East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 09, 1902, Image 4

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av aaa-a..a- aa. AAAAAi
Great Slaughter of Prices
Winter Goods Most be Closed Out.
We lire p.it t in ut i tn suits .mil ttvt'ti oai'.. at a liig re
duetinn dnfins; this s.ii n will And our net pricaa far In-low
tu piic.es ef othewoti tine satin goods, nntwtthstgttiline, the
hi:; discounts offered bj some The si" ol the discount I ei
noi mean anything to the purchasnr; it is the ntt price thfl
iti riinnes whetht r .in article is i bargain.
! ,iutiW W aists and Wfgpperi :it a reduction.
Lndi ' Capei And Puw greatly reduowl in i
Kiannvlottee ami French rlannoli at ttul pricog. 1
Itimfnti ; aln a1 hmIhivh' tirires.
Cal snd t!"; soun oi our b&rgatai bolort the itoch
If !
"W-Wh?rc Whole Families can Trade
1 HE
White House, la preSldSBt who will
hi allowed to tem the whole people
with all Ills hwirt and strenath. with
:-n his tiiiaJ hmii body, iii In dli
i lmrti ol IHk o ntclal .nin-K. uniittiiivi
(l iy the preeaure upon him of so
many thouaandi al btt countrymen
have in receal yean eneroaehed
upon Ike time atul patience Of our
wesldents and kept them front theti
public wortt, or compelled them to do
:t by Impairing their physical health
end overstraining their mental now i
"Thr tlnte hits
ii thi nrealdent,
pttons. should
abtnel nlnlstera,
itlvss and smbni
rontc when access
I'M-ent at imellc re
be Itllllteil to the
senators, rspresen
tadot and to such
tin. I iwi'xilll!. olll'. us are nlveii Inter
views for iullle purposes siter writ
ten appllestlons have seen received
ind earefully considered, The public
I Ion H Ol the president should in
no intrusion
li he should
I ei e
;ew mill mere snouitt ne
ii hta so. ini life, win,
e allowed to
'lis oxx n w ill
"I son should
not Invited to
with lh"
;iiin whatevt i
nunl.ite a. eoidiiii! to
sad pleasure, and no
take offsnse beeausi
Ills presene. or find
election of his com
may he Its rkce of
s-i -.
This needed rkaage ol customs
a ill at ftist no dOnkt. he unpopular.
Ii wlt h. i onitemniHl as nnrepnldleati
it ilveness it win regal re, to bs
liii I'.ie new rule, a president who has
i n Hint! of the peo'de who Is
mown lo be si hear) thoroughly im
oi rittle In nil his lihns and way- snd
who Is also strotiK In his convictions
and tearless in his ai lions Ii sol
Mr Roosevelt sneh a president? Wit'
he itiaiiKurnte the reform f"
Tlll'llSDAY JANt'AKY ! ttOI
East Orcgonun Publishing CsSSSSBy
I'KM'I.i.I'in OngHOX
nan sesai Bimoa e i -o
i ' e r raafi aj un,
ton.' spy nix niHili.u ui IsS
) p. r'. In t'Kfl. r . . ...... !
v I iii m SI
gloat le.iiii'. r
assi-WBKKLx i no, ii" Ni.NI.ATM
SaMaaeaaea year -,N
e' copy als moiiiiti .. . lis
Trial Muhm-ripiioii -
Sliial. number" SI
urn. i smd imea aATSai
en copy une year . II
n oopv an m.'htha ' I
1 riat ub.'rirt."ii
t i. ! CU 1
Ai'V. HI ll M. MTK I
(ll ... A'l ttt ! HI ' )
Ml" I.M-L. urlri. 1 1 H M .
Dixon a line be fori and rinrlni t ii
srsst tnterneclne strngffl.
