East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 09, 1902, Image 2

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Our Overcoat
I las boon .1 sui csM.
Prion Moll) good until
i'ver ?;.u man! ii miM,
Ceylon dilni
and Japat
We have a complete line
of white and fancy SMrtf
for Men and Roy . . . .
),, Ptioe Olothhn, fflwnukere ml Hatter, Pendleton,
Know n ai Max
underwent i
train at Hon
Adah Hi. hniond has t - -1 1 nonsuited
in her claim against ta itan- of ISO
late John RMM.
Marcnttrt (lolil. t li (MMMM Bagllsb
arsman. was married in Undon t
Mine Helen Mel Jinan
Paul BtOOOt, bettci
i'H'll. who recent I.
ut glial operation. If
A Southern Pacini
ion tan ilowti and killed lOMph Hhar
kev. asd 4 am! John PoWStS aged
Winston Chnreklll, M I' . Mac sees 1
appointed to a captaincy In tlM
Qeeen'i Own Oxfordshire Hussars,!
hi peril I Yeomanry.
Vladtvoatock In autii iatltiK tlS ai
rival there of tlii- representative or an
Amciican rallwav which Intends tol
bn laml along tin Siberian railroad
tnd erect fat"torlee.
Tin I ondondcrn .MIiiIuk company,
f Cripple Creei tiled Mil agnmt
tin Consolidated MlBOO 008)008) for
n injitin linn r. -.training defend
not from Mr or kill th LondoadSTTJ
r Wini
Huron Bstoornellei do Constant, the
eputy tro'ti tli' department oi t li !
Sm 1 1 lit- and tin' French delegate "
Tin Hague i ;i t i !) Ml ! i gptt d 1
the invitation ol Chicago to Bolivar
n address in in ti.ii' or Franca rwu
ruar It,
Tin Industrial commission has Is
aasd report oi i.iilwav lalior in Uti
Dalted Mates I' shows that rallwaj
employes constitute an army of nesr-
c. i oho people itii probably
aearljr 5,000,000 dependent on tin
; iniid kj railway.
w :i i oi I ii'ii vii Inaugural
mi iv i-mi or in lini tin- lukiiilK
dummy 1 lot is which jiwiers !
for nlisns to hereafter point to
tin hour at which President Mc-
They Are Placed on Rubber Tire
Castors and R n About.
A penMabul&tl Of tea tnhlc is one
of tin' novel gpuolntments this win
ter of luxnriotii drawtnKroonni where
the ." o'elosh rtip is served hot with
all tin1 neeeasary trimmings, u la
attttll) a double-decked Hhoasiny ta
Mc oi considerable weluht. hut It
six kern mi Mount m rnbberUred
castors of audi perfect mi Hon that
touch trotn tin- mistress' linger win
aeiul It foiling h:tl' -v.tv a ros- !i
thiii.iv rarpeted ".mi. Its trerj I k ii
ns on feel prevents even the
most Wandering servant or nailer
trow overt isrslnn it. because at the
least oftar i violent trautUMRl It
ahntea lightly sway to a Mfe distance
while th' ullvi i rail running shout It
uppei d'd. keens tin1 most t ra k i 1
and 'Ions chltfs safe front harm
in those latter thtjra ! sefaatMe
dieting t!i' arternoofl tsa table hah
PREiDtrn Ko03r. l
and us von wliisii in out of tin' rold
to loin tlif i'iii!i Shotl I thlH well -pointed
board vou sre .iKkd if yon
will have an Infusion" oi Clnaaleae
ft oval !" kin oi Barpresa o( Japan.
When fin- si lei i. d Infusion Is ac
repted, tin. aerrsni on dtltj or soma
ohllRlni and mi -: i t i nuiscullne raller,
iasr'f the Boat datnt) arlcket trajra
that h.i v ' lor tl i' s.'iisoii talv' n tin'
pmee of the ordlnsrj porcelain rake
and hlfritlt pllttoiv Out tin hold
glttteo ami bran blscitlta ror tht visit
of the new RuKei Mindwlchei i IS) are
made oi ih" thinnest illpn brown
bread with meyonnaUc i id Itoldlag
bstwi i n tin Ir mayonnaii i ov. n
nines a slli i' Of Apple Ihnl I" no thii'l.
or than Molting oapei Tin third
banrkel ha i :i v i r. whh h n l it llfl
'd. rsveala tiny fresh baked blaeulta
Hiat air s'di:. btttti n ! and k ! hoi
I'lniK !- tsulea : mori I lanl)
.. em "' ! inn ever Ihla on with
an abtrndancc of color sad prett) lri
tics R very body uses game ranis
thai are found by the diner ornament
ing hla or hei miasral water tumbler.
Thee cards an cat ted are namr How
era, big, long-Stemmed pslntetl or
llthographotl popples, roses, rhtysan
thamums, Irises, etc. Tin' n un. - sre
written by I'n' hostess a rot i me lie
tifl of I he Hon sr that h9 lt lew
thrnal into the tn nli or I hi in I
n tiny catrh t- the tnol ,,v ti t
ort"M enougti mlaatttre aossgay iloni
hi llthoraeh work, lutte Ihr phtci of
the sinii' Rower and thsst are pop
nrii In tit.' n'ineral watsi tumbler.
The) are Quits complete with sterna
thai an Isolde ti ind broad
green lb Hase liarlni ils ;t the brim,
In th mid ii oi w hirli I !i" t u . . d
vioU is. clover, iwoel
meuots sit no in m is i sllstU' lglh
iip .
