0 "Thursday, janttauy 9, ioi eoavtetioB with the school 1 win take an appeal from their derision as soon as the county superintendent Gonial home. W S MAYnRRRY PERSONAL MENTION OUR SHOE SALE CONTINUES. In full blaet ami will con tinue until nil hi stock Is Kiu. Don't tula thl oliHiic to buy your foot wear at a IiIk it ilii.'tion. Kvf ry thing IP. CLEAVER BROS The Boot and Shoe Men. MR. MAYBERR Y'S STORY. Says He Wasn't Hurt Much He Was Dismissed From School His State ment Does Not Vary From the East Oregonian't Statement of Wednes day. Helix. Or. Jan. 8. (To the Editor) The statement or report to your pa per of tin 7th Inst. Is duly noted The farts in th' ruse an- misrepresented. True Charles Stanton proceeded to do me up. hut Jumped the wron man Neilther one In hurt, but of course some ,ay no Then- has been no trouble in the school whatever, with the ax rapt Ion of that family, with whom I have hail nothing to do for some Una the matter beliiK referred to the directors foi settlement, which they did imt BO, Tall, and Kosstp in Huts, as In many other towns. Is cheap and the rumor tlew. Hence the scrap Krlda last. The directors preferred SBBMN I iiRalnnt me for usinr profanii- laiiRuaKe. at that time. We had a trial and the directors hi-ard the witnesses ami made n mo tion to dismiss me from anv further in (' .! Smith Is in Walla Wnlla today. T. H. Colwell. of Haker City. Is at lintel Pendleton. J. A. Scott and wife were In town this momltiK from Helix. .lames Thompson and J. E. Irons. 0l Firewater, an- quests of the Gold en Uule Hotel J. E. Oliver has sold a lot In tin western part of town to Keller Bros Consideration H. M. Alcorn a pioneer farmer liv in II miles northwest of Pendleton Is spending the week visiting a broth er In Seattle. J. II. Ileed. of Starbuck. stayed Tuesday night In Pendleton as the Biiest or (V l Drake. Mr Heed Is a locomotive engineer running out of Starbuck. and he and his daughter had been bj) Portland on a holiday va cation. Y B. Clifton, one of the leading Jewelry men of Pocatello. with Mrs Clifton, stopped at Hotel Pendleton last night on their way home from l'i mil. Wash., whern thev had been visiting hot 'inrents. Mr. and Mr (' B, Davis. V. II. Klddoll. aceompanlod by A. H Huelet nnd 0. 0. Kralei. nasMd through Pendleton today with tlx cars of fat hogs which were shipped by the Island Cltv Milling and Mtf fimt IK- lonipnny. from tl.at plan- to Sound dealers. M. I Daniels and R M. POWtn, prominent cltlens of Wenton. were In Pendleton yesterday. They say T. 8. O'Hrlan. who has lieen down with smnll-pox near that place, is convalescing None of his fainllv havi taken the disease from him. Ira Julian, operator at Helix, who Is Just convalescing fYoni n seven spell of typhoid .fever, is In town and expects to leave this evening for 8e attle. Tacoma and Portland, to be absent a week In the hopes of regain ing some of his lost strength. Clar ence Adams will continue to do his work In tin V. C. R. office at H tlx. Perils of Our Presidents All of our presidents have been In the habit of mingling frefly with the people, usually without any particular precaution being made for their safn ty. The danger of this has been si emphatically pointed out In the laat fBf months that wise statesmen sug gest that the old plan he discontinue .1. Then- Is no cause for great danger In many of the so-calb-d remedies ad vertised for stomach, liver and bowel complaints. The safest nie.lirlrn- to take Is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters It has been before the public for 50 ears. and hs alwavs been found safe and reliab'e In cases of nervousness, insomnia. Indigestion, dyspepsia and malaria, fever and ague It therefore ivciiple the foremost position in the list of household remedies, and no family sin uld he without It. WL o The Spelling Reform. At a recent meeting of tin- spel ling reform association in Chicago the members expressed themselves as pleased at the progress of the re form movement in the siielllng of Kugllsh words Attention was called to tile list of words adopted four years ago b tin- national educational assm iiilinn v In. h Hie now ua-il in many publications This list Is com prised of the followlugj shortened forms "Prograin." "tho." "altlm " thoro" "thorofare. ' thru." "thru out." "catalog." "prolog." "decalog " "demagog" and "pi'dagog." M0 Kmc tuas mid coffee-. Government Horse Buyers. Walla Wall" Jan 8 The govern inept board of horse auroBoOOTl is at Port Walla Walla inspecting a large BOM bar of hors which have been gathered by buyers recently. Nearly M head will be required to ntipply tin deinami but not nearly thai mm BBI will be gotten this time. It has required several months to purchase DM head ami the full number need I i may be secured by spring POULTRY and EGGS International Poultry Food makes them. Beef Meal givtM them tlavor. CUnishelh make them solid. Mica grit aids digestion. Try a sample, C. F. COLESWORTHY, Hay, Qrain and Peed. 7 and iay East Alta Street. - Pendleton, Oregon. ANNUAL STfiTEMENT BYKRS' BEST FLOUR In inske fod bread use H)crs' Hut Flour. It took nrst premium at Die Chicago World's Fair over all com pet i 'mn tinl giVHH oxcellent satisfaction wherever used. Kvery sack is guaranteed. We have the best Mtora KnlleO Raily Seed Kv end Beardless Barley. 'ENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. BYLKS, Proprietor. THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF CITY. Showing Cash Balances and Other Items for Past Year. The city recorder's report for 1901 shows the total receipts for the city rrom all sources during the year IP 11 to have been IWJW.lt, against ML 914.90 for 1900 making a gain of $4. 340.31 In the receipts of 1901 over those of 1P00 The total amount expended during HUM Is $24,051.10, as compared with $2t. 130.60 for 1P00, showing the ex penses for 1S00 to be I2.079.RO more than those of 1901. This is explained bv the street and bridge expenses and cost Of new apparatus for the lire de partment. . he cash balance on hand at tin t ginning of 1900 was 994,Tt9.fS, While the cash balance In the treasury at the end of the year for starting in on 1901, was I2.3t2.-lt. showing the cash balance In (In- treasury to havi been reduced $22,387.24 during 1900. The cash halnm e Instead of being reduc ed dui'lni. 1901. has increased $:'. 109.11, making a total balance In the ireas'i,-' it th.- present time of $1 Ms.n. ' Cab Received During 190). I'ire Dert, sab of cart and hose $ 94JI C( BtOttrj -ale of lots 199 M Dog tax 190.00 Bin i I poll tax 3S2.0H l-'iiies in reinriler's court... 3,750.95 Licenses saloon and miscel laneous 11.292.01 Bat ray stock 44.00 Streets, county, district rOBl 409.20 l.b-ns 1,77.4:i raxi v l9N 1899 1900 8.274 12 Tntal $20.2R5.21 Cash Paid Out During Yaar. Fin apparatus, hell $ 28.75 Levee Improvements 87.5o Fire Dtpt Exp. and water 1.791.96 Cemetery lumber etc R7.11 Dob tax. special deputy.... 