East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 09, 1902, Image 3

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    aAtf.tAkMAAMA4AIAItfWMftiyUIUiUt . . . .
Vc place on sale in our Clothing
Pepnrtnicnt 76 fine Men's all woo)
Tick suits in neat b'ack and white
pin checks, splendidly made and
trimmed. These same suits have
xm Mi d elsewhere lor 1 14.00. Our
l- . . mm haa huun I ( I M I
If LUii'' t -w- " '
Our gurintec "Musty back if not
satisfactory' 'goes with evtry purchase
Tailor Made Suits
Instead of
Mostly black Serges Tailor Stitched
lat il cut and exceptionally trail
linnl. Come m anil look them over
thev .ne nist what yon want
th annual Clearance Sale
m mm . m
Best v i i kid, chrome kid lined
thiok loie, good style. Extra
wide back stay. Worth $8.50
and never sold in any store in
the world tor lss.
Clearance Sale Price
$2.19 a pair
Dress Goods
at Calico Prices
12 1 -2c dress goods at 7c
Al ut time hundred yards in the lot
n i-tini of chocks plaids and figures
Nice 'or ladies' wrappers and childrens'
sell .o .Ins (. This is a rap' opportun
i . IKui'l forget the price
7c per yard
1 l A K 1 III -1
treWinK-i Mild
Feed on Hand.
kl .-Borii yeater
th.- rat ni wiiiiaoj
Mother iiml i-lilld
e: th. i dt In i ib re-
erlous . otiilitlon
toltl on In. i tliut
M-vrral limea with
ri- ill Mr 'lint. I
saeNwMi to um
wi. winii" sii'Uik in
ltd lot Mtvnra! w eeka.
law ha-i baen unite
to bail a .ii,;,n atroki
tu BoaUn hk.
" k--r iimwi ii. altli un
it he MSJared anotn
to not rallied vine
MM lad be in. is
1 Wr frtoadi
Itfth Kline n- ,. ml at
leasMtr Mr n.-hi
Uxly will he Interred
E aw favorable in
It Iruai it iiiniluiUlile
mm lot' si... mi. i ii s
"ii M milil that
'iiupnioiisi .mil II
of feed tlmt wan
I'lltr will In left
fear Main ol the
tliai nuiui- -i-v.-re
I yet. an. I ii it iioea
tf ' j - :in. I ...lw.it
" Ml.. . I I I ,
i a mil. ailin
an- t(H iim .,1
In tin- gcm-ial
I Rich Fmd.
'or Mvaral roan
iin Hnii m i vona
J. (ween ol Utn
J r-jniftlv Ih Iik M me
M Rleetri.- Hltt.-ra.
I KOOil tlimi all the
1 t) have al
a excellent ii.niiii
flW Ifectrli RltlAM
for fan..), ... ... i
.m ill ,1 lin.M ,
tOtlic 111,, I in vii..
- -IUV.1I -A t 1 1 -1 1 Nil
Mr i.L.. ii- .
I,,, I,,,,, , ,
" them Onlv Soo
-"i iiv i ailnmn &
Wllhlni u-a i,i,iH
r. ir, iiiiniiiH,
New Cauae for Contention Over the
Great Event Arrangement Said to
Be Fully 200 Yeaia Behind the
l-ondou. Jau. 9. -Th aubje. t of
iu , i cden - Ih now to the fort' In DOT
aoaUon tji-ii)- M w',,,l
Is a great dlfferniH hitwet-n ain-ii iu
ouatotna ami thf hant fa th of Qdtrv
Hie, which it is hoped, will n
fled bsjtore coronation day come-
It la eonaldered by many that t he
order of precedence Is at leant two
ri nlurlia bi'ltind ih tlule Tal.'. Ii
iiiHlame. the meiiibi-r ol the uov.-m
iin-iit alosfl
No Place for Premier.
The ! i. I i han. ellor. the lord MI
deut of Ihf "Juntll. thr lord ol th.
prirj council th.- lord of the invy
H. al and the . han- elloi Ol tin- Dliohy
ol UaoMtar, all of bow hold cm
narativolv nuiiuiirtaut ofni-h haw
th.-i, pla.-ea ruly asaiKned but with
the exeeptlou of the chancellor of the
exchequer, the aecretarlea of tat.
a,ul ...erabera of the admlnlatrat ivv.
who reall) count, are not ao much
m. ntloued in the ie.oKnlaed tablea
of pre. edenee.
