MMMMMMMMMHMMIMMMMMMMmMt Great Slaughter of Prices Winter Goods Must be Closed Out. V art putting out ill inn suits and ovenouts, at a big rv dtlCtion ilrrmit this sal Ynu will ti tut nur net pfieSB fur below the prices el ot Ii ft s on the same ponds, notwithstanding the big aitCOUnil offered b) some The size of the discount does nut mean anything IB th purchaser; it is the net price thai determines whether an article is a bargain .ailiee YVatstl and Wrappers at a reduction. Ltd! I1 Capei an 1 Fare greatly reduce.! in price. FJsnntlettM ami French Flannels at cut price?. I amfoftl alfl at reduced pricen over p Wherei Whole Families can Trade I HE 4 THURSDAY .JANUARY Pi l'.i. A COMPROMISE That a onipronnae la probably to be th.- outcome of th mnn trou hie la welcomed by all gool rltt-frn- Compronilea are usually avobl,t nn-ri as n rale feeltnj: that Ikes must stand for tb' BriBetptea thes have espouse! atnl stand (or them through thick and thin lint with cir onistati' a such na now stir- room! th. bmhhV Ipetkj roatproartae la n esar lalMMtl Of 'h. town demand it Penilleton la at to, beginning of a period of advancement that will very north make her a town of double th. present famula'ton It the eltl tens work unitedly With uuiinitnlts and evoixratloii this place i an forge to the front faster than any town In th,- Inland ahaptpt A ti'l of Immigration sett- in doiii the cast People art- coming hither ti seel- home They tire looking for tetter loralltlei. In whleh to live and do business They will com dleton to I'matlll.t county find upoi cusiuil Malta h'i spirit ot unity prevail itut ii Bleeeattoe nrlete. it to Pen if t ! that a luarr.'la divide the town If faetlon l arrayed against faction If cllnties right 1 iquea it petty quarrels -ause nien teparatt Into sets of warring mem hers wh. oppose everything that others propose then will Pendleton bavi set the- seal of doom upon her luturt. During tn. paat few years there bat been fine progress Thin place baa traveled the road of prosperity am wherever Peinlle'on U known he Ik known for the fine spirit of agreem-nt anionic her prominent peo pie Indeed, ti baa been the enry of other towns that Pendleton people -ttn together whn pmjecta come forward for conalderation that prom laea rood to tin place Let not this he spoiled Let not Pendleton take her position with oth er towna that have bee: stopped from aoina alonit the path of pro gress because their .-Iticns who eon trol the various 1 1 net of lnflinnc. are divided Into warring parties who '.u.i,.,: iKre. upnij a course of action Let compromise be the watchword of the hour compromise honorable compromise for the good of the city, for the sake of the comma growth tnat it to make thia the leading city (4 the Inland Empire Heres to united Pendleton: to a Peudleton that worka together; to a Pendleton in which her leading men sink personalities and end personal dtflcreirei. UNEQUAL TAXATION Two Instances of unequal taxation come to the notice of the East Ore gonlaD this week ,-aeh one of which illuatratea how unjustly are the bur dens of government home On.- in local to Oregon, one to Colorado, but applies with equal force to each atate . Colorado has BB0B looking up the imposition of taxes and finds that arains (Wore the Block is pu ked FAI l I I I I H I I I I I I I I I I I ! some people have been escaping al mi. 'st all the itaynient they should have made In n report ol a com mission appointed to make Inquiry, appears this The taxation of mines and mlii me property is a fare. aoterttbetead- ing that a large part of them are owned by non resident: The value of the gold and silver mines In Colo ,ad Is more than the entire assess ed value of all taxable property of I Bt state, y.-t whll. on. mine laat Hold foi llu.nOO.faW all of the gold and silver milling properties In the atate were onl assessed at IS. 101,117 for tin- year of ItBB, and Col orndo the principal mining 01 th. t'nlon' The sane principle bad and un just finds application In Oregon Man the mines nt Maker county, tor instance taxed as heavily aa they should b. th.