East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 10, 1902, Image 6

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Aio Report of a Hold-up and 8ome
Other Local Newt.
Adams, Jan. 9. Clorer lxaf Tent.
No. 83. K 0. T. M., will meet Monday
PTonlng Install the ioIIowIdk offloers.
who will act for tin enduing year:
P. C. Albert llarnln Com , L I
Lieuallen; U C. Charles Warren; H.
F K. Willi Eastman: Chap., .1
H. Roulston; physician, J. C. Sr.ill'n;
s,m m t Rlmptoti M a Mbmi
Pell; first M. (.. V. 0. Simpson: sec
ond M (i Arthur Harala: P., T. L,
Price; 8.. W. 11. Anderson.
A report Is circulated on our streets
that a youiiK man named Dan MrKen
tle. who lives near Adams, was held
up last ovenlnc nuil toMied of a small
sum of money. Your correspondent
has not been able to find If there Is
iinv truth In the report or not If
there Is steps should In- taken to cap
tun the footpads, as those hold-ups
are becoming altogether too frequent
in this neighborhood
Mrs N C. Turpln. a late arrival In
this vicinity from West port. Or. yes
terd.i tOOk possession of tfci Com
merclal hotel In this city. Mrc. Tut
pin Is a hotel woman of man years'
experience, and there is no doubt hut
that this wall-known hostelry will re
tain under her management Its good
reputation with the traveling public.
Mr and Mrs J. T. I.lcuallen visit
ed in Athena Tuesday.
Miss Edna Htia and MlM Florence
K Ewlng w.-nt to Walla Walls Wed
nesday for n week's visit.
Charles Wnrren of Athenn was in
this city today
Hert Warren cnm down from Athe
na Wednesday on s business trip.
Nick Talltlonger. who lives three
miles aouth of this city, last weok
purchased In Maker county 12:! head
of 2 and 3-yearold steert, which he
will feerl this winter on his home
place They are fine anlmnls and If
the present price of beef keeps tip.
Mr Taltllnger will certainly net a
neat profit from his Investment
Albert Unrein was In Pendleton
Paul Maestretti and U S Kermison
witc Athena visitors Hundn
Hubert Morrison and J. T. Ueiialb-n
spent Monday at Pendleton.
Miss Mamie Alloway visited rela
tlves at Pendleton this week.
I rani Ntlll 04 PtadletM, was an
A4mu rial tor Wodaoaioy
R 0 Thomas and T. W. KlmbeiK
were In Pendleton yesterday
Work Is being pushed rapidly on
the W Ol W hall and It Is expected
that lb" interior will be completed In
side of 10 days As soon as complet
ed. R. C. Thomas a late arrival from
Jefferson. Or., will open a club room
OA the lower floor.
V, McDonald, of Weston, was In
Pendleton yesterday.
W II Saver M A Kurguson and J
II Roulston went to Pendleton yes
t nl to attend the Masonic- lecture
Mi and Mrs A J Raker were Athe
na visitors yesterday.
Mrs A M B tU Held returned yes
terday from a week's visit t Pendte
Rev V H Keller Is this week hold
Ing a protracted meeting at the M. E
church in Athena.
Chris Maestretti who has been vis
ltin at Ereewater. returned home
Strikes Rich Find.
"I was troubled for several years
with chronic Indigestion and nervous
debility.'' writes V. J. Oreen. of l.an
caster. N. H. "No remedy helped me
until I begun using Electric Bitters,
which did me more good than all the
medicines I ever used They have al
so kept my wife In excellent health
for years. She says Electric Hitters
are just splendid for female troubles;
that they are a grand tonic and Invlg
orator for weak, run-down women. No
other medicine can take Its place In
our family." Try them Only BOc
Satisfaction guaranteed by Tollman
Two New Business Buildings Are
Now Talked of.
N. A. Miller. the furniture man oi
Athena, who Is in town today, says
that just at present business Is quiet
in Athena, but they had an Immense
trade In every line during the holi
days. He stated that the town was
growing right along and that several
new dwellings had been built this fall
and winter, with quite a few yet
ii tide i course of construction. Two
new business bricks are being talked
of for the early spring. One Is to be
erected by Lester Bwaggart. of this
city, on his property on Main street,
nut tin other by Mrs RUhl. of Walla
Walla, and It Is understood that both
will he occupied by saloons
P. L. Krutier Ordered to Take Away
the Plant He Has Been Operating
Near Pilot Rock.
