CLASSIFIED ADS. mi HKVKS WORM TO THE UNI. one line. r more, par wMk, t the rate of tV per Una. ,1,1, nn..; orjnoj3JQrinojlthJjU aaa- I aaM0'H SafB " tH"10" FOUR LINK I lime J! 'J times , nine IV each additional insertion LIN E1 .21 UK' 55t ,iiiii. PHYSICIANS. nKKICK IN JTJDD ' n IH'.X.V. KM-....:. oBicc ii"" r l. to 12 a. m. ; l to o r.r.nhnTl1' T OKKM'K RKAK olBcc hours 10 to 12 KU&tWM1 ban- - 110? I'- " "TaviiTH 01 I K K OVKR THK s'i. "StVinf "" Telephone H, wolf ?''". jPMWWaraa , ,liaK,Kl. V I) HOIIK' rA I "l Ma 7:.; real a. iwr jWi " ' ...ittl mil K. I'HYHIC.'IAN AND in Judd bulMlng. , Hotel Pendleton rJIAr" niikt room Kgl : MeMOT IIIVHICIAN AND .JL,i.ui... eve. ear, now tl(l lincT K -"vioi" liHtik building BalaU. MKSI'AIN MAMJK, I Iron Mat, catarrhal d hearing. Olaaae I el . i' " ", ... ..,(.., errors BEgwsa wm L1M' .r.-.u.. c fMlilrnrv it-It- I BSBJ isiaM""'" KtlM It' 535511 I'll VSK'IANH. 1RH. isliyio 1,0,1 ' "'" l''1"' ol Hos YSN K. BI.AKKLKh, IJimUBlu L,.trou. Oleae. KIt.l HI(ieaiM Ol Wll-eil fiSTfot Watei n.l Miu wte.. Pandle- "IlCIITItTS AND BUILDERS. Fl HOWARD A Id H !IK 1 NI m ' . . .1.1. . fl MlUllll airiil"i mii" I ftr willing" i" - ""7 i ,D, JKid balldlnt ; i KH.K .CUNTRAVUTOBfl ANO blinnte' niriii'iien on anon nu Jik work P "all i rompi i-rTiee IllUllrt' "t'r Jiein mini MAY t'( iNTKAt'TOR A NO I gguaiataa furtuxi u all kind l ouint alk MM wall, etc. or iggWltltti ti" aai orenonian umiv DKNTISTS. .ViiOHAS i- : :hi 0KW i mm- iW DKNTtHr is VHBOI.IA ' r n i lupien om' Al A . MKTXLKK I lUll'llllll DKKTIfT. ItKKS kHl I'RHKBRI. rSATIOV a i H WK r I I'HKNA. Cag4ia' l' " iirplu mid prnnta, urn: on n'l.iMt Deal In - nri Ccl ei'tlon ui I'leoar.t i HenrT ti. Ailaiua, prea- Mti . : r i nar tk' Mn I I luruetl aitain UlTON HA VI NOB BANK kOrejen iricniei Match 1. Iw . surplus Mn .hi I n tc rest al I po n i Fti Mange Ui igbi Id : :t ii n ixi . la Mpurlal al I M mil Hunt W I. Fnruiah Bl ill i.l 1 I Km MBHCAN PLAN. 1 0i and Upwards. HE PORTLAND P()WPI A IkJ I I i ktl tfi kM J ao Uaste. o.oKOU people caarcUI UavaUra. VtAtUtcTjr cw(u . .T7,, . , DLL eV '1 F .J . 1 - m i L J. 1 1 L A'. i i i i g i i CUh WJIO llUlfna Slllla U.i-l ... tfSJZ."f" 1 .cYsT gkaBAa 1 CScMSSS, ut cigftl t, L.T1--' ".Vnll nas InHaMl.LaM OT BSjai Star iaki' i..r -e, if'"? u i i gBoarnaj un.i. I Hy u " " Tiaraaa. tenoe Ramsai Co., Vn rranulaoo, OeA. TALLMan 4k CO., ORITOtilHTH. PaTWULETON, OReON. TWO LIKES. 1 time Uc 2 tlmaa We H tlmea ff 10c each eitra Insertion. FIVE I.I N K- 1 time. joc 2 times 40c 8 tlmea Hoc DM each ad itional Insertion HIX LINES I time Mr 1 tlmaa mt 8 tlmea V 20c each additional Inaertlon THI KAKMRR'H BANK OK WKSTON, Weston, Oreftm. -Dow a general benkint rtusluea. Kxchauge bought and anld. Oo. laetloni. prompllr attended to Affairs In mm oxcrlient coniliMon. and an reported upon bj Insettlgatlon committee o( responsible rltliea Offlrers: R. Jameson, president; Geo W I'rnchatel. Tlr praaldent; C. M Tierce, oaahler J. R. Klllgore. assistant oaahler: directors . A. Hartman. M. M. Johus, T J. Price, 0. r Orew, J. r. Klllgorn. Robert Jameeon. Q. W I'roobatel. KIR8T NATIONAL BANK OK PKNDLK Ion Capital. (70,000; aurpiiii, MO.ODO. Trans acta a general banking Business. Exchange and telegraphic transfer