East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 16, 1902, Image 5

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    Corset SaleTO
75 Corsets, good styles, black
and drab, worth 75c to close at
Celebrated J. B. Corset $1.25, 1.50
and $2 grades to close at. each
p. D. Corsets, $2.50 to $3.50, to
close at
Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
Retiring from business.
has Mined a name for bellgerency of!
late throughout the Pacific North
-.. Cloav
m A Howard. Farm loans
Hrtdfcy Howard Ore lnauranee.
float candy in the city. Duttons
,r..m rnocunneit
m ! n hat in Oregon
Broi DD tiooaa v,u.
W tooth pl H". r. . a luHKa iu'vh
iiir toys, games Nolf'a.
Ti Jollv C'lut will give another
...... t itii.c'iiL t in i i i es rr
f ttfir prni.ni
L. .lh.
Biwriteti crop paper, lie. rine
OWliu mupli anti mini cmui,
i. i nminit Nolf's
b(l eKKh auurantt ed absolutely
I. 29 cents iw r tHir..'ii, i n-
lOrorerv (curt street.
ule lour registered stallions.
Hnr IH1 oroOO mares, puces
Inquire (.r C H Wade. Pcndle
ale 1M acres of tine wheat
Ik A . I m "arnitj V 'I IU
ikUnn i to ult purchaser Jam
meftii u Journal wants a rep-
ooBruiM-'H hi rast
Tork City
ult- an Ideal sheep riinch of
ims. 15 pet acre :alo MM
wei. I. tin iter head Kaay
C T Wade
Cutnmi.. an Indian hat. DSN
of uiD and saddle from Wll
snur. 1 1,. nave notn iiwn
om to thi uiHtr let court
I Laura A Smith grand lady of
of tin Degree of Honor, (roui
vuj. win vikii n iiuieion ar
January IxUi. to meet the
Nqmrited to DC present at their
htunlay tuning By request
I Martin ia nml-.iug prices on high
r ... " i ui.u . ' i .r.
HI line of fancy groceries la
am and Includea all the bat
of pickle i anned eo-jds
' i4i.il lain 7 w i T" i -
"tiers If you want good cof
atruo has the old government
" Mocha and lava
Wood outing flannel. 28 yards fl.00.
C'leav. i Brat I'ry (looda Co.
Fur sale all kiuda of real eatate.
loth town ami country E .T. Wade
Hoys DYeTOlla, made of blue dent
ins, lag pair Cleaver Broa. Dry
Goods Co.
Musllu ami outing flannel night
mow iih. Hftc each. Cleaver Broa. Dry
(SooiIh Co.
lunch egg. Kuarunteed absolutely
fresh 26 cent per dozen at the Stan
arrd Grocery, Court street.
Th Pacific Wave, the official publi
cation of the t'nlveralty of Washing
ton at Seattle, gives the name of
Kolam! N. Oliver, a Pendleton boy.
who is attending the university,
among Its eorp of editors, as ex
change editor
A special convention of Damon
Lodge No. 4. K. of P.. will be held In
castle hall Thursday evening, the Ifith
Inst., at 7: :i0 o'clock for the pur
pose of completing arrangements for
the district convention. All members
that will participate In tin contest
nre requested to M present
. a .
PVT. rvanirac
" "a-r T V i miyja-rf
At Athena on February 6 and 7
Good Attendance Desired
' The dates trti the annual county
Sunday school convention are Feb
ruary t and 7 and the place Is Ath
na. Umatilla county was the bonnei
. county in Oregon In the number of
dclrttatch in attendance at the last
1 annual county convention and the
' program was not excelled by any
other county in the state This year
1 It Is expected that our Sunday school
'convention will exceed all previous
I ones in attendance and Interest. An
i'xi client program Is being prepared
to im participated In by the leading
SundiiN ac&ool workers In the county.
I as weil as by tin field worker of the
state association C A. Dotson
Bvcr) Sunday school teacher and of
ficer should make sure of being lu
' attendance at this convention. The
program will Im. published soon Each
Sunday school should appoiut dele-gat'-t.
at once to attend The time of
' year chosen foi the convention Is
: such as to Insure the largest possible
i attendance
J. Clark & Co
211 Court Street.
Walla Walla Bank Elections
Walla Walla. Jan. 1 At the an
uual meeting of the stockholders of
the First National Bank or this city,
the following officers were elected:
President. Levi Ankeny ; vlce-preel-dent
Allen H Keynolda; cashier. A.
It Burford; directors. Levi Ankeny
W. F Winans T K Kastman. J H
Foster A. H Reynolds, and W M
I. add of Portland
The stockholders ot Ho BtkM
Mover National Man s al- elected of
ficers as follows: President. MUjM
0, Moore; vice president. T C EUl
ott; cashier. H H Turner; assistant
I Lt. u i.' i.iiiii.nn directors.
ensioei. ii. - .
Miles C Mooie W W Maker. T C
Btiii.in hi.. i J M Hill The only
bauge was made in the poaltlou
. ashler H. H Turner succeedliiK
Warring Factions of City Council
Anxious to Get Together Now no
Doubt That There Will Be Some
Sort of a Compromise Arranged,
Whereby the Machinery of Munici
pal Government Will Soon Be in
Operation Again.