Word reached Pendleton yesterday
that boring for oil on the Sanford
Htrout place. 10 miles south of here,
had come to a standstill and the drill
apparatus had beeu moved away.
It will be remembered by the read
ers of the East Oregonlan that during,
the summer anil fall months of last
ear P. T-. Krutier, of The Dalles,
who claimed to be an oil expert, was
MAI to the Strout place which had
MM leasced by eastern capitalists
culling themselves the Eastern Ore
gon Oil company. He hail one of the
latest make of rotary drills and a
complete outfit of machinery and men
and they went to work. They worked
off and on until about the first of Dc
comber and had reached a depth of
.about MO feet, when Mr. Krilt.ei was
! called away and upon leavlnn said
that he hail to get more oil and that
hi would return In a few days ami
reouini work This was the last work
; done, ami only a Tew days ago he
CMM and moved his outfit awav
The cause of the sudden ceasing of
operation and the removing of the
machinery Is not positively stated
but it is thought that the company
beoOJM dissatisfied wit li the work be
Ing don tad the wav It was managed
:i mi that they will have anothci con
tractor on tot ground soon to com
plcte the development work
According to good authority there
is every indication of oil In abund
.me when the proper depth Is reach
ed, and there Is also good prosper!
01 COO being found in paying qtianti
The present company's lease runs
out in June, ami unless they get an
other drill on the ground and do the
development work stipulated In the
contract, they will forfeit all claim to
the work having been done It Is uu
derstood that If they drop the project
there Is plenty of capital only too
anxious to take hold of It and prove
to a certainty whether or not there
Is oil under Mr fltrout's place
It Is a remarkable fact that although PprtdetOn,
I I'.iru it ti it n f I'll VP I'l 1 1 1 I i ' ! -
inr a" ' s - -- ---
tolerably familiar with the , listens
and character of nearly all the TWO
plj of the world--a knowledge which
bv the wav. he has obtained by read
M novels ami seeing plays whose
srenes are laid In foreign countries
hln Idea of Russian life Is confined
to the despotism Of the government
the subjection of the people ami the
exaggerated strength of the anna
ment Therefore such dramas as
For Her Sake" have as geunlne and
illstlnct an educational value as the
historical drama or novel, especial
Iv when the Picture Is as antra e y
and carefully drawn as that o this
p,ay This fact, combined with h
Btmpl bMaty of the story h
hrlgh ami -lever dialogue, and th
mun flcenl and startling scenic ef
eets shonld make the comm pre
sentatlon an altogether notable
The Umatilla
Agricultural Implements, Vehicles
AfT G0. f TITIA3
It Daisies the World.
No discovery lu medicine has ever
created one-quarter of the excitement
that has been caused by Dr. King's
New Discovery for consumption
pneumonia, hemorrhage, pleurisy and
bronchitis, thousands of yvhom It has
restored to perteet health For
coughs, colds asthma, croup, hay fe--.
hoarseness ami whooping cough
It is the quickest, surest run In the
world It Is sold by Tallman & Co
who guarantee satisfaction or refund
money. Ijirge liottles 50s and Ufl0,
Trial bottles free
Russian Melodrama to be Produced
Here on the 16th.
It Is not very often that the theater
goers of Pendleton have an opportun
ity of witnessing such a meritorious
production as the Russian mHo
drama 'For Her Hakt." which will
M put on at the Fraer on the 14th
This play whlcli i exullenth
staged and pres. SO ted by a company
that has won the admiration and
pphMMM of tin illMTtmlnating pub
lic, portrays life in the Czar's do
mains with wonderful vWldMM
Criminals all over the country will
be exceedingly chagrined to learn
that CoptOil! QOOffft f Titus, the
head of the New York detective force
will be retained In that capacity by
the new administration Captain TI
tus' clever sleuth work has earned
him a wide reputation throughout the
Catarrh isnnoi Bo Cured
With leeal BMMeattaosi as itv ssmsm Nash
tin- ri el tlx- .Iim--'. t nurrli ia l.l.w.1 or
ronittlulliMMl iliwaav, lll In enter to i lire It
you mint take intrnml re Hi" IUI1V i
Urrh DSN ! taken int.Tnaliv ami sets directly
tin tile I'lotxl anl mm on SUriSeSSi Haifa ('a
larrli Cure l not a Meek Btedteine, ll pre
M riis'U by em oi lie- sett phrwetsnt in thta
i n ii I r lor vi-ar-. aiel laa rcuular iin-ai riplton.
