East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 15, 1902, Image 6

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But She Was Found With Them in
Wall Walla, and the Articles Re
turned to Hotel St. George.
With property In their possession
which wm Identified a.- belonging to
a f. n. II. 'inn rvntanrant am) with a
shin ahot made by wrapping a piece
of Iron tn a towel. Edna C a pret
ty brunette and her companion. Ertr
est Joyce appeared In sollc court
yesterday afternoon on a charge of
vagrancy Thoy were fined in the
sum of $16 and went to Jail.
The woman war arrested at the In
stigation of Alonzn I tame, who claim
el she had obtained money from him
under faslo pretenses. It Is said
Edna Cox met Dame in the street and
requested that h change a dollar for
her He claims that he handed the
woman two halves and that the ran
awa with the money Dame did not
Piear In court.
Sunday afternoon Joyce came to
the jali and asked that he be allow
ed to see the prisoner The wish was
granted and he was later arrested
The two admitted having lived to
gether and upon searching their room
the slung shot was found and also a
number of silver spoons which thi'
woman said she had taken from a
restaurant In Pendleton
Joyce claims to be a railroad man
Edna Cox is a formet resident of
Walla Walla and has been employed
as a waitress at different times. Her
mother created a sensation tn this
ctty last spring by taking; a child
from the Sharpsteln school. The two
are now said to be In Tacotna
Walla Walla Vnlon
Edna Cox referred Is) In the above
is the daughter of James R Cox. well
known here who was government
blacksmith on the Umatilla reserva
tion for a number of years She spent
week in Pendleton recently and
pan of the time was rooming at tin
Hotel 8t Oeorite where she register
ed under an assumed name When
she left vera! article. such as,
towels, sheet and pillow cases dls ,
appeared and these wer round In
her room In Walla Walla Thev have '
l.en returned to the hotel
Charles Rich's Ruse to Secure Cseh
From His Parents.
Walls Walal Jan 1R-Another
, chapter In the romantic history of
Ghana Hlch ha Just come to light,
and the mystery which ns followed
tin voung man deepens. Rich came
from Philadelphia last car and found
work In Washington I-aat harvest
he wrote hi parents In the Quaker
Oft) that he had been blown up In a
thresher explosion near this city,
I using the name of Jack Andrews, pur
poftili to be the man who had em
toyed Ulch. The parents sent $200
I to pay expenses of embalmliig and.
forwarding the body to them, and the
lxil came not Where the money
n Hi to is a mystery which is now be
ing solved.
The parents undertook to locate
In trouhli and advertised in the paper.--
for their son. whom thoy sup
posed dead. He was discovered In
rin county Jail here. goitiK under the
name of Jack Andrews. Now the fu
neral expenses are being traced.
The Umatilla
Agricultural Implements, Vehici
A Profitable Investment
"I was troubled for seven yean
with my stomach and In bed half my
time.' says E. Demlck. Somervllle.
Ind "1 spent about $1000 and could
gtt nothing to help me until I tried
Kndol Dyspepsia Cure I have taken
a few bottles and am entirely well."
Kodn! Dyspepsia Cure does the Mom
aob1! work by digesting the food. Tall'
mar A- Co and ftrock ft McComM
N r
Woodmen to Entertain.
Walla Walla. Jan. lfi C II O Ndl,
IftM -pi'clnl organizer foi the Wood
men of th World, who ban charge of
the rfnUBUnll for the log-rolling
fhefl 101 candidate are to be Initial
ed I in the city. In the interest of a
publP meeting which Is to b held
January ". with a matinee for ladles
ami children the day following Th
fine stereoptlcon owned by the Wood
men will be used to illustrate the lec
ture which will be given, and other
entertainment will be provided The
matinee (or the children will be es
iMM'lally prepared and will he the first
entertainment of the kind ever at
'empted here
Best Babbitt Metal
For line shafting and all
bearings of machinery
of the mill or factory it
cannot be surpassed :
Made from Type Metal.
East Oregonian Office, Pendleton o.
The Peruna Almanac.
