East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 13, 1902, Image 2

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    , I
Clearanc : ale Men's and Boy's
Clothing. Furnishings and Hats
t ;.mi f.
7 IH) Wr. -
H U1 Mr s
12 tH) M
i .!s. 1! Mi a !) .!'.
i u ta, clearance price
hm it , He irnncu pi ice
- . cm mice in ic
I : ' .VJ -It"- tliiok a s. lined
I 6i UimV rtu k p hi-, lined
J : Mon'i liuok Cool;, lined
i nnwi price $5;tJi"
li 7-
7 80
I 10
I 10
1 Ml
,, , - !.m Heeceil iintlurwt ar, euil Bo
I - r. thing at Uoluceii Prices.
H 1 1. It cV DALEY
Fnrnither and Hotter, fondlttOH-
Oiv I'rici
it is reported that J. J. inn baa
iniiiaiH all tin Bovernmeni Ira na porta
am) that BttajadMr Qenernl I mm will
hav. charge ni tin''-' ,s,ls u ,i I'a
rifle tMI
Thi' Karl of Dyhurt has offered
10,000 toward the erection Of a nu
tionai optn boax In London. ptovld
Od the rcnialnd-i t th- :'hi.moi
whlrh hi- hollovi k N n (nary, la
ratoed in ill months
William i . . ,., ; ; . ! Bt "'
Montreal Lncrotoc Clnh director of
the atoatreal nth lath Apooelntlon,
ani a Btnuntncturer m jiwir wa
arrested at Ht Albans. Vi.. m a
charge of HintiKKiitik dlumondi and
was ri leased on hall
lenatoi Quay, i Pennaylvanla vvho
ha Jiiki returned from Florida, whan
h woni for th benefll of bla health,
aahl health an much Improve,,
anil denied be coatemplnted immitdl
ad fin, in. in from tka annate, "I
shall eervi out my htm," aahl he.
Tin- joint commttti of tha m ante
ami house appoint) M an ana
Baaarta For a memorial meeting In Hon
m oi I'lwhh hi m : '"; " . rbl I
8rretiny Mm v. HI i an address
decided that thi penpoaed nteatlnn
ahoulii in held i:i Ho ball hi the honor
of roproaentattvea a) noon Pebruun
Ricbord Croker auuouni d bla n
UremeHI from tin formal leadership
of Tmnaaun) iiaii Tin- annonnceflMnl
inaili ai th. meeting of thi' exec
ntiv. iromaalttea at which the plan or
organization for th, w.n was
a,:i.- 1 a pom l.ewla Nixon wbh
iboaen Mr. Craker'a succeeeoi
rhairmmi of tin- Bnam coaaaalttee.
This position, lo Ion ' . carries
Mith it tin- lendcrahip ol tbc organ laa .
Ai Hi. luatanri' ol the navy ileparl'
nn'in. Hnator Mai- ha a introduced n
(h- aonnte a 1 1 mi, aded to ram ail
a lonx i lit'iUh, 'l nla. i ot tli' ii.t v.i l ' 'i
ki ii-' rt eapeclally of Knniin'iT-ln
Chiil M.lvlll, lo iinnhli' tin- nav
with an enpaaianentoJ plant of th-
flrwi i laio- conu'whai on th lin, - ol
th Banco lAcenl Ooraann novo) anpm
hnental plant at Charlotti'nliorir which j
har- Itffn of inch I'.'tuflt to tin- t!-,-man
a loonl comvnny, coaMpoood ol I'on
laiwi nn n Intereatod in tin- oil hum
na. hat th' niai hiip-ry on thi
llpnail anil will in a fw iin BBH
nn li.-. Blaktag a veil on tin- farm ol
I) F viiit'aUi i three mlloa north oi
A den PQ rati iIumMIi.k aft'ray. ill
wimii one ol lh contbntnnti ii- fatal
I) aronndwd, occurred at Hon ley, a
plai t- In N'.irlh.-i ii Caliroiuia : i .
aoutk oi Aabbind charieM loan n inl
William Ithoailt-h ln'cami' Involvfd in
a noarrel ovor a woman - t n - half
world ami nut in a -ii mi.
