug but a part of the dlti It to unload on th United Stat, government, and the moat valuable assets, the cession from tie Colombian government ami the full control of the Panama rail roa! ari not within the power of the PlMM company to transfer, should the government huy its property. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS Senator Simon's hill extending until KehruaiN IS, LSOfl tie time for con atrmtlng the Clearwater Valley rail road across N, . Perccs land in Idaho wus favorably reported. jMlfja James II. Condon, u promi nent lawyer and pioneer, died it his home In The Dulles Bitot an illness of two art eks. of a complication of dis eases, resulting I" heart failure. Dr. Otis D, Hutler who has just been Installed as mayor of Independ ence Is a native Oregonlau having been born In Monmouth. Or.. June l'. IMS, ll has resided in Polk county nearly all of his life. The committee appointed by the Ba ker City Chamber of Commerce to look into tin matter oi the construc tion ol a road over the Dine Moun tains to l)ivws, arranged to send an experienced roud builder over the pro poel rOOtS Nenatoi Mitchell recently filed with ociotarj lioot a petition of numerous eltlMBi ot Astoria asking that no per mits be granted ht ieafl, i by tiM war department for the construction of fish irolr and traps In the Columbia rlTOI It was denied. The educational campaign in the In tares! ol Willamette University, will Bt begun at Salem on Suuday Febru ary J. when the public meetings will b. addressed . liishop Karl Cran ston of Oregon, and Rev. W. McDow ell and ROT, M. B. Mills, of New York. The following hoard of directors and onV n ol the Baker First Nation al Bank have been elected for the en suing year: Directors, Levi Aukeny, Wiii.au, Pollmao, Or. 0. If. Dodsoa, Waller Female! and J. II. Parker; of ficers. Levi Ankeny, president; J. II. Parker, vice president ; J. T. Donnel ly, cashier, and Charles liussey, as sistant cashier. Juek Wud" confessed at Portland that in rod the shot that killed lamer I! Morrow. The confession was voluntarv and complete, ami IINW ates Dalton so far an the shot is con oarSOd While Wade admits his guilt in this regard, be says the killing was Occidental Bad 'hut he had no lateo tion of shooting Morrow or any one else NEW YORK FASHIONS SHOW WINTER GONE Gorgeous Array of Goods in all the Stores of Gotham. New York. Jan IN Bpftng, hm for as fashions are concerned. Is here, land in the shops there Is no more I sign of winter than If the thermonic : ter registered a hundred ami six In th. shade rathei than sl above zero as It Is wont to do at this season , Spread upon the counters In gor 00OI arrny are dainty shirt waists I of mull, linen, batiste. In fact of ev everything front silk to cotton, and the milliner shops are Just as resplend Ml with theli display of newly Im ported headgear. Shirt waist styles I are prettier and more vailed than ever, afford In:; an almost unlimited IchOiei of mnteilnl mid fBraltnrs in KentrOl effect they bear u renin k I able ks, m'.laucc to the designs of I i t year but then are many Httls :intni: touches which testify to tie (fori thai oiaanraetorsT as well as I modiste lias exerted to Introduce t,, "ThlBtOlPOl DORM Knshlon OBMthlOf, original ami at the same time irortb Ol popular fnvor. VI . sheet lawns ami mulls arc nOI It h cMibroldered nnd bid fair tO ploy an important part in the gum i .ire- parade substantiated hy I OB HUBBl drOOt sl,lrt ol sill, or satin t Onlahed cloth Madras. Oxfords. I I hevloi and pique arc the popular Imcaioai v 1 1 h hootrj arolefcl rottoa .iis for the smart tailor made waists.. For plain us well as fancy lOdtll tie- elongated IrOBt will be 1 popular Bad mom of too close fitting I lii'twulsts displayed In heavlei ma I fc-tal have a yoke in the hack. A t stylish design is shown In pique. comblolBB white and pal,- BW0 which may he substitute! for pink or pule green--In Its color sehenie. It is niaile with large box plaits, which lire of the colored goods, applied to the white foundation I:, I rout the plaits extend from a yok with a d , p potBl on either Bid. of the cen ter plait The points button down on the side plaits, one of which con tains a tiny pocket BMCBtBS stitch ed to the plait The hack Is finished with box plaits, corresponding In -i. to those In front. The cuff art sott ami are fastened with pearl but tons. It may be mentioned that oik- of the