East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 16, 1902, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
...lt"'v" . ... ..rHir at
W' i Mlni- ' '
r 15c A WEEK.
Tonight and Friday cloudy with
light snow.
pgypLEToy, i MM iLL v ooinmr, obxgok, mi bsday, jam ah y ie, ioo.
NO. ...
. t.-v iVM H " -'mmmmr mm F
Gorgeousness and
niciidpncr MarKeo me
fs and Queen's Proces-
t to the House of Lords.
His Majesty Said.
"""mom DM in and the king read
hi speech
The king began by tolling of the
safe return from their world's tour
of the Prince and Princess of Wale
and of the enthusiastic manner In
which he was received In all of the
colonics. Hi- said England rela
tions with other (towers continued
to he cordial He regretted that the
war In South Afrlcn la not eonclnd
ed. praised the soldier for th !i
cheerfulness In the endurance or
hardships and announced that fresh
colonial troops soon wilt reach South
The king's voice during the dellv
cry wns almost strident The exit of
ine royal party was a? elahorate
me entry I'olonel Lynch, the
Irish member whose advent
pcolf d to cause
pear to take his
ss ex-
did not ap-
i iptcttoe Before Witneaaed
(stilts in the Peeent Gen
Ju II Never ha th
li:rat.or. of Londoners wit-
I of gorgeous spectacle
pit-ntr.v than the pro
Lai reremoni" attendant to
in opening m the second
kit K.af Edward parliament.
carried was practically
. m tnat r last r-ciiruary
tr ) tact tnat tne court
pi were in mourning Tor
Maaia there was a display
tat iplenrtnt totally ahsent
iTmnnie on th previous
lien eera those of full
TV it:- BOftd in which
aueTi.- null' was a ven
I affair '(insisting of
tth gliding and other or-'
and a crown on too
u through St .lames
l Or Hon.- guards, to White-
Ittrnt to tin- house of par
Thr entir- route was
M with sight eera. the
i tsming nut in greater force
lUrt Mayor's dav The an
id the kinr was the signal
applause Arriving
Her the king was eacort
Jrtnte etiamher Bet asldi
.?; where ht- donned his
Inside the house of
'tnllisacT of the scene de-
The arrangement of
ftrtain and his assist
r aaaiing th crowd waa ao
It eirll. tun-nii'tit ii nil Ik..
Ml MH ill .
1 "WB witnessed last Keb
happily avoided The
occupies bj the
parliament while the
afcriea were filled with
7r of feminine beauty. ' IhpI. lucludlng representative cltl
la uanai solemn eeremon 7",'H 'ronl ''vt"rv county In th. Mat.
time of the acquisition thereof
j by the United States, or those who
DM) coin, there hereafter, and those
who niny ha hereafter horn there"
The hill In a general way extends
Indefinitely the exclusion laws
by Of-
Cummins. Succeaaor to Shaw. In
ducted into the Office Amid Grand
Demonetrationa and Ceremonies,
Civil and Military.
Des Molnea. la Jan. 16. The Iowa
capltol btdldtna was grandlv deco
rated today In honor of the Inaugu
ration of Governor Cummins. The
ceremony took place at 2 o'clock this
afternoon on a platform in the ro
tunda or the building In the pre
ence of several thousand people.
The Inaugural procession forme .1 mi
the west side shortly after noon and
began the march to the capltol The
local companies of th. national mill
tla with the governor's guards,
formed the military escort Car
riages In the procession were occu
pied hy the out going and In coming
state offtciuls Justices of the su
preme court, members of the Inaiiau
ral committees appointed by the
house and senate and ot i. Alette
guiahed citizens The route of the
procession was gayly decorated with
flags and hunting and the sidewalks
were lined with sightseers The pro
cession arrived at tha south door of
the capltol building shortly aftei I
o'clock and the party went at on--.-to
the stand Members of the legis
laturc had arrived previously and
were seated surrounding th. stage.
