"1 DAILY EVENING EDITION Eastern Oregon Weather Tonight and Saturday, cloudy and occasionally threatening. J3CA WCE-V PENDLETON, tTMATlLLA COUNTY, Oil BOON, FHIDAV, eTANVABY 17, 1902. NO. 4884 UfUi-" I IB HI 9 J J 14. INDUSTRIAI IfCU'B IN PrIILADFLPWA lONKlrlT riinilll If C HESE ARF 10 mm BRf-oki: the KILLED 601 1SB I lTH III !! ' J ' ' S LI I Catastrophe Occurs pn in Mexico. Mexico sends U)T THE AWFUL . wit at c""Pnl-'"""' Ouerrero. in Mexico, . 1- a nnv nf mm jan ", r : strh woivi'ii - ijntcmay m - m. a i i jott rmen i" sp" . nt...ii,1 rnllHter the KHHOniiMjr e afterwards the hall imantd like a saloon on jMr Delegates Sprang .(slim anil grahlicd desks Ik,, wp' IWIWIW "7 U ih.' Mexicans. im vstu igimiptert ror i" minui. KWm General. Ilnlfo Jn I" The earth ir was general tnrougn nyabllc. Many hutminga , I0ARD OF BE MEETING TUESDAY. the Peter Maher championship. and Tom 8harkey will meet in the arena. If Sharkey lose he will not fight Jeffrlea for Waitungton Longeat in j ii Organization of Thirty. Bjoc jaii 1 1 "u ilium i- rrotlvi'il dally indicate Ntini o( tin national iM- to Im bald lu tin.-, city i Mil Tiiesdny. wi'i he 1 Important an well a. t li itt Mi my of the thirty-1 io( ih. wi'll -know n organl will lir lii attendance' Ik prominent iMiiirda of rial rlubs and other lettnlutlotis in tin' conn mthvttt ami tin- Pacific to be bettor represent lu (oroir meeting of th- 10 bt' lIlHI'UHHfll l'UVr ud an- ot piiruniotint 1 10 Ihl- bllHIIHMIh IlltlTI-Hth Komi, of them ar: alip aulwiih , railroad rtaat DianiK InttnUaU .1111. -li. i in. 1 U'eIh- tlfket acalpuiK- )ar'. 0BfOnt MtVI POHtURf. Ml (or Invoh .-h Hocond iHUtr. ctirrcnr rt'fonn. branch haiikM tlnanct' aarbor iniprovHnienta. I ui! mlaud wat. i wayH.lrrl- "0 lathmlan canal !)- t' laduatritw .nil flaak peour reduction, na nptfy am'ndmentB. re- miiar tarvioa. rcneal i blda, war tax on tea Ud the Di'oiHMHd !a- BILL Will Receive Support of the Majority in Congress. REPUBLICANS FAVOR SHIP 8UB8IDY GRAFT PHH FACETIOUS. rBr to Have a Dif- cult Job. IT l.in i ' k lt..h..... a letter li.mi ,.,.ti.... fcailkburKei (,, pMnlar 1 ali'li Hi halkliiir-...' ..e. treatment ftOcordPd :i 8)Uth Africa ,-,.r,,-..., nt KltcheniM ... ...... '"I"I1IK m to He,l( an rhld. v Willing . i !aalaburKMr n. .. .u,. i- W lt ah h. saw nt " va. Zeialer aa.. Jam i- t.m i m win u k " " " I the tllUl.... I. ""I kUUl IB a 1'r.ku .i .. . i L. . a Kz!!nah A'lil.-tic olub uKiiteth are in the J, '"nK'th.-plutUini, ii iu m T1B content l ..v,.., Strict Party Vote in Committee In atructa Frye to Report it to Senate for Paaaage. WuHtrtiiKion Jan IT The mitl in hut on commerce today by a Htrict party vote directed Chunmai Kryv to make a lavorable rvpOfl to tin- Ht-nute on Ml bill provMtal Itlbal ili.'i for klilph Pacific Cable Queation. WaahlDKton. Jan. 17 The Pacific cable queation 'iki n Wal artkUdtl U' fore the bouae -. in n i " . Ml int. i Btate and foreign cm UOt lodpy vice-Proaideut l Lark ot tlM WMttri I'nlon. advoca sd Hr government ca ble on the grounl that a cable laid a commercial ROBtptai wonld uepnve the Weatern I'nion inuninv of all laud buaineah rMUHiBC, wV'. Ibt ,. e:nment ca e WVai4 divide it C Oreely. chief alg.u! OlRrt'l lu ii. government OOAil ll an a n. ie- Itj to tliv- of war n! tHnu lieyond prb-e In time ot i '', ernmenta are realizing the acH of rontroling eable SENATE BUSINESS CANAL. ROUTE WAS UP. New San Blaa Propoaition Made by the People Intereated. Washington Jan 17 The (tottO cratlc caucus commute, ot the hoime met at noou. Rlohardaon. chalrui.ui to oonaldar certain reholiitioni. rela tive to party policy. Henry, of T-Hh offered u leholution daclaiinf that ever) democratic icpreHetitatiM pui tlcinating in the cauciih shall be g erned by the action of the aame anil that It i not within the provtm . ol tin caucus to iiromiilgut. or reveth. Meet Iron to . Jan. Z1.fcm,h'-1" Iron ci 17.--A I'limmlt. a i .k . ' fcrik. lu ,ot,'1 "I 1... l"'l' untluiHl,,.,! Iav If In V',..,k...,, 7. ik.w - -.ahiiy ine. ir rwtf.1 for (no prea- The aeiiale cauul committee ap pointed a aiib-committee of Harris. Kittrldge and Foster, to consider the San Bias tunnel route in which Qm -ral Sorrel Is IntereBted Hanna fu vora this plan which propoaea a waterway across the atBBUI front Manding'o to Ban Hlas. M miles. f0 i,.