East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 09, 1902, Image 5

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    500 Pieces of
to Close Out
Flannel 3 l-2c
8c Flannel 5c
10c Flannel H 1-nc
12c Flannel 8c
Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
Retiring from business.
vote In
1 in
yuy V1'."' -J
THiKShAV ixntahv !. n"-J
te a. Howard. Farm loam.
Cudlei by the ton at Dutton's.
gt our d Tiillmun & Co.
Hwlley Howard. Are Insurance
itbild'net with every $1 purchase
Cudr Putton .
fj. Toilet Ha)K. to - a ux.
. Notion More
flnlltl-!! rooms t"i hoilNe' coping.
Kll! .hi,, ult'llDt
(trim field ami "ower seeas,
a Viilf' una id uliiri'
, r , -
fcr aatc. all Muds of real estate,
B town and country. E .T. Wade.
I T Fertet. sexton oi (Hiiey come
u erasers d to mow graves at
ihln rnat
Intnl. a Kiti I" work m country
mil lamdy liooit wages. In-
it this Aw
Owei Hnif an koiiii: out of bilHi
BarxaiuH lor everybody at the
n x n .
ii- nrn i in i i iih h i
hrture (rauuiiK " ipcoialty. New
of picture moulding! llrnaa
lair, an ideal I Been ranch
MO in. I aere; uIho 2000
en, $3. tin per head. E. T
K. Murlln Ih niuklug prie s on high
grudo groceries cheaper than ever be
fore. Ills line ot fancy groceries la
very large and Includes all the boat
brands of pickles, canned goods,
breakfnst mushes and fancy wafers
and crackers If you want good cof
fee Martin has the old government
line of Moehn and Java.
After reading the number In the
Hast Oregnolan yesterday evening
that drew the lion gold watch given
away by Louis Hunzlker. the Jeweler,
MrH. John McOluii looked through
her number and found that she held
MM, which whs the lucky number
Hhc Ik now In possession of the watch
and Is huppy all because of a little
ud ertislng.
At bedtluie I tnke a pleaaant herb
drink, the next morning 1 fel bright
and my complexion Is hatter. My
doctor says it acta gently on the
stomach, liver and kidneys, and la a
pleasant laxative. It ia made from
herbs, and Is prepared as enally as
tea. It Is called Lane'a Medicine,
t une's Futility Medicine moves the
bowels each duy Price 26c and 60c.
For sale by Tiilln.an ft Co., sole
gone many
and hi per
is almply In
the western
that profile
Bf itlc (our registered stallions;
Nac nice brood mares; prices
iaquin hi C 1! Wade, Peudle-
atl. I Mi ai res of flue wheat
I with of Adams Terms. siioim
balance h nit pn r. baser. JUMt
. Hotird
Cham- (iriHbam. Oregon, has
I lie 0 K N line at Troutdale
tbouMtiul tour inch letu e
I for mIv.
ISUOttlt-r A. VllliKcl local bUtch
hw temporarily closed their
lit Helix The expect to open
I III a few weeks.
Lodge NO 114. A (). V. W..
llMttll officers in th. ii hall Frl
1 sight. All members are request
HVHenl Hi.. i-u will ho
I" Important business to transact
R hllttilll lias reea.iveil fhr.iimll
Wilson I Hue Hlinlehukci
wagon which will be pluc
tllf road next summer Mr.
wanm It understood that he
M intend t Htarl it until the
' ts warmer
Kiuamiiliieiit No 17 hide
' Ordti ol Oiltl Fellows will
tilr offli 'ers lor tlie en .nine
' their hall Thursday evening
All uiemlierfc nm rMiimil.
lie present
At the Old Cross Roads" a Strong
Dramat Story of Deep Interest.
Hal Ueid wrote a strong stage
story when he penned "At the Old
i Cross Honds." the piny given with
merit by the Alston coiuimuv at the
l-'ra.er on Wednesday night. A good
house witnessed tin- production The
company was strong throughout the
cast. With tie exception that Miss
Hose wus not a good "Madge Thorn
ton." Miss Valentine scarcely equal
to negro Juvenile, and Miss Corco
ran, who is starred as 'Anuubelle "
is not enough the urtlst to meet the
demands of her part. The eight
others were superb and the prescnta
Hon was in its ensemble what had
been claimed.