The druggists have alread bw I
supplied with Peruna almanacs
There is surf- to be a great demand
it Girdles the Globe fr these almanacs on account of tin
Th. tame of Ruckten's Arnica Salva, articles on astrology which tney con
! the Pen- In the world, extendi tain The subject of astrology la a
round the earth. It's the one perfect very attractive one to moat people
healer of cuta, corns burns, brulsea. The articles on astronomy in the Pe
sores scalds bolls ulcers, felons
ache pains and all sklr.
plete horiMicoM- a list ot lucky and
unlucky days in: each month are giv
en. There will be a rush for IfctM
books Aak your druggist for one
early baton they are all gone
Only infallibl.
at Tail mat: -
pile curt
The I.ewiMton Water Compan ha
flled in the district court a etltlon
to have the recent municipal election
runa almanac have been furnished by for an iamu. nl 180, houds for a
eruptions, a very competent astrologist and the wat-i syatem In d.n lar-d Illegal Tin
Child Worth Millions.
"My child Is worth millions to mc."
says Mrs Mary Bird of Harrlahurg.
Pa., "yet I would have lost her by
croup had I not purchased a bottle
of One Minute Couch Cure." One
Minute Cough Cure I mire cure for
coughs, croup and throat and lung
troubles An absolutely safe cure
which acts Immediately. Tallman ft
Co. anil Rrock ft McComas
25c a box mental characteristics of each sign
Is given constituting almost a com
II iHIUdr. IS Ull
Januar 29
rtlsei! to take
llancli eggs guaranteed absolutely
:ri-sh. .'.' cents p'r dozen. u the Stan
durd Grocer Court street
International Poultry Food makes them
Beef Meal gives them flavor.
Clamshells make them solid.
Mica grit aids digestion.
Try a sample.
Hay, Grain and Feed.
127 and ijty East Alta Street. Pendleton,
This sale being a bona fide closing out sale, the purchasing public is taking advantage of the
the various departments of Pendleton's big store. During January we will endeavor to prove
popular in Pendleton. Prices that convince will be ttie great factor.
The first week of this sale shows an increase over the first week of last year.
exceptional values offered in
that this sale is the most
$1.00 Shirts
Men '1 laundrie-i fancy colored shirts
'Hi-Metallic' and Wilson Bros.' and
others, the regular value of which are
$1.2' $1.80 and f 1 .75.
dds and left over of men's under
wear at cut prices to cIomj.
All kinds ol " in ck wear to
close at
A hunch of odd hats that we are anx
ious to close out as follows: $J.60hat
tor $1.00. $2.50 hat for $1 75; $3.50 hat
for $2.75. etc.
Don't forget the $1.00 mittens for 50c;
$1.25 glove for 85c; $1.00 gloves 50c.
tfen'i Black Working shirts f
Special socks 5c
Aii unprecedented buy enables us to
offer this great bargain in men's suits
$$0.00 suits for 12.50
$16.00 suits for . 10.00
Closing handkerchiefs at 5c.
Twenty er cent discount on buy'l
clothing. Don't forget this.
vercoate must go. Sacrificed they are
$25.( 0 coats now ...$1800
18.00 coat now 13,00
15.00 coats now 11.00
12 0 coas now 9 50
10.00 coats now
7.50 coat now 1.00
Muslin Underwear
Ail our new goods included in this
salt Here are superior values to anv
offered elsewhere.
All materials and trimmings, original
prices 75c now 49c; 85c now 69c; $1.15
now H9c; $1.35 now Mfa
We havj received another dray load
of our celebrated 5()r overalls, the let
in the state
$2 50 and $2 iWEATIRBnai 0 8
Dress Goods
At one half price. This sale contin
net aud has proven very popular,
thousands oT dresses left.
Ladies Capes and Jackets J
$2.50 and $6.00 for twice the value
Quality as abov. jr. UOw 17c; Sot
now 28c; 75c now 59c; 8V now nWc. and
others in proportion.
All kinds as above, 35c now 28c, 05c
now 49c; 75c now 59c; 85c now 09c.
We challenge comparison of values at
prices quoted. The children's dresses,
chimises and corset covers included
We have made a great cut in tin
prices on this line. We have decided
make a quick clearance ol this line and
liiaaafnaa th. wntire line is 'divided into
l"ts to sell at
2c, 5c, 10c, 15c, and 20c.
Cashmere hose
( 'lit ioari
tOt values
50c values now
65c values now
76c values now
$1.25 values now .
25c values now 3 pairs for
Entire line to close in lots of
19c, 26c, 32c, 39c and 59c.
All si.es and 100 of them; these cannot
he duplicated
I "hildren's
and Misse6
Underwear knit
$1.0X1 values now
$1.2 ) values now
$1 B0 values now
Ladies' knit skirts
To close at one-half price-
Flannel Waists
Formerly $1 .00 to $2.00 values
now to he closed at
Winter caps at nan price
I i
w " i