East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 10, 1902, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
' IT. ...rlf r '
Tonlht sn-1 .m t " tli
Sa week
NO. 182N
edition: 1 d(K TT
ws. x j mwm m m I
I .
I Be Made Be-
- r
,5 'V
. &ihi Mm 0
k Minds OA W
I) Thr the night
j0 II Th li
ntitf coininerci
.. --" oi I h'' l';t
,irJ Oerge Word,
,t gj Commercial
. . - -- ilu llllllll . till
1,1 vrry nm
Ih,' Commercial com-
1'iinttU'M II)
i mm
or before Novem
i nmMh "i the
within IWO v..rH
Mm Gothim via 9uez
tiuonsn uiiib.
M in i ni' nrsi i en
m- nUiportMlOD
i Co. sailed from
mill li ni UM
. (I... ...
lint BatBtBlj steam
ffivn Mils pu, ; aim
Stv fiiiiri in ilium
J.I. l Ik. .......
ten in un iii-w
Til.. I
Miuli tlx first In- '
inn llshb-rs w Inch
Mitt It Ull H V cragc
Is ali nineteen
w kMMortod to the
,:. Will t It'll-
nunni nn im mi
W W.ltl"ln ' . I 'Fill
'tee- at Manila air
iMsvli'Stl per 00
we new lighten
ii to reduce t he
t (Hatlcu !! .
rompsir na: al
inrarilH of $' no
buiiiifiih including I
MMP il'lil Inter- I
IH (W1 till' tl'Hl
shop in tin- h
Ull its .-Ice
But iml will WVt h
f wrecking mr,
in I'liiiiuiiioc
inwnt time The
Mllb in In ii llii
NHNflt ol skilled
Nucnn Epects Him
"V Yir Yet.
K-Th iw.,i..v ,.i...i .
t"'i" " unni
this niornloK aftec
Wh h.-alth .... .
B to r-i,.. it.......
-A , - - .
' I" Tin- nlHI IM
' to trenafei tin'
JWlMMl Hallway
tu the I,. ,.,t ,,r .
'or Canada fr 1
ptrunsil mil-1
f settling -ill rtltvl
" rroiii time to !
r lint's Sn.'ii , I
Mmd, wini,. lak-!
Miti, s
'"" Mm . u.nilil
t tlllX,. . ,,,r.
rniBidi rat ion . ,. i.ii.
Rn:.-M... ... .i
.-I ""' '"Hit
cot iMiiiition.
u '" -It ii anuousc
pintM st, -I ,.,,,
""rtlon ni i llll(on
"pUat i' in ai.i
iiz; """ "''
ktW, D '-""ran iH
- 'Hil l . 'l(.
11 BHIIoiia ol rlol'
"f South Africa.
JAn in . in. . i
rin. "V. I
Dili r"'-'iUv re-
ia jl
Repotted by I. L Ray A Co., Pendle
ton. Chicago Board of Trad and
New York Stock Exchange Broker.
New York. Jan. 10. Thf wlnat
mBrKot lllOWl no change at the rloa
tnn. alttioiiKh early thrro waa a ilo
I'llni- of a half rnt The export and
flour ileninml Ih nnuRiially gooil every
where anil a the weather condition
in tin- winter wheat atatea la nnuan
al rm thin time of the year, there are
r.ianv who fear MVBN OTOB damai;e
In i-nae of a ehaiiRe tn OOldCf weather,
(.'allies are firm. Liverpool eloaed
l'i. New Ycrk 0BMM4 aolil
down to 87T and rloaed 884. 0W
iAKii opened 8 ami eloaoil 8S0
m. Rtocka ateady.
Closed y cute rd ay.
Oiiened todnv. 88 ',
Kane todaj. 87". (ff KS .
Clotcd today. 8R.'
Puirar. 1224.
Steel. 43 4.
St. Pl, 1634.
Tnlon Pnrlfle. IUt.
Wheat In San Franclaco.
Snn Kraneiaco. Jan. 10.- Wheat
111 1 , 111.
Wlteat n Chicago
C'hlean'i. Jan l Wl,. at -8.34
Otaro Wine Out.
Washington. Jan. 10 -Oppoaltlon
tn tin- ronflimatlon of M. A. Otero,
as governor of Mexico, haa met with
Ifnotninloue fallun- Tin- r,immltt'
In a unanimous repnrt. faor Otero'a
Hippinson to Go to tfl6 Con
tral Americtfl Hofiion.
