THURSDAY, JANUARY 16. 1902 OUR SHOE SALE CONTINUES In full tilat ami will .-.mi Mom until Hii our atooa it. (rout Don'i miss till ctianre to buy your fixtt wntr at a big ml ii. "i ion TCve ryUilutf jro. Gasoline Lamps i SOLD ON i5 niort aio No oil I i t init light Ht 11 () iii oper than a Ulii) i coal ami ten mora Owl Tea Hotsse mora at the normal nchool chap1 on lB 23d Inst. Mr and Mrs. Cllno and Mrs. Hasoy. Of RflllS, nrr viwlilnK Montis In Wei ton. Mr o W. Proebetal, wife of s.'iv ItOI PltMbtttl, has rf!turned from Wnlla Walla, where she has heeti under treatment in the hospital for several weeks at that plaee. She Is mttOt) Improved and hopes to he out In a short time. PFRSONAL MENTION CLEAVER BROS The Bool and Shoe Men WESTON CORRESPONDENT. Whitman Teacher Gave a Lecture to Normal Students. Weston. Jan 16 Professor W I) Lyman, of Whitman College, Walla Walla. gave his lecture. "The Growth of the Idea of Union In the United States" at the normal school chape! last evening The speaker advanced the thought that the Idea of union, as It Is now held hy the American peo ple. Is no: the product uf tic thought of any one period In our history. Hut that It began with th- early colo nists and has advanced with the de velopment of the nation, ami that the future alone can tell where it will end. The le turc wan well received hy a large audience. The Violet Lodge of the Ih-grei of Honor iiiHtulled officers for the com 1ng year last night The; are a fol lows Hast chief of honor. Mrs Jen nie Jamleson: ehlef of honor Mrs Mollis Iteathe. lady of honor. Mrs. Lew Preston, chief of ceremonies. Mrs. Henr Stumper, recorder. P. T. Harbour, financier t! W Proebstel: reeetver. Charles Taylor, usher. Mrs. Marv N. Ison ; Inside watch Henry Morgan oittshh watch F. H Deathe. After the installation a supper was served to the member of the order and their guests I'rolesso' S S Humell n i elebrat Ht elocutionist from Chicago, with rm cianght' i will give an entertain J W. MALONEY. ASSISTANT Of for ii and coflcea Pendleton Savings Bank Elected ficers on Wednesday Wi dnesday the aunual meeting the election of officers for the I dleton Havings Hank was neld ami the old ofleers were all re-eK-etl to their respective places, with the ad dition of J W, Malouey as assistant ashler The officers arc as follows: W J Furnish president; J N Teal, vice president T J Morris, cashier; J W Malonev assistant cashier ill rectors. J. tS' Teal Portland: K. Iloettehei Chicago; Joe Hasler Pen dleton; K. P. Marshall Pendleton R. Alexander. Pendleton. Charltw H. Carter Pendleton; W. J Furnish. Pendleton The bank Is in excellent condition having deposits in the neighborhood of $760,000. CONCORD NOT SOLD Mm Ktta Degrow is In town from Westou. Attorney C. H. Carter has gone to Pilot Rock on business. W F Johnson nnd wife, of Walla WhIIii are nt Hotel Pendleton I It Means, W R. Parker and A. J. Harp arc registered at the Golden Rule hotel from Umatilla Jake Platter, of Puyallup, Wash , Is here on a brief business visit. Mr. Platter formerly lived here. Mr. and Mrs T. C. Taylor and Mr nnd Mrs Leon Cohen went to Port land this morning for a brief visit. Johnnie Albeit a prominent stook man of Walla Walla county nnd for nierlv In business In Walla Walla. Is In town. Miss Elizabeth Matlock, of Hepp nei hi the guest of her cousins Mrs T W. Avers. Jr. and Mrs K. A Vaughan. Arthur Heufert. who has spent aev era! days with friends In the city, will leave this evening for his home In The Dalles l)eint Sheriff 0, P Davis has re turned from his trip to Hot l.ake and Is confined at home with rheumatism and a threatened attack of fever. H F Connor, of the legal fir-part nient of the O. R. N.. Is here for a day or two. He came for a brief ie suite from his