The contest between "Right of
w' " and "Crisis" la that Between
the historical now I
lonn held (list pen i
that gins ckarsetcr
tlves as the excuse
It ma lie that the
as well as th
hereafter riv
that ha r. so
. and the n vel
Stllllles ''lie lil"
for its v litlam
historical novel,
hlatorh al dram i ppual
placi to th- h itt 'n
vVbel bettei '
Manns Basks of
Ohio legislature
spite of the ansk
use could Renatoi
the control of the
he hus secured in
i hand machinations
. rk . . I MlOntll f-.O"
.' i,icl. vr , . Ui i t- . ' . .. . 2.Va
T" I .!.. Ut I . Ill l:lv led W ! "f
i- -nil.
Ov r llirr.i in. ... . f . W , l , r lli.tl pSI
until ... '"12
ni ihraa in. hs, in ItaJlj n i w imaii , i Structloni
i it ni.inin 'la '
Oi" ' ' or I. -v hi u . my rr uio'eli I"'
rr llirM IoiIiik, in Wri-kl). urr u, iiH-r
; n l.
Ovt lnr luclim. In 1'ima.lny'k Ink ot Hcoti
W rrkly.prr inrii nr eionth. K
nun, i aaesaMl aaaoaaaaaSMa m Mnn wvktv
Wrkiv vr h ii i i-c aaoatttoBt pai laob.suai
nm, - m I mm - i,Wr,
taaal i u ..uu vt iu. . . ji inwrtiuu
terent" production ol toi, tell'
playwilftht At mil rate the
sained by "Right 01 Wax oei
Crisis in, Ii, .He, I that
i'opie were aronderlna Just how
Covernoi Van Baal 01 MIUW "t '
would lute thi Northern leeurtlea
ompanx ' it ore tkt COOriS In a ninn
tier to B oe : rtttlai oi any efft ctlve
aesa, He awared the qoeiiea by
Keprescntatix e Hepburn of Iowa
eutboi of the hill he fore the nutloual
house tor the construction ot the
KieamKiian .anal, has plaeed ii tht
bond'- of the country his arguments
hi taVOT of the route provided for hy
his DiMtaure. He Ncoitts tic offers
ant claims oi the I'anama eompanx
llllaallj slkaftfJl that the NIcaraKuu
l)Ut has lens of engineering dlfflc .1
lies to overcome, at the aani" ti M
running through a more lv.althf.il I
tanatn The situation appears lo he
hi fayor of the Nlcaraguan hMI pea-1 .... ' u
I lie Washington I'oat pi lilts an in
nut th. house Uepresentatl'. He.p l(.lvM,n ., lmportulll article bv
tormei Senatoi William K Chandler,
' president of the Hpanish claim com
! mission, entitled, "Wanted by the
t'nlted Slates a I'lealdelll ." The ar-
l- .i '"uk argument lor .i u-
Ul .uetll, .1- I coll-
sedlna bis attomeyvsaeral. Mi
Do mlass to 'ashinatoii. with In
to ask the supreme eom I
to permit tile niint; ol A hill ol com
plaint. In which II Is alleged that th
company in Question ks to perform
acts in ontruventlou oi the laws oi
the eoniuionwealth oi Minn, -ota and
also in opopsition to the principles ol
th coasason hw relating to oowMas
(ions, such, a coaaplaisl whs allowed
to go agon the ilocket of the soprsgso
oourt on Tnesstay, so that the ajweatloo
api.tar to In- upon Its merits and to
DO likely to receive tleatlilent HUeh us
srU aiiai forth aawMtUgg decisive.
Oraai insm hang agog the action ot
the supreme OOUJri in this ase It
max lie on i.. the deinonstrution that
tie people are power lens to handle
the Question unless tl."X go the whole
distance towards siKiallam which
most good cltiUH do not want
Sum has behind him on element that
xincei r. desire to enact the hill lato
a law Hut Representative Hep
Sum's arguments will not weigh with
the prave and reverend tteiritors
Thej will keep the Panama rOOtS as
a "beOger " to ue in the event fie
opponents ot the rami! van influen
the dominant lores ot thi
LUI t;: in t;.i . i '
ducting executive huslneafc.