('hist, howevei among II novel"
Ilea at ttio rtlnm liable Is the mm of
cbaflng dlabfa on i , ror keeping
tin Konp. roast dm I and iiudding pip
nir hnt, an thesi rev tetlve dollenetss
mii ewodi Buck i hadi i - i
liver arfaiis tvsr . t.- or it v. wlckid
sdi It !itlilis of BUI h ' i 'ir II gal
Iobi of roup or a baron oi b( can
in- raadlt) a. .'oi i im and I ho
wholr Is mount.' I on .. rollln niilliog
ed th
ol t.n
Klnl was shot
ari. tin- hands
MM... th" hour at
w M' h
OVSt thirty
in. int. d at
IJncoln was
tahg A. Murphy, a miner I'mployi d
the KlttKKtsff ill i in about In mll.-s
Irom Maker (it was killed h the
tailing of a heavy slah of rock.
At Kverett. baOSSM H-yeai old Vic
toria Prigs indignantly spurned hi
iUi.ioM i inoposal. Janu s Itos- aged
4S yearn, shot and dange rotSSly
minded the girl.
t'harlo V Hohaiti an old time
ewtian i editor of Washlnnt.ni died
tt Stella. nom from Infirmities of old
u Mi Holiart hegan his newHta
p-r rOTSSr as editor of the Colorado
'State Republic, and later founded the
cin ream Dally Triboas
l)ius N Allen was urreated at
Shed.l an. I exuiilllied hefore ITnlted
8tat CoiiiuiUbioui-i Mantaym- op
the hargi of uniliK the United States
mans to defraud Jacob Mills, or Oro
gon ty out of $12.'. Ill eonneetloii
with t.n- renting of a farm
e'oui iiromlneiit (irant's I'aus -iti
tens Hon John 0 Hooth I II
liarth ev Seuatoi (' E. Harmon and
rnatriet Judge H I.. Benaon have
been ubpoeuaed by the court of Mo
doe county. California to appear as
iurors In the celebrated lynching trial
oow being held there.
A aufllclent amount of the aubacrlp
tiona taken during the year past to
meet the Indebtedness of Pacific Col
lege having been paid, and the entire
4bt cancelled, a jubilee meeting was
held in the college chapel when the
friends of tin- colleg spent an hour in
peechtuakiug singing and rejoicing
over the aapsi ending of an embar
raaalng situation.
Tbc prohibitlonUta or Tillaiuo.d
friends of the college spent an bourin
ticket, aa follows County Judge, J
R. Fenley. Beaver: county clerk. N
H. Phlllipa. NsatSBtOS: sheriff. L f
Moon, lilalne asaessoi K I. Uuell
rtllamook: trwaaurer, J. A. Monroe
rtUggaOOk Mirvi-yor. N. li. Culver
Vetarts; coroner W T bought K.i
ity: countN commissioner. A M
,11111 Heaver.
gkaL issf'
b '4HMggfs4i
BBBljBMy ?)JE35m aasaaai Lgsaf SSST
Having purchased from an eastern
manufacturer 100 suits of men's
clothing at an "end of the season"
price. We can now offer them to
customers at a ridiculously low price
1 a a . A. i1A AA
l paixerns ai mwv a suit
I pattern at $12.50 a suit
These are particularly meritious in
supurb values and are up to date in
every respect. We secured these at
an expremely low price on account of
a large order placed for spring suits
i ne Dosioi. 9io
if fi li 'SBSSaaal
wgSJ B w jujaei ia " - 'Ti'r"''"sffi''igcaW'aM
With ;i pair of "Pendleton Blanketf" on your ifi
yon will btroornfortablosnd wwtn tliti iti the "l'
ttl winter nighte
pair of its pound blenketi of Pendleton menu'
fftotur hevebten iviii tti In- us wann a- a l'"1
pound pair of other Itrunrit).
Nothing but pure FLEECE wool i utel in tin peo
dlutoQ Mills and tli- .spin thttir yarn fin'1 "'
weave their blenkete oloter than othur milln
acquired many new and strange dell
cades A hostess who wishes to sat
iafy the tastes of all her callers lu
on her porajaalHllSllBg talde not tin
ordinary cut loaf sugar alone for
Hweeteniug. but a pair of ttfOtt) rs
tal and silver bottles from the
mouths of which shake on one u. a
time small half grain tabloids ot
aoeharias or aaxlu. as the tea di In!,
ers prefer The bottles bear in en
graved letters on their tops the
names of their content!-, and over
against them usually atand a row ot
tgrot small silver tea eaad'sa n
OJUarS repoilswed silei box that Is
divided within Into three coinimr!
MSBta The caddies of the box con
tain three different kinds of tea: pure
any table that is stseml now giisal
It, When th. dtaswi out signi-
fti I bit i isfereoi a u u i ibat i.
tare or very Bft II done the battel
I n i also an esuetl with tin ."jrv
mg kalfa, ruts froai th.- grsai u.ast
accordingly, ami when the .1 hogam
beef or soup "boy.1 as lli. , llliui
c:irving tables u . all .1 i mad"
liie rounds a great dome Ilk liver
cover is Placed Upon tin but meal
and the -boy" is pushed into the cor
Mf of tin- room and its esrgO kept
hot In case the mistiess oi the home
orders it around the second lima
iPPMm VrVi 1 WraTal PM MIL
Ja. JLdx a r a a a vi 1 T T VVJE-rfJg-- -.-
Manufacturers of
Fleece Wool Blankets, Indian Robes and Shawls.
Ukt laiailve Bruiuu Oiiluim- laM.n.
mm ----- viiiwii. larjieis A,
IruiiKi.u rt-lun.l Hi,- mouc) II li ulli lu cut
K IV llrum'llliiiiiliir., i,.. uik ,
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink : : : : :
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
hi i