109.99 Police Dep't salaries and expenses 2.924.72 I. .ght 3.504.00 ROBtO 460.00 Election expense I49.pl Health city physician ami sundries 999.11 Interest on Ihmi.In ii.5ii4.8o Liens 1.581.25 Hecnrder. salar and office expenses 817.40 Mi Klnley memorial 91.01 , Legal services 5t.5o BtfWBta and lirldges 4.2i'n.l3 Total 924.52. l ROCtlpts over expenses . $ 2.203.11 POLICE MATTER NOT HEARD Council Held a Quiet Sell-on wit i Only Routine Business. Tin . it OOBBOtl met WodlMdO) nigiit in regular seslon. with Mayor T. t; Hallex in Hie chair and GoBB- llrueii ClofMOBi Hartinan. Johnson. wltSlor Kr.iier, Sommervllle. Dickson ami Well present The matter of poll.-.- Investigation was not referred to. as It was under stixjil by all the MBBCtlBMB tliat the work of the investigating commute. had not been completed and they liad B0 report r.-ad. Wry !lnl BB99BBM of latBBVtBBOO Up With the exception ol the general routine work. An ordinance l at My l iik the 'Olllmi'i between the lty and J D Morm of0( the grading of Turner street from Mission to the eastern boundary of the city was read ami approv. d Th. work will bOBjl at once. TtH leeorib-i s Ft BOfl Of receipts and iiidltuies of th- it ol Pen dhttOD for 1901 was presented to the COOBCil, read and rei. ired to the tl BBBOa committee NOTES FROM ECHO. Doings of People in the Butter Creek Country. BBBBi -luii ti Ike HOWBrrl was in inwn last Friday from QbUowbI BMOl ni- father. J. I. Howun' ( tBM morning train. Mr. Howard at th returned from OrBBd JttOcUoo Col his old home, bringing with him his mother who will make her home in Calloway with her son On Saturday vnening last th. (i,,i .'Itowt when nearly through with the regular evening's work, rocolvod an alarm at th. door On BMVOriBI th.- same they were pleasantL mi prUe.l with a large party ol thai I fi i. iids bttSfiBI with them ample freshmenth It Is needless to say lodga w.i- closed iii a hurry and the balance of the evening M- - . . i n 1 1 Mr. an.! Mrs. Al (HIMt want l.l POBdlatOB on Tuesday. Mis tiiiieit lint well and Will receiv. mc.li al treatment. Htl Spike and (' .) Culllford tuok ser ial iu-ad of horses to Pendleton Mil to the cavalry. O. V. Thomson has been very sn k at his home on Huttei creek with up oplexy. lie was inn ohm-inns .scvi.r;-l hours Dr. Swinebuin of Hoppatr was In atten ! . ai pro. h, a' reportel much Improved and p 8 hoped he will soon recover Th. Knights ol the Maccabees MOBOOWa tent No. 79. installed the following officers Tuesdav evening January 7: Sir knight commander Cloyd Oliver sir knlghi lieutenant' commander Walt.-r Thornton sir knight RBIBCi kaoper, Ptrrj Whit worth: sir knight record keeper Charles H. Miller master at arms Jesse Oliver; second master at arms M Hammer After the insta nation. supper was served at Mrs Webbs 0 0, Hrownell returned from a short business trip to Pendleton Wed nesday morning Another rabbit drive is planned (01 the near future s.mn time when tM snow is on the ground. Then the rnb , hits leave the hills ar.d gather In Mi" hottOBM Thoy are not so wild and I art Wore easily driven. Miss ! ora Harrison our poslmls 1 tress. Is visiting her sister at Pome iv Wash, i'harles Uimblrth and family nre 1 ., ting bii wife's parcnU, Mr. and Mrs John Morton, at Nolln. Numah Lee has rOtntlMd from OOIO rado ant) is wnrirhln at tba ranch ol ' A .1. Dill 01 He will sta here until spring. Charles Lave, the painter I nun Pendleton is working on Mr Koontz's mill M ft S HARP-S FUNERAL. Bodv Buried Vhls Afternoon in the Cemetrv. Th. Rev. ii J. lerchor, oeVnUed at the funeral of Mrs. Hubert Harp ol Cold Sinlngs. which was held