aold on Chicago. Bar Francisco, New York and principal polntn tr the Northwest. Drafts Drawn on China, Japan and Europe, Makea nonactions on reaannahli terma. lev, Ankenr, president. W. F. Matlock Ine-presldent: C. K Wade, caahler; H (' Hnernaev. analalant oaahler ATTORNEYS. CARTKR RAI.KY, ATTORN KYB AT Law . OOce In Havings Bank Building. BaVdN t LOWBLL, ATTORNEYS AT Law. Room H Aaaoclatton Block. Caudle ton, Oregon. T. Q.HAILKY tudd Building. LAWYER. OKK10K IN Pendleton. Oregon. N. BKRKKLKY ATTORNEY AT LAW office lu Association Block. K. I). BOYD Court Hi. ATTRNKY AT LAW. Ul L B. ui i Peudleton, DKR, ATTORNEY AT LAW Oregon. KKK, LAW OFFIOB IN JUJU) .1 A M KB A Building BTILLM AN . 1'IERCK. ATTllRNKYB at law. Mr Hlillwau ha beau dmttted to pr' in. In United Hlate patent olBcaa and make peulalty of Patent Law Room 10, II 12 and 13 Aaeoclatlon hliM'k BIDES, PELTS AND JUNK. Yd M AN BIT THK HIOHKST MAB ket prlea for your hide, pelta and all k hid ol Junk, aucb ii rubber, braaa, copper, lead, aim', rag nnd bottle Irou of all kind a pci'lally ou rati brlug lu .i eoiita wortb ol old raga or ahln In IVJO worth of hldea and will be tnaled In the aame why We have come bare to lay Ule ua a nail and you will In' atlfleil 1. Hbank A Co , office and wan home next to Etern llniel. I'ond .. ton On Tel.-phoiic Bed J.M. IO Pl'l ( Mir.K ( Ah UIO I" for iia. on ahelre. wall or for wranuliik nuriKiaii Newspapers Old nowapan r in largi bundlm ol nie iiundreii )ach ei 2rciita tmtulii at THF K.fl OKKOONIA.s OKKK'K. Pendli Subscribers to Magazines IF kOl AVI TO HI B scribe for magasluea or newsapor in tin DBlIM Hlate or Kuropn. remit hy iMistal BOM, i heck oi end in Hie Kt oaiuo niak the Ml publlaliert price of the publication Ton desire, and we will ami asinine all risk of On base It attui to you moue ixMtig In-' in Oiemaila It will aave UK ,. bit-1 it- jiin inrfber bolb Irnulile au'l rDk M Tim nn a auliai' to th KAat OKamiKiaN in remitting you can dadni'l tan mt reut tmm the p.iblisliers' price Addrtn'EAWl ORKMONIAN rDR. CO.. H-ndli lot. t ' n Boiel a wie OliO iiAK'W.AI frn. UefidDtly Paroisbed Hbw Heated European KM an Hlock and a half irom depot ainpif Koum in conocctlon. mi Katt 50c, 75c, UM Flneat Hotel In the taclflc North wo at. vIoHlMf Fortlaotl Moda Urt e S H. C. BOWERS. MauaBe. - - - lite WiMtt Is uU 4Vntl w wuutl buta jdc.u nan, tinuuii-i U a kan.l. WajSM KaSHwa iinill. unmwiivi COMMERGE-THUE Local Market Prlcea. The follnwinf; ahowa the prtcaa paid on the local market: Turnlpa, 76c per aack. Parsnips. 76c per aack. CaMiAgc, 3c lb. Orecn onions, per do?., bunches. 2Cc ( lu'oso. per )b., 20c. Onlona, per cwt., $2. Hncts, per lb., lC. Pntatoeg, per cwl., 2. Apples, per box. $1. Home radish, U'u,, lb. Oarllck, i- lb. Rweet potAtoea, 6c per lb. SAiier Kraut, 40c per gallon. Pendleton Liveatock and Poultry. t'hlckens, hens, per doc., $3.60 to $4. HoohUtb. $3.60 to $4. Turkeys, per lb., 10. Oeeae, per dof... $9. Spring chlckena. per doz., $3.60. Ducks, per dot.. $3. 76. Pigeons, per do., $1.60. Eggs, 36c In trade. Hulter, no to 60c per roll. Choice beei cattle, etc. Cowa. per hundred, $3.10. Hteera. $3.60. Hoga. live. 4c. Hogs, dreaaed, 6c. t'nlves. rlreBBed, 7 to 8c. Pendleton Retail Grocery Prices. Sugar- Cant granulated, beat, $6 per aack; do.. 16 lbs, $1; beet granu lated. It. 71 E4tr sack; do. 16 lba. $1. Coffee- Mm ha and Java, beat. 40c per lb: next grade, 86c lb; lower grniles coffee. 