Report to the Czar Showa Deplorable
Condition Exiating Throughout tii 1
Cmpire'a Manufaoturov.
St. I'oti'tHliiiiT.. Jan. H' Tin- mlD
I'll- ' ut finance haa llieaented to the !
czar 11 report on the Htrli ult lit nl an!
nOHIIBBrotBl erlala In Itnaaia. Hi i- 'V
the metal in'Inxirli'H ari on tin- verge
ol ruin. The textile IttduattfW- an
'! WmWi anil main hi liaui ni '
Ptodnntlva limit im tlnrrimml II ptn
ant iliiiiiiK the nuat M yiaia
Preaa Club'a Convention.
Clmrleatfi- I, 0., Jan 10, VI, ,1:,
nual m.'"':n of the totoniotlonal
I OaBBi of 1'ieu.n Clnlm bofJM ir UU
elfy toolay, with n larKi hi' BdtOee
of pioiiilneiit in wopopsi men
ti, I'nlted States uml OOBOtfl While
ylnitx tn the I'xpoHilion itni! aovlRl cii
tci'tnlninent:. will occnp mueh ni the
line of thi ) Kni''. nutteia
bUMlUMH ai, nut tn ni' (OrgUiUML
All, 1, UK the llli-Ht loins to In tiiM 11.-' it
In the raisin or a fund for the eo
ilnwinent of a home tn bo locotod al
Hi ttiuiiKe. N. J., for aged and Indi
Kent newapuiiei ninn.
Liberty Bell at Charleaton.
i'liarleaton, 8. C. Jan. 10. City of
MeiMlb. n-pi elii'litat IM j, of tile eai
ItlOB anil bllodfOdl Oi OltlMM turn
i'd out tida und Jiilued In ilu Ol i
MOM In the fainoiiK old LUwvty Hell
whii'h arrived Phlladelhla for
exhlbHtOtl at tin expiwltlon The
laiiiinis relic v,iih luatalleil with im
PfOtiVO cereinonle In the Phllailel
phla luilldinK on the exposition
grounda, where It will remain until
flu exposition closet.. The boll V.III
lie guarded day and night i I'hlla
il. Ipluii isilli l inen The o ii m i j- im
lour In niiinlicr und are the loegMM Ol
the I'hiladelphiu force
Freight Rates Reatortd.
('hieugo Jan. 14V A partial aHtlf
nient of the ftetght rate win in I'm
lAeHt I'lhllltes from the agreement
which went Into iff en today provid
ing for the iiiaintuiuuiiee of roloi OB
grain ami pro. noons from Missoiin
rlvver teiritorv to the liulf ports
The niads concerned in the agree
nonl are the Dnlon Poclfle, Bouthem
Pacific,, .Missouri Pacific DOBVOI ami
Kin (iruude anil Hurlington B) stems
Washington. Jan. in. Tie I
. inn - eomtiilttei on nnvnl affairs ;
VllOVOtOd BOOM time today to con J
sidi ration of the Schley rcHolu !,
tiops ChftlrBkM Watson, of the t
aulecoiiiinittei RftOf 'he meetlni;
I aalil the BDBUUittM will talu no J
action whatever on any 111 the -5.
IvajollttlOM which iiave BOM of I 1
f ti n il 111 the hou.'' .
" .... M.i.,. ... . . ...
Viennc Medical Journal AoootinOM
l ever;- ef T'-.l Vti'to iVakca
Us All Sneeze.
vien nu Jan. 1" A DMdleol journal
BjionBoeao the dweooeri of to
boo bolorriwlft." Ibe boctll bmbIrj
1 olds.
- Sft
"an Pranciaen. Jau. 10. In the
WiiIW '.'.'nlli Investigation. the S)
rijo of the la gai sulisian- 2
1 11 1 1 the same HtateineutH given;
their olriciiH esterilr. . hold
Ptopoaea to Have Warshipf In Tiioea
Waters and a Ranking Commander
if Other Power Should Send FleeOa
Washington. Jan It, 1 int. -re noon
will lie IsKiu I In the navy depart
ment to Hear Admiral HtuKinson.
eo!i:iiundliig the North Atlantic
squadron to BfQQQBtl wtth his ahlpa to
Vaootoalaa water it ti nadi rstood
the ailmlntstratloii fears a aertoua
OOtbrOal of anarchy In that OOOBtTf
Thl action on the part Of ft- 1'nlteil
States la not Intended In any way to
coerce Venezuela, hut It Ik expected
that President Castro mill In over
thrown, which will undoubtedly .nine
the presence of a I'nlted States war
ahip to be dealrahle for a protection
of American Uvea and property In
case there la a uavnl demonatratloB
in Venezuelan water by foreign DOW
TO, It la alto wished by thla govern
im nt that the ranking naval officer
be an nierlcan
King the Walln Walla to lilnme for
(the collision Hoary Pouraot,
Jioe or the watch. lltMod thai he S
I - in iniovleated officer on the
I brH-i ot tti, Wnlla Walla. !