Tko prtM ntniotor. the moat im
portaal paraonane in th. i-iuihe next
to the king. 1 1 a.- no lu in the I . i
AttUui liall'oui'. huiiiK u tilain cum
HkBMfi takea In.- place amoliK th. m
Ulaar) aoajalrao. -laMSt OaaMkMNrlais
ah Mecrelar) ol ataie foi tlie coloulea,
HUtroho IOBM1 degrees in front of
bJn, aauaiwichod between hwhosa ami
idioiiii and minor oltk'ert. ol the
houaohold on the one hand ami aona
ni tin- amaller peera on the' other.
Naval OHiciala lynorad.
When there waa a lord high admi
lal he had frout place Iu all publl.
fUnetlOM, but the aduilralt) lieinK
now in a eoiniuiaalon the lord cbaui
i eprehi-l
ial la
the ' I
ll-IH .
N. It..
takea no iKui.auce of bia
tatlv . 80 tar aa that off).
m-eru d. tin 1 j j o. ut ruler of
ha-, no i.-al Ai.-
haa the ujruttdal of the
Made tin intldtiit ot the
local Kom i im .-ni board, the preeiUont
it tin- board of aarioultura nor the
Kroal oniisi Hoiiv w ho repieaeut the
ktai iii Irelaml India, Canada. An
trail mil 'n mention the Muialler
frj I I (olciin.tl guvernora ami lieuten
ant govornora
An i-arl maikhal a louit tiiuetlon
ai kuiih, ami roapeeta. aud ae.orda
to him paiti.iilai prouiiueuce, but
.i ii uaimportant Individual Ma a
eonitnan aW In 1 hi. f
ral Of a field inari-hal
Meant to ha laalaaod
aehenie ni thlncH
Division Upon Pomp.
There M-eniM lo I., a ao-at deal
differ, ii. .' ni n'llnlon amoliK l)n ie.-ra
ami peeri-aaeii regard I m the tiirinaf
out of xtate I'oaeh. H ami hat Iota on
ih. QMaOlOO of the coronatlou On
luilt the iiobl.H who own Hitch .-quia-ae:
n do not Intel .1 Iuiiikiuk th.-in mil
1 III. kin-; lis theretoie In I,. n-t It liitii4
either to order tin in out m raquaA
1 that htat. ooaoboi Of eharioUi ha 1, at
intcil 011 I hat day.
One prominent i-ei mI.u 1 pari.e
lull) angrj at tlin. uat. ,,r afTaiit
aajri ' it ih really aitraotdlf.li i tiiaa
th. r. ih hii he-ltatlon on the hiilijma
lor kui.-l hiii li an ImiHiiiant 1 in
llilllld he eelelirated with all th
i"inii an, 1 aplendor iiohhIIiI.- if Bjp
aoblllt) 01 fcagliad vaaaoi make a
brava oaow os laeb an oMaaloa
Ainu v. iii 1 1.. do ho- 11 aooala a
tend tin- coronation in ordiuarf
liroiiKliauiH th. Hpieta. e win n
bora ol halt Ma npiendor"
Decreed by the Queen.
There lid 111 rll 1 Ollnllli I able . 1 ft.
MMag tba ladl.h rhOOH to (any the
'iii.iii'h train on oioiia(lon day a
to what they will wear Aa daiiKln.-r
ol neern they an not entitled 10 w.ar
roaeti " I aid tti hag
dotomlnad that hai malda Mhall al
in draaaad alike p white ami silver
with tralajg of r . 1 1 nottrl lanatb mada
ot whit, velv.t iii th. I. iialr will l
feathera and veila. the aante aa ar
Woiu on Ktate o.a.s.iiis
Dandruff la Cauaad by a Germ That
Sapa the Hair' Vitality.
Il la now a KHttJed fai-i thai dan
iniff Is oavaod by a Kerm Kallln
hair ami haldueiia are the reault of
daadraf Dr k j iiear.iHi.-y w
Caojapalgn in., aot hold or the n.
hair gyeaatOtlon, Nowbroa herplei.W
lln on) one that kill: the daudruf
aertn He aaya "I need KOrvloMi
for no. dandruff and falling hair, anl
I am well saiiHMwl with the reault
Dr. J T Kugaie. of Itrbana. Ill . aaya
"I have used Herpicide for dandruff
with exeellent reaults I ahall are
aerraa it In my practice " HarpletSl
Mil.- Mo daudrua germ Phyalelaca
an well aa the general puhlh aay ao
The) aa) that Mhen a hungry la
dlan giM-a hunting he kllla the drat
thing he aeea. If It la only a crow
If he kllla a duck he throwa awaj
the crow, ami If he geta a deei ht
throwa awa the dm k BOBM Klrla
gre regular Indiana, alnt theyt