professional labors In Pendleton . Mrs Smith who has been visiting her daughters Mesdames Rose Camp bull ami Joe Parkcs. and Miss Myrtle Smith, leaves this evening for her home In lone. Otto Turner and A Kunkle left this morning for Kcho to spend a few hours duck shooting Ducks arc said to be very plentiful along the Tims tills river a few miles below here C. P. Davis has returned from Hot Iake. Union county, and Is confined to his bed with sickness. He hBS been troubled with rheumatism and now has sonic fever. Mr Davis Is quite III. Miss Nellie and Frank Mardmau who have been attending Ht Joseph's a adem have been called to th'li honn In Waltshurg In respon to word that their sister. Mrs. O Q Hrund. was tint expected to live Charles A. Chapman has received the news oi tin death of his Rather, J 0. Chapman, at his home in Jas uai county. Iowa Mr Chapman was In his stith year Charles visited hlBI several months ago ami hit- father was then In feeble health lis-, Kwltler Is the guest of Miss Mabh Nye In this city She ex pects her mother. Mrs. J. D. Hwltz ler. up from their home on (he Co lumbia river In a few days, when they will leave to spend the rest of the winter with relatives In Missouri Seth W. Mai ey from Jasper coun ty. Iowa. Is In Pe.-dleton. Mr Ma cy Just before he left Iowa sold his INHMM farm at $80 an acre there being a eoul i xcitement then- about that time. He Is In Oregon Inok'nt over the country Mr Mary W a breeder of fine cattle horses ami !":- He ma transfer ho energies and interest to tub xectlui, A $5.00 Shoe for $3.50 We are leUing uumi I 8 Hiiuoh for Stf.fiO. These an exoepUoualUv good bargain If iittf' and children' MOW bslow cot I Wb invite your inspection. PENDLETON SHOE COMPANY ii5 Main Street, IV-ihIIi-uhi, OftXOO. DEAL SOON WILL BE FINALLY CONSUMMATED. Previous Figures Published Else uuhirr art- Not Correct as to Amount held by Stockholders. With reference to the story In elt eolation that the Concord mills 1 Lawton. had been sold, and that Pen Alston men got $4H).oim out Of deal. James A Howard, who tl 0M of the principal stockholders In the property, said to lay to the Fist Oic goulan: "A deal Is on foot for the sale or the Concord mine by the Concord Mining Co.. but It has not yet DM0 consummated. The price that has he, i, offered to the company Is an tlrelv satisfactory to the holders, but the story that It has been sold is erroneous, although it Is expected that the deal will be closed In a few days Most of the stock In the BUM Is owned b Pendleton men but tin list of the stock holders that has been published Is not correct, neither as to names not respecting the num DOT of shares held by each one. Un til the deal Is entirely cleared op, no t'nrt tier Information can be alv en out." EASTERN OREGON PHYSICIANS AND SURGFONS Met in Pendleton Today Permanent Organization Was Effected. The Kastern Oregon District Mnll cal Society Is now In session In the rooms of the Pendleton Commercial Association In this city The meet lug was called to order, as announc e,. hv the president oi the tocttt) Dr J L. Miller, of Pendleton after which Mayor T. O llaltey delivered the welcome address, which was very able and will go a long ways toward making the visiting physicians feel at home while here. Dr Gillespie of Portland, then read a paper on tin cure of the morphine habit, which was followed hy discussion of the subject from Drs House, of Pendle ton. and Beat, of Weston. Colonel Rale also discussed It from n legal standpoint. Then the physicians repaired to Hotel Pendleton, where the had luncheon, and again went back to the club rooms, where the rest of the afternoon was put In in electing of fleers and discussion as to the plm c of the next meeting, which will piob ably be held at