East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 16, 1902, Image 2

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    Clearance Sale Men's and Boy's
Clothing, Furnishings and Hats
$ T.i'U Men's suitf, clearaiK-e priet fo.66
7,00 Men's nits, elear anoe priot 810
S.O'i Me: s su.ta, elearanee price 6 75
HWK) fifen'i iuitf clearance price 7.8(
12.00 Men'i suit dee ranee prion e60
l.flO Mn's dttok ooftti, lined 1 10
i ;" MenV duck ( ; ntn. lined 1.16
2.0U Men's dnok i":itr-. lined. 1.60
Men's heavy Aeeoed underwear, suit 8"
LvtT) thing at Reduced Prices.
Om Pri '',',;, r.v fortUtken and Ffatterx, lemlietn-
. . ... . i i). !v 1 MmnUMCNT NIC Ql:iM Diim n.,
SEVERAL 8UIT8 ARE FILED THE TREM A M f.-HI LMU n Bnwinwniiiii se.aewr, okum BY
tmi u8iay January i, ten
Paul Showaway and Mm Onetime to
be Divorced Wife the Hero and
John P Wngei editor oi the Port
land hax the fellowlnn nneut tho
Showaways of the ClTttM liullun
frlbe on the remrvntlor. here
Veil your vtilon ( forefathers
Homing happily. Moronly.
li: thin houtulU'Hs unfeuccil country.
Th vol.. In the Ohio senate waa
Forake 'J I li. ii- : 11. In thr hoime
Porak. r ;i-. Haker. 42
Eighty tl.ousand trades unionim of
'"hlcairo hav, MM to take uniform Land of forests am! tall huncbgrsss
ectlou uitainot the building 01 vm iMUi unploughcd and mlllless, uolse
btH and naval tuacMuerv if. anv hut less
iivfTnnicnt shop. Have for troad and call of wild beasts
It ha, been announced that Prince And the shots of trusty rlflee.
Henry of Prussln on his return from Anil the chanting of ghost dances,
UN I'nlted State, will be deputed to And the howl of squaw well beaten.
represent Rmperot William at the cor- And the whimpering of paitooae.
onatlon of King Fdward And the immli of the storm wind
Kentucky ' vote oh senntot waa Tr"lt Newifl hunting ground o
MeCre.irv -i I In tti. wen ':l'l
ate: McCreary Oehiw 23. Sen- ',!,,, ,ltrf earthward. O forelatliert,
ator W H Cox r publlcon voted for H,,vaI "4r, h )f the Cayuses.
..ovemor W O Braille-. 1 1 "k ,;(,f OWa upon my thralldom.
i, ..eh. -..,! h. .h:i.pi..K cm., giLs h.t:,:..f:". '
thai il MlM ir.n .nun In. I..., " 1 '" l"" ..11. I m
Buaineaa Has Been Brlek at the Court
Houie of Late.
Huslnens at the court house, lu the
way of new mills Instituted, has been
quite lively during the past few dnys
The following damage and Judgment
nulls were docketed Wednesday:
DeMott va. Willi Paa.
George It iVeMott has sued Willi.
Pen for Judgment In the sum of IS2 W
alleged to be due for goods wares
and merchandise purchased between
August 6. 1896. and October 11! 189S.
With Interest at the rate of ri per cent
from October 11' I MPS. together with
coats of action H. K. Collier Is at
torney for plaintiff
Allen Bros. va. 0. R. A N. Co
Henry Allen. Joaeph Allen and
lames Allen. dolllR business under the
Arm name of Allen Urns have brought
suit for damages against the Oregon
Itallroad St Navigation Company. In
the sum of . ix.' for the loss of
wood, posts, ties and the damage ot
standing timber on their land, lylug
near Huron station. The allegations
sny that the defendants negligently
allowed combustible material to col
lect along their right of way through
plaintiffs' lands and that through neg
ligence fire started from an engine on
the road on the 27th day of August
1901, which humed up and damaged
property belonging to plaintiffs worth
the aum naked for T. 0 Hallcy Is
nttorne for plaintiffs.
Smith A Son vs. Richardson A Co.