-n the local iaxall proper!) that eooatj would lie In I . teased Immensely, ir half t trie re I aardtai lae aerelopMt nt in Ufa re flOO that is told ii. th epuien Mines, however, are not all tiiat do not pay as much as they should Railroad lite-a runtime through this an assessed this year exactly x.ltiJH, lor thett emir. roodaeOji Probably Um relae, Beeordhnj to i OHt. is "o.OO IMS! I nner tin- pr.s nt system of tax atiou. this ouHtltutea an lajBttloe Ite othei classes of rfroperty that are i ompelled to pay proportionately very much more than they should I These railroad Hues are owned in New York. There is absolutely 00 local financial Interest In them All I't.itltb accruing fron operation go to Wall street Only salaries paid to employes teniain In imrt of the (country Why should peopl. here dl. upon themselves the burden of j blKher taxation in order that aoBM magnates in the east shall heap up greater fortunes? Why should not equitable rates of taxation be hapea ed upon them? CURRENT COMMENT Sueaklug ol federal ofm-e holders m the south, commonly called "cai POt hafjBOra.'' Horace Oreely once ex pressed himself sonu-what aa lul Iowa: 'They ate wry diligent In praMus hM ihey apell pray with an I prey." Frederick !ouglaa one. paid Ab raham Lincoln the following tribute "Mr Lincoln M the only white man into whose presence I was ever ush ered who did not mal.e me feel that 1 was a negro " Mark Twain was on,,- to lecture lor a lyeeuni Hub In a country town, and before leaving the ante room, he particularly requested the preaUleut of the club not to introduce him to the audience, and that functional gave hia aaperteaee as tollnwa: When we reached the stage I begau to fear, after a while, thai be eouU never introduce himself. Hut he at last arose and taking a semi-circular sweep to the left, opeued some thing like this I aiita and Qentlt men, 1 have lectured many years and in mauy towns great and small. I have traveled north, south, east and west. I have met many great men. very great men But I have never yet in all my travels met the president of a country lyceum who could Introduce, me to an audience with that distinguished considera tion which my meiitj deserve. Af ter this deliverance, the house which' had stared at me for several minutes with vexed Impatience for not press Ing the button, was convulsed at my expense and gave him unremitting attention to the end of his lecture un R "Our Fellow Savages, the Sandwich Islanders." In which he proposed to Illustrate cBtiahallam iy aetJot 1 liaby. If some woman in the house would hand him B01 own i Western whisky, says an eastern newspaper, must b BHMle to enduic either a prohibition oa&ipalgfl Of an assault by CarHa Nation The Rail Review tells of n fire disco. ered in a box car neat the middle ol a "eight train on the Dearer Rle tlrande aalHray while paaeiaj thronph Col-1 uado Springs .lust after It had been cut out ol 100 Mia. a tMlOMUd ous explosion vrrerkOd Uw eai d stroylng all the contenta except , three barrels of wblskv The cat was loaded with BerekaadtW and four kegs nt dynamite A PeadlOtOtl new spa1"': nil, slues : I on the recent upheaval in that town lea follows "Pendleton will earn profited by the Investigation Cm dldates for office will come before the people with platforms more In keeping with the Idea! The most serious trouble with this beaotlllr theoiy seems to lie tint' enndnlates since time loineeiotial aart" ' I oniltm before tin people with plat lOrnis so nearly In keeping Witt tin ideal as to cause n stioui: suspii lot tiiat the millenlum was ( i -: i : in the at: in this louoedlati nalgbhor hood. And then It has been different I In the momina A writer In the Louisville Cmtrlfl Jaeraal plvee Ike folio wlno soma hat eseJUai esperloaee ot a., oil . oatpaa) Which while drilling fOI nil In BOetbera California, tapped what at first nppeared to he a nttabertng ' volcano Th.' sbM'plnK Blant Imm ti lately awoke when the drill dropped into his Mer ties' ate' t. s'l Indeed startling to the drillers The drill had reached a depth i feet, and aa It was expected 'imi would be neeessaiN tn least rwlei that depth to tlml oil. tin work men w.