Mr Chandlei asnerta that a preal
dent has now only three object In
lite -llrst to m'i l!0 nun iieu. de a vear
senat. to I,, ond tu a.eompliaii jmin little
jow i'ii Benson Fo raker, tgan re
tin fiat blnstertna marplot front the
l ulled States senate"
And as a corollary to this xvhat
It aervlec could genator Hanns
r tlie state ot Ohio and it"
, ut . x at large than smpk) thi
ontrol oi the ohio legislators by )
It to sled Willlum II Tail to the
vaeaaej caused by tkt lavolunssn n
tlremeal of the aforesaid Joseph
Benson Ptomher?
i inch a das Ira bis rouounssM
Hon could oiiix be reached the entln
ou.ii'x erould have eanae t" rejoice
Iks Senate POreker Invited the trial
of strsogth that has resulted in a
I f reeh demonstration thsl Msreus a.
Hsans is atlll the gresl Ohio political
What reason has genator Hanns to I
be BMsguaalmons to the modern Iml'
uition of Nil coin IfachlaveUt w ho
in a long public career has never
been knowfl to be true let alons
BWgttnahmMS. to any man" Ot xvhat
, atti'ix use to gsnalor Hanns except
i SB Irritant is such n eolleai'.iie?
HIS xvliole natiirt runs to treisuns
lelflskness and spoils SS spaiks Pv
nnwsrd, If the had the auhtlllty of
his riallcnltx he would he too danger,
mis tn bs tul, Mated Itut is that nn
reason why he should b permitted
i" eonthins his career of ttomlast
Bnd treachery in the senate"
And think what a wholesome
change It sronM make In Ohio's re we
testation la the senate if Itsdge Tsfl
were sleeted Is the mead of I, II
in ..i it sbmsi tassi
kliojl't hu tIeki.iiiHei.
br! Cream g
li.' ,1. lll.'Ulle...
ItSSSSI ' BSMh I 1 0 11
. iy cj.i1 m in. 1. -1
gSeeaS Hnle. la o. Into .Ur ii'MtnU, Iiinoi
ovuf tuu luv... irnn iuJ it niwutlMst. ggtO i lue
IhSeSadacurv foiluuit. Ii u out Jryiux iott
uoC proUacM aunuln'. l'ipt Si, 60 eentt at Drug
(iil or by mall ; Trial Hut, lu i con tiv mail.
KLY UUOTUKHa.do Wmttau Straei. N. York
Majestic Ranges
things, und third, to try to do 2w
Kieat things In the seeing of so many
. thoiisaud people ahonl trivial matters
and in ulvliiK hin utteniion tn tin.
for Its defeat that cauae Its frtanda j tkOMMMda of little things, the preal
lent Mv Chuudler lusiati. in worn
out and he, oines physically unable to
Krappie with tlie great problems to
turn down the much denlrcit bill
The hill is not yet through tic iiauds
oi ' 'ongrcan. ami there are , (11111.
to lea for its fate
(Jllberl I'urkers "Klght of V'.vy
heads the list of popular ggveJs with
Winston Churchill's "Crisis' as aec
and This relative standing IS shown
by the record of the " alx best ae.
ling books " appearing each month
In The Bookman, a feature that la
watched with deep Interest bv lov.r..
