00 I I 1 WWHf tWHWfWMHMtIM I M H MMMM Great Slaughter of Prices Winter Goods Must be Closed Otrt. ' an- putting Olll all uui suits nod overcoats, at a bii; N dtlOt ion dm ins thifl sale Von win find our nit prices tin frelov. tlit; pi ices il nttiOl I On t . t- name goods, notwitlistatulitip, tlir ni i!: counts offered !' tome The- sie ui the tfiaoount does nut mean anything to the purohaeer; it is the net price that determines wlietliui an article is a bargain. Ladi p Waiati and Wrapper! at a reduction. Capei ami l urn great. radnoad In price. uai OVIT Klantialattoi an. I Prtnoki Plan trail at out prloti. i 'omforti at rtduct 1 priots. gal tome ol our bargains before the stock is puked f V Whrrc Whole Families can Trade I HE FA I t- u w Hi KUitiAY .1 ANt'ARY 10. 1902. DAILY, WEEKLY SEMI-WEEKLY BY TH. East Ocgonun Publishing Company AT" MMOU mv MiiKn. haii.v suBstaie i am iiati- Our npy NT Wir. Ii ui.. Vi tin. ipy in iiiKiiili .li. ui... Up. copy Mr Waak, b oirn r lrlaJaiiba.rlpU.iii a. - nuiiiiirr. uui wiiklv m m simna Ufa -I. . ... . . a . . oi.-' cop, ais m.intit 1 - . aUhaVTlpUllll M i( r . 1 1 1 . . i f . wr.rLk i v m M mi i KM BATM ropy on, ,,ir ?l -v Uin-copy an montiia ? 1 rutl ub- fi. t ii u -C,... "MP' sevaaranse hatj: (ll'ap.nt A.l artwrill.-tlt..) In.. in.-li. or leaa, lu M.-nil y .-cu Ml inOnOi SMI One iiitfh. ur IrM, In Ua-e . pa II Ii I 1- in. nra. orl.-aa.ui I'nil. a. U v..iSu..t m.iiiili . ISI So) israa laafcsa, k .. h..j. j.i.r imii i I llli ... ... ... I 09 Ovrrlrirm. Iii.'Iip Mil i - r I I. P r in. nil. '.'. 0 llirn In.-lici, in I 'it i an '. M KI) , M r IMS pat niinib . . SOI Om larti, Or l', in w -. i. ijr pr uiun.li . 174 Ov. r I lira lu. n. . in Vtevklv, p. r mi l. per pacta.. n O r mrve IiicIii-k. In 1 u..iy'a laau,. of Ham. Wwmy, p.-r Inch )r monlh at Holi. I in ipan a ! s nim IP Ham V . i-klv Waafc.lv or lalli I. I 'U . i . . r I.. I. ;l ) fjaon sttbs..ii. II I I . I. ..... i i" .... l. i. i . ..la per lui. cal. luatri on UP TO THE SENATE AGAIN. ante tin' Ntoaranmuaa tnaal i ? 1 romes to the senate tor its con alileru! inn Atsalti li anears tn as fati il ti. meet death there The house has heretofore enacted the bill Into law hi i far an the house ih concorn.td. and tin senate unite inimptly kill d It. At thin time, tlif nieusuie comes to tin- senate with ttic usual i-xpics lona of caution on tin uurt of the ni. tnliura of the uixr hoiiHt. "Lt ai coLalder" aay the aonatom aflat 1'" 'a-i- i it c (iiiMiil.'iiitloii iil't.-i il. sail r. of sjsjjtttn InvoHtliiatlon, af ter taeataala raaatii from comiietunt fomnilttci'P upiiulnted by tlif pteHl dents the fads are rather well kaaara it m ajnlta aeU eatabitHheii that the Nicarairiiuii route Is tin (.t tr better fhnn the Panama. The innaaoatlaaalal raiiropiin aie hodtlli to nnv canal IslHlatiOB They have been th, ineaim at former defeats. They are still hostile. In fact, tin rallromlH are and always have been hoatllc to all lui;ialatluu federal Kuvernnient lu favor . erwaya The Hn Just as limned to liuprovluK the Co river at they arc the cunal the iHtllliiUb. it be tliut the republican ma by tin ol w. Ullic I lumbla lafaaj ran joritv lu the Mania win self by killing this bill? that they will ukuId aaejsja that they win not atultlfy It Cau It be a. . .'pt the KO a:;. ui...' the wishes of the htf trauaportatlon tarapaalaa even when the people de mand It? Certainly, the republican majority will not have the effrunteiy so to do ( i italuly, if they do. the people will not forget It. "AT THE OLD CROSS HOADS." "At the Old Cross Hoads," Hal Held s play, was given at the Kiaer Wednesday iiinht V. re one to In dulge in bluet criticism of the piece, he would be compelled to say that the character of "Tom Martin," the ynuiiK southerner vtlio consents to marry ' Anuabelle" befoie he diseov ers she has In her no ui'gru blood. is mi impoaalbls cbaraoter Anyone ucqunlnteil with the south am! Its Inborn sentiment imuliiHt inte. mm rlage of the whites and colored peo ple, will concede that "Tom Martin" cannot exist excepting In the Ininp