-r. not looking toi a strlk. or any kind It required extreme activ ity on their part fag escape from the derrick when then came riishmi: up from the well a hissing, roarina stteeaa of steam gas hot mud and brackish water The volcanic sun Itaace shot several hundred 'ret Into tin ah and tell in a destructive howei about the derrlel The dill Mug tools were ihreera frota the bole Ing torrent continued to tush sky was rnuldly nalarsei as Ufa real Ing torrent coathMI 1 to rush sky. ward ' 1 Til. lollowtng lines rroili Hi. I" f of M m Baahford ahoold not In out ol place In the columns Of a western aewapaper They are aeatled "A Song ot the s "lein.nt 1 sing ii song o. th- westlniul. Though liow aha!! .i ong but lull To eeptere the bine heelaaej That wallow th. pralria tvnll" And how simii iie lefteti aad pbimm haavtaoa the laTaaiii ot itfa Thm Ktinw who travel the pralrb Who know tin aoai l!" strife The shout mt: alfhta whaa th, bliz zard Is reeling across the plain The la beat ot tlu w.-st wind At pla wltl th, itlcaniitig grain Th, aiah nt the i leapt aa graaelaail To the low huiiy golden moin. Tin- song ol the waving wneat tops Ahlaae witt' Tie- proa i ol atooa The low boats '.nit. oi (he hunn-r His Opee am! their warming gleaai Th, creep It: IliiHettSlneil Slleuc. The old log trait to the stream The sudden rap ot a title. Th, tall ef a startled nmoa, Th. daylong wait aud the eOOBlai Tb, songa in the old caboose The glim of snow through the sha lows. Th, echo ot shaiteued steel The crack of the falling tliubera The pop!ii - , ;, ,. ri.,. Th. ring of sleight mi tin 000M The gllmmet of llahta afar trail. The glow or the shanty firelight The gleam nf the evening .at.., Th,- wail of wolves In the darkness The ehlldrens song In the light The large sweet grip of daytime Th, awe of the great OOOp tilglf Hut how shall letters and paper Hrlng aught of Its lite ti, you The frultlesa toll ol the main The scant succeaa of th, few The hopes and fearr of Mo lts word to the sons ot Nay how should a volume inscribed with a BUBtOI Tutullla Jan. 14 prairie men. hold It pen? M atlS.aOOrora Presenptlon Tb isrfosi sum Tr paid i.,r prenpiigi, ehuitesl tnuJi :n San naailllll. Aug Si. HW Tb lrnfr lDVOlve.1 iu ueiti u, iu.-k teoousud was said b rri, ol uoeinee. mn loretiwcittc lue bti-at li.. , ui-bi. bltkriu loeurable UiaMMa. Tbey eomaMooad the Mrioiu Uie4liiiua of tk ipeeiac Not li, uM Thay luierelewed scorosof lhseure.1 sud tried u ojt on lu ior IU by pulling orer ture Joigi, ou loe lralioni sort wsii'hiug ti,eUi i..luy uo fol pkrlcUuu asaie lb Wis, irkuraLle uatea snd sdnlnuiored Ii with iLt pbrBtelaaa foi juig up to Aug as, eibi-evn oflbeUMt rase srr clilier well or lu Isvorsbly. er cent (rognt- Htrt being boi Iblrtsei. Mf MBl At fall... Ibe parlle were Miint saal cIuwhI tue ir.n ctloa. Ths proeeediog. of tb. ln,iliMln. ooaitud UM Chun-., ,.pf 0 ,h. t (wsm war publUbsd aud wV be mailed free uu (lllUOU J...I J ..lwj.CoM rsav. ui Meuuium.ry t , Fr.u. ,, . . J ra hli brmieht nermsnent cure. which mbt mothtrt of their hope Mint. You sre tiked to trv Wine of Csrdul sad Thedford Blsck-Oraught, Its coripsnirn medicine. Nine out of ten case of re nub trouble, barresv net included, yield to them. All drugglit sell 11.00 bottle of Win of Cental VsadSTTOOtt. Ark.. April s, 180. SSI Uv 1 nvl a uilonarrtses, whlak was followBd by floodlnf I raaO Umsn'a sad m bubanilot m a bottls of to of Cartful us It ' ''v' ''"K aad rratoroii my fslloa womb U IU plaos. Now I aB o in .i nit.- takniK thrs bottlw aad murntng I sui oi.-ctinf te ooc mv doctor Kor.i. -r,l ,rv, MfW4, i. i in ..)! II." ' attaneetf catarrh LOS I niiil I.I VI A I K Nothing but a ks nl r.' or change ul iftgkaai will cure CATARRH Ths Speein i l:iy'j C'edir Bdlu: It le t 1 1 . ' k t noorbe !. 'Axrf Kelte! at MMJ " 'n anil r'evtia..- i lie Nawl rauagee. A.lajr liidsiuuiatiun COLD (n HEAD sad put. i is too b t mi Ol fasts ami Huieb ,- b"m '. ,ur , Prusix or li) iiisii , ro S. V 1 1 ' 1 1 m So : fanillv tlse Kl Y ItK'l IIKKs W. . r S. Mail's D) spepsia Curt 'as lur.-r" th'S-.