IINGEDITION ! "1 """flY TT "V DAILY EVENING EDITIM j I Eastern Oregon Weather I " J 1 l'K pulton. I'M ATI LLA OOtTXTT, ORlLWON, SATURDAY, J AN l H Y 11,1909. no. tasa SENATOR AND MRS. DEPEW RETURNED TO k, I ROM I LKOfM . WHERE THEY W DDI D T T nun inrrc DION UN FAIR CMS REACHES yUlMULno , to Make Sell Them. 7 Mings tRENCH SCHOOL ,E BUILT IN CHICAGO. College 'or th Young Uh to Learn Methods nen and Manufac- u Piotem" Leopold Hie OoiMfe oi nun, York on ii"' tOBHiei i to Kllrei s frict ni rlan universities on ot 1,'Alliaiico r ran aooloty iiml social tfeimr Mnhiiioan in ai mh mianlon In bftaalf of Battle ImhI ruction He will Investigate IPIHJlt Dll till' HIM'llll . I ...III it i-aucw ion, iiiki win i tht- belt nltf rm nnil i tiken to organize tno indimtrlal college In K, Hp will pul liim auk it Ion willi various ii v. insimu-" Expecta It. ll.- Miic ii Interest is ' In tht- coming vIhII f Mihillomi wliii unllH for Han today Pro Is entrusted with the I- ! n it ft Dili' lor till' industrial school In and It ll believed i till In nil pmhnhllltv 1 n( Hie proposed lust I ii Hfctah will ba ni- M I-ehainP :i I i ' ui'li ill. It Ih Mid, lie Dtlvtralt) of Ohi ; -'ill' will ba pro- i nch (oremmenl ami i) win from Kraiii i' nth nnil systematic win riinimcri ml enter Maxlnic Ingros. ol mile, slates Hull MafBllitles can ba will be in opera i Mm Baanj months. ILS FOR PACIFIC CABLES c Butineat. Orainna. i Btfore tnr Hnn Oppotition to Them. JW I I ( IINHKl.M rVldr Tallli inii.Mlliin I Vr tii. luiiiMi. I'liiuitiii rMte Mini ton-it.-ii MM today John Asiatic Ain. i lean Hons. wIiohi- in, in end tlitc-forths swsuges betwaan l the orient sddrast i in ssaosltlon to all lw to the construe mm MA tlf the Dm. IsOM) Offered inter irrllllve ii. ,,,. Phv ami Its boa SMMM HhiI Iw. M Manila i !,. ii.,.. al now demon iWtMl III would 'entiirc ac he did. 'congressmen TILHAVE HOPES. ,Sthly Matter Before W - Rtaolution. n -Members of -MMiona! de4aa 'ail481-11 'i hop " probable thaw "' tl) I I,,!.. . , ,,- """"IS , , , of a Introduce r' rerd "in peo Cambridge Crimson Beat Yale Out After the Traffic of the New York. Jan, ii ChsuiHtt) U Dopes and i bride; nee Miss ui Kajmei srrlvad todaj i mm Km ope. Tlh groom IS. lo KM his own phrase, "lih years x ouni; ." w hile the h hw Ih hut N, I.Ike a'l In lileo. hh a "iieuiitliui. neoonpHaUad ami emlnentlj Ittvd to praaida In tlx- senator's niin mi mmmMmi In WaahlnajTHJ." which in snows in Mo BcooMlfeBnxIng piii in i It also Btvet I soana on the FUvlam, Vhare the novpla Hpcnt i heii bmayMoon, TO eon I Mfifi. M'KINLIV WELL OFF. V. P. WILL BETTER THE SYSTEM THIS YEAR. Spend Million to Maie the Lift! Good Los Angeles Extens on. Omaha, an 1 1 The I nion Pi ItV toda muhmbom thai millions II I pasjt thlH year In Iniprovlnf the old Southurn Paolflc route from Ogdaa io tian KraiiciHco At leant 4 ,000 ,01)0 Will be expended ill I'edueillK 'I'SdM sllnlnntinj curvai and laytni hanvj rails It is also planned lo push the I.oa Aniielns extension ol th Duiou Pnolnc. At iiraaenl CallntM N". Is the tannlnua. Hi hundred miles remain Work al fOUl diffarani points will suoii begin WMhlBgtoi .Ian i , . 'i ue bill S; 101 i HnSIOI "I p uie.v bm v nsi ar be paasi il bj I he hOMM. The:, a :;io. m. i-eiili- n. in anona the nieniuars ihat tie- ineasuie ih unnecessary .Mrs. M Kinlej baina w ry srell off fi- illy, aud will nover need for the luxuriM ol life. . ... . . . . . ..., BftCAUM DANIELS SAVED HOUSE VELT S LIFE FOCilMEN Si PANAMA TiTLE is NOT WORTH ANYTHING. So Conceded the Officers of the Com pany Owning the Big Ditch for Sole. WaablactMv i , ui 1 1 lun cok- Marj land rasoln- " si tha NEXT iD CONGRESS. '-r Appointment, 1 h) Debate Sev ' lmPortance. LiJre houM P is rather im. MPronrlHtiona m tlx- perros "l DloliahU ...III Is a.rn; lint i. i . IMmm EX-PRESIDENT VASQUtZ ARRESTED BY NICARAGUA. Claimed He Incited a Rebellion Agamst T. at Gcvei no'.ent. I'auanin. Jtttt, 11 A disiiaiiit troru MauaKuu Nlcarss.ua raiforti (hi ai rajit b the Mlrarajuarj imeni of (ielli ml YaHiiue.' i. el i'! Honduras ajqiM ' W S'Ti'Sti 1 board a stonint-i i haried with at tempt tu iijciie ,i in olutioii I'resideiit einvn of Nicaragua He HI .is Appointed to Be United Staios Maiahal of Arizona Anzon iant Aic Kicking. rhasnhr Aril Jan. II, Terrltorinl iiraM ami uoiitlclgna of both gnrtlM artalgli itooaevell in a mild uwaifr for gpuuintlni Bag Dnnltls to be United Btglei nurahal for ArlsoML Tha) dtK'Inre h lias iteen h inofus- .' Iiilial KSillbU'l' autl deall lam bajgjh until within a tew potntinenl ami i.-- .s.tid a ' 'In 8a n Daiiieh to have Juan. weeks ol it' Is a roil), n up idei Tin- nnltttm ni. Id not tn all tiu that the rgnsgi deasaiif I I Hi prcbenta ., PanaSM aual roiupany n s bS ;. i da by the iinttti . tn n,i, i i auie a PrMtohnaes asKurcd the ilia i th I niU'd Slates hi cure a mh t ,l clear title i oiiipau.v in opei ty and Bra th'-y tu purrhgM MM .i d in tangling ' basg la uf tmistli)iis arhlcli .udicaul Uuiled Htateh in Iniyina th route WOUld puii iiase an ill) aiiKuini of litiKUtioii. ill." nil of Idaho, i gull sppoUiti d t ihai ii M Fi.el Oil for War Sliipe. London. .Ian II. Pollovhag loOg vrhh Of e n i i in il; With Oil' I" in torpedo linn destroy en tbi Brll ish aamlMllty hai this wees bei expected oonduoting tests with It in two ba le con.H ,'",'u' tleahipa and Ural class rrulsers ol I la hv ii. aUo" of I'hannel sciuauron. A fuel nousistl 1 the IlleHlllei.l ... I .i ..ii ...1...1 i r... ui onii ,i in; 1111 iiiiii: ir mnn i i . . uhli- consideration kiolstloui I lie i ullll IV sldetrl DO) i -np' ROI oluted. It tlial l KM I n b ! I mil I with D-pevv and Bride Delayed- N.w Vork. Jan I! Senator I Jo- paw and bride, who arrlvad today, will he itngblr hi uei to town until ! late tonight, Ho Btanjnef ff loula, ion which the) are paaafBsers Is ) Ii i ed hv- stormy se t . 1 1. 1 Ai. eel O, ,iner. I Was!iiiigto,r, It C Jan. II The nist ul thl :!l it annul tiinuers la honor ol Fsosldenl and Mis Koos ' ' .1 he ;ivi'ii tonixhl in Secie ui Way aasj .tiu Boot. Owing it ' . , 1 1 ' i ul loereMry UaKe and i'os. mastei m nei hi BMlMi the ,, ol'duf oi pi t i i iclice w ill uol Id iom-i veil. Then, loo the secre- Urn) ni htai- and tl.e Mcratao of the navj are bsjth in mourning, and win BQ( eiitei 'uin or In i ni.-i lulnt d dur- la the w inter. Gem ar. Venezuela Crisis Ends. liei'llo JaK I' The lli'imin Win) iiela i rihih is now icaided as prac licgli) ntti. The I. tip, an warships fHta BStd Molii e iniiay were order fd n leat Wist Indian waters. Blue Against Rules. HA.VARD PLAYED A PROFESSIONAL TACKLE. Philippine Islands, Outta. Their Tower of Strength, Was Not Eligible in the Harvard Yalr Football Contest Played Last No vcmber. Boston, Jan. .11 PrMldoni Hollla, tr the Harvard athletics, has 1wn out a letter in which be ack now hidm I Hint Ciitts. Harvard's ranioua tackle. wm Ineligible at the tltne of the an imal Kame lutwecn Yale and Har v ml last November. Cutis la said to have Riven box Inn lessons for pay, ami Is therefore a proirsslonal. Cutis Admits It. 