ot books
Tbert is. perhaps nomuwhut of
iignih, in, In this victor ' '01
"Kight ot Way " It la a novel of that
eualltv known ly the diamatlat aa
"heart interest. ". It Is almost imper
aonai in Its dealing with general
type and It is baaed upon a griggl
sis rather than anything else
'(.'rials'' ia au historical won., tel
ling the events preceding tn civil
war. the progress of sentiment at
that tun. and shows the statu.-1 of af
fairs social and political through jir
the border states along Afaton and
xvhich he ought to give hi- undivided
attention Ml. Chandler cites from
lersonal knowledge the cases of pres
idents who have almost succumbed
under the strain. Inatauclng partlcu
larly President Arthur. In whose cab
iuet he was secretary of the navy,
and President McKinley, to whose Im
paired health Mr Chandler attributes
inability to iccover from the shock
of the aaaassln's bullet
a e a
Mr. Chandler expresses hU regret
that President Roosevelt, "even with
his quickness, his acuteness and his
present untiring industry and un
bounded energy, has given counte
nance to the idea that he will do all
the appointing himself and hear all
W. J. Clark & Co
211 Court Street.
SttS.SOOrera Prssoripuoii
Tks aSSgSSl sum tvir paid (ur a praaetlpUou
cbaad hasda in Sail Kraurlc Auk. 30 l'JCl
ran afSSSSM larolvsil iu ui n i ' aiook i
SOJ.uu nd wm paid by a patiy ol bualnaa. men
lor a ipaciao tur Hrl.bt'a Dl.naiv an 1 ot.bet.a
httbviiu lucuiabla diaaaata.
Thajr SSSSSSSaSSS tb SSftSSS luveaii.atioo ol
lbs apawlBc Nov. 16. iwjo Tbay luiarvlnwed
aeoraoltbeoura.lauJ (rio t 11 nut on lia ni,r
i uy ouiouu over inroo tSSSS chhi on tbs
iruaiiu.ul ami walcbiug tbeia I boy alao got
..... j umir i iiroiiu- Mii-uiabln
WsaMT'.J ...
Told by Pain
li yiui have pains you should look after
thsni quickly. Pain hows something b
erreog. The sharper the pain the more dan
ger I ban is in deUy. Tuerc are thousand
ol women to-day who arc bearing awful
pi in .1 1 most continually, rather than tell a
physician about the shooting paint in their
lower Abdomen, about the agony of falling
oi the womb and the distress of leucorrhoea.
T11' let the months pass and their trouble
bscomsa harder to cure and more distressing.
I modest women can secure exemption
from the embarrassment of a private exami
nation. When pain tells them of danger
they can cure themselves by the use of
in the privacy of their homes. You can be
cured without distressing publicity. WKh
these facta before you there is no reason lor
the dela which is Increasing your misery and wasting the days
of your lde. Why not stop the pain today ?
ualan. Ml- . Marsh (, 1900.
1 har - 01 I xn hotllnnf Wln"f 'r,lui sod MM PMSaSTC Si Thrdford'a
ni...i i" - 1 .r l"-nn e, ii" J"- i t
haeii bit" l"" r bowolsand my srma. Sjimetlmoi 1 tlmugn 1 w.mi.i
...11 a,, nrrak I ooul.l hard I v xralk acroaa t
, ., .miitil,.,,? tii nsan In lur auln and I soi going to
n ! un 'I ninn li iv yen sail sm lbs soUir of ssvsn ahllatee.
t thank v.H. lor I WODdsrMI nsdnans sud whst It 'mJfJtam
twatrlssj liaasaiai .aaSieavirruwwewtswi, "ths lsvtaW asrOesn
lliillMSSf TU i.'nausauusa M.iiin Cooipany. 1 uauauugaa. Two.
James A. 1
h Net
360 acr. o, eiuu
aim,,. ... ? CKIH
ton. Thli Z V
.h ' ' ' 4" t th. 1
1 ?r trade for
land. '"
SM . ,r M's,
35 Srea choice tfual
and Mwr mZ S9
tn hir n g a. W,W
i'rov! u- Shi
" " 0n hag ,J
balance good osZfl
,w,r milet f.ln
tani. half kll, 1
an t .... I
r - I .-wr ai v, I
Mail's Dysp u Cure
t'as iitred ItlfaM (SSSS
and it 0 IM xtir ynii
I M Chili. Ii Lai irniiile. t lr ., tx -,
'I xlltt'Mritl fin I'll veHl, Slid believe
mil 1 rest ueii Nan's Dysiwpsss Ikne
l vould not he alive to write you u
Nittlmii KhU ltoi-e hlslio, y,: "I
autlen fw 1 11 ftnind mnny reliefs
1, it no cure exuept yoiim."