That a compromise will be effected
batw the two factlona of the city
government, and the troubles of the
past few days will be ended very
soon. Is assured There la a feeling
of less hostility, and a disposition on
the part of all to compromise. The
East Orcgonlau was thus assured to
day. The assurance came from rep
resentatives of both factions, who
are not slow to take up the sugges
tion of the compromise.
It is the general opinion that, un
der the circumstances, a compromise
Is honorable for all concerned. Usu
ally, such a suggestion would be
spurned, and ' fight to the last ditch"
would be the slogan. But. it la argu
ed that the present troubles arose
ironi misunderstanding. that good
men were holding different opinions
as to right, that there was sincerity
on both sides: that the mlsundcr
standing caused temporary ill feel
Ing; that continuance of the 111 feel
Ing would work Irreparable injury to
Pendleton, that It was the duty of
Hi. officials to settle the dispute In
some manner by each side yielding:
and. as the crux of the whole ques
tion, the yielding is practically
ll aad to by both parties to the con
t n iv cray
On what terms the compromise
would be. there was no decision at
first. Hut expressions of confidence
In the desire of all to do what la for
the best are heard rrom many who
have been o bitterly arrayed during
the past lew days, and these pre-1
saged the coming settlement
No Meeting Good Thing.
It was conceded that the fact that
no meeting was held was a good
thing If the Hcssirfh expected on
Wednesday evening I, a. I been held,
there would inevitably have been
some sharp passages, and the situ
ation would have been more strain
ed. Botllu ol the members. Indeed
oil both sides of the dispute, thought
it might have been better had the
word liei-n sent officially .but unoffi
cial word came, and it was quite gen
rally known that the llg tight look
ed tor would not transpire
All In all. the situation today la
ran an eaily ending of the troubles.
Some plan will be at ranged, and soon
the city council will lie doing bust
ness nt tin old stand as of yore, with
no red banners ol vvai waving above
t lie chairs of the local legislators
Box Office Receipts Very Heavy for
the Promised Session, But Money
Was Given Back at the Door Only
Three Councilmen Appeared With
Mayor and Five Absent.
Hoys, you may get youi money
back at tin- dooi ' j.M ulaiiy remarked
i niiiiiluian liartmau to the crowd
that had waited tot half an hour last
. vening exiM'ctlng to witness dramatic
mm when the city dads assembled
to DaMMM (he business of the inu
ulclallty'. The "standing room only'
sign had been banging out since 7:30
o'clock, i n many persons desired to
nee what Wollld COIIK 1 1 om lie uiiaup
between the fighting
common council and
0, A liartmau, E
and Edwin Switzler
wen preaent City
Cartel was present,
was present as one
Hut the
Two Ladies Suataln Injuries From
an Accldant.
When coming from the cemetery
Thursday, where they had driven to
attend the burial of Willis Thogap
Ron. Mrs. T. J. Morris and Mrs M A
; Thompson were thrown from their
j buggy and sustained a very severe
' shaking up. besides some slight
bruises. They were driving along In
a lively gait and ran over a stake,
which had been set in the rround
and was Just high enough to catch
the front axle of the vehicle. Thev
did not see the stake and when the
axle struck It the horse broke loose
uid the sudden stopping ol the buggy
threw the occupants out on the
Igiound with the above result.
Alleged Thief in Jail Ben
Miaaed His Weapon.
A man was arrested by Maishal
to a telegram from Hen Marltn. of
A- - - 11 W ,, rt
II) ,1 , . i I . I .1 1 1 1 I I I Til DVI HWUHi W I
Meacham. saying that a wincnesier
shot gun had been stolen from him
and the thief had come this way. As
soon as he received the message,
Hcathman went to Joe Basler's furnl
tute store and found that only a few
moments before a man answering
the description ot the fellow taking
the gun at Meacham. had sold a shot
uun to Mr Maslei He then went lo
the "Last Chance" saloon and found
the fellow who was arrested and
placed In Jail to await developments.
Statistics by Pails medical author
It lea show that since the first appll
cation of Paateur's anti-rabies treat
ment. I6,lfiR persons bitten by mad
dogs have been treated at the Pas
' tcur Institute and out or these all
I hut 107 recovered. Thua In sixteen I
years in Paris alone more than 2,- j
iiuii have been saved by Paateur's dla-
covery. A monument to Pasteur la '
to be erected In a few months on the j
Spnare de la Sorbonne.
The most effective skin purifying and
beautifying viap in tlm world, aa wull a
pumst an I Hwiwtt for toilet, hath, and
nursery It striken 'it thu caiuv of bad
complasianSi red, rough ban. In, falling
hair, and baby blemishes, rts,, the dogged,
Irritated, Inflamed, overworked, or slug
gish Poaaa.
SoM lhrouti.t lh .ota rufraa U i.oC OF,
tmv. Botol, U.. k. U... Bmuiul Cn.8lw.iNJ
Our hot Chocolate, Clam Bouillon, bee! lea
v'i;jra! TobaSCO Flip, Tomato Bouillon, etc.