- cases and It III i ure s u J M (Jhuntl "I Sllllerasl foi l id I not u-. .! I would not ha tesdinoiiial " . m Iran i . He., a i -Hi y,t' and boiaeve Nun's DyNpepshi t'llle alive to wrile MM ? n.i an .'ik. Boon IdeJin says i Wflbred KM year-: found mat y r, Ikafj inn ao ooie eaaept yours." l hi sal by ls'lmso & Co . and all first class druggists, or send to Frank Nau, Portland hotel Pharmacy, fort land. Oregon Price $i a bottle or 6 bottles for is express prepaid. James A. Howard REAL ESTATE BROKEN. Court It. near First Mat. Bank Has Real Estate Sale See Here: ot acres ef cnoice wncat land, about t r, . m ... .....ww .. w. ivm, ui ream- ton. This le one of the finest Improv- sd farma In the county and hae oooO cnooi advanuoes. Will sell for caen or trad for equal value In unimproved land. Eight fine tela in Pendleton at I tot) each, on easy term. ttiO acroe of wheat lana south Pendleton. tUOU So acres choice fruit and oanden land near Milton. One-half of trad in bearing fruit tree 7 .rr.. 23 ares alfal fa. All proved. under Irrigation Finely trs 120 acre on McKay Creek. 20 acree a1 botton land under lrriBation balance yood wheat land. well ten proved. 860 acres good wheat land, in a body, four miles from PanOleton Urns half caen balance on time to suit pure .eer at Va per cent In ferae. THE p H French Resiaurant i'.(KV Uiwnc cosy Moons a Lighted and Stewin Heatetl Best 25 cent Meals n the City. EXTRAS Pruf lege hamer 1 1 and Oysters Olyuipia OPEN DAY aild I I I I 7 IVLw VOP. LAPXJN TAIN, Pr0( PlMllw W'. only 1 oeAte IB Oregon I an a week. y Carrier. Lonely Homes A homt b aavcr coinpltl without ctiildrsn. Yet mny homes srt chlldkM. Many wrvss sn dssolsU for ths Isck ef a child to ley. TKsb llvcs ar simlssi void ef ths high moUvas ef mothsrhood. Whlls barrsnacss U csmiag Incai rulabl ssdnsst sad lerrew, It exist In meet easts ea accouat of some little ftrasls trouble, which Wine of Csrdul weuld ipesdlly set rtfht. Thb purs Wine rsjulstcs ths dltordtrtd Isistsh orgsas by building up the worn out asrvas aad rtgutsUng th msastmsl flow. It restorse 0m fsflca womb to iU prspsr pises. By (trtngOV enlng ths gensratlvs eegsas, It makes prtf nsncy posttbl where bsfreaaes salsts. Ye can depend on WINEorCARDUI Saffcring women all over th land havt beta ospsndtag on H for seventy-fly years. Ne mors convincing proof can bs given than th testimosy of Mr. Benson, who I only oM of thoutsnd of women to whom Wmt of Csrdul Msnv cssu ot mlicsrrlses thst trouble hsve been svouled by timely ut ( Mm aaousr to take wales I got tale utotasr and wine or Carciul will bo Mr MABY L. BEN HON. ylTUNl ey ! : ' Iba toOaW AjTUurr MaiUela Ooaapnr. f'rtun'n Thu, LaFontaine & (iarrison Old Dutch Henry Feed Yard. favalrjf Rnnes for Sale. UEM OF itftl TAKEN OF, TB M OVfifl Ml, H I QIVE US A CALL QOINQ THROUGH iuiele lauiulry will go llirough POUT ell M h, two waahlngs worn out a- . .nii letely na If you had worn it a yea' We auvc ytiur shirt and save y ou aaaae We will aeud for your linen II roil -end ua youradtlreis,. THE INlMESTIC LAUNDRY i . . . BOhMBBB, rBBB. ' Pel ii Ileum REAL FSTATF feve CAT I? MlAItJOf ALt 4MI oere near Pendleton BO acres near Pendleton I acre near Peudleton. I 'Si ere. near Peudleton aciee near Pilot Hock acree acre acres acres acre acre acree wheat wheal wheat wheat wheat w lieut w heat land land htud I ho ion ;iau 1-0 iko ion Krom b laud laud land hutd H H uiilee fnun town Six New Houses Cheap. aa ew nouses cneap. rx, Berkeley BT mt REAL ESTATE WAN. ; HviUK Hank Hulldin;, Pendleton, Or BARGAIN S TRANSFER, TRUCKINGi BT OR AO E. CKOVYNER & BROS. -taaafHORs aaia l " ne Piace to is Sa. in "il 'Ml r"pet, Iiflrier I ; rem,,,., .. -moiii e. IUMr D ' "III Mil,,' l '"Teet ... 'W windows . i l Ulioru T CotU Pip, Pendleton PUoirtf I nmk... I i.uiu r FORSTER, LUMB snd ntha, LdU malarial :..i. Um, vrm"ii Plaster Brick, U 1 111 IS We base s large aon , MiWt . . f . - nt Oregon I A Itn 8t . onr. 4$ l ough Weather oa lway. come- In Jaawr. .al 1,, ll,..l .till IMM HILI Aiwata iin aaiiri aiieruf nrb-ei ml SratrUa ertfiRii brlu tbelr ve"ieiee a en ,,. , , r KAlllfAl l.,J.. t . I arm ttsterai ar M.a ran . I I nav I i i aav ' a S U iiiriitii i a- i vi p V L I l.S it ei n w - s i e 1 1 IV II NI IN CKNTlBOf nn it s a a - r- v cruEMDP I . . PVBBM You get Qood Beer. wi.uii vnu ii law f PLS ULL 1JUJ r 'Hli HO diasiDeaB Ask for Schultz rirew