East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 14, 1902, Image 5

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75 Corsets, good styles, black
and drab, worth 75c to close at
Celebrated J. B. Corset $1.25, 1.50
and $2 grades to close at, each
p. D. Corsets, $2.50 to $3.50, to
close at
Beaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
Retiring from business.
mads. If a successor to J K
was to b. selected. He la qualified as
are few in this city, and yet the pin
or business duties at bla store will be
ncccpted by all who hoped that he
would ronaent to serve.
SDAY JAS'I AKY 14. 1901'
A Howard, 'arm loana.
4 Howard. (Ire Insurance.
, rndv In Hi. city. Muttons
rjui rhocolatcs
,2.(lfl hat In Oregon, see uieav-
Dp ()oo1h i.o
Lt. ail kinds of real estate.
m country. K .T. Wade.
ah HP. guaranteed absolutely
i a tests ncr dozen, at the Hiun
Etnctrr Court street.
, ulr an lileul sheep ranch
Huron If' per acre: alHO iftim
I net. $3.60 per hoad. B. T.
Mai loar rofiatored ntalllonn;
tm nlc brood marea; prlcea
jajaJn m ( li wane, reuaie
sut 100 acres of One wheat
lawh of Adams Terms. 100"
.Blind1 tn 'ill purchnser. JMBM
baUaauo of refined taatc and
aablta would iih room ana
lliprlTitc family Will bo per-
Rfert'in'-i- furnished lr ue-
hint payalilr strictly In ad-
"M," Bast (irt'Konlan.
Mollis Crayne. of Kcho. loHt
ptattbook on Main atreet this
between La Fontaine's res
of ihf w c office Per-
unit It to this office with Ita
i will br suitably rewarded.
LUvtio U makinr prices op high
Ipoctrlsi cheaper than ever be
ll Um of fumy grocer lea la
art' ud liii liMlcH all the beat
of pickles canned goods.
ashes ami fancy wafers
km If ysm want good cof
fin BU the old government
W Mocht and Java.
IMtlm I take a pleaaant herb
m mt mornliiK I fei bright
n complexion la better My
Mr It acta gently on the
liver and itldnoyu. and la a
laxative. It la made from
I atai urn mm aaadU ,
M called Uin h Medicine.
nelly Medicine moves the
lawh day Price 26c and 60c
taat by Tallmau A Co.. aole
LI olothai pin- e; 12 lamp wlcka,
lc; M ibstt paaolto, 6( Noirs.
Moyn' overalla. made of blue darn
Ilia. l!c pair. Cleaver Bros Dry
Goods Co.
MuhIIii and outing flannel night
gowns, 39c each. Cleaver Bros. Dry
Oooda Co.
Furnished or unfurnlHlied rooms to
rent. 713 l.lllltli street, between Alta
and Court.
Hunch egga, guaranteed absolutely
fresh, LT cents per dozen, at the Stan
aerd Orocory, Court atreet.
(llrl to do general housework want
ede Apply Mrs. Sheridan No. 400,
corner Alta nnd Thompson streets.
The first regular meeting of the
Kaatcrn Oregon District Medical Bo
cletj will he held In the commercial
club rooms In Pendleton TburHday
O. !'. Hkelton. of Pilot Hock. Is In
town. Mr. Skelton has not thorough
ly recovered from a dislocation of his
fight knee, caused from u horse kick
ing him thrci mm. nth ago
All Indian culled "Hcnutni .Mltcbell"
was arrested ami will be arrulgned
this evening for the theft i a ..
f nun a young man uunied Smith The
Indian sold the saddle to William
Hemple. the feed yard man.
A telegram was received tlilt. nun 11
Ing from Senator John II. Mitchell,
announcing the appointment of Ar
thur Olhaon. the well known contract
or and builder ol Pendleton, as super
lnten4ent of construction of the
school liul liltriK now being built a' tin
The ludles of Pendleton and vicinity
are conllullv Invited to attend an art
exhibit and sale of a beautiful collec
M ol oil paintings by J. J. Trough
ton. a well known artist, at Wakefield
& PuiliiiK's. commencing Wednesday.
