East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 18, 1902, Image 1

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PL, ronr re.lln
Eastern Oreon Weather
,5c A WEEK.
Tonight nii'l Sunday, occasional
rain or IM1
no. i.m
. H Villi DA V, .? AM' A I . Y IN. IttOS.
Apparent There Was Insufficient Pro
vision for Signala.
New York. Jan. 18. At ydttttt IdMrM
session Of the Now York tunnel In
quest, tcBtlmony In support or Engl
noor Wlsker's contention, that slg
nal lights frequently arc ohscurcd.
wan Introduced. The report of an
Bnttlnessf wuh (ifTered In which he
said he had run a trBln lenirth pnst
a red light that watt obscured by Uh
foe smoke.
Will Go to the Commander- Sharkey and Ma her "Fiddled1
in-Chief of the Navy. for Three Rounds.
Canal Commission
Favors It.
-..nr. ink)
r mm
B, Preudenl in necom-
. ... e. ., n
Linen for Forty mi mom
Kompieted Ditch.
: IS. Th. report cf
I trill niiiinilsi'.l'm . tn
.if the I'lllchBHt' by
lulls of the Panama ca-
UflMli. pruhiihly will lie
mtdeni tiln The ma
coramltti' fiivoi tin uc
thin offer.
for prince
Lithe McKinley Memori-
Imjton To Come on a
Jau IN A tentative
Prlnre Henry a visit In
In- liven out tun. alter
vrinxenieiit In tor the
if tlii' afternoon ot Feb-
NrhMKi' Mils' With I lie
I mint, the prince and
i ill. president and his
f will leave h Hpecial
mm Inland, where they
tie launching the next
isn4). the prince prob
'ntiTtalii.-il at i state
(Wbiir IIiiiih.' On Thiirii
St1-riil tin Mi Linl.'V on
In the hall m repre-
1 hich In- HtartH on n
Iowa Women Would Have Miss Roose
velt to Eschew Cbamnaane at the
Council tlliiffs. Iowa. Jan. 1R. The
VV'Kimen'H Christian Temperance
AHHocintlon of thiH city this morning
sent a communication to Alice Boon
, velt. asking her to OM water Instead
I of wine In christening the kaiser's
Women Fight Saloons.
New York. .Ian. IR The women of
QrstttST New York are organizing a
I fight against the openltiK of saloon
on Sunday. A monster mn."s meet
: Ing linn been arrange. I tor Carnegie
I Music Hall tomorrow nlchi and oth
I er steps are being tak"n for a deter
! mined fight anal nut the proposed leu
lalatlon permitting tht nale of liquor
on Sunday. A monst. r i.etltlon in
now belli prepared for signatures.
Women throughout H tn' will he
MUM to sign It. it 's proposed also
to appoint a eomniiil Ol w Wttsa to
I" to Albany to plea I for the defeat
1 to brtal-
of any measure intmilui
Ikc Suiidav Honor selllnr
In Memory of Robert E. Lee.
Richmond. Va.. .Ian. IS. Touior
I row Is the birthday of General Ho
b it E. l.ee. In Home parts of the
south the anniversary wan celchrat
ed today, while elsewhere the obser
vances will be held Monday In this
fit: the dry is observed as a general
holiday If !s also celebrated with
a imrade of the local companies or
the Seventieth Virginia Itl-glnu-nt
and the firing of an artillery Halute
by the Richmond Howitzers. Similar
celebrations under the auspices of
the I'nlted Confederate Veternnt and
other patriotic societies are held In
Charlotte. Suvannn',. Atlnnta. Most1
ginnery and other lending towns or
the south
Its Contents are not to be Made
Know Until it has Reached the
Hands of Preoident Roosevelt.
Ilaltlmore, .Ian. 18. The appeal
from the findings and report of the
court of Inquiry which Schley pro
poses to take to Roosevelt, is com
pleted The contents of the appeal
will not be made known until arter the
has been filed with the president.