'anihridae. Jan. 11. t'utts, In B letter printed today, also admits he was ineligible al the time tho khiip was played. He says he foraol all about his hAvinK given boxing let sons when the case was under Con sideration. NEW YORK MARKET. Reported by I. L. Ray A Co., Pendle ton, Chicsgo Bosrd of Trade and New York Stock Exchange Brokers. New York. Jan II. The wheat market was very erratic today with the range of prices holding within a cent. Liverpool was ' higher. ' 1 1 j . New York opened S:li and DloBM sT7s. being the high and low polntH'oi the day Chicago opsnsd Mf40fJ and closed lift, The ex port ihlpmaKtS for the Week Well I, Mm UUP This is the UghtMt week's tvpnits on the 1'iop and may I ml i ate that we will need more of our t le al at home than has been calcu lated uml that prevailing prlewa will not draw out more ol Hie reserves .ilot'ks lower. Mtiliej. I pel tent. DhMSd yefteidav. SSl. Rnnge today, nB$i Closed today R77h A NEW LINE OF COAST STEAMERS TO MANILA. The tmpir- Company Has Completrd Arrangements and Will Operate on Hegular Schedule Next Month Fiom San Francisco. San rran. iseo. .Inn. ! I Uiange iiients ar.' now p,a tnallv , "iiiploted or th eatnbllahmanl ol the impira Steamship Compajsy'i new tine of merchant ht.'an,Hhl ltMn Man Praarlaro nmi Manila. The company has arranged to put on the trans I'a lifle rout, the ht.aiuships Ohio and Pennsylvania. While the Ml, Ion will rim In tho Intoi Island trad, Th two h-teamshlpa first named have been ngaged In the transport trade until recently They are of modern cob ItrUOtiOn and of the same dimensions but vary somewhat in tonnage, owing to the dtffcrcmo In their nttlngli ft Is sxpeeted '" hnijlg a whadnla of rcgiiliu Mlllnsja some time next month, Another Ohio Bank Falla. Parnsavliia, o. Jan n The I'eo pies Hank made a general aaatgn mcni this KsorBtng The action was brought shoot In the suspension of the MtclM Avenue Ha ii P of rievoland which It Is umlervtood. wns the chief correapondem of this bank it is not bolleved tha ban will he badly crip pled Tin res on re m of the bond iu shown b) the last stfttemenl were fj iot pi ami Individual deposits llfl lifo. The KOpoMlshed Jaiiuarv re port ih expected to show about the name condition To Sell Ten Youngatowri o arable In te real hah tin nnnnnncemeni Childien. lau 1 1 - fjnaisl 1 bw n arooat d i.' ol Captain M Sugar ISLTaj, Steel, St Pool, 1SVi VnUm Pacific. io7,. Wheat in Chicago. Chicago. Jan II Wheat fill': tfdj- Wheat in San Francisco. Sun Kraiiclseo. Jan 11 Wheat i I0i 11H4. I it l in i ll nf the Snhutioii .ii tu thai tomorrow night be will hell al am lion ten ehlidres mi the stage of th Park theater Csptsln Mi Dlarals Midi "I ban the eoneeiti of the par fills ol this, cblldrefl and shall sell .ah to the Mgheet bidder I will seep within the Mtt i of the law and so th,-, i each child seourti a gout hoiiii and Is pi opei U sdUCSted Soua Begin N, n York. Jan. 1 1. I'tion Is BMMMOd h hand wiio begin Seaaon. A rousing re tin Hoiiha and their twentieth homl annual American tout with a pi niiienude concert tonight at the Tw eiity Hecond RegigMBl armoi The iiaml reeentlv returned from Kuglaud where il acored an lininense mi km Killed Her Mani'heeter N hVsssalr) sjed I . n (m ton h Rival In Love. H Jan II Annie 7 entered the ASMS I.- ii,. moinliig anil Reception to Helen Gould. Si I.oiiIs Jiip II MIns Helen flooldi a member or the board of lady iniinagerh of the l.ousiana Purchas j aspoaitloOi arrived la it, Lsmsi tods? and will remain in tha city till Tue doj Presides! Prsncls r the taMkhi MM PArchase l.'kposlih,n i oinpany and trs K ram is have tandersd 'o Miss Mould a reeeutlOS a' 'heir real It m e for thin evenlBg liuwl the officers unit direeton Ol the Kxpoai lion pomimny and then wive -lint ami piohahl) fatally wounded It unit' QgaMOfl aged '.' I Then ahe killed herself. Jealousy over tho af fe.fions of a youna roan was the mo live. Engineer B tiled Out New forfe, Jau il MsfjMW Jobs Wlker. w ho had t barge of tha en gino thai telescoped the Norwslk ei pie in ih. N Vork Central tunnel crushing out the Uvea of K passen Kers, was released from custody ' dsy on ftOfum bonds 1 fading Che fs V Pastry Cooks use Royal Baking Vow dcr Absolutely Pure Makes the fine -1 flavored, most delicious food kotAL MS MO t-oAota to . f aVMSM ' . h fOOS .i i