The general public OTOWden1 M cor
rldors to the east west and north
and large numbers awn In tho ro
tunda above where an excellent
view of the stage was obtained. Af
ter music and prayer the neu gove
nor was introduced hy Governor
Shaw the retiring official Moth
men aaj greeted hy applause long
loud and g. nultu The oath of .-rile.
was administered hy the chief Jus .
tlce of the supreme court
Governor Cummins fhe jsjaoeated
hla Inaugural address He Kpok. In For All ImpOrlltlOllS FfOlU tflP MeaMIN RtVtdV '01 CtHlsidPI
OHMar, loud tones and his address was J
frequently punctured by atiplnuse
At th- close ot th. uddress the goer
nor and party acre escort-1 1 in
senate chambei to witness the
swearing In of the other new state
officials Later a le.-eption was held
and the new governor as ke;it by
shaking hands with and rwwhrlBl
the congratulations oi hui i ro
On Fourth Level of
Mine They Were
IVlnci .Ian Its -A desperate hat
tie between m. Ihlex.-s and private
dataCtlTM and eiuidoycs of the In
ilcpendence mine at Crlppl Creek, oc
cnrrcil this morning on the fourth
level of the mine About 10 shots
were fired, but It Is not knOwa th.M
jrOM was killed One detective
was shot throuifh both arms The
thieves escaped.
Anent the Honor That Oc
curred Last Week,
Reported by I. L. Ray A Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Tradt and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
New York. Jan Hi. -The wheat
market nMned weak this morning on
lower cables and the continued llqul
latlon of long wheat I Ivetpool cloa
ed L'S New York opened a half
cent lower M4 Sold down to M'-4
and cloBi-d S54 Chicago opened
7?' anil dosed sm, The market
acta as though the liquidation fol
lowing Phillip's failure waa about
over. All the Southwest markets arc
hlKher than Chicago
Closed vestcrda.i ''.
Opened today.
Range today . sp , ,, t
Closed todav s'.,
Sugar. 122
Steel. 42
St Paul llfH
I'nlon Pacific oi
Wheat In San Francisco.
.an franclseii Isn If Wh
1o97 I in
It vmM Consume About a Week, as
the Coroner Flxra the Blame for
tiie Accident
New York. Ian Hi The Inquest
Into th" P.-uk nu nue limn. I honor
bTM ciiniinciiccl this ninrulng before
Coroner Ichoelar. DlMrld Attornev
Jerome and Railroad OomntMloMi
M ci i present In their official
capacities It Ik o tul that the
Inquest will consume nearly a week
ami some delay Is possible from the
1 fact that a number of those Injured
In the wreck are as vet unable a
leave the hospital Engineer John
M Wlskeis. whose negligence In
falling to he. d the signals Is alleged
tO have been the cause of the catas
lii.phc. has i H-ored from the nerv
mis prostration with which he was
overcome and was present to gl
his tcstlnninv In reply to hla stale
nienls that he was prevented from
Bttelni the warning signals hy tin-Mi-am
and smoke in the tunnel, the
compai) olflcials pnlnt out that his
action in runnliiK the train ahead
was In flagiant di.-.ob dlaftOt of the
coiniMny's rules that under the con
dltlons named englneera are strictly
directed to run their trains slowly
and with the KTcat.-s! caution
Governor i.siie m stiaw s
serled. will do their utmost to
onrrentll ronorlMI thej alii hr.'
the rational capital
itii.uly wile Mini .laughters so It is as
tight the demons, rum and daoctag, It Is
some trie.il ;. (j, banlshi.iK the two mini
Bnde Poisoned Husband
Ta. oma sh . Jan l Stella
Bnutta, the bride ot i; who gave her
!;ushand Vincent llru.ls. carbolic
Kid In aittss of wine the morning
after their wedding at Wllkeson. in
la OOantV, In May Inst w,n ari.-Ri, I
Sunilaj and placed In tall (nmodl
ai.-ly alter the tri.-.-uv. which foitu
nntolf did not result In the death of
llCI nusbiilld. the Kill fled
kp out or the way of th.