Inatlon of a write'- nrbo portrays what he thinks would be right rath ST than what he thinks to be the fart Me uiight he and. ol course v ould lie. entitled to hold an opinions re mrdlm the Interracial relations of the two cIhkhch of southern people, Hi might belteva that M as were that Tom Martin even though bovn and bred In ths south lu would do as this Tom Martin did consent to ed a girl in whnn. it apueare at the time there wits n strain of colors ti blood. lint aoarevei the ptoywrlcht th'iiks am! however u, mli;bt act a n be situated Hka that young SOUtberaei, It Is not n correct por trayal of southern sentiment to re iii'. K. nr Tom Martta as niUtaf la marry u negro " t the om Orosa itoniis" purporti to be a picture of southern lltv and a reflection of southern chaructnia. It is not In Its motive a play lu which It is Intended to set forth what the author believes should be the con oepUea or the people of the south. And as a picture of southern life It is faulty, and lacks the touch of the erttat Just in that respect It creates an Ifapeeaibls eaataeW arbea it ere alas Tom Martta Tom Hartla aavei lived among the higher etneeee south or Masui iv IUmui h line STUDENTS WHO STRUOOLE. obm latareetiai tacts wmiM un doubtedly be disclosed I, a-, urate statistics could be obtained from ome ic the large educational Instltu tions of iinw main HtuiU-nt pav all or parr of their expenses, ami the rnrtous channels of eaaploansanl which students chooae of eui nine Mi. money necesHarv to defray the coit of pin suing a colloge course A It lance at toe statistics of one de pnrtatenl of the rniveraity of Paaa- aelvnnla nlon.. would furnish a fair "Htimate of what is undoubted) ' ,ii and of what Is perhaps mori' pro BOUaeed la BOOM other universities. 1 t the ilhii students of the Law BehOOl, about in per cent earn at least part unit in many eases all. of their expanses. The source from which tin Inrgest nunibei derive an income Is tutoring, that Is coaching or ipilzing their fellow students In ' i" regulai ' otiiH. h ui preparing ap dlcants for the eniraiKc examlua (Ions This source Is the most de suable and profitable because It gen rullv develops the tutor's knowledge if the very subjects upon which he must pass examinations himself While most tutors consider them icives extremely fortunate If they are able lu this wa to defiay the ex penses, there have been aome excep tionally successful tlltOIS Ht P..nn'o I aw School who have been able to cure pupils at 2 per hour, and who uuve been known to earn several liousand od Uora In a single year, it la only those who have a knack lor teaching, however, who uro at all successful at "qulMlng." The most popular and most profitable eiuplov Beat principally among student., wlio cannot "quiz" successfully. Is that of etllna tareoaooate views and canvas- Stni books during the summer vaca loa This owes Its popularity to the ullowing combination: It Is mostly pen air work and pays well. It does ot Interfere with their studies, aud 'hose who have been successful in Ills Hue agree that the experience 'erlved from a season's tour lu can asslng Is iuvaluahle. Several ener- Igetli students at I'enu's lw school I are known to have cleared more tbafl j a thousand dollars at this work dur , ' Ing the summer nioiitliH Soliciting insurance has been found very profitable b. fonu- men One very energetic ami enthusiastic student worklnt only during tie lObrtatnuu belldays la the pnst three years has written almost enough .sorting mall on the train on his dully three years' course of an ooononlc- ' etndeoi at the university Another desirable etnplo) metit. and one which does not Interfere with ths .studies in winter la that ol clerk in summer lintels These clerkships. , however, are rare and hard to get. but several men have been enabled to go through the Lev Bchool by ee Curing such positions Quite a number Of men have also wot i;cd their way through In pool thins which enabled thetn to attend tl.i "clauses" during the iliiv. among these there have been ligiit watch men. telegraph