EjEjSBIIBM BY ACCIDENT nUDAT, JANUARY 10. 1!02 OUR SHOE SALE CONTINUES. In full blast ami wilt con- Mum until ail our hix-k i- BJM. Don't miss this fltintu- In liny your foot wwr nt httf ruliietliwi MvcrvUiliiK CLEAVER BROS The Boot and Shoe Men ENCAMPMENT IN8TALLED. Then Enjoyed a Banauet at the French Restaurant Umatilla Kncampment No 17. Inde pendent Order of Odd Follows Install d their officers last night for thu en suing yir. an follows: D. D. O. C. P., B. E. Coon; C. P., J. K Beam; H. P., John Halloy, Jr.: 8. W.. Phil M. Hrldp; J. W.: A. J. Olh on; scribe. T F. Howard. Treas.. H Alexander; guide. D. E Coon; O. 8.. John Hayes; Q H.. A. A. Minder inan: drst V.. E J Murphv; second! W. J T Urown; third W . J 1J. Mc Dill fourth W 0 Hym first 0 .1 .W -ciOUC U. W. vj ,',jllr(,,. After the work of Installation was nniahril all repaired to the French restaurant, where a banquet was en Joyed li tin' 4'i members who were out PISTOL SHOT WAS HEARD BEFORE M'LAUOHLIN'S DEATH But It Is Explained by the Operator at North Fork He Had Taken the Weapon From McLaughlin, Who Was Intoxicated. Thi- Jury impanelled to hear the evidence and invcstlKatc Hit- cause of tht' tfMtk or John Mclaughlin, the particulars of which were given In Thursday's East Orcgonlan. after dt liberating and carefully examining every phase of the evidence, brought In the following verdict: "We. (he undersigned iurvnien And that John McLaughlin came to hln death between 6 and 7 o'clock on the night of January 8. 1902, by be ing run over by a train at North Fork on the line of the Oregon Kallroad & Navigation company, and In our opln Ian said il. ath was accidental "T. H. WBLL8, "Q. T. KI.OIN, "D. B. WATSON, "OIOROI D, PEEIU.RH "W. H, JONP.s, "C, Ii BBMPLB, Jurymen' "W Q roi.E. Coroner Several iritaMOM were examined liii hiding Operator Carter, nt North Fork, his wife. Frank Donaldson, and (Mi or two others, who were th las' ones to see the deceased alive. Th. nil tOttlflOd to the effect that wh. i, they last saw him he was in an In tOXlOAtad condition, this being nbout S:M o'clock p. m.. or a little over an notir heron the train passed that crushed out Ills life. Raised a Disturbanct. Mclaughlin went to the station and wax raising It disturbance with Mr Carter, the operator, who tried to inlet hini, but could do yery little with him McLaughlin then went awny and that was the last seen of Mini until found on the track between 7 and K o'clock. During the evening It seems that Carter had taken Mclaughlin's revol ver away from him. and during the trial, the fact was brought out that n pistol shot hnil been heard Just after Mclaughlin left the station ami before th. train passed The station agent explained this by saving that In' was handling the revolver taken from McLaughlin nml It went on He showed where the ball struck the floor glanced Into the door of the station house. The coroner's Jury exonorateil eve r one from any blame as to cause o: a visit to his wife. Mm. Proebstel continues to Improve, and wltl he able to leave tho hospital In a week or 10 days. Fred W. Walte returned thl morn ing from San Francisco, where he went to pay his annual visit to the headquarters of Haker. Hamilton Co., hardware dealers, whom in Is representing. Hev. F. W. Parker, formerl) pastor of the Congregational church of tin . city, but now having a charge In Van ouver, was visiting old friends In I'endleton yesterday on Ills win to Omaha, on a pleasure trip. Just nine we-ks ago loAO) i ,t iptl Vaa Dran took to his bed with