The admiral will reach Washington
on Sunday night or Monday morning
and immediately upon his return At
torney Itaynor will go to meet him.
The appeal then will be gone over and
signed nnd filed with the president.
Schley Goes Hunting.
Sawinuah. (Ja.. .Ian. IV Schley
went deer hunting 00 St Catherine
Ihland today with General Gordon.
Reported by I. L. Ray A Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
New York. Jan IK. - The wheat
market continues Iris tux. advanced
:'c loday. Liverpool was up , ti
ll7,.. New York opened at i&0ty,
ami closed Mi 1 , . Chicago opened
To Break the Peace McFarland, of
Industrial Club. Also Taken on Same
Philadelphia, Jan. IN. -Tom Shar
key, Peter Maher and James 11 Mr
Farland. an official ol the Industrial
Athletic Club, uuder the auspices 'or
Which organ'atlon the Sharkey Ma
bei light took place Mas) night, were
UTI hted during Frlduy afternoon on
a warrant charging them with conspir
acy to commit a breach of the peace
Hall was rurnlshed. The two men met
lh the ring and "fiddled" for three
rounds, when the contest was nban
hLV A SSaYdtt. ' '"ItSWf MB - nf SB Sltr
U vtWi SWmI s ' ItlJ
BiBsfiliii'fcii'ai- I ft. fji sfl iH Mfefl
Nathan St ubblefielit. of Moria.v.
rrcted a w icIesK telephone rlecent
KsBtHfikjr, rivals Marconi.
tests were successful
ha v I UK per
r! Ready to Con
Guestion aecl Other
The export
were 1,1m,.
I I pel cent.
Invited to Negro Congress.
Washington. Jan. I K. President
UooHcvelt today received a delega
Eight Yean. tion who called to invite him to at
Jin 18 A hearing J t'nd a young negroes Chnstlun con
iirohate coin; ti, day Kress to 1m- held in Atlanta in t Hum
taken in order to i mer. The president gave a provi
slonal acceptance ol the Invitation
The delegation explained that the
congress Is expected to In the great
est race in the occasion In the his
tovy of the American negro Kept-.
Kcntaflve negroes ol all the states ol
the south are numhcriHl among the
religious denominations having col
ored adherents throughout the Unit
ed Stntch
N -'" V ami closed Nl
Shipments till' the Week
nun. Stocks lower Mom
Closed yesterday sr.u...
opened today, xr.'Vffii.
Rasja today, M9Mi
Olosed today. Kii'
ngar, Lttl
Ste.'l. 43.
St Paul. IW,
St. Paul. MI14.
Cnlon Pacific. 101.
I OOsI market, lie, No. I club.
Wheat in Chicago.
Chicago. Jan 1 1 Wheni
Afhilc Anna Turned Court Room
Into Theater.
Philadelphia, Jan. IT ItshtlH.
Kveison. the actress, was awarded
flk.uoo damages yestenlay against
noraaOt Zlegfeld. the husband of An
na Held, roi breaking a contract
While Miss Held was on the stand
the lllilne rebuked DOT lor attempt
'iik lii make a stage or the court
room. All attorney lot the defense
accused Miss Kversoii Of making
"koo goo" eyes at the Jury.
Found Him Guilty of Attempted
London. Jan. Id.- The Jar) today
fotlBd Dr. KrnUM, ex-governor ot Jo
hssseshurg. Kiillt ot attempted mis
donrasnor today, lie was sentenced to
two years- imprisonment. The more
serious charge of inciting to murder
and high treason failed.
HUte nf Joseph A. I
a of Mr Sloan is otie
H illiaiilieiired In Aim
rtonly Sftei his wife's
W) ipiiarent reason.
illllKi iii search was
Nve Of Inn. could be
Jr the mother of the .
leivlnii u lare estate
lain mil his brother on
Today's hearing was
llwiKxe of declaring the
ally dead and mak
r ilisnoHitiivti of his i
thit of his mother.