I, i Berjluier u aroaaaai wain-r.
in tl" amplo o. tin. S-attl Steam
Laundry, imi a frJehtfnJ Mam by
bolni auuht in i By wbeel ablla -juiitiuK
it" boll on i Btoci oi auiohln
ry Kwry larpo hon- in ii- b kit
vau brokon and a tviix h itanm
inpi which in arna burled na)4laun wa.
ai appod " ' I
QonomJ w n niieii aaoniioad ol
tin- hoaiil ol truaitieti. of Wllaiuettr
Uslvoralty. announcoa the selection
of Ran I II t'oleman. I D., of Trt
N. Y.. as prealdonl of Wtlnaaettel unJ
versify Hi- will aHHiinie hi dutlea
robrunry I. arhon the present preai
dent ruifoamil W C Mawley. will
bnoonea lot aroaldenl ami dean of the
At Maker Cay u hum tn - .in'i.i of
l rinj; wa prev utwi hy r- linn ly
arrival of home Histeih of Charity on
the scene llv Woiik a paralytic Chi
iiaman who ha. boon I 1 luuty charge
at tin St Kluabeth'h huspital in that
city, was lo have been tin victim
Mom- time a" llv Won was ai aj i,
the hohpital b) OrdOl ol the MMIBt)
court. He wah very dirty, hesides lie
i 1 Ik, aleleaa ill off
1 1 fled to thai diHiinitiou or the ruada
i etnlnod
froelltutea bore am h i aid u
it hh 'll;i oi T Tli,, nirli-tl
has collected tnja naaptani ami of the
antounl o collected, t no, the rtty'i
amenf ,1 file. hilv he'Mi paid to Ihe
recorder and hnH lieen entered on
tin- Mip' docket and l'."." Ims been
rotnlawd the marshal and ol the
i-iiui retained h the marshal ahoitt
on -half has boon fllven to the re
i order and your committee has ten
Union) mat it has hewn cuHtomar
mi leveral venn for Uw maiannl
to collet t M0 mote than the clty'a
teaeeoed Rne from Brantltntea who
do not coma bote re tin recorder;
The fofegolnfl mformntlon has
roant to yoatr coanmlttoa from the
dlroct teal Imonj of the ajMtrobnl oi
in, recorder ami of several wit
nt toon,
in ronclnajon, root commit! , bm
not ) fit him d from mnhina
no) leiopiniendation whntnoeror e
nt thni w, fondania Ike pu s- a)
m ih i oi collet iiei Bm i.
Reai , nulls aubmltted.
"ii in a. m zii:i
. ' ii z -ilj.iip Cut stion
-.I., ha, ; hi ropot i boon read
a Pro dor, cautlnmui m the
uaimlttm tbnn Conncllnwn Oloptoo
Q ivod tltat It lx BCCOptod and the
tommlttm dtechrpod. it was so or
Clopton Ikon tOMtSOd that the
council elect a mmhui to take Heath
place and Johnson eecondod
: BMtiOn II, le WUh artlel'e SOIIIe
,, iiiu! manifested. Co,ui liman
Hnrtaanii arooa ami made strenuous
-ill etloo to tins procodure, sayinK
that I marshal hud already boon elect
ei. This objection, however, was
iiYerrtUod by the mnyor, atko orderod
bnllm prepnred, Mnyoi Hnllnj ask
i d Joknaon to uci a.- toilet with tka
. i- si tinn liartinuii assist him. To
tli llattmuii objected, Mytufl thai he
arotfjd not "hi a party to any kucIi
piocoedlaajp." Pmaler ami BwlUlei
alio uiime.l to assist ai dlUi. and
the mayor Inntrncted Joknaon to act
alone. Tin- votei. were tbon enlled off
with tin- result that 'our win- fot Wil
liam Lane and three for Htnthmntl
with one ill-- ticket. A dispute
Brt 0eT who this was meant for,
and Councilman Wells moved to re
consider the vole which was UKI'eed
BO ThU tint, th,- mayor roajOOOtOd
thai the connctlmon vote bj roil can
P answer to tlu-lr names Council
i llartmu.i. Summerv lllc. Hwltzh i
ami Prnaier voted for Htathmon ami
Coum llrueii Johns, hi ''lopton. Dickson
nn. I Wells cast their votes for Laio
This made th. election stand four and
i on r
"In ease of a th " said Mayor Hat
lej. "the mayor easts the docldlni
role ao I dechltr In fnroi of William
Lain- ami deelare him tfttly elected
cltv marshal "
The Recordarahip.