"..' . ... . . . .'ii-.i.r.v.i,).-,
Plnladetph o't New Postioastci
Pbllodolnhto. Jan. iu. Colonel
Clayton McMU'hael who was recent
ly appointed poalaaaotor of Phlladol'
phla, elitered Upon the duties of his
in w orl'u e today .
Ivneotion for Cleaning the (.cert Al- ,
moat Equal Cotton Cm in Intttnit
Atktoaa do., Jan. 10 liitburltlea
on ottou are keenly nit. n-st-11 in tin
ilea invention lor eieanivi, emion-
si 1 il V. --! 't -I'll' t . 1 !
Mirble 1 1 1 1 : I,, , iHtni linliui
tti sine the invention oi tin cotton
gin. Ii deals entirely wiih tin col
tooai ' and povom all step, in ita
treat ii.ei'.t from the time the aeed
It'UVes the gill alter the cotton hat
been removed to ilH pTOdBCUon lUtO
refilled oil. lliakiug poMnible the abaii
donnmnl of In t cleat c tv.arhlaes,
it cooBpriooi tin 001 alata und poo
feet delinting and hulling ot cotton
and bv a scciet ciieinlcul pi-lies in
2 minute, the recoverv ol all the
lint and hulls Ol the seed in parfOOl
condition for pnpar stock of high
finality, and the production of reria
flnei' !! fnun the seed in tim e opera
tior: e PijiB one hour and 0 uiin
lite ea n a vaieii with i at pwnti
onoi thnw ocenpylaji bwuo aoorn,
end, Ii, oiii nu t boll The lew pro
ei a It la claimed, not ouly siioiiena
the I inn rennlred under tin oM pro
esi ' " per cent but te'lllce thO
Mitt 1 prodllcfun the product in its
final i tnie, "o per cent.
Anitii-ao Machinery for Ruaaia.
Phlla lelpOil Jan. m. The steam
shin Otin lo which suited from Phll-
iuhla today, carriet a large cargo
of hui'vcs ing BMcbineo denUnetl for
Boutbi 1 1' liussia Ii is the initial
blpmenl i 1 fulfillment Of an order
. , , il by the Deering Ha, cst.-r
ctnrnny and the McCormlcli Har
vesting .Machlin eoniiun.v. both of
fiiitai.il 101 L'.'iii earloada o! inachln
Sfj t tn tin Kuhsian agi ieultural ills
Irlcl boiderlni ob tot Monk ieo;
faya Penkti P?-r 't Nte:aartly Un-
i1 .1 . iai il i.'c.cy Qunetlan
1 it- t.it:. Ni b., .in!-., in. w. j. Bry-
v. Iii tin Commoner today, continues
I attack on (lov ei nor Shaw of Iowa
He says that, bet auae Mr. Shaw ia a
money lender, he doesn't necessarily
til'tlertti'lld the piiueipl.s Inn govern
the money nuest I in or bOD to adiniu
istet 1 ne portfolio to which he haa
been called.
Bryn in Macaachuttta.
htoiyoltO Mass Ian 10, William
J, lb van arrived In Uolyoke today
and was given, a cordial welcome.
Undei 'li- auspices ot the local noun
ell of the Knight ol CotaflBbua be
spiuks at the city hall tonight, tak
ing as bis uM.- "A Conquering
Panama People Come Forward With
Their Forty Million Price for the
lathnnan Ditch.
Washington bii. in. The Panama
'niiul company. In a letter roenivod
bj kdamlml Walker today, mmle a
loimal offer for the sale of the canal
propoit to the I'nlted State The
price is $40.(100.000. There Is no ree
ervntfon. the term Including every
thing the company hold In eonnee
Hon with the canal.
Dr. Mendea' Silver Jubilee.
N.-w York Jan. 10 The .-haaral
Telllab ('ougregation todOl at an a
three tlayt.' celebration of the silver
lulillee ol the paslorati ol the Itev
I . I . Ij. . ' ml ' 's The celebration
is being conducteil 111 the Weal Knil
synagogue ami la participated In by
many prominent rabbis ami layinon
A Cleveland Failure.