For sal - by Tn Intan & Lu , and all
1 lees 'iiuggists, oraend to Frank
Man, PorUsi it Motel Pharmacy, Port
lend, I rSgM Price Si a bottle or 6
in-, i.e . rxpreaa prepaid.
mil nil er till i I.I intc
mm, rial inclu.liiiu
HricK .
unit Mind.
A'c have n m j- SSBek ol
fOOO (il l 1 KM
lor barn- sad listening.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alii' t , out . 1 hit -n.
The Columbia
Lodging House
I ,, i niwwrioN
F. X. SCHBMPP, Prop.
i twin
nun ir
Over 10,
Facts and F
Special tan
llllHaeras si Sal
atsrs AssaS Tana
. W'll
At loweHt rates
1 ii urogonian nuuaing , 1
in etui
LsSsr UsSm. 1
KB Traala. ISM
t ls- Mm Cs
1 3sl tw ''
j Unas SrtML Tk
Man i iln a
jdj atr e SaaSa
Aactal Mi SjgSM a SSL
Maalaaje n 1 at gg
t'r utieton. Orafen.
I Ls Hay 6k Co.
Buy ami asll
?Ma I
26 Ctt.l tTia
The Place to
See the Point?
111 Ua.ing your narrlago 1, ,Jou
ItltnL' "'"".'l0 .!U"' w""' u" S"
Nest) i roa il will be dou in lb. au.t
most iiiorouifh maioi.r. SBd ui cli.rar
jou a n.ht pnaa to. ,loluK lh. rinhi oSm
Mnd Cretln
lor aaata or on assrtlDa
Naw V ork 5tock bsdiaoge.
1 hlcajro Stock P.achaage.
( lilvsjfo Hoard of Trade.
........ ,.,
Paalala. Or..
lllrtt Hlivune l.au t.i uuv ,...n,..r..l.. 1 r ' . ....,.,,, ini-uraOIB eaaaa.
gggoJnunt ' M. C.mn.ner ' ""u'T?" ,ot
thinks that the great weight of the
pressure ot oflgs ought to fall upon
the Saklaet minlaterB and the preal
tent ought to kaTS more time for Im
oortunt things.
"What is wanted in the peraon of
xir Koosevelt." says Mr. Okgndler
ami in every other person whom the
srentietb eeaturj may se in the
)uaM. up to Aug i. algbly-ssvau p.r caut
ol Iba last caaaa ware ailhai ..n-a, w.
aluKlsTorablr. 1 1
Thsra being but thlrtaau par oem ot l.ilurea
Ibe partlea waro aatlafle.l au, cloaad tba irau
di tlou Tba proceeilii... of tbe luveatig.ilu.
i-ouiiiimac aud tba lllalssj raparu ot iu0 iJK
.-aaaa ware publlabad aud llbojmailed free
on applloatiau. Addraw jJoiin j Ki ltv Con
i-as-T. SM Msuigotuary ei . Sas rrauciK-o ' Oal.
Aain !
rtaSsI Award to
. .,..l. .....
Sold by iOHM BDMMlO'l
1 he Louvre Saloon
4M) a. 're uear Feodletou.
810 tteret. near Peudletou.
t'Jti acres uear Peudletou.
I KI aorei- n.-ni Paudletou.
f-ii aeres near Pilot llook
1 -J 1 acre wheat land
160 aein. wheat land
IHU acres wheat land
'- aeien w heat laud
' HO ue ie wheat land
160 notes wheat laud
ItMl aores wheat laud
Krom ii to '&) miles froui town
Six New Houses Cheap.
N. Berkeley
"Ntvlug iiaiiK Htillduui, PwdUlBSk Or.
I. miim VO0 1 J
quick sn.l cheap P"
line of
ing Vr
.rnieni rm
ilusti Brl
g 1
Sand. MuuM
.-.reii l'x'i
i Door?, 'I
Oottn Pipe
Pendleton M