an i attack of typhoid fever, and today he iit up half an hour, which II the lOBgMt time he has boon up since He is getting along very nicely ami his friends hope to see him out In a few more days. l'ortlaud Orcgonlan W, J. Fur nlsh. the Pendleton banker, who Is after the gubinatorltl nomination was In conference with several of the local leaders yesterday, discussing the situation ami looking over the Held. Mr Furnish Is confident that In will have a solid Umatilla delegn Hon behind him when he goes Into the convention, but further than thin he does not volunteer to predict. HONORED (MAN FATHER OF WILLIAM HILTON DIED IN IOWA. PORTLAND CHAMBER SENDS PETITION ON I.IVER MATTER. Boiler for Sale. A 25 horse-power horizontal tubular boiler, guaranteed to be In first-class condition for sale at the Domestic 1-aun.lry Mcl ujthltn'a death Funeral This Afternoon. Th, funeral of John McLaughlin occurred thu afternoon at 1:30. at Um home of his sister Mrs 1 S Mcl eod on Webb street under the auspices of the Indies of the Maccn ' lodg. of which Mrs Mclaugh lin Is n member After the service at the house the rnmins were taken in mnov cemetery where they Interred PERSONAL MENTION WL ii &B M60 Kin tud, ami coffees. N A Miller, of Athena w -t. r.lay. W. J. Furnish returned thi mom ing from Portland E. A. McDuff. undertaker with M A Itadei will leave tomorrow even ing for Olympla to visit relatives 1 1 A Smith cashier of the O. R. N ompany. expects to visit over Sninliiv n I'ortlaml. returning Mon day .Mrs. P. A Hinei. oi 8Hkanc uved yesterday evening ami maUe an xtendeii visit with Mr OMMNI Mrs Sargent, who r,a hail a very . MriOMI six.il of fever and whose life was ilenpaired ol lor a while. Is re- iivering nl' e ami will soon be at ' I to Ii,. up. I. ('arnihau I'aellie (.'oast agent lor tile I'latin Manutai turltiK couipu ny. was in Pendleton yesterda and PUOXI thi local Ugeiie for this cele bra taxi machinar) with A Kaoaklt Co. Weston Leader Senator I'roeli stel was in Walla Walla Tuesday on Calls on Everyone to Assist in Urg ing Improvement of the Columbia by the Federal Government. The I'endleton Commercial Associ iion has received a blank petition iiom the Portland Chamber ol COM merce. which. It Is desired, will be signed numerously and returned to Portland to be transmitted with other., to Washington, for use by Oregon's senators and rupresonta i.vea. It calls for Improvement of the upper Columbia river, as well as the ihepcnlng of the channel at the mouth of the river. The Portland chamber has InteL elected a very efficient man Henn B Reed as assistant secretary, to IUi Md E. 0, Maaten. Mr selection was wise. He Is attending to the business of his position as f.- men in Oregon could Tin chamber's letter m-companying the petition, Is: Portland. Jan 5 We are sending von a petition demanding the opening of the upper Columbis and Snake rivers to navigation, ami the Improve ment of the mouth of the Columbia liver so as to provide a xO-foot chan nel for the accommodation of the for elgn and coastwise shipping of the 'nliiniMa rtVtr bantu Thi s. petition will be circulated In the sections Of the Paeltle Northwest which an; vi tally Intoreated In the improvement of waterways and harbors PteOM cin ulate the one MBl you In your ills trlct and return It without delay to us. We will forward nil the potttlOBI to Washington. I). (.'