Hot like next sum nier. Meeting are to be held every sl months. Poltowiim arc the name of the of fleers ami their respective restden ces: Dr Mny. linker City president; Dr. Cob.1. Pendleton first vice-president; Dr. Tape Hot Lake second n -c-prcsldent ; Dr. Henderson Ten dleton. secretary and treasurer. Tin- name of the physicians in ai tendance at the meeting are: J. A. Rest. W"ston; H. E. Curry, linker City W .1 May Raker City; M K Hall La (Jrunde: Q, W Tap. Hot Lake; E. U. MeDanlel Raker City; William House Pendleton. W. G. i Cole. Pendleton I Grlswold. Helix: J. H. Thompson. Lostim M M Did llebrandt. Milton: It. L Gillespie. Portland; C J. Smith Pendleton; J. I Miller Pendleton T M Hendei son. Pendleton; F W Vincent. Pen dh ton. R. C. Rlngo Helix D .1 He Faul Pendleton; Campbell Pendle ton Dr- M. following delegates present with pro per credentials Mrs Minnie Still man. ol Daphne Circle No ". Pendle ton; James 8nlpeB, of Cedar Circle, No. 8. of The Dalles. Mrs Nellie Barnard of Willow circle. No. o. of l.-.,uall lr, I . O s. oi AtneiiH Circle, No. io. of Aihonsi a. a ,,,,n.rt nt lt Hood ConiP No. 1 The DOltea; l .1 Kirk. Of Tiimii lum Camp, No. fi76. of Milton; J. W. the. Adams, of Attn mi Camp. No. ll. oi Athena A D. Stlllinan, ol Pendleton Cnm). No II. I'endieton; wiiimm llnrnard of Fedora Circle 146. James Snipes. Of The lhille. and .Mrs I. L. Glllls. of Athena, were made temporary president anil secre lorj and then permanent for this roiiNcntlon. Neighbors A D Stlllmnn. Mrs C. C. Van Orsdall and J. M Adams were appointed on order of business Courtesies were extended to Mrs. C C Van Orsdall temporary prcHl dent and J. P. Walker temporary secretary, giving them voice In the convention. Hedges amounting to nearl loon members was given by those present. and by letters from the various camps nnd circle of district "11 More Wireless Telegraphy. New York. Jan. Pi. Through wire less telegraph system the Knlsei Wlllielni Der OroaM, .lust arrived, wn for half the trip eastward nnd n hirge part of the westward voyage. in almoel constant commnttlcatlon with other vessels or the shore. The ship was pructlcallv n llnatlug tele ITtptl offiOO ("aptaln D Homeninnn said: "It was the most complete test of the Marconi system we ever hnd " f ffffff Nff j One line of Ladies Shoes sold .it J13. 51 ' pan anil lite alu at that pru 1 ,'Wc arc closini; nut ai 2.19 5 I Botter mm then todur Peoples Warehouse PfMtflttor. OUR GREAT CLEARANcil . . ..tth, wnuiut inroujrh January And as heretofore you will find our nlTTT" m pt-titors We are in a position to give Mpct ,r,n,9r, money-SO KEEP THIS IN MIND when v we will Rive a lew prices, hut everything ! a3 2H yanls tlliicrham. fast colon. p 'if yards Outing- Flannel 11 20 yards Onwh TowelinK 1.00 14 yards t food Hhlrtlng i n afi yards llleacbeil Muslin im 10 yorda Bettor Hlcmched llualin .'. 1M Pin SlIMttali 81 inches wide, per yard nr a! Kemnants all gprmdof at HALF PRICE c B'g lot Very truiy, omeKlKe, ST. JOE STORF A oTiin: I3vll . 'BFHSsr v Inf i rv 1 simF. y ' a rtmn.. AW: sW .v.U-" BF 11 .'h"" iJ i rat .. 1... -ii- .1 -am nusti.-s oi :1 k. " 3 " pw designs ui ""wwioi in all Hm, as an kept in an Up to Date, First Class Furniture Stoic The largml Btm k ttoiii whu h to select and all at prices dof competition Undertaking ptrlon in connection I M. A. RADER. t Main and VNehl. Streets Ivndleton, Otn Bk. AIRT1QHT HEATEI I have a full line of the celebrated COLE'S AIR-TIGHT Wihxl and coal itOVfM guaranteed to le absolutely air tight. None of (lie heal in wanted and the itOVfl will wave ONE-HALF of your fuel bill. I aK have lull line of cast cook tove ami steel rant Prices are the lowest, quality conudertd T. C. TAYI OR, the Hardware 741 Msin street, Pendh ton. OfWIOti I Jy' ml