Thaj are always hot. We know how to
ak delicious "Hot Drinks" and our pro e
very reasonable -only 5, ct-nta a cup
P Steps from Main Street Toward the Court House
members of
the mayor.
J Sum in 1 v ii l
of the council.
Attorney C. H.
A. U. Htilluiau
ol Deathman h
John W Heathman was
John K Meam waa present,
may 01 and H. F. Johnson, F
M Clopton T H. Wells. J It. Dickson
and C A Fia.ier were abaent The
Deathman people said that Mr. Era-
n t nth aci minted for. and would ap
IHJar 111 tile event the meeting were
called to older
The tip had gooa ui the alteiuoon
that than would be no meeting, aud
vet tin three eouucllmeo who came
to the ehainbet waited apparently ex
pert ing that the others would put In
an apiiearam e
The waiting was occaaiou for gd
Matured chaining by those who stood
by and wondered why the recreant
city dads had remained away when
their absence disappointed the spec
lators who had OBfJM with the exissc
tatiou of witnessing something re
sembling a thunder storm and a light
mug display and a naval battle and a
San Juan charge all In one grand en
Various were tin- comments
was the man wlm alwavs ee
in even thing lo- cannot
Thorn was I he mall
scored 1 "ere wa.
it tin four
You will
make money
By calling on the
New Lumbermen
before purchasing that
bill of lumber
New ibadl K"i."iK UP
New llO. k i oniing io
At the new retail lumber arl
Cray's Harbor Coimneriial Co
opposite the W C l depot
Frazer Opera House
Oeo I,. Baker, Lease and NOBafOt, Js B Welch, local Manager
Thursday January 16th, 1902,
Massive Production of the Greatest Russian Melodrama Yet
written An elaborate scenic equipment
Prices 25c, 50c, jrjJC and Ai o
sen sale at Kraiers
To make good bread use Myers' M'St Klour It t -k first
premium at the Chicago world's Fair over all competi
tion, ami gives excellent at isfaclion wherever used.
Kverv sack is guaranteed. We have the beat Steam
Rolled Bailey, Heed Rye am1. Heard le Harley.
W. s. BYEBSk Proertetor
Thorne Type Setter
For Sale!
W. J Sfc.WF.LL,
a "Job"
nndi 1 stand
bo lliouxl"
soli. oie bad got
ti.t. ii..,. IsliU UOll(l'M'ti
i .L-Juui ii mail iiihii had Kidnaped the
absent Healliuian supporter
.hi. tub Klillman ouly
said that he would be furthcoming the
moment lie was neeneu.
hi. natuie could uui
and soon the waoioa was
the crowd ruaning om iu
and scattering to ujsu
while the three coiin
for Gentle ok n
who h.-1 1 aii
MachlliO is in Kd COadilioO. requires only OM quarter kwiM
' power to run it and with il one per son can act from io.ooo to 15,1
1 ems. brevier 111 tight hours
With the machine there is tin.- neceasary pulleys and shafting- ai
700 to 800 pounds brevier type, H point
Machine will be sold for I S" t " b. gt Feudlelou.
bast Oregonian. Pendleton Or.
but at
smiled aud
the strain
relieved by
to the 0000 an
lariuus homes
aland HtNDUrioS
ai4 by JOMM OUUM1I1
The Louvre Saloon
,-aied ready for
ii....... u in. na. a 1 p.
oil"" - -- . .. A. .....I
that might o- eui uiau swr
the si ai" ot battle 10
attended a meeting 01
ontmou i-ouoHl which
uiiv tray
ed without
thai they had
th Peudb'tou
Farmers Custom Mill
Pro Waters, ProgrtoUr.
Cavartiy 'K' "
rioui saeaaaaad tar wbasi
flu r. ai" " ' ei,t4 ra. Ma.,ajsi
mm saad
Copvni&MTa o
aaroaaaaoaing a aja aac.i.. . u.i
ualc-kir wvffiiin "tir i.i.u.h.u rrw liia.r .n
lufauliuii 1. proli.tlr '" .labia - n.uiui
U..mu6Jf Cbalai.llal llablb-.
aaul fraa OM..l ki . !" aawilua ValM.I.
P.I fill laa.li itn uali Mblib a I " racal..
wlis-.ul t-iar. ui iua
m ,fiaf aiai
SckMMc American.
a haodaeniair illualraiad asafclf Ukwi ai
. u laliufi ..t ai.r . laul iSc tuuruaJ Inn.. Ma
u! loaf twiinut 1. Sold Ira, - - - laalar.
VIS, Waib
Notary and
M.fiO to $ft Hclivcrc4
Unler of us ami moMy.
(rdra for Hobtssr Htmsapa
ala S"llitd
fha Cast Oragonlan la tatUrs Oca
...... KuiiMiiUiKi papar. II l
and tha BaMgia appraclata It anJ
il by thatr lioaral patronaga. It lo
advertising maafluro of this aaatiaw.