.. in time tot tbeni to 1m of use to our semi'oi -and representatives In eongress In the matter of obtaining tin in .t appropriations in tin next rlv,'is ami U.i i hoi's bill This Is the most lavoi able time In the history of tin UnltOd was In town States for urging the linprovenient of oar waterways and harbors, and if tin people of Oregon Washington and Idaho will unite in their own iii ii i. st they w be able to obtain the j relief from present unsatisfactory i transportation conditions that Is so J urnstly m atwd, "he Chamber ol Commree Port land. Oregon, TTENHN iiahn Praaideol l N FLBISGHNm Beeretan His 8on Was There at the Time, Having Gone Thither Several Weeks Ago. Mrs. William Hilton received a Ml eg ram last evening from her bus .mi,, Hi union s. Iowa, saying that his father died there at the old home on that da Mr. Hilton went to Hil ton's several weeks ago, ami was with his rather when the end came. James Hilton, deceased, was prom Inent in Iowa, owning a large tract ot land near Albla, on which were de posits ol coal, and beiug Interested In the First National Rank there, ol which at one time he was vice preat dent. Mr Hilton was a brother of j Um well-known Judge Hlltou, of New York. He was one of the luadcrs In the development ot the state of Iowa, having heli1 offtOM in an early dv that had to do with the organization of government He was honored b) his associate:-, and held In unusual esteem h all the people ol the conn try In which he has lived for more than haii n century. James Hilton was a, qualntcd with Im Fav'tfio. the French nohlcmuu who came to America to assist tie struggling colonies in their light agnlnst the English crown, meeting him upon Hie occasion or his last visit to this country In I S24 Oeorge OotllO, tin artist, writer ami traveler, was an Intimate irietul and gave him tin- benefit of his great InfltMBM with the American I'm coin pany when Hllto.i desired a iiosltion with Um company. OUR GREAT CLEARANCE SALF Will Continue ijirough January And as heretofore you will find our prices loweTth pi tttors we arc in a position to eive IFST ...i. . """com moot) we wi Piajl Sheeting Kemnants, nil SO KEKP THIS IN MIND when Z . IT .LEAST I give a few prices, but everything goes chea Ppil"! M yartls fliiiKhaiii. fast oolora IB jrarda Outuu Flannel '00 21) yards Crash Toweling M yards fioivl Hhlrtltig. . LOO HO vards BMMbod Muslin . ' 00 '.ii ards Hetter H leached Muslin 100 Hi inches wide, per yard 2oc . . grades at HALF PRICE. rnm' lo1 ol - "u see U ST. Very truly, JOE STORE. THE "Norma" A ladies' line done,, fancy top shoe at kid. $1.79 would he ing value at 5. ; 3 JaV A 2 SURPRISE '" handaonw Hmtm oi the ,oM mihk ' ' tllC. aMfaf I ' -M'l sm ihowing in all iTae. " in an Rliltfeai o lv in such new slldW as arc k The de Up to-Date, First Class FurL ittire Stow ..rgest stock from which to select and all u pnces ompttitloa LudertakiiiR parlors in connc, t,on M. A. RADER. that Mam and VVrhh Streets PoodletOO, Orrnon Lauti ft no VIC chrome kid lint d lace Kni. ihoc a; $2.79 were Stylish, Comfortable Durable aim lie. cr nu lOfll than horetofon go a pair. at nt- will L C POULTRY and EGGS International Poultry Food makes them, tieef Meal gives them flavor. Clamshells make them solid. Mica (fit aids digestion. Try a sample. C. F. COLESWORTHY, Hay, Grain and Peed. 137 am' IJy ast ,ret!t Pendleton, Oregon FOUND THE LITTLE ONE Gracie Langever Gives Har Mother a Bad Fright. Orooia, tka I yoor old iMctttor of Mr. ami Mrs Fred UHMJOVOT. khvc her mother iuit. n MOfa this oftOf noon About 2 o'clock Mrt Iaiikcvi-i ttlttl ready to come down town from their home on Court street, ami QWMM left the