POJ Championshioa.
U-Crack skaters
frnf (ierinanv
M nihiT .'iiiintrl
mtei-nation.i. ho. ed
Ulini championships
'Jf II Davos Plata.
iTOKiaiu cuinpriHes
RMkl Fiv him.i. I
IN thousand and
meter races for the
chunplonshlps, and
ll'in,' iiHiiiiiioin hin,
Max. interscholsHtii.
I lrli ran distance
Notable Swimming Race.
New, York, Jan. 18. Some ot the
fastest swimmers in the country are
t to be seen at the best tonight in the
annual rsOM Of tha New fork Athlet
Id club Tin events are open to all
members ot the A A. H. and are tip
Swc most notable or their kind in Ihi
,n,. country The program consists of
the following contests: One hundred
yard, handicap; seventy-five yard,
novice, and IntWUslvorsIt) relay
i ace. for
o swim
teams ot six
one hundred
each man
iHMfiol 8unday.
L Jn IS - fho
F Homo,,, lit ltUUMi.
1 DrOClftniHtwri f.i
to be nbanrw.
to lh A Ilium, idol
president and tn
"tki- state i
L i'UI if. mM' lit III! nniti.
M .-
College Students to Debate.
Kloomlngtou. I ml Jan If, Isdl
ana University meets the University
of Illinois in annual debate tonight
and the students ot the local insti
tution an on edge in anticipation
of the result. The question to be
debated la: "Resolved. That the
early annexation of the island pre
sents the wisest solution of the prob
lem of Cuba."
Bryan to Speak.
wayueauurg. Pa.. Jan LI Wil
liam J. Bryan, the free lilvaf . ham
plon. Is in Wayensburg for the pur-
delivering a public lecture
association tonight. Mr Bryan is brought
Illinois Senatorial Candidate.
Chicago. III.. .Inn IK. In politi
cal circles much Interest is manl
t.stcd In the dinner to be given by
the Marquette club this even gg for
the reason that all the avowi .1 sen
atorial candidates are expected to be
present These include Senator Ma
son. Charles Q, Dawes, lormei sonip
troller of the I'nlted States Trssd
ury: former Congressman George K.
Adams and Congressman Albert J.
Miss Wakeman Doesn't Recover.
Loudon. Jan. IK. Miss Wakeiuun.
the beautiful America., girl who be
cauie insane here several weeks ago.
does pot improve so rapidly as eg-'
peeted. She now labors under an
other strange hallucination. She bi
ll, ves herself to he the sleeping beau
ty of a iary tale
Mrs. McKinley's Franking Privileges.
Washlugtou. Jau. 18. The seuate
committee on postoffices toi.a) order
ed a favorable rUPOrt U the hilt to
give Mrs McKinley fi-anklng prlvll
eges. To Relieve Chicago Postmaster.
Washington. Jan. 18. The senate
judiciary committee toda authorized
Mason, of Illinois, to introduce a bill
relieving Post mast ei Coyone, in Chi
cago, from resionsiblllty in COslOO
tion with the recent robbery of 74.0M
worth ol stamps from his office
New Church for Des Moines.
lies Moines. la. Jau. II BlObO
rate pieparailouH have been com
pleted for the dedication tomorrow ol
i he new OsStM Memorial Church, one
of the linest edifices of its kind in
the state. The dedicatory exercises
will occupy tii- entire day. In the
morning I WrgMS will be given by
Ke W M Week ley of Dayton.
Ohio, and in the afternoon ad. Ii esses
will be delivered by Governor Cum
mills. Mayor ItaftssboWOI and Mil
lion lfayettc Young.
Locomotive Boiler Exploded.
Victoria. la.. Jan 18 The boiler ol
the engine pulling the K, ;. Uland
Mvei exploded here this morning, kill
:ug Engineer William Williams, Klre
man J W. Howe and two porters
The conductor and baggageman1 sus
tallied severe' Injuries Four coaches
were derailed They rolled down an
embankment, but none of the passen
geis were Injured
No Caucus Now.