distinguishing features of the latest model is the suit cuff. It Is worn with waists of all materials and designs- and made of the shereat linen bBBd snbroldorod, or. for the luxuriously lacllaod. they come in silk tissue, oaqaloltotj hand painted. On some ot the smartest waists they are fastened with two or three good staod pearl buttons. The buttons m i be plain or elaborately carved, but always to me t the requirements of the faultless gowned, they must be ot pearl While there are many delightful associations of tints In the i a spring shirt waists, plain one color effects are much seen. Noth ing Is cooler or daintier than white, so tiie announcement of Its being cm Oiojrod for the majority of fashion able waists will be received joyfully by most women Then It boasts un BdYBBtaeo unknown to the tinted fabrics, that of being lojiadftod time without number without Impairment to Its color scheme. A striking featur. or the shirt waist for smart wear l.s the fine hand work with which tiny are finished. DollOBti baud embroidery Is seen in colors und iti white, while both the plain ami Mexican hemstitching cm ti Dishes other chic affairs. Freuch lot- will of course, always be fash ionable, because the air of daintiness which they add Is distinctly their own Another trimming frOQOOBUV Oboorvod is tine beading which out Itnes the shoulder and arm seams of Mime of the most stylish models. The waist that buttons In the back will probably not play such an Im portant part among the ultra lash looable design- as It did lust year, thoj arc IntaooOd to attract and as a result. unless specially made are either taut and disfiguring or too Two Quarters Bring $14,000 in Town hip 5, Range 34. The real estate transfers rocordod nt the court house yesterday were From WKIIInm Hnymond rt Ml " Warren Raymond, the southwest QBB1 ter or HOtteaSSi ami the southeast quarter of section 2:t. township 6, north of range 14, Consideration j $14. .oo John Schrodt i et u lots 1 and ot the northwest quarter and lots I and '2 of the northwest quarter of sec-1 (Ion 1. township .1. north of range SS. I ' Consideration $!uon. Ten Mining Claims. Ten mining claims were lib d with I the county recorder yesterday for , I ptoperty on the north fori, of the John Dny river, one mile east ot Texas liar erook, The names of the filers an : i I August Miller. K. II. Jamison. C D. Murdoek, J. w. (luiioway Chariot (ill I man, Roboti Johnson c ii Oilman, I CharlOS Atkins. C. F. Congdon and V 'am Cook J W. QOllOWa) Ims filed a water right on Texas creek for the purpose ol taking water to the Doti placer claims for mining purposes Stops tha nd Worki Oil tus Cold. tASatlve rtfoMo tatalssi TaMta cars sold in, hi,. ,ia No i-urn. mi pay. I'rlco cenn EXCM I fN I SI 'OKI ft ivi irtV' - " " mi; w" hR Erpn. mu t t J ' 200 r ssjSjaaB! BaM , I III ! " ' if Malt Shipped East. Dayton. Jan. IK. A shipment of over L'on tons ol Columbia county malt Is being made to Muskegon. Mich., from this city, the bull, or t.n product bi lug loaded on ears today The ship BMBl will In rushed eastward In BBC train, having been r.old on UBUSUall good terms for quick delivery This Is one of the largest shipments ever Thetr icr yachts arr c.tpaole of making a mile a minute, and furnish great sport in localnt ntiiq uodies of ic are touno. made froai this city at one tlmi The, mult house owned tj S Wlni hard is BBdoriolai Improvomenta of an OXtonslve chorOPtei The plant N . llin elit:, ;-, ,1 IM. II IICW llrvilll' SVS line,., I M. fcall " ",- n- - '-f rt --j ........ .,,.11,11, , , , 1 11 I mi... ... . .. , 'UT W . IP Ml.. ni ce m.M.io, ,i i ne nine HIM 11 liarit'V to milt loi i.i, has been lit iluvs ii ii ,( i -.. . . - - - w --. .... ... n,,in mmrm ,. prlin iiiol imliistrli- f the In n hil in future It will he re loose ami hugg to In graceiiil in effect. A feature ol decoration whh h has gained favor rather than lost In pop ularlty Is tucking. A delightful el lei t M produced In a waist composed of daintily hOBMtftChod solid tucking tunning up and down, with the -be, is and narrow tuffs made oi vroKswise tucks to correspond. BI t ow sleeves Hie si en on sonic ol tile mole delicate designs and will he worn to a certain extent dining tin mld-sitmnier season Finished with boad and bow ot black velvet they dive n decided I) "Ftoochjr" effect to I Rralal for all, t noon or evening areai Hat- are dsclorsd so lata uud uie