"For Her Hake" is the next blll-
J an wiry ifi.
Wag peoiil,. the Christian
KIN ats-lrtl In Ih.- Ill, MM
'd friends of tie church at the
Mrs it k' is.. ...... a. acia
.i' nil, ii- -v-
feet luluoriow .ivunlnv I lOri
. Uht rtfrsahmanfa will he
Np charges A pleasant
8enator Williamson Announces that
He Wants to be Congressman.
The following announcement has
been made In Senator J N William
Prlnevllle. Ore.. Jan (To the
Miter) Yielding to what I urn as
hiiiied is the wish of many friends
in different sections of the state
and believing the time has arrived
when thus, desiring preferment at
the hands of the people should muke
such wants plainly known I shall
employ this means to announce my
intention to appear before the coming
' congressional convention as a candi
date for congress from the second
congressional district of Oregon
J. N.
It the pieillclion ot Marconi, that
he will soon send wireless messages
across the ocean for a cent a word,
is realized, It will meau the ellmlu
atiou of th. cable companies which
barge twenty-five cents a word.
in our
new odor
nose II IWMI
II r
e ll.u e a V111I..1
v? cents equal to
' lldSC L. I .... I Lndnn nf
an ounce
perfume department. Crimson
Seventy five cents an ounce.
White Rose perfume at seventv
im ported perfume at dqulile tlie
50 cents
Hwunie ,,, ,11S territory.
v-uiue m
an way
Come in and we will convince
and w will put a little on your
Fopuiar priced drug store cn Court Street, sixty fn . step
Iront Main Street towards tlie court hotMM
Social Developments Differ from that
of the Inland Empire, Where the
Bunchgrass Grows.
The traveler In the WMIUuictte
vallpy, who halls from eastern O-'
gon. eastern Washington. Idal o sr,
for that matter, from any other re
glon. aiuirt from "the valley," scs
types ot men and women that ettrict 1
mention They are unique. They are
! of a kind with themselves stil sTon-1
erls. the social philosopher would
say. Hoarding a train at Pendleton, 1
the traveler sees no alteration In
the appearance of people or linn-;
it scenery, of note, prior to reach
Ing Portland. There he chnnm-s
PrOBl the O. R. ft N. to the Southern
Pacific and In Ave minutes begins
to rub his eyes to prove whet iter r
no! be has beep In the Rip n Win
l.le sleep, or has been In a MHhM
during which he has been transport
ed to the ends of tho earth, .or his.
iiciliups. been kept in that sUt
; which Edward tlellamy repoi -tl
j hero In "Looking Backward."
Can this be Oregon?"
He asks himself thix question
IBM be Oregon?" and examines
inllenge book to s"e how many
pops the conductor has "pu led'
! since he left Pendleton. Th ho d
proves he ciinnot havi
miles beyond Portland
force concludes Hint be
' the Willamette valley.
third of the stale, and
re ion whence go ho many stories ol
"Another Pioneer Head." appearing
In the Portland Oregonian Thi lm
picssion Is accentuated by the vallev
Iiassengers. who open their Oregon
Ian always to the fourth page, to r .
It BB) more pioneers have passed
through he vnlley of the shed w of
death. Into the pleasant, vales of
Paradise If the OiegBBlBB tor thtt
t day fail to tell ot such a death, dire
disappointment Is depleted on Hit
mi nee of the ralleylte. Til Is
not tine to a bloodthirsty nature who
demands Just so much de th pet
(Ilea to satisfy his cravlioxs. It ta at
tributable to habit. Pioneer: anil
pioneers tleuths form the chler topb
of conversation down in that region
,111111 the Oregnnlsn naturally eaten
to It.
Wanted a Pension.
The normally const iutctl uilleylic
wants an office. He Is tnugb: while
In his cradle this excerpt from (h
Wlllamtte catechism i
What is the chi.i end of Man?'
"To ;et office "
"Correct." says -the nBtlohlMW. "you
have learned your lesson lor t' e
tint TB. child H then glveg u
opy of the Oregonian. as a n ward,
mniked with a blue pencil at an BC
count of a death ol "Anothei Pioneer
Hits the Celestial Trail."
This particular traveler found 'ne
of these valleyltes with a new Idea
It furnishes food for reflection for so
ciologists I give It as a stud In so
elal economics, ami It will atld to the
many Interesting problems thu. pu.