R. P. Smith ft Sons Co.. a corpora
ttou doing business In Chicago haa
brought suit against I) R Klchnnl.on
at Co.. of Helix, tor Judgment in the
turn of $261. Sf. alleged to be due for
X'al bIHV S jJullUf aaV . 'aW I flaaaaal
-Ss. BBBBBl BBBBBBr if vl. a.BWV Bw aB BSJaT' S 1 law ! BBBBBBBBB1
Dattfhtoi ot Kentucl Bviiatoi imrna Rattan sculptor, liecanse he aBsounretl tin i..llllhlli ,
good! Md wnres nun basi il ol the ibe mil isfactlon of all parties and negotiation! ka)MM to aak
plaintiffs which dafoadantf lathn In th( ease nn dlsmlaMd. torla a Colnnthla Hlvt
niiv fni in the time BtMKIHed I II th. I ..,..., i....
i Hen ii aiioroe 101 i an a :i rviwuic roniunn source it eonipieteii ami that formal I
i ae nwtievi wai Mlliei too i to :x leanieo n anon line ao mat the prniertv would be
BM i
Amerbar. mulek bound for South Af
,i. k i -...i "'' curseu uuv at
. n n i ' . .iiii. 1 1 1 1 rin.-ii i.ii.i . ., ... . , .
... .. ... : '., ...... 'i the tyrranoua "ai-itn-es
i uotonii
On the shameful degradation
To hi1 I1 BhOWMNty thy Scloi:
Ijiat of ul. our noble chieftains
blown up by a lloer sp m tli Cult
of Mexico or has foundered
It is absolute!', ctttaill now that the
rjne iann inn win comnin u so pel jH subjected In this country
cent rodotloD on PhllHppu.. p di vi. v, oM roamed unmolented
comlni-- to th united State. bealdea Ooae our hunting privileges
a reduction mm to ttjM amount of ;, ttl i.-d deer f mm the rl vera
eiport duty charged in the Philip Tutullla am! I'matllla.
,,!ne And the sickly ooatala forests
Chicago's night schools are closed t'errun with bleutlng sheep are.
temporarily, at least. It is also a m I OaV small ptoea of land they gaw
nous ipiestton If the jtttf schools COS m-
be kept opei. during the regttlai 10 I an.i ti .aim- u crop of wneat on.
months. This condition Is the result Which I rOOtOd to the paleface
of the low condition of the city's fl Taking pny in gold and silver,
naiic-s Whteh hi Pendleton the city.
ContinnliK.- Ou BBJMattten to the PwrBlahad me with firewater
playing of "l'n ie Toms Cabin. " Ai- n,y 'h could I be happy
bert Sydney Thompson Chapter (,"ly thus ould drown my sorrow
'tt.igl.t-:- : tt: ''onf-il' l.n: :.i'i- forget and il-grail'ition.
ville. began a mo.enient to petluoi. That our ra e so low has fallen
tho Kentucky legislature to prohibit I
the presentation ot the play In that my sir. r too long w.- linger,
state ' this land of plows and reapers,
The North Oeruian nil I II I wfcfcm yVS. hwl,h l0nrt,t amI lam', tni1
. ontradicted the atatumeni from Kug ,, , ,
land that Kmpero, WUllaa preaalngly T'1 ,nd vTr "'' of la-
tnwlfu.l f t.. fculi I ami T'UA. hu Of .
present at Her!ln on the occasion of ; ,.r,ff.,'jf
the hnipcro .- inrthday. Januar)'
puiillshed an authoritative mntradic
lnig and weeded In the garden
Tended well your stout caytues
Ihrled the fish and Jerked th- elk
Ild all manual menial Inboi
without clamoring or complaining.
While we smoked our pipes In com
Happy were the times ye lived In.
Happy ye in youi departure
Pat too late life I, the victim
Of this time of oik and worry
Time when e'en a chief must labor
Time when nature all revereed Is
And when man once lord and mas
is a slave to Idle women
And for books and clothes for child
Must pay out hi ihlnlng dollars
Tim.- of lawyers and divorce courts.