It la co'tiliNiaeil ..: lie Ih-m lonl. . kllon idln
tine.) w ft ti hi- im'i i i. -i porinert, " tun;
ilirei lh on tin- nun on aurfsesi The peiferl
lomiiinatioii t i lie to laaredleals li hai
pradveet Mteh axwiierfuj rsanlts In curiae; es
larrli S let tor leailtnniilalr. tree.
I . J. I.'IIINK a CO i t"i'- . roledo, O.
Holt li Urtlnmal.-. price 7'a-.
Hall - Kamth Pllll are tile lel.
Writes Anent the Governor's Race
and the Various Entries.
A local poet hands In this:
I dreamed last night that I witnessed
n race.
The purse was the governor's chair.
HI giv yon n Ht of the entries
As they had them pintetl there:
Ankeny. Lowell. Church. I'uinish and
Timothy (leer,
st mill back' They are off In a cloud
of dust
To the sound ol a doafaatf cheer
Who said thai the Union horse
would win'.'
Mi V bound tO M b it In the lurch,
Km the voters oi Oregon, you know
Are mil "Batch pumpkins" on Church.
Tall Timothy leads to the quarter
He'll hardly stav the mile.
They've pocketed Ankony. sure us
h 1.
Just see those Lowell
Croat (Inns! .lusl sec
grass steed,
lb ' good for atiothei
He'll i iisilv win the rat i
Let h go ami take n smile,
l is lust as I thought, when the bal
lots are In
The state will be lotinil out of (leer
iiil Umatilla Will Furnish the horse
Who'll he stalled In the governor's
A Profitable Investment.
"I was troubled lor seven years
with my stomach and In bed half my
time.' says E. Demlck. BomervUle.
lud. "I spent about $innn and could
get nothing to help nie until I tried
Kodol Dyspep.iia Cure 1 have taken
a few bottles and am entirely well."
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure dots the atom
a li s work by digesting the food. Tall
man K- Co. nuil Hroek A- McComas
men nutk
that bunch
hands down
Walla Walla Will Cr.,t, , -
Department of the City GtwJ
mem bomrwlut Like Thtt of T, I
i uwn.
"am. Win a Jan I.,
doctln, th, rhj eat. pi.MMi
or the city government for t Mat
the eomn ill liim ehaniraa n.. .a. J :
sogregatci t water lm,B,M f I
all other lllilltei'H nf ellv .... "I
ii naa been round to i.. rrj msstu-l
iin-iui in conduct tile WSter plut ,
mm si reei liepinitnint ami ntker
partnents are roiuiitrt(ii au
h;n"" I
I tile one.
T'le council lias iiassed tn
uace eras! Ing a ipeehg mtlm toi
ami miiKin; the system t
Dusinesi tn he mnnsgsil indtsnaal
ol nil other clt nffaini The giotJ
: Is to be received Hint paiil oat tot
; necessary expenses and for thf retin
i mem oi tne nonas wnicti werf li
' to purchase the plant from thi
wniin water company ovr a
: ago
Don't Live Together
Constipation snd health rne
logethei DeWltt's Little Barly
ers promote easy action M the I
wit bout griping or rllatreti TM
Co antl Rrnek Mrfov i
Kai neri and dairy men dint
time with Hie rallwsy men ill
liirniers congress In 8slcm The
pers on both sides were able o
and the session proved one of'
most Interesting of the rom
tin's lar Mlllsbnro wts ur
iii securing the neil meetlntofi
Dalr) aoooclatloo and Decent
IMS, was flM il as the date
This sale being a bona fide closing on! sale, the purchasing public is taking advantage of the exceptional values offered in
. - - ... . ... . . . A I ..kia
t the various deoartments of Pendleton s big store. During Januarv we will endeavor to prove that this sale is tne mm
. - , w , .