.le latter-day students This vallev- ;
lie thought he deserves a pension
I rout a business concern for which he I
had worked for eighteen yen re It
was a HMer.
"Wouldn't Give Me No PreaenU."
"I reckon you aire a stranger here
abouts." opined the valleylte.
" I reckon I am." was the travel
ers answer to the Impeachment.
He then proceeded to tlet .11 his
c.i lev uiicc against the lorm
six ietv asserting that he
employed for the whole
reBFI and hadn't saved a
that he believed that the
tne husiucss woman i give tun. a
present on no account." uotwith
steBdlBf be bail worked long and
faithfully for the owner's interests.
He branched off into other phnsei:
of present day society, and demon
strated that he was to the manm
born by complaining that he was me
ot the oltl pioneers anil yet had nev
er hail an office. He had worke I in a Business
livery stable, aud believed he had
been unjustly dealt with heca ise
no DOeetltueBC) had thrown about
his shoulders the robes of officialism
ami allowed him to feed for a Him- at
Hie public crib It was plain to see
that office was the ne plus ultra of
this valleylte. and seated uear him
in the coach were numerous others
who hid. I the same conception of life
Why they Don't Like Geer.
It was noticeable that main op
posed the re-election of T. T. Ueer
as governor, and so I determined to
find out why I asked more ques
nous than a Yankee, and this was
the chief reason as given by most of
those valleyltes
"Qeer wouldn't appoint Joe led
kins on the fish commission Joe Is a
cousin of mine He has larmed her
in the vallev lor nigb onto tlortv
veai He is a corkei to run a straight
furrow. He eau asva 'i' o
hops lOO, Hi a BBI Je was well
eddl.ated as well aud cau read aud
cipher and parse like a school ma'am
He would have made a great ttah
commissioner, and I ain't got no use
for Oeer because he dldn t appoint
This sort of statesmanship wa
rather staggering but lack of appre
for Its correctness Ol cum-eir
mv part I attributed to my in
J i , . iirin 1,..
j;el upon IIP' v lOOlie-i ie
of View I ne viewponu
ie wav oi
force of Joe's trunlng down
tall, attenuated governor.
The Hospitable Region.
Even the children talk politics.
They have to or get licked. It Is the
valleylte's religion. Eastern Oregon
was made for the express purpose of
giving valleyltes office. As a matter
of fact, eastern Oregon Is not In Ore
gon to the mind of the average val
leylte. Eastern Oregon Is a region
scparati and apart and distinct and
unlike. It Is not Oregon. It has no
Oregon weather it has no Oregon
It has nothing hearing the
of Oregon or Oregonlnns
troll eastern On gon cannot
the valley prior to their hav
Ing taken out their naturalization
nnpers. Just like other foreigners.
Rut. when all Is ssid. such as the pre
ceding, one must pay s tribute to the
warmhearted hospitality of the Wll
iBmette valleylte. He Is a born host
He tnnkes yon feel at home the In
stant you enter his house. He Is a
born entertainer. I have experienced
the hospitality of the sunny south.
There they can teach the W-orld how
to perform gracious acts of courtesy
to guests. The southerner Is the
bost par excellence He maintains
bis dignity the while he radiates a
welcome thnt warms the cockles of
your heart and makes you feel glad
von came. That Is the kind of wel
come Willamette valley people give
their guests. It causes the visitor to
einember them with kindlv feelings
to Change the Philippine
Bill in Important Perticu-
Held in Walla Walla for Alleged
amy Must Be Tried.
Walla Walla. Jan. !'. -I'etrv W est
charged with bigamy, came near gain
ing his liberty yesterday, after hav
inn tailed to do so in the attempt to
break Jail a few wicks ago. West
was charged with bigamy, his second
wile appearing and making the
charge because she found her sup
posed husband living with a third
wife West was arrested at Kllens
burg anil brought here for trial. Up
on Investigation the prosecuting at
torney discovered ihat the crime, if
a crime was committed OCCBI'iel
when the wedding of West and the
prosecuting witness occurred,
the ease was ready to be dismiss.