Washington, Jan. Di. A gtOTMMsl
tot a caucus of the republicans of the
house on the proiioaitloii to abolish all
war taxes is abandoned for tbe pres i
.-it at i be request of Chairman Payne,
wbo desires that action be deferred
until the Cubans' hearings are con
cluded aud until be can get a final
statement of the conditions from the
Interns revenue department.
United Workers
elder the Wage
AT JURY Issues.
Indiauiinolis. Iml Jau is TodSl
fits WWd tb hi.IvhI ol the I
egaies who will atti nd the annual
.invention of the United Mine Work
ers of America, which Spotted Id th.s
city If os da) ThroudBoul the day
the credential eommitlee has been
busy receiving the deleuHtluiis ni the
heniiia I tei h o the Ol until ill. in All
Indloatlotto point to the most rspro
si 1 1 1 a 1 1 v i convention in the hi-ton oi
the oi gan I 'in urn .iv"i loo.o'io i i ,1
ized in. ti being repretaatdd, while
inaiiv thOUBttttdl ol man who Bio not
roraally ortttnhud 'ni he indirectly
represented. Tin- Jnlnl conference,
which ii.iiows tbi coavsnttoa drill be
Btti llried by .'loo or MM of the le.nlliig
coal Operators oi' Indiana Michigan
Ohio Pennsylvania and Other states
liesldes these states the delegate!
to the mineis' convention represent
Iowa Wist Virginia. Kentucky, Ala
bama, Wisconsin. Arkansas, hfobrsi
ka Kansas. Indian Terrltor) N. w
Mexico. Virginia leexas anil oiti.
states There i;re 1 1 presep t n I ves
frosg gsveral states that hereto!
ti rsf sent delegates.
I he mliiers national oi gaiu.at ion . ountiy from
Is the largi'st single labor body in tin the in InclM I
lilted States Then are manv ills
in i,- each having officers TsOfl
I In ri an state dlslrlil orguiiLiil inns
Tin prssSttl national orgauial ion was
effected at Columbus. O.. In IIPQ mid
really grew out ot the K or L Nd
I '' and the National PPOsTSSSlVS
What They'll Ou.
The OSttVSStiOtt which begins on
day will elect a piesidept gserstttf)
and treasurer, an executive hoard
and officers and delegates to the
next convention ol the American Kid
-ration of Lahoi John Mitchell will
be re-elected president, as will ssers
tary Wilson Mil. hell is serving in
Ills second term. It is also probable
thai nearly every i resenl member ol Hart
the executive board will be reelect London
The wage question wilt sg the Im
pdHaal one under nosaldsrstlos
Various district organization have
ahead met and demanded Iricreas
eg for minlnr, asserting that the is
i leased price of coal and the gener
al nroapsrlt) of the coustry wilt
sarranl better pay for the mlssra
Tin ..invention proper will not fit
the wane aeaU TMs will be left ta
jOtnl conlei ence. when the mill
-is ami ii.. Operator will meet wild
. Bttal repreasntatloa to agree Th
conference ma last two wVcks and
the goals spplleg to "bash points"
In essb great COttl mlulug district
I'll it gineial scale is signed b) rep
est ntstlvea on both sides gad ia
in. linn for a rear The present
teals is effective until April lt n -xt
il.nl the naSJ one lo be signed will
SOI tnl c cITi . t until tb.it .hit. The
i .i havg in ite. i ihe eoai operas
us (ron everywhere to attead the
ronferellce but ill sollle Htati s the
neratotd show no dlapoaltlod (
heed the InvHtttloa Tbi win prob
ablj be tr i Weal Virginia a
itats that is an "eyeeors" to the
iiniied miiieis. in ea isc th. onsrstord
D and iii Virginia have fougst
tin' oraasisation so hltterh in rears
gone by
er, who
Mme. Blauvclt's Toui.