When out sqenv are held quite
To tlieh nntural lords uud masters
Prom s'icli tlni-s and scenes un
Turn awav. o sires, yout faces
(iai no down at my debasement
For I am a sorry chieftain
W( a y am I. also thirsty
And If I must work or suffei
If I most forego firewater
If that squaw I nius provide tot
And those ravenous papooses
Longer care I not to dwell here.
Hut will wel.-om- o great Spirit.
Swift translation to niv fathers.
To the land ot the hereafter
To the Hunting grounds of Heaven
When- no work Is nelthei lawyers.
And where squaws ar. what they
should lie.
Servants silent ot their ma
imtmr n i - irieiiieeeeeuuii
If- 4'ji'M -.-". 'aiaEs-.jsVL;-'' 'BfJI
r'r aft M '. i HtsMBBBBBWBaVkaBBBmaBli
l&LMttljl KLwIflaBBaraBBaaaaaBVBaaB
iW&T JBBmJJsvT A i 'sC3 ' aS22SS555'"n,aBH
tlor. of It
IBvery palliate working 'riving.
Plodding, delving for the chicauion.
Working mightily for the dollar,
While the women do but little.
Keep the house had toad the babies,
Spending hours playing with them
And In dressing and ado-r.ment.
Which the men besides all manner
Of choice foodstuffs must provide
I them.
Subject to such laws and customs,
such humiliating bondage.
Is Paul Bhowaway. thy ficlon.
I ast of chiefs of the Cay usee.
Iiut more wrongs 1 am to suffer.
Still endure more grevlous Insults,
For because my squaw I gave not
Th. nn of MM Imposed by Col
lector of Customs Fox. at Astoria, on
the Ilrltlsh ship Irby for failure to
bring proper bills of health on her
arrivni from Fi-emanilt has h.en re
duced by the department to IIS.
Donald .McK-rrachcr ph-aded guilty
to one count of the Indictment charg
ing him with -mb. itlUM f in
the Seattle National Bank Judge
Hanford sentenced him to five years Money not for her provided
imprisonment it. th- I'nlted States nut expected, as a chief should
penitentiary at McNeil's Island Her to rustle for her living
At Forest Grove the city election Her and all her five papooses
passed off quietly. The total vot- As was ever our good custom,
woe 23-t. as against 244 last year. The Brought into u law court waa I,
following ticket was elected Mayor Pv this creature whom I married
W. T Kane; councilman. J. T and J. Who d. -mailed separation.
8 Huxton and A. J. Wirtz; recorder. And that I my land and money
J. C Clark: treasurer.. W. 8. Huds: Be compelled to use to keep her.
marshal W. P Cronen To provide for and support her.
Eight different companies have per "' r tt", our hungry young ones,
feoted applications for arid laud un Tnat 1 "H"nd nmore for whiskey,
der the ( arev arid land act These VUt 1. '.r,.y . P- year throuh
applications cover nearly 200.000 j ,ld,e insolent woman,
acres, all In Eastern Oregon. Many wlth thoughts whose
more applications are In course of nead is,
preparation and have been forwarded WOUOO that a man should labor,
to the state land office, but owing to ?en chieftain, such as I am,
some defect they have not been plac- " upport his squaw and children,
ed on flic. With the paleface court conspired,
Me to force to work or hunger,
N a Chrlstensen was unanimously Work and give for our maintenance
elected mayor of Forest Orore. He O, 'tis terrible, ye chieftain's,
was the choice of all citizens and his n your paradise free roaming,
administration will begiu under the Thus o'er my sad fate to pondar
most favorable auspices. He Is one And compare these times w'.h your
of Newburg'b substantial and pro- times,
greaaive business men. and Is one of Thus twos not when you grand
the proprietors of the new Chebalem father,
Valley Flouring Mills Or when those before you dwelt
A New York paper publishes a poll here,
of the senate on the canal, giving 31 The n disgrace of toll ye knew not
senators favoring Nicaragua and 40 "hn our squuws. as women sh sM
favorinK Panama The poll Is utterly
unreliable, aa both Mitchell and 81 " rt' our servant aunme IK.VUO.1
Catarrh Lannoi Be Cured
WIlL iocl MBMaallaaSi !'. SSSMM roai-b
tU teat ot the iIim-km- i turn. G n i iuo-1 or
loattiiutionsl ilit- su.i m onlii i. - r
you mutt ukr iiiwraa! rriDdlvr. Hull'. ('
Urrb Cuff I- uliu uilruli u.i aets dlrvcilr
or lb bloo.1 sad roucou. mrtaess Hair. c
larrh I urc U uot tuuni medlclB. It wsji ure
crlbed by ono of h- bii pliy.iciaat in mii
countr for Tar, ana I. a regular Maserlation.