Brnilg obtained a divone
months ago and tin gnl
Siiturdny from Sisikane. She
tbe Seoste
did not know It
says she loved
and has
a few
i . turned
was carbolic acid
her husband
Aic'ii .'!ap,o.
itKfl in Convress.
and the rus
Nth from th.- throne waa
ajaat was of conaider
liU with the multl-
Miiona aff.-i tln the nnli.
Ud reflect ins the ii..i
MM Parliament
M Th.- session of
hich Uei-Bn today la
,r One Of th.. nm.l i-.
Iw Nats - ...
....WIT- . .'.I
Of the liberal nirlv
. I
HUt-reeil nml I .!
W. Ma determined i. iu
M anjOitollal leaders
V' I "'""isis. will
Roaoberys stgpdard
orgati ; rar i,n. -itk il
"'Ul kill
P-1" control of the lib
nor to thi next gen
''nioo'.arllv .ki ma
la tatiy
which. , H,ftnin .
! klaatai i
HBa laumrtftn. fulB a
i icRiiiir Ul
ill be a tiioroiiKh in
' 1 General Riilli.r'.
la.. ,w . m . . . .
....iv UUH 'n!,t
HJ IH Involve the na
' of hltlei enniro
1 "i9'a Address.
Marlhorough house
1 IflS i i. v.. ! .
BJ g. ,,'m procebhlon
ewrimm-iit building
tru.ii Peers and
court drtiaaes ar
ias- f b.Kts.
bbbbbbbI asVas ok- n .
Ut.CL r"nc and
I F j s mi at 1
Wir. a
i- ...c uiemuera
Mohold The sixth
-s sun queen who
- plaudits of
Wu at Clover Club
Philadelphia an. IC The annu
' al banquet ot the Clover club
' Philadelphia's famous organUation
of newspaper men. takes place to
night Wu Ting Fang, the Chinese
minister. Is to be the guest of hon
or and he arrived in the city from
Washington this afternoon for the
occasion Aecompanylng him wss s
! distinguished company trout the na
lional capital who will also an. u;
the banquet. I in hide. i in the iart
were Lieutenant General Miles Post
; master general Smith Ambassador
Von Hotlonbon, Adjutaut general i The
I Of bag henator Hanna of Ohio and
Scnatoi Beveridge of Indiana
ambai sailor
Twenty hve Per Cent on Products
Entering This Country From the
Island Action Monday.
Washington Jan 16 The s nati
nilttee todsv ,.,'i.
, on the nrovisivD of tht Philippine i W iuornimj
turiff hill. It mskes s reduction of 'bg
' 26 per cent on all products of the
Islands enii ' ins 'he I'nlted State s,s
. onipared I'h the duties npou like
articles Iniporti-.l from foreign coun
tries, lb en is. ol llo OPpOfHIOO h
tin demoeiath ot the cotnillif lee. se
, tion toward raporttM the mm to the
senate was postponed until Monday.
democrats offer no amendment
Does Not Pleas th Immigration
Committee Prince Henry's Coming.
Washington. Jan I '. 1 h. fieiman
Secretai) Hay
Good Roads Convention
oiumbus. Oa.. Jan. !.- The goMl
roads cotivetillon. for which Colum
bus has been prepilng rl)r a long
M n. oast opened today under the
mini auspicious ell eumstunees The
attendance laige. Iik ludlng scores
of fanners and oth. is Interesi. d in
the good roads movement Th. aa
alous are to continue for several
days, during which time theie aill
be a practical demonstration or giMd
road making hy the Improved ma ,
chlnery cairled hy the Southern Rail
way s special good loada train
' the
low Spiritualists.
tskaloosa. Is Jan H HM del
i gates and other visilois have ai riv
ed to attend the first annual OOBVM
tioo of the Iowa State Spiritualists
assuciatiou. which will kt in session
here for the coming three days. The
executive gpmmlttet meets tonight
and thf business of the convention
will he taken up tomorrow. The pro
siding, officer is Hi 0. A Hiuton Ol
(Vkalousa, president of the asaoi-la
Hon There art a numlier ol pioml
nept mediums and lecturers on the
program chief among the number
Lm mi Harrison I) Barrett of lf'.
ton. piesident of the national asso
elation of Spiritualists
pi their own.