New York. iSfl IK Intci, hi hi
BtUSlCttl clieles this w . I U centers IB
the reappsaranc ol Mine, i inias
HI. i m il the Ann rlc in oncert sins
re. i nth returned i" this
an extensive tour of
I'liroueaii cities She
will In heard tomoiTOS evening si
Carnegie hall Following her engage
im nl in this i It) Mine HISNVSM will
tour tin eountry. sin- win gnpeor.
gmOOd oilier cities iii Chicago Mlt
waukee, si Paul Denvet and w b
Capital Stock ftlftddl
Oadsden Ala. Jau IN Si, k
holders of (In Coosa Valley Oottl
Iron and Mining Co. om ,,i th, irls
. ipal roses nU or Its kind In Alalia
ma. are holding th l. mOUSl meet
ing here today II has ' u derh4
to iurrease the capital atouli of ths
comiiany from f.MKiun to floObiS)
Ahead of
Jan IK
His Schedule.
Hint tin An, .ii
who Is trying to run 2ik)0
i mi athlete
nubs in thirty days at the Royal
aouarluttl loday at noon . ntor.nl the
twenty sixth hour of th. contest,
lib. ad of his schedule so far
room .... uii
Wonder throughout
IT el0 the , Mices
I elalx)r..
hv President A E Turner ol the
state normal achool and his address
will be in the interests of that institution.
Jan 18. The Worlds
remain firm In the dec
postKinemeut ol the
is not anticipated BSC
retary Stevens said this morning ma
the contract stipulate the structures
must be finished on Octoberl
St. I.oupis
Kan nftK'ials
laration that
opening year
Pardon for Mrs. Maybrick.
London, Jan. II. Baroness De
Roqus Bothsr of Mrs Florssci May
brick, wbo Is 'serving a life aentence
for the alleged murder of her hus
:.anil is confident her daughter will
OW be pardoned It I stated she has
received semi official assurances the
pardon will come during the corona
tion celebration.
Ve AuatrU
Political prophets
hrst ui j
. 1 vuwarus
I Of Hnnnn,
I iW, . , n j it,., ii
Ibtt during the prea
Barcelona Boiler Exploaion
Barceloua, Jan. 18 The boiler ex
ploded in a spinning factory at Puente
de Vilumbar today. The building col
lapsed and many persons were buried
In the debris Caeualtles were tieavy
Baker for Judgeship
Washington, Jan. 18 TJie senate
judiciary committee today decided to
report favorably the nomination of
Judge Biker, of Indiana, to be circuit
'Cary UUia,
Wm ""v Jn
j-w uumg ser
,roPeft. and ship
Kalasr's Yacht Leaves.
Berlin, Jan 18. The imperial yacht
Iloheuzollern. which is going to the
United States to be prevent at the
launching of the kaiser's new yacht,
left Kiel this morning. The passage
to the United States will take 53 davg
The Earthquake's Damage-
Mexico City. Jan. 18 Reports
the earthquake on Thursday
Exclusion BHI in
Washington Jau 18. Kahn. of Cal
ifornia. today intrtiuoJ in the house
ih. Chinese exclutiioo bill which had
the areat loss of life throughout
. . . a I
mate oi uuerreru ovu.- T rrf the house and senate
house and village were destroyed or the house ana sens
of farm i heen approved by the coast delegation
dlr Cilia tartletl Desd.
London Jan 18 Sir Bills Asb
mead Bartlett. member of parliament,
and one of the best known Rngllah
statesmen died this morning
Imparts, ih.it ps)CttUsV lijhtTlfll. IWOltnUsV
and flavor noliced in tin- linest cake, bhort
cake, hist uit, rolls, crusts, etc., which ex
pert pasiry cooks declare it iinohlainahle
by the use of any other leav lolng aent.
Pure, healthful, highest in strength.
JVAt sasino eowoi a co oo wiiium st , mw vc.n