BBhJoi i such sudden changes that the positive announcement of an pSTOSOOOOl styles seems almost i piesuinptloii Present Indication,, however, suggest green as the pop ulai shade fur the ti" spring hat All during the wlntei season the mil liners have been partial to this tint and unless one were In mourning, the l,at maker has always managed In MBM way to Introduce a bit oi color somewhere in the headgear. It only a hunch ot silk or Velvet lenve- WHEN YOU TAK TO COVER As a fashionable spilng coloi green will combine chiefly with white, black, grey or brown A pretty mo del showing tills Idea effectively Is it broad brlmicd hat ot while satin chip worn off the face. The brim Is aught back to tin- crown in front by a twisted band of bright I v. green ribbon. One end of this ribbon en cisclss the crown and to It 1.- it t :n b of ii hunch ot pah- green pollage so i- t en tin brim in from and opposite to It behind a bunch of green nnd white varlguted lolluge with little round berries hootlBI a resemblance to currants Umbo neath the brim in front tin- rlbBOB is drawn up Into a large pout', which a placed on a folded band ol Up satin Auothei smart hat is composed of two draped plaques of coral plnl (BBOJ braid with folds of pink dui fon between them Tin trimming embodies a delightful arrangement of cream lace draped around the brim while resting upon the hair under the brim are delicate green ami white leaves S3pHlflnQfu' - BsflsMsW to jiLsja ' ladadjSjflWCByy' aWpMaoBSSr tItH : BE SURE IT IS A GOOD COYI Malille one of the new spidei web ' f plays an Importaol part in the creation of spring headgear. f large hat destined to shade the a if sonic pretty summer girl is made of this material and baa . crown banded with pale BlUS panne velvet. Around the edge ol tin litlin white roses form a wreath and the garland around the brim is ot pale . BTOOB terminating with a black ro tOtta Ho far all the hats lor spring are large in shape and teoltaod to be worn off the face. UllllBBUISd shapes math of fine IniKhorn and oth er pliable straw are QalBOborough in offset, and will be trimmsd, as are nearly all hats of this style, with weeping ostrich plumes ami ipS The appearunee of the shirt waist necessarily brings out many novel ties In stocks and bells uud those shown In unlimited varletv. Patent leather belts will he fashionable ugaln. also those of fine leather tin ish with plain heavj sllvei buoklea that wen- known lust summer as the "doK collar belts." Still other ,e signs come in headed effect the beads being struug upon an elastic fouudatl in. but as the majority of taOBO bells are wide the) are not des tined to become a ud. for the sea son of (MS. at least. Some of the newest bells have little dewc at tached to the inside b) which the sil ver chateluine can be made more se cure and the idea Is a very clever OBO, because such extravagant sums are spent upon these little adorn Uteata that the loss of om- really meaus the expenditure of a ifood round sum. If the loser wishes to re -dace the serviceable Hub article. Uitlt :i petir t "Pfndletor Blenkeie" n your bad vuu will ! L'timfortAblej and waiin during 1h oold winter i ijilit FOR . peir of eia pouud bkuiketi of Pendleton nana feature neve been proven to be as wurm a i leu pound i"ii of ntiitt. brnndi. BECAtJSE Nothing but puw FLEECE wool is usctl ir tb Pw dleton Mills sod th ipiri tbelr yam finer and weave their blankets oloaer than oilier niille j ipPNhi PTfi' wnrii f MIL e a o PENDLETON, OREGON. Manufacturers of Fleece Wool Blankets, Indian Robes and Shawls fftxxYw .,!.. ,..,.i.i.,.(.i.i...,.i.i.i.i.i.i.,.i.1 i.i.i.i.w.wriii)aiw'-" - lor Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink ::::::: -. - . ! Polydpre Moens, Proprietor. j Pendleton Ukiah Stage Line - 77a nu mm m am I .1 II ivnyiP Lrnnnh VantMl WYA U i iiira x b mii.ii a iiiuiv"' Strictlv vegetable, perfectly haruues-, faeu IM.hlKI'O kliSULTS. Greatct h'i '" . . a nVI mm - nuston A Carney, Prop's. Uave Pendleton everv day at 7 o'clock except KunUay, for Pilot Kock, Nye, Kidtfe. Albu sml II k ml awwl .... couimodatious. Reasonable freight and u , . . tmMttmmm Tbtfii . ..r ,.tuu K CAniMNi M"' t tXMIIIlrfU soil IsMlaUoot. TWJ paaseuger rats. wefWllWH ,,u ,ilh f0 ,i,uiio iiiuiurs ou w ' , Oily ottos at Taitmau a Co'i droit "1 ''' wu-uams oAi.co.im au. ' mi. I'm . . . . n c Mm 1 1 ii v tai i aiiu a r t nmif.i.iaio i ha CW- PENDLETON