January 16th. One ol these paintings
will be on display at Brock ft McCo
mus' drug store.
N Berkeley, tin real slate num.
bus a proposition from one ol the beat
towns in the best county In Iowa for a
trade of u Hue stock of merchandise
there foi farming or gra.lug lands In
Oregon. Any person desiring to abuu'
don the lite of the gentle ahepherd. or
to quit the pMOtfnl pursuit of agrb ul
litre to become a knight of the yard
stick will do well to call on Mr. Berke
lev In the Savings Hank building
Market Haa Improved and 92.60 Cay
uaea Are Not Longer Profitable.
The ralalng of horaea on the ranges
of Umatilla. Morrow and Orant coun
ties Is an Industry that baa Improved
wonderfully within the past three
years. Prior to the Spanish-American
war. the ranges wen' pretty well cov
eted with horses of no great value
A large umber of the animals were
tit only for shipment to the Union
cannery In the Willamette valley,
there to be slaughtered and canned
for the market. A taste for canned
horse meat has to he acquired and
the American people have not been
educated up or down to that point,
consequently, the return to a horse
man from the sale of his horses did
not show any big profit. Besides, the
cheapest of caynses only could be
rmlltd without actual loss for the can
QtOl mnrket. nnd the ranges were
becoming too valuable to raise that
i. .ml of stock The thousands of head
of cayuses shipped out. however,
miide room for better animals. Next
above the cayuses came the horses
suitable for cavalry, mounted Infantry
and In the artillery service In actual
warfnre. Of this latter class of ani
mals the ranges were well supplied.
Tin it the Rngllsh Boer war came on.
nnd with it u demand for the very
Kind ol horses that were to be found
on the ranges above mentioned.
Horsemen were enabled to sell off
their surplus and make room for still
better horses.
Mr. Millis' Views.
C JL Millis. livestock ageut tor the
0. H. ft, N. company, while In Pendle
ton recently stated that the Rngllah
demand for Oregon range horaea for
use In South Africa had been one of
the most potent factors In clearing
the ranges of undesirable stock and
paving the way for a higher grade of
horses. The horsemen, following In
the footsteps of the sheepmen and
cattlemen, are Improving the qualltty
of the animals raised, toi the good of
their own pOCkttbOOkl and for the
benefit of Eastern Oregon as a whole
The tendency now Is to raise better
lioises, In response to tb demand
Prices Justify such a course, and the
ranges are too valuable for sheep and
cattle i" permit of then being used as
a grazing ground by horaes worth
fli.fio each for canning. N'ow comes a
demand tin still hettei horses An ill
s tor of the Cnlted States urmy
will hi' in Pendleton 011 Tucsduy Jan
nary 14. for the purpose of, buying 2Ti2
bead of geldtugs suitable for use in
the artillery service of the Cnlted
tats. This will go fur to 'lean up
tie ranges of thai particular cluss of
annuals and make room lm more
Mm semen are finding out that it
costs lut little more to raise an unl
mul worth $Hf 1 than one worth only
$l'n and ol course an governing their
actiOM accordingly. In II94-6-4 horses
were a drug in the markets Today
they are worth the spot eusli and the
demand continues firm, with an up
ward tendency
Progress of Cubs
Hecent stat 1st i.-s show that the ex-1
ports from Cuba have been largely In-
1 leased and the Imports decreased
1 since It came under American rule. I
1 This proves that things are becoming
mine settled Cubans can always look '
j back on the change of ruler a tbe
successful turning point In their ca '
1 reer. Tbe turning point in the life of
I any weak, sickly or nervous person
will undoubtedly be when they re
1 solve to try Hostetter's Stomach lilt
ters, for ailments of the stomach.