I popular in Pendleton. Prices thnt convince will be the great factor.
I I,., ; s i. tf thiw ..il chfiuc un iihTpncp nvcr ih 1 firt u'nL
H-M-eOt .! IHI I t 1 1' I f1 'I1 1"i I t tOOO I aHil4.itMtt" M,MMMH"MHNH
1 he fi st week of this sule shows an increase over the first week of last year.
Muslin Underwear
$1.00 Shirts
Mi-n's Iftuudried fmioy ouloftd sliirts
"Hi-Mt'taliic" and ' Viitn lirqp." and
i ntbero, lh ragular values of whioh are
$1 5f, $1.50 and l .7ft,
Oddi ind Itvft'uvsn ot man 'i under
wt'ur at out prloti tO OlthVli
Olotiiig handkrobiafi at So.
Twenty ntr t-eir dlxoouut un byV
oloillfng. Don't forget tliid.
All kindi ol BOc neokwMr to
(dose at
A buUOh (if 'Kltl hats that we are mix
iuutt to cloae out as foil iwh: $1.50 hat
for fi.iMi; $2 r( Ion for $1.76j $:i "' iat
for ift.TA, tie.
Don't iorgi-t tnefl.Oii mittenu for 50e;
$i '2o lov for 95e; i .QOglovot 50o.
X Of Mn'i BUelp Working Hhirti
Sjueiul nui'kri 6o.
An ui.piteeden'ed bu) 0HftblvM ns to
offer Uiii Kai borgein In men 'i nitd
120.00 mho (br 12.50
$ln (J riiiilts fur 10.1M)
All llieo and 100 of tliein, tbeM CaWUOt
ie dupUcnl d
iviMt'Diito ntii't ti'. Sauritieed thevtm
0 coal.- new ?i-s 00
Ih.iM) coair now I :;,()(
l.'i.ou oonti now 1 1.00
l'JS)0 ooetl now B SO
lo. IK) foa1 1 now 7.A0
7.o0 eo itt- ii iw A 00
We have race! veil another dray load
of our celebrated 50c overalls, I be bei
in the state
$2 50 and ii SV KATKRfi nov 6i
Dress (iood
At onehelf prita. Thii wl contin
nee and lias pioven ven popular.
tnoneandi t dreetai left.
Ladies Capes and Jackets
l.-M) and fo.lHJ loi twice the valtM.
All our new goods lnoluded in this
sal . Httn- arc tuptrior value tti any
offered ! lewhere,
G iwns
All tuateriali and trlnunlng!, original
ptics 7"c po 19c; Hoc now OOe; gl.lfi
now Blto; 11.86 now Btic.
Quality as above 8Se now 17c; ggc
now 2He; 7.V now B8e; Bfifl HOW tc, and
other i in propofl Ion
All 1: tiuls a-1 al )ve, 8Se now 28e; Bfie
now -19c ; 75c iiuw 59c; hoc ihia- (9c.
We ohallangs oonipacieon of valuai at
(.rices i, noted. The children's dreas. s.
ohiin.Mf and aortal co trs Included.
We haw made a gretl otfl '1
. . i: U'.. in..- i l'l'iil'iuu
ii ice. on mis i.ik
make a traink elearance nflMt
Ihe.elore the entire line Is uiwm -
lots to sell at
2Cs 5c ,J0c, 15c. and 20i.
Cashmere hose
Cut deep.
lOi valuer ;
"0t values now
66c valuea now
- 6c valuea dow
ft I OA ; a I ll. u m lU'
r,c v-rthiHs nov 8 P!
s tor 50J
I ascinators
Knlire line to oliWC in loH '' n
0c, 26c, 32c, 39c and 5Mc
( 'hildren'c
and MisHes
Underwear knit
l.(Hi valuer now
$i.'J6 valuea now
1 B0 vain s- now
Ladies' knit skirts
To atoaa at ona-half i,n,'t'
Formerly $I.(H) to $2.00
Winter aap at half prid
now to he closed at