26 to 16c lb: package coffee. 16c lb. Kice Beat head rice, 12c per lb; next grade. 8 1-Sc per lb. Salt Coarse $1.36 per 100; table. IStM per 10. Hides and Pelts in Pendleton. No. 1 dry hides. 13c per lb. No. 2 dry hides. 8 2-Sc per lb. Green salted bides, 7c per lb. Green unsalted hldea, 6c per lb. Sheep pelts, Short wool. L'&r each si i pelts, medium wool. :iric each Sin ep pelts, long wool, fine each. No. 1 tallow, ?iC per lb. No. 2 tallow. 2c por lb. Pendleton Flour, Feed, Hay, Etc. Flour, $2.60 per bbl. lira ii, $13 per ton. Shorts. $16 per ton. Harley. tvtall. 76c per 100. Rye. retail. Mr por 100. Cats, retail, $1.16 per 100. Wood. $6.60 to $6. Chop barley. $17 per ton. Hay--Loose wheat. $10 ton: baled wheat $16: timothy baled. $18; al falfu. loose. $10; baled $16: rye hay on ranch. $6 to $6. THESE WOULD MAKE STAR FOOTBALL TEAM. From All Northwest Aggregations. Ac cording to Oregoman Sporting Edi tor. The spotting editor ol the Portland Olegonlan select a the fol lowing as the players who, takeu from all Noitliwi'sl (eaius would pul Up the strongest game of football: Captain ami QOaUlerbaMsk- Keri'igan M A A. C. Ilairiiaeks I low tit. M. A. A. C and Doliih M A A. C. Kullhachs Samliis. M A A. C. Center--Thayer Oregon, (iuarda - Zen lier Whitman ner Washington ! ,o I I it 1 1 .1 A (lard and Bl ton. WashuiKtoii Agi ieultm al College ICmls " Zlegler Oregon; Harnhard WashiiiKion Agricultural College Drilling for Oil. Drilling lor oil in the famous Mai heur oil Held will begin in about two weeks, was the ataemeiit made to the Huntington Herald by R H. Oraham. the expert driller in the employ of the Malheur Oil company Two carlodaa of heavy timbers for the company ar rived in town ihls week and were tiu mediately hauled to the grounds. The iirclliniiiaiN work Is hems; rapiuiy pushed to COEsPk tlon and everything will soon be in readiness tor union I i .... all tllrl HOTEL ARRIVALS. The Pendleton. T F. Ramsey. Portland. C All.n Portland. W. R. Clenilinlng. Portland. L K. Abergait H Smith. C. C. Rrower. Astoria. Charles Stevens T W Jackson. Portland. (' Vertiorongh, Texas. V. L. Statlg. .Walla WaIIa. R, S. Simon. A. H Rohen. San Francisco. O. W. Hunt. Portland R H. Clarke, city F. Ginger. Spokane J. J. Hums, Portland Miss Heasle Lemons. Hoise City. C. K. Houston. Portland. The Golden Rule. Kae Hailon. .lunlper. Charles Brlnkei . Wnlln Walla K A. llnrlch. Kcho. R. J. Kelly. Portland. Thomas Craig. Umatilla. Rube Wilson. Athena. W. Vogt. c .i Pmlm .lames Rellly, Portland. QttJ Ottani Meacham. BtbwJ Oaborn. Meacham. I i link Kilpatrlck. l.a C.rande .1 II. Davis. Gensen. 