-r i . -nt shorter than the Pananm TO SCrMP IN 01 I) PENTOV N SrlATiKEY FfGHTS PETER MAHER TONIGHT If the Sailor Loses he will not Meet Jeffries for the Championship. Philadelphia.. Jan. 17. Keeu In terest Is innnllcNt.-d In tonlcbt'l light lietwe.-n Tom Sharkey and Peter Ha her It wll he the blggext pugilistic vent pulled off in the Quaker City tor a long some and the Interest is as great as though a more lmMirtant and more tangible title than the championship of Ireland" were In wilwd There are several NBMM tor this aside from flu- fact that the meeting of men in the heavyweight division always anuine much Inter est. In the firs' place. Muliei enjoys a vast amount of popularity among the sporting fraternity of Philadel i.hla whlcii cltv he has long claimed as his home The present pugilistic status of Sharkey is also of a contri buting elements in general interest displayed In the bout Should the sailor lose the battle tonight it la a foregone conslusion that his match with Jeffries for the championship will be declared off The fight Is limited to six rounds, hut the men have trained as though t)l.- t-Xpee(ei! to engage 111 S fight to the finish Sharkey prepared at Coney Island and If the statement of himself and his trainers are to he re lied upon he is in condition to make the fight of his life Maher likewise appears to lie in tine condition after several weeks of fain.' training at his quarters ueai Fairmont Park Me expresses confidence in his abil ity to defeat Sharkey and thereby j get back again Into the front tank ' of linguists The mill will he witnessed by a large number of sporting men from Na York where Sharkey is a areat lav in lie It was in that city that the previous meeting ol Sharkey and Ma her took place The contest was held at the Lexington Athletl. el lb. The poll c interfei red and the contest was declared a draw . leaving the I question of huprciimcv still in dis pute Anti-Anarchy Bills. Washington. Jan. 1" Tin UoMM committee on judiciary today began consideration of the various ant'-an- i arehy hills A new bill was pi sent ad by AttorneyC.en.-ral Kuox which ! makes assault on the president re sultiBa fatally a capital ofTcnse if hi trn i! Iiv the I'nited Stales court. An assault that does not result fatally ! mav lie de.-med a capital wi'li in the discretion of the MOB S TERMERS Intercollegiate Basketball. New Haven. Conn., Jan. 17. --The basketball team of Cornell university has arrived (n New Haven to con test with Yale tonight. Thin will be the first game of the season for the intercollegiate association ctnbrac lug Harvard Yale I'rlncton and "or ni-ll All of the teams are reported strong and the prospects are bright for the lies season in tin hifcii.i ol the ga ne Colored Murderer Hjnyed Ujjajatr Marlboro Md . Jan 17 Henry Hoyd. colored was executed in the yard of the county jail here to day Boyd's crime was the murder of a young girl named Martha Oden. Several weeks ago the murderer pro fessed repentance lie joined the Catholic church and appeared le.ou clled to his fate Steamer Total Loss. 1. 1. -Mign.il M.i li Jan. IT Ttje sieam. i of the Pere Marquette Hue went ashore near here this morning and wa:. scattered in ten feet of water Nine passengers and 3'i sail ors wen- taken off It Is believed no lives were loat. The veasel and car VI are a total loss offense court tl. .-nt paintings found in K, v .. show that Noah was not the inventor oi t! boal The Egyptians have used tut-m for eighty centurh I Neeley on Stand. Havana Jan 17. Neeley. who is on trial tor misappropriation of pos tal Hinds, was to go on the stand this afternoon He anticipates a severe arraignment, but says he Is prepared for all comers. Murdered in the Harem, Constantinople. Jan IT negro has demanded itid -mnltjF fiom the sultan for the inurd. of a Mon tenegran maid servant in tie- royal naren Ruaala Is supporting the claim Mother Superioress III. Baltimore, Jan. 17. Mother Mar garet superioress of the sisters of charity of the United States Is cri tlcally 111 at Emmetsburg NEW YORK MARKET. Reported by I. L. Ray A Co., Pendle ton. Chicago Board, of Trade and New York Stock Echange Brokers. New York, Jan. 17 - There waa a better lone to the grain marketa to day and while prices do not how much change, the rnnge for the day was on a higher level. Liverpool rloaed unchanged t V New York opene.l higher, 8f4. and sold he tweon sr. nn,i s ,.i0nR Rfii Chicago opened at nv Rnd the close was Soi.t.fr V Stocke higher Moueny 4t4t per I it: Closed yesterday. 