Foi Cuban Sociprocity.
Washington Jan 16 A large I
number of Cubans and delegates of I
the N. w York Produce Kxehange fa-j
vorable to reciprocity with OnJaf
wen before the house ways au-j
and means committee todav. a dele
gation from the liect ugar growing
dlstrictii opisiserj, in reclprtf-itj also
were, present Prealdent Thomas, of 1
the New York PtOdWM Exchange
nada a strong pb-a to the committee,
reduction of duties on Lunan pro
He tli clared a refusal wouio
mutt aerloiai inauairvai hirstimbm
and disorders iu Cuba and would
I work serious injury to our export
that I'no- . Jf m dur
his stay in Washiiu'iii. Vill be
the emliaasy's (itest.
The senate this aft trU06t1 .'opted
the house resolution pro idllur lor
the .Mi'Kinb-y in. iiiorlsl exercise.
Mitchell, of Oregon, repor e 1 to Ibe
H Ml lOdS) the hill from the special
ommlUa ol Wai-hington senators
and repies'-ntuiives prohibiting Chi
nest- iriiiiilgrailon It is announced
the bill did rtot Meet the MBMlmcus
wish of the committee mi 'mmigra
In Honor of Judge Lawrence
New York. Jan. 16. leading mem
bcra Of bench and bai In greater New
Vork have cnuipleted arrangetnenta
for the dinner to h. given at Pelmotl
bos tonight In honor of Judge daw
i.nte who at the .-nd of the year re
llred after twenty-eight year con
tlnuoua service on the supreme
bench ol New York John K Par
sona. president of the New Vork liar
aasrx lallon. will preside and address
es will be delUeied by a number of
prominent lawyeis
Anotner Hearin Before
Wa.-Jiliuiou Jan IT.. The senate
ommlltee on naval affairs yesterday
.gave a hearing to icpri'senUlilvea of
the Pin lib t'oiumereial Coinpany
Q A Ward, of New York, pr.-i
dent of the company, and William
cook, general coonaei, w.-r.- present
Wunl said tor a . i eat inanv renri
John W leans has h.-i.l a great
desire to am a Pnellb- .nble laid hi
cause ,,f his b.iiifc Identified laigeli
with the Pacific coast, and then went
over the around .ovci.,1 the h.-ar
la b. fore the house committee
III opposing the proposition that
Hie government lav the cable, Ward
ask.-.i if it were fair tir faal tor the
government to lay cable In oouncc
lion with private enterprises, was It
rood business policy for the I'nlted
Stules to spend prohahlt 1 1,000, OOfl
when If BOOM g.-i ev.-rylh'ng It fig
hired from private cables without the
nulla.- ol a dollar?
Senator Perkins lernirked thai the
construction of this cable was a tuat
ler of national pi bit with Mr Mack
ay Mr Cook d lar d hN com pan)
wanted no subsidy, no grant. All
iney ass is rim 'ongr.
bill st all
;ibsk no
queen had
the house of
'he house of
Washington Society
Washington. U. C . Jan. Ifi- Miss
Hildegarde McKenna one of the
motst beautiful girls iu tin foiing
society set of the national capital
with several other young woinen I. us
completed prpnratkof for a cotll
lion to b had at the new Wlllard
Hotel tonight The entertamm. D
which will he elaborate promises to
equal in amjoenaenl an social a a
Seattle Safe Cracked
Seattle Jan 16. The safe of ibe
sgp Francisco Ka'lway Navigation
Comiienj In West Seattle waa crack-
. .1 k ihi , ... u.as. e-t pi. ii last night
ri,.- bound and
man and nOSIa
rs nothing of
gagged the watch
Beyond a lew dol
value wa secured
The .lex-line in th. use of bicycles
.,..iio...,i . reducliot) 111 the
liar u . i cod.
capital stu k of the combination
tHI, linn ul'" t IfT OOO Oni
It Extend Indefinitely th Prent
Law Against Mongolian Coming
U Thi Country.