Ii i. louipoMi.l of Ibe bni touu. kooMiii. loin
tin1 with Ibe beat klooil purlHer.. iiiik
dirr. iiyou IU uiucou. lunai-oa Tbv pwrlr-t
I'ouilnuallon ot Ibe iwu logrrdienu I. tiat
produce- tuoh wouaerlul rviulu lo curlus a
tarrb Seuii for w.tliuoniaL, lrr.
-..ti-iJHKN'V ,;tJ I'rop.., ToJe-lo o
Sold by dnigjut. price 78c.
Hall Faoilly cm- air it,. Uai
She Was Buffaloed
A young lady down at Enterprise.
Oregon, has Joined the "Buffaloes."
according to newspaper reports says
Joseph Herald. Sunday niorulug the
young lady took a bath and the ba'h
room bclug too cold for the purpose,
slo took a position behind the kitchen
stove and called her sister to give her
a rubbing down with a towel. During
the operation the young lady backed
up against the stove direct!) where
!h name of the city In which it was
manufactured occurred, and the word
"Buffalo" was burned deeply into the
flesh. The letters stauding out In
hold outlines on a very red 'field.'
She refrained from making the cus
tomary calls on Sunday and put In the
day holding down a pillow
With ii jim i i i f 'Pendleton Hlankpte" on your bed
jrou will be couifortftblc end warm during ill cold
'nt winter niffhtl .".
ptir of lis poond ItianketH of Pendlt'ton manu
tat'tun have tf en proven to bt- a warm a- I ten
pound '8ir of other brands.
Nothing but pun- FI.LK E wool it- need in the lVo
dleton Mills nnH th(ry spin their yarn finer ami
ireeve th-ir hlunkeli- oloeer than otlier uilli
Cigar Popular In Germany.
lu no other country In the world is
the cigar so popular as In Germany,
ao much so that It Is Impossible to
raise eough tobacco in the empire to
supply the domestic demand l.aat
year Germany imiorted nearly $22,
000,000 worth of tobacco, a little mora
than a third of It coming from tbe
United States. The use of the cigar
ette Is rapidly spreading in Uermany.
Last year 386 tons .of cigaretttes were
consumed, at least five times as many
as were needed 10 years ago.
Tttk laxative Bromo Wuiuine Tatileu. At
Manufacturers of
Fleece Wool Blankets, Indian Robes and Shawls
mon ar.- classed In favor of Panama, W"1 th,v ''"t ! brour.bt for f.ts i-fs';" f'""'' -By Hit laiia tocurs
while both favoi Nicaragua, because -UWaaod IBS lee? of smokmr outls.,
Uey belu ve It means a - ana! and are vour n-'' W nui
doubtful if the Panama scheme means in
tti.vtbn.e bur delav uvi tbe Oreaon- Blanted maize and reaped the har-
uan correspondent
It Is now practically assured that
(ieorge W Blbee will be appointed ra
celvar of the Oregon City Land offloe
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
Pendleton Ukiata Stage Line
Huston ft Conwy, Prew'a.
Laave Pendleton every day at 7 o'clock
except Sunday, for Pilot Kock, Nye,
Lbi. Jt . ? Tr a mm a htxtc Wrtttb-
prratii "u'" Ma -iiyAJL jDaUAiiv gotuflJ
Lily mm at Tail mau A Co', ilrae -1 i . a . avi UetX
ce. ' tugwc oi niem. a ran supply iwr