TSaal Ts U'SBSP PEDIG0MARRI8 Prominent Walla Walla Lawyer Wedded in Pendleton At the parlors of the Hotel Pendle ton Wednesday at 2:.tU p nr. John H !'ellKo. of Walla Wallu and Miss Clura A Karris of Halt 1-ake were married Mr. I'edliro is one of the leadlna attorneyti of Walla Walla and 1 was deputy prosecuting attorney of Walla Walla county for one liin He catue over from home ami here t met his fiancee who had com,- ,,111 from Halt Ijike where they were married llev John t'ren of the Thompson Street Methodist church lici formed the cerenion Smith -Johnson. Uev Urun this mornlna at 10 o'clock at the parlors of the s; OeorKe Holet. united in msmiaKc Thomas O. Smith and Mrs BtU Johnson The groom Is one of the extensive stock men llviuK three miles west of Echo, when he has re sided for many years and Is well known and stands high in the com Unity, while the bride is a renldent of Dayton. Wash., and was an old school mate of the groom Thev will leave tomorrow morning for their 1 uomc on the ranch near Echo w Habh and Mrs Johnson lai,.r of Smith wen the witnesses Big Clearance Sale books for almost nothing Sale hi Jan. 10th to Feb. If you want a book ol anv kind or description i.onn and look at stock and yet lienclit of our low rr , H M r 'oupioaur This f rasl VsfMa Ml MANHOOD RESTORED mmmMmmm ulv u.irr, i.iHriii-rirLu.iioiHi iuoui rrvurli D)iyuelj&n. will anlckly euro vou aaSr JJa jiv.,ni-e, . .....,, M.. i .... i . .0.., u.i lutuumia, SJ .J)M tXmwrj, kialiBUSllMu llralui rlfuwli Mil omllimlllia. Wm WW Ii 1 ' 1 I'-MOiliy Uy or i.lf im 1 r- . iluciunK- . wlilchltiioti-lteukwl VJ" i ' '"'ruiawrrljcsaaiMt ail I I - . . 1 nnotracy. ruslus:M:cltiiuiatUk IIvit, llio uklutjfiiJ Ui unuary orsMU ul Sit Uuiuiriilao. t'V PlttatHK UinuKinaau Sad isstoras small wmk orgiuid "if1 r ' f r"i--ioorsd by Doctor. Is arc troubled with freiuilia, OUMIil-iM-. t t n .v knoviii ti.curo wiui.ut n oiriiuu. UMju i.-.iUiii.. .Uh. A wrlllea ssraalsuKlvra aii'i luowgr reuiruvl If S wiwdwuugi a iwrutauaut tiu ILOOs buM r SUA Mima ioi. nfcuiimt t o., k: o. Sku an, m ! : pvtm fvrsw..7,J;faWT. i'knjii.ftvw, onrert LOG-ROLLING CONVENTION Preparations Being Made Today by the Delegates of District "B." To prepare for the Woodmen log oiling next prlea del, HkUi from ilistiicl "If wen culled to order at 10 o'clock litis morning at I. O. O f hall, hy Mrs. (V 0, Van Ortdsll, Miami guardian of the Women of Wood craft, the temporary chairman elect cil at the convention held aM month 1 Maker City J. p. Walker is lei,, pnrary secretary, ami (! A Martin u temporary treasurer. Upon being called to order, a con, mittee on erodootitla as appolntad consisting of the following delegate J W Adams, of Athena camp; D I Klrk. of Milton and Mrs , 1. (jD of Ateeaa etrele Thay . reported the TALLMAN & GO. THE LtADING DRU00ISTS. Vou get What you buy from us. ww ! Another Carload of Sewing Machines Nothing sn usetiil or ornamental for a Christmas Preaont a nice HeSfilH M.i Ohiai The famous Rotary White Standard and a mm m, ' st f lAf KAiea v. iiiAe rrmi I Til inr sr m mr w m v m mm m m m bib 11 1 ar a a 1 Others from $20 to $30. Big Discount for Cash until January l'lltl IXaavak a,- . I C.IL rilftaiD msi urn ui v ,ti iitris. Ulfb. L-iiCt auu vJ.i u . . . t il a ra ill I'lt illlV rr'M Trin I t I I i r 1 1(11 I ,1 7 I s J VIIH..I ' and matting at cost. JESS THE CARPET MAN. UKJ Stock ol WOOD, COAL, SAND & BRICK. ... do.. rucking & Transferring. Laatz Bros. aS a mM mm aannn i:n ammmwm iimnni curry the largest and bail Una fjf Wood ( !ho'iier8' uihl Lunibi rmen'i Suppliaa In the oity. OonajfttitM Axaa, Weffgat, Bledget, Oroai W BJld On,.. nm Suwt- Call wd fl' ttiiiiiif our line and uel our price iehrc purohnsinj HANSFORD & THOMPSON, The Landing Hardware man-