Coum ilman Clopton UMfl moved
that tin- city recorder t, ofwOa he de
fared vacant, and was Informed
llii- mayor thai this would have in
1 1. me in tin- shuM- ol a resolution
Thih was pr pared ami a vote taken
on it. The vot again n suited in a
t e ami the mayor decided it hy de
lariuu th, offtc vacant. Clopton
moved that the council prOOOOd to
, let ,i leeor.lei and her. ilartman
again went on rei-ord with his objoc
lion The vote again reatlltod in a
tii . lour being ho n laming .1. K Meam
the present recorder, and four voted
tor U fi. Krazler Again the mayor
decided the tie hy declaring -Mr Kra
zier "duly elected city recorder."
A motion was made ami sustained
that the present officers hold over ami
serve in their reaiiective plnooa until
tile BOO officers had Uali!ied.
Then the meeting adjourned and
William Lane, tin newly elected mar
shal. was huataid OP and taken to th
itti,, oi Mayor llallev where In- was
sworn in.
Heatnman Wouldn't Let Go.
After the meeting onsiderahle ex
.it, uncut nepvallod both among the
lleathmanites and the anti ileathman
ceii Healkman'a attorney! stiiiman
Pierce, bollOVO he could legally hold
the uftlcc. contending thai the Salm
dhv night election was illegal ileath-
During the Session a Succeaaor of the
Late Senator Sewell Will be Choaen
Several Candidates.
Trenton, n j . Jna II Trenton is
lining with legislators and other visit
ora wiio an- ai living m anticipation ol
the opening of the siate legislature
I tomorrow, Interest In tin- opening
lavs of tin station will . enter entire
y Ifl the elect Ion oi a United States
K natOT to succeed the late Henator
seweii. Thmi prmainent candidate
aro ax-Uulted States Altorne.v (e lieral
loka w titiggs. oi Paaaatc county
John K. Dr. v den. president ol Ike Prtt
dentlal Inanmace Com pan) ol Aaaar
tea, ami a dttBM of Kss.-v count) and
Rdwnrd C. Htoken. chancery I h-rl.
from Cumherland i-ounty. The contest
is one of tka moat spirited In the polll
icni blatory m tin- Mate, Decama ol
tin fact that Se rtl.', S"w ;i lived in
South Jerae.y that section ol tfce Btali
l i lalmini; the BOlktOrnklp as a mat
lei ol light. The advocates- ol thill
proposition also point out that tin
northern part of the stale in the
person of John Kean has th, othei
unatoraklp some m Senatoi Konn'a
frienda me inclined to takti lk ritt'h
Jerae) view, because of the fear that
I hi election or ii north Jeisey HMO to
Bucceod Bonn tor lowell might intei
len with Mr. Kean's prospeets ol re
clietlon three years hence It seems
lo bo gcnerallv agrei-d. iiowev.-r. thai
Senator Kcan will he re-elected, no
atatter what ike icaQH or the pre
- (inii at
Griggs Chances bright.
Tic mutter of confining UK bnMM to
i gcograplilcal limit Is. however, pre-
inlneni li Is uenernllv recoanhted
:ha: tie uuestioii Ii-
lh (III- Ol lltlli ss.
tuff and simple, and not on,- oi en
rimnt,in, .
"l l h.B .
I In the apnatnrh.. ,BI"
satlroo "t0ri'.,l kl Z
nu. iic has a th T t
"V "f tn.,, n .L,l,rt"l
" dl ,-ffV(, hTT,-k
1118 alarm.. .
gi, i........ . .lM"" nl
lartelv hv ki.. . I h" "kJ
'he grnuml m. 1
'-'Iwartl r. 8tokM .
T" 1,1,11 no
" "-"'"I Mtlala,
ing the honor tall . v.
.... iu gB
In addition t Um, m.
""- bh name. 4
"I other meo 2
I to aii' IIuvdi b.i..
county; liarktr 0unni.r
. ami eeajaejaj
t lo r,l ......
II has lieon BHh ,u.
Cream ilalm i. . ,
sal catarrh and cold BtlJ
uisiinction has BHH
tin- rchiiii ( rontlnupi i
A iiioi hid l ondlllon ol
ll. III., na.al
Br Utonii l n uil John W QNggs, 01 PatMIC; John K Drycteu, pn8l ' thin purifyiiix ami hnJii
i.fiir t-i tlx f'nnlfiitl;ii lnimiiiic (' i-an ami Kilwnnl r StoUi'h. ol Cum ;H' !".! 'bJV iL
Nrrlaii ni N .J an- rmnlMat.. t. Rurriwil ttfl Int. s-tiaior W .1 treet, Ne orLl
uvm tiif mrmhrajit
s. w rt'lli i v imiMnltatr.
th 'H
ajaanBjanBjaH ' aBBBBBBn BaaW ttmt
continue to wear the chlei ill police
star in spite oi the opposition.