8R. Opened todny Range today, sr.SRS Closed today. RRS Sugar. ll!3V Steel. II . St Paul. IU. Vnkm Pacific, 102 Wheat in San Francisco. San Francisco. Jan. 17- Wheat la)l 1104. Wheat In Chicago. Chicago, Jan. 17. Wheat-80 10, ST. LOUIS IS 10 ASK DELAY In Its Celebration From 1903 to 1904. KRUGER CONCEDES. Marees to Yield on Question of Inde pendence. "Amsterdam. Jan. 17. A person of highest anthorlty here declar-ia thai alter his recent visit to Ixmdnt the I hitch premier Kuyper porauaded Kruger to waive denial I for abso Old Maid' Convention lllte Independent In iho Solllh Af Al...r.l..etl C l.n I7A h.lt (can tepuhllcs Kruger acquleaced .1....... ....-i. ' .... , .k , .,. . .k " - - I uw. M nini.-n mi l.'II.T.'lliril 111 inn ... 1 1 1 uini iin- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii ine .It.nflAni THIS CROWDS LEWI8 AND CLARK EXPOSITION. Would Bring the Louisiana Fair Close to That Planned for Portland In 1906. Washington. Jan 17 The manag its of the SI 1 ... 1 1 1 s. Wot Id s Fair will try to persuade congress to isistimna the celebration from IHOS to 1904. They will put forward the plea that foreign governments will not ho In readiness to make their displays next year, hut will be prepared In 1904. people of This, It la secured the republics be obtained, understood, enn he qulcklv A ROYAL SCANDAL ON IN BELGRADE Alexander Asks Divorce from Oraga, Naming Four Co-respondents. Vienna. Jan. 17. A dispatch says ! King Alexander ol' Servla asks the I Creek church to iii range a divorce for him from Queen Drags Four co respondents are named at the '.nifh annual con veiitlon ot old Maids of Brown coim tv which began here today and will continue through the remainder of the week For nearly a century the old maids of Brown county and vl clnlty have adhere! tn a rule of hold Ing a convention every year and when one of theli number dies It fs voted by the remainder us to who shall till the vacancy, thus K.-.-piug the queer organisation with a full membership nil the time Swallowed i.y the Shin I rust in This Country. AMERICAN MAGNATES ABSORBS WHITE STAR. Transfer to Our Syndicate Affirmed in London Today as About to Take Place. Liverpool Jau 17. Confirmation ot the report that the steamship mag nates now are en route to America to tnutafer the White Star line to the American ... eat; shipping combine that Morgau is forming, was printed bare today. Liberal Consiliation Balked. London. Jau 17. A movemeut to conciliate I In- opposing factious in the contest for liberal leadership in parliament Is again balked. Hose- lT) lias rejected the scheme where by he would assume the leadership III the house of lords, while Camp ball Baniierman would continue as the leader of the 0 I, To Advance Fos Hunting. liiilail.iphla, Jun. 17. At a meet ing held at the Hotel Mi HeVlle this afternoon Hie in.lllliliu.it steps werv taken to organize the National Asso ciation of Musters of Recognised Hunt Clubs The pmposc of the aa MM latloa la the advancement of l.n hunting The masters or fox hounde of v. iv 1 1 . untilell fox limiting club hi the Cnited Htatcs ami ('una. la will I be Invited to Join Hi. new assocla I tlon. Stand by the Standard ! Price'i Cream i i cvcrywncrc uu the powder ol i greatest strength, It remit i s palatable, are assured i i Dlls ( IH MIH .ds I tl rt iiii. it on, gem gratk Dr. Ha k i iii' I I I aeKimwii tint C7 the highest and absolute i looil more hcalthfu usinj it t lusiv t i against alum ami other Is from which ihc IS w lcr Ktandard, cue the ami .mil you tl. in lo w- powd t i i arc inatlt . I. 1.1" n c s li.iki merits only I Its lotteries, scheme!. money t omen ing never U'tlt In I Is the gilts, I he en 1 1 rt MM k sold on ;iid of other you i to you m baking now- Com missions alue or ol der the purest, mosi economical mad Pici Hakim, PoVOa Co.. Cmicaou. Notj Umn -.king iwi.is ajri k.w I'll-..I is Ih. v ...sl but Ihiec- . Ills a itt I to maki But altan laaveein Um l". i caJta gbubti sataa, ulnriurk H it. i .liiinme ail lujufi- MM He lu l I v u jmiOIOUS,