operatms and rnll - road ticket agents one student i living at n distance : M miles from Philadelphia, earns a fair living by cortlng mall on the train on hit- dull trips to and from the city. Some mc. lents earn their board by worhlni II htteheni or waiting on the table anil then some who take care of farnai Stt etc. f.u their room rent: this class of work, however. Is not so , popular ai Pennsylvania aa at sonic I of tin southern aad western iintim I tiniih Anionc some of the otiV which stlidoius nt the Lew School I have done, or are doing, while pursil ing tneir atuuiea. are report in . teaching in night schools clerking stenography panel stnfllng. running a laundry agencies, serving milk an paper routes painting asslstin libra rise, etc, Sonu. of the most nop ulni saauaei eainlogrnwnti among htn not heretofore at nation ed are a,; Iiik as conductors on cars as park guarding, traveling us companions canvaaatng aad clerking in law offi . Beveral have also made a ml: HvIiik by working In machine shops iirb'k vards. etc Bverj effort in put forth to secui remunerative employment rm all sm dents desiring assistance, and the Ol Beers ot tin- Lea Department have always omm with much sm this respect a fund is also bt ins gmdanlly aeeumuUUed out ot which temporarj loans are made to atu icnta needing ianmedhite Baaaelal as 1 slatnnee Skin Diseases Kczema, TtTTSn, PnoaiAStS, Salt ftjnttm, Acnm and a great many other diseases of like character are classed as skin diseases, when they could just as properly hr culled bl I diseases, foi they undoubtedly originate in the blood, like Cancer ( it urrhi Scrofula, Rheumatiim, Contagious HlooT Poison, etc. the only real dinerence being UI ths Intent tj end nature Of the poison. The more seriou diseases, v inn er, Catarrh, etc., arc caused by some Specific pe-ison or virus, which Is either inherited or in other way! gets into the blood and attacks certain vital org-aiii or BOpeers In the form of terrible sores ami ulcers, while the milder and le dancer nw ii In tti nrr r cd by blood humors or an over acid condition of that fluid, ThcaeecW no! they oose out through the pores of the skin, eaue en . u irritation with intense itching and burning. The eruption may be of a pu ul i kind, a ui' secesslvedi liurge of thick, gummy fluid, or the skin mar M not, dry end feverish, swollen ai ill lured. Skin diseases, whether they appear ns sores, blotches or pimple 1 sett cheerfully and most sincerely endorse become more deeply rooted your speolgs o t 'or Ecsema, the most nm intractable the longer irritatimr and aniiovnig disoa.se, I think, that nf.Kj(.rted, the skin in timr float. 1 heir to 1 was troubled with It for Ravine a thick hard kweatyave tears, and tried many r.medios " I,ard. wgl' win. no irood en.-n. After using your modiolus ad unsightly appearance, a short time 1 think I am imttrnlv rslloTed. vou can hide the blemishes You ..m I VS this Statement any punlioity you for n time with cosmetics; may doe rS, M it in ui uniurily macti, more for an washes, lotions, soups those afluotod than lu.'orioty for myself. (in,i powders may rclieva VrV WSTOAM ' BILL. ;".n,K,rarilv the ithine snd 318 Vy sst Osntral. W n ! M ,.. Kans. burning, hut eventually the pone ol the skin become so I ml tfa ' ths Poisonous matter thrown off by the blood , i of the s stem, uml se: Irs on the lungs, heart or some other vital organ aa I endangers life, mil 1 lip the p dinted blood is the right treatment for skin rr till pur i ilu i medicine is so dcNcrveiUv popular as S. S. S. j bl I humors, and when taken into the circulation 1 impurities nnd puts the blood in a healthy, normi la rnn'l rem In in an irritated diseased condition when , .Mih rich, new blood, Is the only guaranteed purely vegetable stnedy, end ths safes! aud besl t isiu beautifler, Write onr physicians if you have any blood oi skin diss um and they w ill cheerfully udvise you without charge. TWi fWIPT jPBCIPK COMPANY. ATLANTA. OA. Vau's Dyspepsia Lure Tin TWO KINDS OF DOLLAR. dollars In ami big and di III Ibel' h il dlffcle.i