house ah ail of hei mother When the mother i anie out she could see nothinK oi the little girl ami eoulil not liiiaulm- what hail lie come of her Sin wh traeeil down Court street until hIk reached Main where she was loaf and no trace could b fouad Of h.' After I.alf an hour oi suspense tin- little oiu WHM found ;-.r In i Kiamlnnrents Mr and lira. J, If. Mi atlinian. in tin- louth part of town almost a hair mile from MMM iertrrtucv Sale Prices on all Shoes. Peoples Warehouse Feetfittar. mm AIRTIQHT HEATERS I have a full line of the ealebrattd COLWS AIR-TIGHT o id and coal Htoveh guarantaafl to Ik aboolutaly air right. None of II i heal in waatad and t lit stoves w sav. ON K HALF of your fuel bill, I also have a full line of cast cook stoves ami steel ranKM. rice ar- the lowest, quality considered T C. TYIOR.the Hardware Man 741 Main street, Pendleton. OrOflOa. ww ftwttffl 1 4 Another Carload of a Big ileal ance Sale REV. MR. HARRI6 ARRESTED BYEKS' BEST FLOUR To make gooil prttatl us- ltyern' bat Hour. It toon ij ret tiraaiiuni at ti.e Chtc(o World Fair overall competi tion, and gives excellent satisfaction wherever used. Kvery -mi ia guaranteed. We have the beat Steam Kolled Hailay, Heed live am! besnlless Baric PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. BYEKS, Proprietor. Covp Clergyman Has Serious Charyr Brought Agalnat Him. The Hev Mr. ItanU. reeioi 01 tie Kplscopal I'hurch at the Cove the i" ail II , QmatV Komle town 11.11 rowly aooaped slepini; 111 the jail ai ' I'nion. save a proM dispateli. He na Wmt allowed to keep his Illicit) I,. flvloa bond.-, foj $51111 for iiis appeal am i- at the next term ol tin cln Uil court. Ue ia charged with tin 1 um, ol rapt, and his alleged victim is a j IV year-old girl, who was employed aw a domestic in his own houaahoiu. The reverend gentleman was arrested yes lerday and evainliied bofoN a Juatn , Of the ptaoOi who tlxeil hf bOBdl at 1600, and sent him on the circuit OCNIft for trial District Attoi m , Samuel White, of Uaker City, rwelv ed u inebsage i, teleplioue asklug I him to MM to Covi 10 be present at the e.a 111 iuatiou. but bOfOM he could go the preliminary trial wmM held, with the result .stated Captain I White says that whlla he kaowi doUi iug of tht oaOO, he believes It will I conn up foi trial at the next term of court BOOKS FOR ALMOST NOTHING Sale (Tim biL mill to ItIi. If you v.nit .1 hook ot am mini or daooriptioti roan Bad look at stuck and yet uoaent ol our low pfieot, TALLMAN & GO. THE LBAWNG DRUiuisrs. Farmers Custom Mill Frad v. alters, Proprietor UaOMafi bsirala - Jsj ' our stbanr' 1 lir nu; flour. Mt . 1 i.ul.w-, ryS . The Ea3t Oragonian ia Eaatarn Ore gon'a rprMnUtlv paper it leadt and the people appreciate It and ahov. it by thair liberal patronage. It is the idvertialng medium of thia sect tut Sewing Machines Nothing sn useful or ornaaiontal (or a Chrittmai Preaoal as a met Strwinn Ma obiao The (anions Rotary White Standard and Wheeler & Wilson to choose from Others from $20 to $30. Big Discount for Cash until January 1902 Pttll line o( Carpets, Kugb, Lace and Bilk Curtains and I ortiers at greatly reduced prices for casli. Wall I Pr and DiattiOf at cost. JESSE THE CARPET MAN. Wood Choppers and Lumbarmsn. We carry the larKost ami b&l Hi''0' Wood Ohoppaifr tAd LuiiiIhmiuuiis iiii)lieh iii the city. Consitting U edge, Hladges, A.XI'H U eihruv mlull .M ( 'TOM- ! and Oiie inau Sawn. Call " ' amine our line and j'i our pricen het'ore puiehaaing HANSFORD A THOMPSOMr Tha Laading Hanlwarv Mn-