0. N Isaacs. Portland .1 H R 1 Starlni.k Miss Re'd. Rtarhtick. Louis A. Klllott. Hi IW York. A .1. Hall. Spokane. L. E Preston. Weston It I Hunter Pilot Rock Mae urn wait. Pilot Rock P. I) Thompson Juniper. BriTgor Ohio, c:ty ormi.gnoi Luc Coparr. t Frank J. Chi'iicv makra oath thai ha Is lba senior partner of thf firm of F. J rhener A Co., doing nusluass In thr city of Toledo, county and tate aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the no lu of One Ifundml Hollar for each and ever) case of Catarrh that . snoot be rnred by i lie use of Hall's Catarrh Curs. Sworn to before mc anil subscribed In my - preaMjaee thl lb day of December, A jsaai.. j ' 1 A sv (.i.KAStis. Notary Public. Hall's Oatarrh Cure la taken internally and acta dlrectiv on the blood anl mucous surfaces ofthrsvstein Mend for teatlmonlal. free. F J ('IIKK .v OO . Toledo, iihK' Sold by druggist. 7V Hall' Family ("Ills are the Ih'si. inquiries for Real Eatate. N. Hell.eli') the real eelali BJUW inforuiH tlx Knsi OriKouian that within tin1 past h w months he has received inquiries from parties In California Texas. N'rw Mi EttO, Iowa .Montana. Illinois. Indiana and Ohio in regard to larmlna lands In Eastern ONCOa I'1' has an implication for a tract oi land sufficient to arrommo dale a colou oi six lanilllis Irom Minnesota As there will iiudolllited ly he an ajtteTBBiva liiimlgrallou of home seekers lu th. spring, it will be well lor parties huviug real cstati for sale to list It with N ! ikeley ill order that Inquiries in regard to the country and available lands may he intelligently answered The listing of the land lor sale Will not cost the owners of It one cent. The homlleat man In Pendleton as well as the handsomest, and others are invited to call on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp'a Ralsatn for the throat and lunga. a remedy that Is guarnteed to cure and relieve all chronic and aewte coughs asthma bronchitis and conaumptlnn Price 26c and 60c For aale by Tall man a Co.. sol,- agenta. Catton va. Knotts. H. G. Catton va. Oliver I. Knotts Is (he title of a case for judgment filed with the county clerk TucsiIhn The complaint alleges thai defendant delivered his promissory note to plaintiff in May. for $3 48 which waa lo have been paid mn month later and that defendant fall ed to do so Plaintiff now aaks thai the court grant his judgment In the sum of the original note and $26 addi tional for attorneys' fees. A Minneapolis flour mill broke all records by turnlnc out 12.464 bar i els of flour one day recently. 'A HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pendleton and as good as any. Headquarters for Traveling Men. Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 per day. Special rates by w eek or month. Excellent Cuisine, Hvery (Todern Convenience Bar and Billiard Room in Connection Only Three Blocks from Depot. (MM IIOTFI . Corner Court aad Johnson Streets, raadleton, oragou, M. F. Kelly, Proprietor. HI All I BY STBAM. i it I M 1 1 i BY ELECTHICITY. Auirrlean Plau, ralea I. i.. I. .00 a day. European plau, a 7.'- ll.oo Mpaclal rates by week or month Un Bua ncets all 1 rains Commercial Trade Solicited Pine Sample Rooms Special attfiition jjiveniouniry Trade 60 YEARS' KXPFRIENCe sai sar I HA DC rV!AHK OfSlGNtt CorvHiOMTi Ac A f.f u Mr.rJti.aj akcHi ii mu4 (1.