al the cemeteO 'his afternoon. She died on the 7lh Mrs Harp leaves a bus band an. I two children respectively. i rean and 1 months Studhakc's Beginning. Clement Itndebnker, the nasoa tn.ii . i wim died nt South Bend, Ind.. tlie nllici .lav hMVittf an . state 01 many mlUlOO dollar, and his BttBl ip'ss. repreeented by I.TOO agen li in th. United Stales ami 9Birone started In business with a cash capl tal of 19.98 and 1939 worth of tisils. Hill he mail, good wagons. Lots of men oi Studeloiker's iw are dying In pOBt houses whn were given col leg.- educatii.'is and who felt above a tIBBO jajaBaataiaBiaai ti0t0t0i0i0)t9Wm TH E "Norma" A ladies' lint iknola kid. fancy top ibot at $1.79 wouid tic Inn valin at po.ta Ladies' fine VICI Kid. Chrome kid lined lace shoe at $2.79 Stylish, Comfortable Durable and never sold lierutoluri' at less than $ jo a pair Clearance Sale Prices on all Shoes. Peoples Warehouse Feetfitter. Big Clearance Sale farmers Custom Mill FmmI Walters. Proprietor. aaBattti iw siru nf " our ok iiaKl lor wbei flour, Mill feed, cuuppert r,.i, imkJ OUR GREAT CLEARANCE SAL? nai a f . . . .win continue i nrough January And as lieretoforr von will find our nriccs lr.... .L in titors We an; in a position to give BEST val... "i" 0urti ! money SO KEEP THIS IN MIND when yo ,0r.LST wc will (,'ive a few prices, but everything oeS cheiip P'' :V yards (llnnham, faat co'ora ,, 2ft yardB Outing: Flannel . . ' Jtlyarda (Irtwh TowelliiR 14 yanls ( lood Hhlrtlng fl 2fi yarrta Kli n, bed Munllii 'Mini- Heller ISIeHcbed Mimlln . , . , 1.00 Pine Sheeting. Si inches wide, per yard 20c t, RatnttBDtS, ..II grades at HALF PRICE Cor,1P . . 0t oi Very truly. ST, JOE STORE, i ... -; -: A SURPRISE liandaoma lutmcut, is .'in ,. tlt. mos. MmMm "rptiM - ii,,, ,,. ,,,, ,h I a nomc, rsptcia! K in sin Ii n. ... .1..: . ' 'ie3Bns as 1(1 ' Ih'uiiik in ., ks surij .. .in ir-1 i ni an Up to Date, Fist Class Forniiurc Store Tin largest stuck Imni which to bbIboI and .ill ;it prices that lien i iiii'i:iiinin. 1nui-riaKiii; pariiils in coniiL'CtlOll. M. A. RADER. Main and V cbl. Streots Pendleton, Otijor AIR-TIGHT HEATER I ImvT a full line of tiie cult'br sited COLE'S AIR-TKiHT Wood ami coal atovn guaxantiafi to lu' abaoltitaly Air tight. None of the hatt is wanted and the 9t0V99 will pave ONE HALF of your fuel bill. I also have a lull line of cast cook stoves and steel ranges i'rice1. .if the lowest, iiiahty considered. T C.TAYI OR. the Hardware Mi 7ti Main street, Pendleton. Orner-n . BOOKS FOR ALMOST NOTHING Sale roffl Jan. mtli to 1. If you want book ol ans kind oi dBscription cone and look .it slock ind Bl BSBSfil of our low pricBI TALLMAN & GO. TM LEADINCi DRUUUISTS. 9 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B Another Carload of Sewing Machines Nothing so useful or ornamental for a Christinas Present as a nice Sawina Ma eh i m The I. mi. ins Rotary White Standard and Wheeler & Wilson to choose from nth.. to $30. Big Discount for Cash ant January I9(tt l ull hue of Carpeta. Ruga, Lac. and Silk CuruiBj i Portiers at greatly reducetl prices for cash. Wall r y and matting at cost. I JESS THE CARPET MAN. 1 Oeil Beet Oregonlen by Cerrler only if, ee.ito e week. Wood Choppors and Lumbermei ... - . i : .... ..f W fc carry the largeet anu ifi W y Wood 'hoppers' and litinthei men 8 Supplies in the city. ('onsiHtniK 0 Ax.-s, U'edges, 8Mgaa, Oroai ' "l and ( ne in u.i Saws. I all and amine our line and Kut ur )rlc6b bafSoffi purchasing . HANSFORD A THOMPSON ThB Leading HarHwar 9leo