! liver and bowela. This splendid mod
Id tie will cure flatulency, heartburn
I belching. Indigestion, dyspepsia and
constipation. Thousands of people
have been brought back to health by
I Its use during the past fifty years. We j
therefore urge you to try it. Our Prl
vate Stamp Is over the neck of the
Guard Slept While Priaener Eacaped.
, Walla Walla. Jan. 14. William I
1 Buffum. the guard who slept while
Wall McKean, a prisoner at tbe coun !
1 ty Jail, eacaped, was arrested yester-.
day charged with threatening to kill
' his family. He was locked up pending I
an investigation. Buffaaan ia a st rang
Bf In this city having been here but
u short time.
Death of C. N. Manela.
C N. Manela. an old and highly re
spected citizen of Milton, died at his'
home In Milton Wednesday morning
I January H, 1H02. aged 5t years. 4
months and 3 days, of dropay, after a
lingering Illness of six months. Fun
eral services were held from the M.
B. church at 1:30 p. m. Thursday,
He Mudaon of the Cumberlaln Prea
byterian church officiating.
Frazer Opera House
Oee L ftakr. Leasae and Manager. 7aa. a Wtb'h, Loral Msnsfl'
Thursday January 16th. 1902.
Massive Production ol the Greatest Russian Melmliama Yet
written An elaborate scenic equipment
Prices 35c. y . 75c and It.OQ
S at s., , I u h is
ijestic Ranges
J. Clark & Co
HI Court Street.
Propoaala to Be Received Up to Feb
ruary 3 at Postoffice Here.
The date of mall leaving Pendleton
for Holdman. a new office establish
ed JL' miles northwest of here lust
Jury?, has been changed from Tuea
daa to Mondays and Fridays. T. J.
Thompson Is the present carrier for
this route hut bids are now advertis
ed lor. to he received up to the 3rd
of February, contract of carrying to
commence the 3rd of March. The con
tractor lu to leave Holdman In the
morning at 6 and Pendleton at 1 In
the aftaraoon. The proposals may be
loft at he postoffice here In Pendle
ton lor t ranauilsalon to the poatofflce
officials .Information may be obtalu-
d there.
ls i new odor in our perfume department. Crimson
0e is sweei ,uul lusting Seventy five cents an ounce
Vbhivea Viol.1 and White Rose perfume at scvcnC
h,t enis eqUaj to ailv im.(rted perfume .it double the
Pftce. . . t-
have the liest selection of
ttntsan ounce
Pwfuim m tus lerritory Come 111 and wc will convince
0u Come mi anv way and we will put a little on vour
priced drug store cn Court Street, sixty-live step
from Main Street towards the court house
Eastern Oregon District Medical Soci
ety to Be in Seaaion in Pendleton
in First Regular Convention.
The first regular meeting of the
Kn stern Oregon District Medical So. 1
ety will meet In Pendleton on Thurs
day at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at
the rooms of the Commercial Assocl
atkm. The program to be rendered
Morning Seaaion.
Called to order at 10 a. m. by tbe
president Df J U Miller. Peudleton
Address ul welcome by the mayor
T O Hallcy. of Pendleton.
Report of ISfiroHrj Dr T M Hen
deraoii. of Peudleton.
"Treatment of UM Morphine Habit."
Dr R T. Otlleepte, of Portland
D.acuaaioh opened by Mr .T A Best
of Weaton.
Miacullaneoiis business.
Adjournment for luncheon
Afternoon Session
"The Intel -dependence of Medicine
ami starter) n' " u Kwln' of
Discussion opened by Dr. K M. An
derson, of Bumpier.
"Osteomyelitis Necessitating Hip
Joint Amputation " Dr K P McDan
leU. of Baker City
Discussion opened by Dr E E. Fer
guson of The Dulles.