The other side are equally as reao
Int.. contending thai since they have
thoroughly Invesllgal'd (lie churafs
against him and found theni to he ah
solute facts, because he hlmselt ad
nuts tkeii IruUki h ibajl continue
ti serve as chief, ami thai William
i .me is now tii.- t hiol in Hoatkman'i
I Ice.
However, according to his threats
Baturdaj night Heath mas appeared
n th- Btreetl Btrada) morning in uni
form and wearing his star. I line was
.lis,, on Ho st rot t vvltli a I'hlef'h star
in ami tke great, si ol exi Itement pre
il durlni the forenoon, urovunt of
. n i ouli! be seen on ever.v corner,
tllacuoalttfl llw aff Ut and wildly ejac
ihitlng their . l. -. s o: th, ipiestlou
Notblni ekw vvas balked ot Cltlaona
I'oraot all otker toplca oi ranvemntlon
dnrini ti" da ami devoted its entire
i' to discussing Hp- situation and
wonderini arknl he ontcoom mill bo,
The ajueotlon ol eko is marshal?'
..iv hoard on ever) hand and inanv
dlaputea arose as to who had the right
t make an arrest in eaae occasion
d minded
cuossiin iACKi:i) in a BOX
eietcieioio'ioiofoYoiorof of otoioio totoioiala'laYi otioi i t an ai la" iY ir
BlflS j ; 'jL ""mniiiiiiaB
Krtc wkjjlat'iSBjjP ' t- 3li ynxKl'HSJnSfii
J'" . X ,1 ajaiaSUBal
With n j iii it- if "Pendleton lilattknis" on your Ud
Mm will iu- comfortable And warm during llie boI
eet printer nilitn
pair of six pound blanket! of Pendleton bouhi
rtoture hfive been proven to ln us warm a- h ten
nini( )nir tf other Itrunds.
Nothing but pun- FLEECE wool used in tln Pen
dleton Mills end th ty spin their yarn finer ami
wi-avn tlit-ir lihinktita oIoboj1 than otlier piIIIb
.lohann BaoB v im aanu from nam
lung in a wooden case
Loat of Strayed.
Oak red ami white cow ami calf
branded D on left hip. Call ears
split. One red 2-year old heifer ami
one red ami white yeurllng ateer.
both branded D I on right hip Will
pay a reasonahl, r.-vvai, i,.i i.-inrn oi
above described animals or intorma
lion leading to th' recovery of same
Dave Ingrain can this ofli..
'file models ol New York thus, ejj
ployed in the eotabUahmcnts wh. i.
women s gaimeuts are made, havi
loot a movement to organii a
such as i-xisis in Chicago They
mat (leu remuneration conaldorlni
what they an compelleil In sutler
irom the tempers and whims of ea
inlcious customers . not niR(.
OPOllgb and that competltton tin.-, in
- reused owing t (lt. ia(t that the
athletics which the young woman of
lOdOJ go Into I ends to give them a
grace of ngure. furmerlv posessed
only hy those who, as a rule, made
their llviugs us models
Manufacturers of
Fleece Wool Blankets, Indian Robes and Shai
A..JCX.feX.A.i.e.tii......o.,.i. U1 , . ..l.l.lUK'W
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
The Cast Oregonian la Eastern Ore
gon a repreaentatlve paper. It lead
and the people appreciate It and ahow
It by their liberal patronage. It le the
Pendleton Ukiah Stage Line
nuatoo Carney , Prop'a.
Ijave I'emlleton evurv day at 7 o'clock
except Sunday, for Pilot Kock, Ny
Knlge, Alba ami Ukiah. tiood ac
commodations. Keasonahle freight and
tuuMenger raUta
City office at Tallman A Co's drug
of menstruation
womuuliood, aidiufc.'
They are "Ijaj
r UC't'l--,,.L.
reuiedy for women eus it)X
Ji -fi TrsciiBi.
fO I WALK II V I V L i .MAN fc (.'.. Mw