Washington Jan 16. - The Pacific;
' onjj naiors and representative t
';.ct again today to put the flnWhiuk
touches to the Chinese exi lusl.i.i hill
that is to have their suppji Th.-v
adopted a resolution approving the j
policy of the general provisions ol the
bill which Kahn will iniioli" N
tan In us. and Mii'hell has introduc
IB the senate, iny member to have
the right of amend! ug The point Of j
gn att-st difficulty was finally dls.sis
ad of in the following section two of
the new bill: "That from and after
1 1.. (a.sHg. oi tms a.i entry Into
tie American mainland larritoi oj
the United Htatt to Cbin.-s" I 'bor
ers coming from any ot the fusnlsr
noKsessions of the I'nll.'l States
shall be absolute!) piohihii- I.
the prohibition shall apply to all
nt-s- laborers, as well a to those who
aen la rack Insular possessions at
Ohio Health Board
Columbus. O . Jau 16 - The sunn
al meeting of the state and he al board
Of health of Ohio began, at the caul
tal today with Stat. Secretary C O
it". i. si presiding Ways and mean
of preventing the spread of contag
tons diseases inatteis of sanitation
and other questions affecting the pie
servation of the public health are
up for consideration Th
will conclude toanorroa
(Signed for Taking Teetimoney
in Northern Pacific Casa.
.Minneapolis Jan 16 An order
has been sign-1 In the -l ourt
ih) Judge Goehern appointing Kleh
ard A Mabey a spin lal examiner In
Hi case o peUif Power gnnra t ih.
J Northern Pacific kh . v couipaiiy
to take and rejiort to th. court all
"stimony adduced hy the parties In
ratVfd This Is taktn to Indicate
that the Power interests whatev- i
( they are, will push the litigation
I against retirement of the Northern
Pacific preferred notwithstanding
the dissolution of tin f.ini.orarv In
Marin off for Philippine
sau Franclaco. Jan. 16. A force al
in" marines sailed (0 Manila today
tO relieve those whose QfBJ of s.-r
vice In the tur tssi have edid.
'i In dralt of in! men is accompanied
by l.ieuteuaiits Q H Kask and J H
Turrlll of the New Yoik navy yard.
Captain IC K c.,1. of the Puget
Sound station. Lieutenant H C Itels
Inger of the Mare Island navy yard
and Lieut It W UlUajaM of the
Portsmouth navy yard
Esploslon In Idaho.
Mackay, Idaho Ian Hi Two men
aen killed aut ihr. laiMrud in an
sessions ! explosion this oofninhj. thret h !u
w. si of hart Kill- d lieu. Hlnter
l.oloi Inntet Person Tin- acclil. nl
was caused l j tin men attempting to
take out an old chaigc oi dyaamll
which had failed lo txplode
I rives art
here for
Served witn the Boeis
Kugland. Jan 16 pott
watching all boats arrlvlus
Colonel Ailhui l.vnch the
new member of parliament from Usl
away City a warrant for hose ar
real was issm 4 on the I barge of
i treason Lynch fought with tne
litters ag.tuni In. Ilrltlsh
Staamsi Wrecked
Maraelllea Jan 16 The Kreucb
a.d - amer Sldou winch sailed for thai
Chi l-cvkut on Saturday last with a large
i mi. i ci of passengers aboard, Is r j
ported wiecked off Port Pstras
Portia Got the Mone,
ljudoii. Jau i'i --The suit for
lot at b of promise brought by Portia
Kulght against th. Duke of Mam-he
ter Is stttled th dulc paring th
woman t Hum and cnt