-aMTttlin wmt quit lii"; ariatNi oui opdiiwn trne iitJlhr au luviitin l prbbljr putcMil mtAm mntuiiifa liutU t ru t If t ili0(llil laJ IlaUiillet.k oil I'atU-liia ii( frt " Hlfr hw rm I'fttajt.ta laUdlt thr. uafli Mutili 4 I'd rM'al" turiiiK I-ttit'i. tiaif Scientific Jlmerkan A haoidsVimvJT illuairtaityd ! I atrarwt ait .'Uittilm. iif muf at ivntlBt jouruaU Tarnia. $S a I, Larsaat a J Terms. SI II t ewiulaalal fi.ur nn-mhi 11. Md tjrtH r.fM New Yqrk hk r r-1 . You will make money by calling on the New Lumbermen In int. purchasing that hill of luin her New sheds going up New stuck coming in At tlu Ml m tail lnmhei yard tray's Harbor Commercial Co., opposite the W it C. K depot PENDLKTON, QMWNsf. W. J StWKLL, nil Manager vaPKhJ CURi VOUMfLf 1 .aaaaar . .sasi . . w 101 uiii ataal 'sohafsa. I' -'t-as. i rluUuua vr ulbaaatkaas rraiitu a.aa. falaleas, auJ uut mum Hi u . U 0 iu. lUUl r.iuleas. tu I uul aa lnttat Lata ..itOo 'i soukiuuiis. MasM 1. 1 SI an lit lu aij.iu ii. IU !.. (j0riM saat ua rasjii . i, il iu, or 3 i tajHPejJvaaarFT EEfyaJg.?aajaa - . &a -, f I aBtvflEava. M.i&t gpES mm " aaaaa . ... . ma araraV a TJ OREGON Snovp LINE Union Pacific nartar Time .ehedula ! aagtres roa trom Fei.dleton ram Calaags) Salt Lake. IsstiTer. Fl Portland Wortb, Omaha, Kaa Hpeclal aaa I'lly 81 Loula, Chi ,8ms. ra. ii i. in ragoand Kast la Hunt Ington. j I I Atlantic Sail l.ske, Pajnser, Ft Km - Worth, Omaha. Eao Itll a. m aaa City, St. Loula. chl II M) p a. rla Muni, csgo and Kaal Ington. j st i .ul Wajta Walla. Lawlatou Fast Mall SM)kane.Wallaco.Pull ' man, Mlnacapolla, St Mo, m. .la ; Paul, Duluth. Mllwau .Spokane, j kee, Chicago and Eaal. Ocean and Kiver Scheditle. FROM PORTLAND. All sailing dates s ubject to changa " I1 '" For Man franc tfo p ui Mall every I days. Kally ' aacant Columbia River -nn. (. 4pm I. Bl To Astoria and a y Houdsr Msinnlay I lings. io a. ai. I H.talh leave l'.,riid...l .tall - " V .-.w - ....... , ..... I I l.f augc of naier permitllng fur W 1 1 la u.sll and I amhlll llurr potnls. Lrara Klpatia I i a -ii Ijtare I ISlil Snake River "i a. m llallr Kl-arl lo Lewlslon Halls Ki .i Mnii r. iKiept Mod vam-i r.Y. Aeut. IVnillekuu Washington Columbia Kiver Railroad Take thfs route for For CliicaK, St. I'hiiI. Kl. I..hii Kan sas On, Bt Jic. ( hn.'tliH and All Points lias, and South Portland and points on the Sound a TIME CARD. Lease Pendleton, dally except Sundays al Mi tin Arrive I . ...I. elu Monday Httluaaday aaa FrMaj lan Arjlsa leinlleioii rueeday, li.msdsy ana Salurday I .'A am . lease Mall M'alla dally, laat l.iiud lo:Oipsa Arrive Walla Vtalladalit aeal Iwimid a,o.1aai For lulormaliou r agar. ling rata an 1 ari'iiBI. mn latum, call n or aildti a M A I' Ms, tgenl l . a. Ileum i iragou S B. :a liKhHSAlJ, (J. r. A , Walla Walla. Wash NORTHERN PACIFIC HUNS i'lilliiiuu SlecpniK ' 4tt's, Kletfuat Dinitipt -u . Tourist SkcpitiK I Atr I HT. PAUL MINNKAPOblH DI'I.DTH Kaiuio TO MIIUNI) KihKf nooKHTtm WINNKPWI HKI.K.NA and I BUTTS. THKoi , T1CK.ETH ix VBWAOO WAHHlNWiOS i ll I I A l-l I I II I , NKW VOKK liOHlON ami all paiB4i Kswtt ami Htiutli I i, tickau la Jasaa and tihlua. la Taoooia aad North sru rVclflc Mteaoaehsp . aad Aiasiitan line TIME HMIUUI I talus leave faudlatou dally ti ru Suaday al o jjo a. at. - For further lulormaliou, Una uerda. aaa, aud llckau, call on or wrlta W Adatu, F3 dletua. Orasroa. i A. ! i'Hai.i mi 1 hlrd aud Murilaou SU . f'orlli4. "ea NKW KINK Jo ai.J tnui th Solid TraiDH New I . ii i Jin it ni Wide Vestibule Kuguire agt-nt O. K AN. Co., or H H. I I : ( MHI I I (' Agaait, 1 1- Third it., Portlaad, Or. r(ai ) I I