Sllllie in so pin. And whoteoonw llghtful 'hii others which met rv procure Arc Utile and tarnished and rrlght fill The good kind brine t taiui tor Kiiiri. .s With hoaeet, InUlHgenl The others bring only that distress That comes ol unmanly i rich,.,, that striving: Sl'HIU III conniving. rrOI to measure mil 'TIs the sorriest Colli By tin nnmbei m oolutrei 'tis bet ter To think or theft quality: and it they hold A genuine Joy tm their getter I ol a coin that Is good w hen . It might with ooaaotenci aad heart h dealing. is only a counterfeit aJaaaaralaei quite To him who obtains It by stealing Nixon Waterman. In the January National." res iUrei! Ill n' if and It w ill cure you i M Obiirehi LeOrende, Ore., sayS) I siillen-il for Ll ywirv, hiuI Isdieve tad I not Usui! Nail's 1.vn)h'ihiu Cure I would not I alive to write you a testimonial.'' Ke'hen Phik, Holae, Idaho, eajrei "I eifleeed fin yc.it-, fouiui many rellefe it.i no OUn ' Ai cpi you n." ' I ..at bj la linnn & Co , and all r-t rbMS druggista, or send to Pranh .so, Portlaed Hotel I'barmacy, Mort It id Oregon I'riic $l a bottle or 0 t . fee ftg, express prepaid. LUjVIBER and other building material Including Line, Cement, Plflatei , trriCr., and Band. The Columbia Lodging House 1 W I V PURNMHEI) II AR IN OONNBCTION I N ' KNTF.lt K BLOCK ' 1 1 TA A W KBB HTH I V. SCHKMPP. Prop. LOANS on win out M- I nv,. AMY NEVER (OMPLtT "it- " U thleli. hixiirlsiil ho.i.1 o( stusn ban, U'hlnh ii' ill truth Huiiinc .,., ing K'uiy." Th I a 1 1 ri i . I It 1 lee ti 'I'll': Ill-1 .,.-nlo er Mil, t I'M- ' ' Iniir ol ihU lelaf, for, by t troylng tin- ' l-ell.l III:,. rosd 1 1 - .ii UlO Oil of tin nun r. m ii. it mi. kes u.iinlrufT, Ulhi.g h.il. and all mile ilu.ai i lm PUI - I, II thin pnnii.iu-.i a lieu mill tlu.-k growth r. pi .. , the old tain, mums hair. On Uoltl.. wUI v.-r Uy liiaa.. UUrmcuU. I or Sale dt dill ntt I Ids. IHug tora is Jn i JI2 ft m t il I I kMxfTgn I" Hit lvBW Majestic lanes Jr , - H A DhU a nni a large ato, k wood otn rRita lor berni siwl dwellinas. hm Lumber M At lowest rates X. DICKSON, B4MI orrxonlao BulMlag.i I t tMetoo, Oregon. SBBBBBBBBBBsBLfaBHBVC KafV flwSaasE kaasi gssssFBn ImW W LI. Kay tk Co. Roy sad sell StocLrH, Honda nri1 ( ;rin lur OsjiIi or uu uisrslua New York tuck hachaegc. Chltaro Stock l:nrlmngo. ClHteco hoard of t rade. -I atraa, Saoa.1la.twS '.a. Sec I lie Potfll? . noriag our erMa. .. ,, . .,, , . . vUvv;,uuuS Nag.. Ilroa It wTll Dfl dull. I.. Ik.. I. churn. hi kin l ul Tiu s right pne Win k . , U I II w lo. 'lulus u.i NEAHLt MOfj, Tl. r-in-U Eipouinn ni iiiuk II.. UoW mw -v.. ii, i AS'! I.WHABP R KENTUCKY WfllSKBY BARGAINS! REAL ESTATE for SALE IMI mo ajO i tut m I JO 1 1 i IIHI a" I ISO jio i uu K i on i h Bores near Fendletou. aorea neai Pendlotasi, a res near IHtodietoo. si n - uenr Kendletou. acres near Pilot His-k acren lie 1 1 .. acres iwiea BOM I aeres acre W. J. Clark & Co 211 Court Street. Ookl anailki aaaaa UUO dvsM.slvU Ml 4014 by JOMM Ht Hill in I hr I ouvre 5aloon egM.l.glu.S i la.O.S heal land a heal land wheal laud wheel land w tlOHl illlllt a beat laud Ileal lantl to o iiiilm from town. Six New Houses Cheap. N.Berkeley THE REAL ESTATE MAN. avu,K. Hank Building, Pendleton, Or. if ArtiAas a -ngf CM' It. . 'e 6e it. "e isn . , "i res n .k ton tli. rorli. dfsrtn, T47ai "IN gg, lot.,... itaeeeaTsi1 Jl "2? - T "w MUtcn. a. ! All undrr r,.... 120 sera. .. ... " " mt " ' ontton a . .-it roo m M ' e SasH m. . - w-m . - , a nail t.,h AND EN0Y( tnrm mm if Over 10, Facts and Fn : Special Feat - - -uan - gjej UllkMMlfSi a. 'Isrs A ratal Tin. nlai. Orgaatai LaSri Ikesa. Tease. UsSail WHEAT LANDS jTrTiaii WWTrsslUi 1 .sl (Iraai Snut. rail uioss. t US, wt ,fiiusuiai,i Aerial Nay FACTS ABOUT I THE BOOK THAT I IN EVERY Offal IN EVERY HOME EVERY AMEBIC fnc I rat " ' AhtgRlOs 25 GUI triui TKe oau The Place M I . ' r'r VlSI l it' . nit Ick aadrhMI P'ir line of ,iiinler. 1 .salh. niir iriier. 1 ., i i of mailt 1 '"''I Pliictei, Br Baud MttW Window., Pashl !ooir, Irrnt Gotta Hp R. FURS II It TH A N P TRUCKJ ST or A3 i cwwnerM