Tim second wife was mat t ied In N
'uning. and the officers of that state
have been advised of the situation
and usketl if thev want West when he
has settled with tin- lew in this statt
The first wife had not secured u di
voice when the second weddiug oe
ciirred. but she had done so lie fore
the third wedding took place. The
sudden turn oi the case created a
small sensation In court circles
Wt M w as one ot the b ailers ot tin
attempted toil break three eeetri
ago and but top that tact he would
have been releasi d yt stetdav after
BOOB For bis part In the trouble he
will have to stand trial and there is
slight ' bait' I his sere pi 01 without
paying the penalty
West Is aaid to be a son of Petoi
West, of Pendleton, who Ih credited
with having 10 wives In an ordinary
Deal res
The Washington correspondent of
the Portland Orcgonan. sends the
Senator Mitchell will tomorrow of
! ler three Important amendmends to
'he Philippine tariff hill. The first
amendment alms to place on the free
list all wood and other vegetable ma
terlals. lumber, furniture and manu
incttires of wood: also all meats, fish,
'crcals, grains, flour, dried fruit and
v "getables and preparations of the
-tunc: seeds and forage and a variety
of other similar articles, all of which.
( under the bouse bill, are made subject
; to the duty imiiosed by the Taft com-
mission war revenue set. In addition,
this amendment Intends to limit dl
lies on all other articles which are
imported into the Philippine Islands
j from the Dotted States To Just .ru per
cent of the duties levied bv the house
The second amendment is to limit
I the duty on all articles coming Into
1 the Cnlted States from the Philip
i pines to aO H-r c nt of the lilnclcy
rates of duly, which are levied by the
: recent house act.
The third amendment strikes out
; the provision levying a tonnnae tnt
on all vessels comng into tl . I tilled
States from the Philippines.
Tongue Approves.
Representative Tongue siyw he!
Inanity approves Senator Mitchell's
amendments, and hopes to sec thOB)
adopt, n He did not vole fot the
Philippine hill as It passed the house,
because It did not satlsfv him in
I many ways. Mr. Tongue is consider
j ing the advisability of offering a res
olutlon to authorize the Philippine
I commission to provide some m
manner of raisin revenue for the
etllBtOBBBCe f Insular BOVerBSMBl
I In hopes that the duties Imposed
' by the pending hill mav be ills
neBOBd with He thinks some form
of tax In the Islands would probably
provide all necessary revenue
The chances for amending the Phil
lupine tariff bill In any material par
fic.ilar arc however very remote
The sao mhllcan majority that
i I Helen to no suggestion when
hi h considered In the house
. iinintd to push the measure
through the senate It semes to be
'he policy to continue Oinglcy duties
aualnst all Philippine products
Notice Of Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice Is hereby given that the co
partnership heretofore existing be
tween D. M. Taylor and W. W. Pane
burn, under the firm name of Taylor
I Pangburn. conducting a reatauraat
business In the t'lty of Pendleton. Or
egon. Is hereby dissolved hy mutual
The said W. W Pangburn will col
let t all accounts nnd pay all e1tln
debts of said co-partnership.
Iated at Pendleton. Oregon, this let
dnv of .Tanuarr. A. O , 1901
Soft White Hands
Luxuriant Hair
PnseMcre by
Hie BMM etfivtlre UK in purlryliiK and BBBBB
' man la lbs weria, u well seieM mni
weeirnt for idiot, lull tl. ami limn m
only preventive of pimples, hlsekhenils, red,
' ' c I "ill .km, n.l, rough hands wills
Itching palm ami ahalesa ualla, dry, thin,
ami rsltlsg hair, uml aliupl halijr BSMalsBSSi
beasuaa tsoeety see well e ef Me esess, yQk,
MsMinalioii ami clogging of the Pont.
I Ii
'rm,rr rMT i O t C. Cap,, r-iM n.
i nam r,.-. a,,u. e,u. iimj. ii., h
You get
Good Beer..
When you drink
of hit in an
had. been
cent, aud
Nervous Over the Weather.
Walla Walla. Jan. S. Not In many
years, if ever, has the weather been
so warm during th)- early days of
January as during the present month
Previous records at the weather of
fice have been smashed Considers
hie anxiety Is being felt over the sit
uation. Should rain Tall and cold fol
low, great damage ma.v result to the
wheat crop, and ahould no snow fall,
the molature will be short, and a
short crop will naturally follow. A
late sprlug or late severe frosts will
do much damage and the open win
ter Is taken as an indication of a
late sprlug. and perhaps a crop much
of i less than the one harvested last year.