(Uv eland. Jau 10 The Kuclld
Avenue Triiat and Saving company
assigned thl BBOrntng to Frank fllnn
Soon nfti r tin aaalgoBaonl Olnn la
sued a statement saying the bank la
solvent ami will pay dollar for dol
lar, but the concern assigned hocauae
it was unable to realize on ita ae
curltles and meet uiiiiaual demanda
rnoontlj knoaVi upon it wven the
lust statement was issued, the com
pany had a surplus of ftiri.oon
Queen in Bad Health.
Suiulrliigham Jan I" Queen Al
vntidias health Is still unaatifa'
tor) It la probable she will rnmala
In retirement for some time retln
rir the coronation
Oldest Odd Fellow in the Country.
Van Wert 0 Ian 10 Samuel
Saltaberger ,1 nM Ideal or Vaji Wert
tislay cilebiatiil his lOld birthday.
Ill Is said to be the oldest Odd Pel
In in the I'nlted States
Danish Parliament Assembles.
Copenhagen. Jan. in. The riksdag
Mod toduy. The session ia re
galded as of more than uaiial import
nice as It is generally expected that
action of some aort will be tuken
ivlth renai'd to the proposed bale of
Hie Unnlah West Indies to the ('lilted
Permanent Cansua Bureau.
Waaiilngton Jan. 10 - Consul' 1 '
1 inn of the bill creating a permanent
cenaus bureau waa begun in the
houae tbia rooming
Rumor of Peace.
1. 0111(011 Jan 10. The tilobe prints
loda a 1 nor 1 inunating from well
luformed qi 'etrra tiiai overtures for
peuci have bt 1: tnadl by the Hoer
chiefs who are prepared tn Biirroder
if they are not exiled January 15
is stati ! as the probable date of sur
at ader
Floods in Washington
Taconin, !' 10. Hen) rolna
, kuned tin- Nooksack Skagit and
oiher western WaBhiuglou more to
overflow The town of Deming anr!
h einon are flooded
News Fiom Pint ppinrs of the Pro
BfOM of ergjtnc "Croaa the Prov
ince. WaBhlngtOOi Jau In. The navy de
paitiiitnt teieived the following ca
ultgrMB tiom Admiral atodgon ut ca
viic today "Walker reports having
completeil a In day s march across
Kumar From lainuug to liehey. the
colnmn endurod great hurdshliw. They
killed 13 Insurgeuis. captured a cap
lain llnntangnl and four men "
March .'b Will Be the Beginning of
Their Independence.
Havana Jau I" March 16 is de
I ided us the date for the inauguration
of President elect Palina and the In
stallation of the new government of
Indiana Republicans.
Indianapolis. Jan. lo. Tin- ileum
II at: of Indiana met last week to re-
iKuni .c their state committee ami to
infuse new blood In the party, and
now the republicans uu- to have their
inning. Today republican pn-cinci
met r ug are being held throughout
Ihe sta'e for the puipose ol choosing
delegates to the conventions which
nill nelecl uicnilicrh ot the uew state
committee The state committee will
be reorganized at a iinetlnt; to be
held In ie week after net
Colonial Wars Dinner.
New York. Jau. 10. At Oelmoui
ens this evening the Society of Co
lOBJOJ Wars will hold their teulh an
nual dlnuer iu commemoration of the
founding of New Amsterdam in 1614.
The society comprises iu Its member
ship some of the moat prominent peo
ph oi New York aod the annual din
ner ia one of tbe chief social fUav
tlon of the winter season
Baking Powder
The diflferencc oi ,' between oti
ifld a poor hiking powder WOUld ni
ainou.ii lor a faniily's bupl i . . . (1 I
lar a vcar. The poor ppwdi r would
canst doeton' billi man)' timci thi
Drt Price'j Cream Baking Powder is
the most ccono111it .il in the end, became
it got 'i further in leavening ami insures
perfect, wholesome foodi
Used alwayi in making the bUcuil
anti t ake it lavCf both health ami money.
Made from pure, grape ( ream of tartar,
mobt healthlul ot fruil acidi
Baking Potsa Co.,
Noti.. Von camaOt) il MM value gtssl
health, aib ml in uae czieap, low grade
b.ikmg pooKfcn rhoy are asoouy, in
spite ,if tin .ire iooil l.ivvn. made from
alum abkh endangers tin; Jiealth. All
pbysKuus will h 11 you that such pwis
uV nj in f ) are injurious.