Subject of paper to be unnounced at
the meeting Dr M O Cole, of Pendle-
t0Dl8cusslon opened by Dr. Nicholas
Mollltor of I.a Orande
Unfinished business
Private Business Maket it Impossible
to Attend to Duties of Recorder
Lawrence C Fraaiei who as nam
ed for the city recordershlp laat Bat
urday night, although he had in nc
manner been a candidate for the posl
tlon stated todav that he would hi
compelled, under any oirc.,.ustan e
to decline to eervi The nress of pn
vate business is a3slned b, Mr. Frr
ziei as the reeaoe why he '"uid m
consider the propositi h Wrtrttl IB
nosltioi. ' 11 Die nlmu "I Vhieh h b
eminently UC 1 1. .
His ppolBton had i.eyB roaai ed
as the best that could have been
The treasury of Whitman county,
Wash., has on hand $146,000
To make good bread use Hyurs' B-st Flour It look rlrnt
premium at the Chicago World's Fsir overall POapetl
tion, and gives excellent satisfaction wherever used
Every sack is guaranteed. We have the tiest Steam
Rolled Bailey, Seed Rye anil Heardles Barley.
W. 8. BYKRS. IYtprietor.
Thorne Type Setter
For Sale!
Thomost effsctlvsHkiu purifying and I
tlfylngsiskp, hn Well us purest slid HWnntANt,
fas toflet. Isith. mmA bmi sry. iistrikrssi
11,.. . . of had ron - 1 ioie . 1 I rtojjl
b saris', failing hsir, om hsbf Ueaasestai
vit , tlin clogged, irri; 't d. nilUiic I, "vsr
" ... Ut.l, or sluggidi PuMS,
Br .' " - P.11TBM Iibsk MIS .. m I MS
11. ..1,1, V. s. A llllml. I . ..
ttaf H"l, lM0t. 1 l " 1 yl i .il
A careless laundry will go through
your shirt in two washings worn Dili
as coiui'letely as if you had worn 11
year. We save your shirt and sa
vou money. We will send for JTOUI
linen If you send us your address
J. K. Hoblusou, Prop. Pendleton.
Farmers Custom Mill
Pre W altars, Preprtsrtar.
(lapsotty, ISO barrsl dsr
riour taoaanaeO ' wheat
flour. Mtli Feed, uuopiwd reed, etc., iwr
Machine is in good condition, n Ojttire. onl OM uarter horse
power to run 't and with it one person an set from 20,000 to 15,0.0
1 i-ms brevier in eight hours
With the machine there is tin m i ttHIT pulleys and shafting and
700 to 800 pounds I'H H 1 type, 8 point
Machine will be sold for t ' b at I'eodleton
East Oregonian, Pendleton. Or.
m km aeja
I Garrison S fcC A U!
CoenaiOHTs Ac
A 1. '.!. MIlMfS ! SeMTiia..!' mtt
MSfclF cfllli "Ul t'l'll'lol' flfu el.ttlliel HI'
hi. mi.!,.. 1 m (.roSalily i.n.iai i. ..uiuiunu
Oouirlotlic..iiBaiitll llKlb.."U I'sieoU
Mill frw Oldtxl lujai" lm rut ins ulnla.
PalaliU UUi. llit iisli tluuu k 1 u niailn
f.itoi mitKt. wit Soul 1 lii-u lu lu
Scientific Hnm ican.
A handsofuulr IlluOranad vtaklf Ijr.l r
. illulleli "f !' .UMlllOi l"U-Ui lnriii. HU
Mr. I"ui u."iitt l boWbrull i.noij
Sltsesre mAiou, tor ttleet I
UmioirhttiA 4K! Sunning fMlff 1 I
IN S HOUMS Cui km (
nui ud Buuilor liuuulu
Old Dutch Henry
Feed Yard. I
(aalrv Horses lor Sale.
Notary and
to $fS Delivered
Order of us aad aav. ouasey.
orders fur Rubtssr Biauupa
also oiii luui
m uiuIUii pj
cum rouRifLfT
I mm i id st t,,t BBtiRnl
1 i Lai aj IMMJBIM
sm4 sm asst. 'MS a
r-rvu s.u.a
"f sjauil lu eeili t
' e) IC auasUlsm
raiuieBJ, IM lee 1
i if ,ul4 sxes um