In the present condition farmers are
holding on the their crops, and no
sales of any consequence will be
made In this section until prices raise
noticeably or weather conditions lie-
more favorable.
Weston Camp and Circle
their Officers.
Weston Jan 9. Last night the
Weston i amp of Woodmen of the
World, and Kledoia Circle of Women
ot Woodcraft, held a Joint installs
lion ol officers, at Woodmen's ball
After the Installation was over a sup
tier was served In the hall: plates
being laid for ninety guests. The
officers Installed were as follows
In the cami Keunedy Rngllsh
council commander r R (ilalr, ad
visor: .1 I Heeler clerk: K K Kirk
Patrick, escort: Rrnest Oeusarz.
watchman. W W. Carllle. secretary:
Heorge Williams, manager
In the Circle Mrs. Mary Reynolds
guardian neighbor William Mar
nard. iast guardian Mrs Margaret
Vanbiircn. advisor. Mra. Margaret
Wheeler, magician: Miss Orace Ray.
musician. A. McDonald, manager
The members report that the last
year has been a prosperous one for
both Camp and Circle,
C W Hoag pastor of the Metho
dlst church. Is holding protracted
meetings at the O'llara school house ,
this week
Men From There Visit Pen
dleton Town Wants to Incorpor
ate. J. 8. Vinson, the retired tutuchaut
w ho recently sold his stock of goods
to Sanders I Tanke and William
Johnson the lumber man, of Free
water, stayed last night la Pendleton
Thev an down In the i liferent of the
iih oi poratiou of their town, which
Is being agitated. A petition signed
by 56 out oi i.ii ot the voters of the
city has been presented to the county
court for Its action They say Free
water is In a healthful condition snd
growing right along with many new
buildings going up and new business
enterprises being talked of.
Boiler for Sale.
A 26-borse-power horizontal tubular
boiler, guaranteed to be In first class
condition, for ssle st the Domestic
I .sundry.
Hubb," said a Henry county
'aimer's Wife, "on Iscembor 2f we
shall have been married twenty five
years. Don't you think we ought to
Mil tin fat pig aud have a feat?"
"Kill the pig1'' growled the farmer
gruffly. " don't s- what we want
to Jump outo the pig and kill him tor
He wasn't to blame for what happen
ed twenty-flve years ago."
(iuaranU! fnoi to
taiiHt hidachi or
Ak for it.
Schultz lirewing Co
You get
What you buy
from us.
BUI 3tock of
ee W J e
Trucking A Transferring.
Walla Walla Fire Officials.
Walla Walla. Jan The Walla
I Walla fire department has elected of
fliers lor the year IttOZ. a follows:
PreeideBti J w Mat-key: vlce-preei-dent
Krauk Bnuis, secretary. Henry
Debus: treasurer. Joseph l a Fortune:
I ttist assistant chief, Charles Andre,
second assistant, William Retser:
trustees, Etuil Henderson, John Bach
j told, John McFeeley The annual
' masquerade ball will be given early
i iu February
French Restaurant
cosy noons
Well Lighted and Hteaui Heated.
Best 25 cent Meals
Ie the City.
Krog I .eg-
KaaU-ra and
and have sou t style about you
Dm' I look like g tramp when you
are not Have your shirts, collars
and cufis laundered at the Dooiee
lil Laundry ami you will look and
(eel like a new man
J. r . liubiujsuii, 1'rop.
Hon on
ability to
vallev pouit
nuke a difference
i lor,, ut thiuas. and being uo
Auolher innovation tvpleil u! he
slienuous life of Chicago lb provid
ing telepbouee st the tables at the
reMtaui-auts Vhere business uiei.
tliiie They cant'ot slot) t. n v. ith-
Ollt llolUg business. I I.ii- cafes of
the city are now using them.
Peadletoi Ukiata Stage I inc
Hue tea Cs.eey. Pre'
lsev Pondletoii ivery day st uVlni
except Sunday, (or Pilot Lock, Nye
Kidge Alba and L'kiab iood ae
coiuuiodatioDs. Reesongble t'riight and
passeuger rstes
City othc at Islluisn A Go's drug
Notary and
$3.ftO to $ft Dclivcica
' trder of us aad save inons.
Oidera for Rubbsr Bumps
also sollcllsd.
five of Joe's.
I count iioi i'i i I